Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Probably to make sure they can aggressively investigate his friends, family, associates, co-workers and the like to rule out any broader threat. At the same time, they will be working through his social media, checking out his contacts and communications, and again, interviewing potential character witnesses and trying to figure out if there is something broader than just an isolated attack.

Again, we've spoken about this subject on this very forum that when so many people raise the ire and rage against the government you are going to have crazies who embrace it wholeheartedly and they probably feel they have permission to act violently.

Update: Suspects name is James Hodgekinson, age 66, from Illinois. Plates from his car are from Illinois, so he travelled for this.

Yep, focused and targetted attack.
This really hurts the lefties blame game. A left terrorist from a EXTREMIST anti gun state tries to murder a congressman in another state run by an EXTREMIST anti gun nut governor.
Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
someone that someone else believed to be the shooter asked that question ..the man however was carrying no weapon
Next thing you will be doing is calling for assassinations of cops too.

Oh wait, you already did that.

How many cops has The Democrat Party killed this year?

61 so far by my count.

The party kills cops? Ah, no.

The Dallas Shooter was inspired by Black Lives Matter.

Their Highly Publicized Marches which included calls to Assassinate Cops were widely applauded by Democrats and Hillary Clinton Herself who met with them.
They are a Terrorist Organization. These marches, and BLM's Activities and disgusting rhetoric was proudly broadcast and rebroadcast by Al Jazeera, and CNN. No difference there between those two imo.

"What do we want, Dead Cops" is nothing that should be occurring in a Democracy, and nothing The Democrat Party should Condone. But they not only condone it, they court the groups forwarding such hate and vitriol! And so do you.

And "Pigs in a Blanket Fry Em Like Bacon is equally disgusting."

Even Bernie Sanders is disgusted with you people now.

The most dangerous enemy The United States has, Isn't ISIS.
It Isn't Global Warming.
It is The Democrat Party

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Why Are The Authorities Not Naming The Shooter?

What difference does it make if the shooter's name is released or not released?

O! be some other name:
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name;
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.
-- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II
It matters when you are trying to data mine him. Duh....
Are you trying to do that?
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around. 50+ rounds fired from an sophisticated assault weapon and only one serious injury.

The shooter then walked out on the field, in what appeared to be an attempt for "suicide by cop", and they took him down.

But he seems to have targeted Republicans because he asked which team it was.
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around

If he hadn't wanted to hit people, he'd have fired into the air.

He started by firing shots into the air. One of the Republican Congressmen there said he didn't seem to target anyone, just firing indiscriminately. He also said that if the guy had tried to hit people, a lot more people would have been hurt.

The gunman has been identified as a 66 year old James T. Hodgkinson, a retired building contractor who had a home inspection business. He's a Sanders supporter who had posted on his Facebook page that Trump was a traitor to America.
My guess is that they are feverishly combing through his social media postings. If we had his name many of us could find out more about his motivation, and put to rest, much of the speculation that surrounds this incident.

Surely by now they know who he is...
So why are they withholding the name of the shooter?
A little while ago, I warned everyone that the NEW civil war was happening between the ideologies of the left(SOCIALISM) and the right(FREEDOM). We have just seen the Duke Ferdinand moment where the left has gone out of their way to instigate violence. Well, violence begets violence, and it has already spilled over in other cities, I think it is time to Lock and Load.

The left's hate and vitriol against Trump and Republicans set this in motion. I hope they are happy now? Maybe not! No one died.
Reichstag's Stukas

GOP lawmaker links shooting to 'outrageous' Dem rhetoric
Reichstag's Stukas Part II

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) blamed the current political discourse for the Wednesday morning shooting at a baseball practice field that injured House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and several others.

Scalise was one of several people shot at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Va. He underwent surgery and GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill said that he’s out and “doing well.”

"This is a result, I believe, of political, rhetorical terrorism. That's got to stop,”

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