Shootings galore! Ever since Dems took office it's shootings gone wild (again)

Looks like the right wing has no regard for a human life. They'd rather see little kids get massacre in a school yard by some gun whacko than to have stronger gun laws. Happens all the time. 'Fuck the little kids' they say. Ain't nobody gonna take my 2nd amendment gun rights away'. Of course when it comes to the fetus, that's different. That's where the right wing pretends they believe in the sanctity of a human life.
Naw, this is too corny even for Hollywood. The day before the President of the United States issued executive orders to control the sale of guns there is a mass shooting in South Carolina. The day he issued the executive orders, there is a mass shooting in Texas.

Corny, but true.

The day before, at least five people are dead, including two children, in what police in York County, S.C., called a “case of a mass shooting” that involved a former National Football League player as the gunman.

The day of the President's E.O.'s, one person was killed and at least four others were wounded in a shooting at an industrial park in Bryan, Texas.

Three weeks earlier, on March 22, a mass shooting occurred at a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. Ten people were killed, including a local on-duty police officer.

Three days after that, a man who police say went on a rampage at three spas in the Atlanta area, killing eight people, was charged with eight counts of murder in connection with the attacks.

On March 17, 2021, the South Carolina House gave key approval to a bill allowing people to carry an assault rifle while walking down a street.

In Texas, Colorado, and Georgia it is perfectly legal to walk down a city street carrying an assault rifle.

Today, according to the L.A. Times, "A confrontation in a Tennessee high school that involved police officers responding to a report of a possible armed man left one person dead and an officer wounded, authorities said.

"No other persons were killed or wounded, police said, adding the scene had been secured at the Austin-East Magnet High School in Knoxville following the afternoon shooting. Authorities said only that a man was deceased but that another person was detained for further investigation.

"The school was the subject of media reports in February after three students were shot to death over a three-week span."

Last week, Republican governor Bill Lee signed off on legislation that would make Tennessee the latest state to soon allow most adults 21 and older to carry handguns — openly or concealed — without first clearing a background check and training.


Republicans do not have the brains to agree to reasonable controls on the sale of guns.

They also don't know how to talk. Their silence on this issue is deafening.

Anyone venture a guess why?

Because it's America and there are always a lot of shootings.....
What liberty or freedom is taken away when someone has to have a background check?

If someone wants to obtain a credit card, don't they need to provide an address, how long they've resided at that address, a credit check, a Social Security Number and their annual earnings.

To be hired as a Law Enforcement Officer, Agent or Deputy a much stricter background check is conducted. Along with those checks noted above most agencies require school records, bank records, civil and criminal records, bankruptcies, a DD 214 if necessary, divorces, a psychological evaluation and at least two and in my agency three interviews.
Anyone venture a guess why?

Because it's America and there are always a lot of shootings.....

Only when a dem holds the presidency.
...Do they like reboot y'all each morning and send you out to troll the INternet or something? Some other guy made this EXACT SAME "Why are shootings happening now that Biden is President" tinfoil topic 60 minutes ago.

**** off.
That was me. Why did we not hear about these shootings from the Trump hatingcmedia when he was in office.

Now that gun control Biden maps in the White House, it's a DAILY thing.

Yeah, Democrats are behind this, I just cwntvfigure out how they are manipulating sheep to start shooting
Anyone venture a guess why?

Because it's America and there are always a lot of shootings.....
Only from leftists or Democrat voters
...Do they like reboot y'all each morning and send you out to troll the INternet or something? Some other guy made this EXACT SAME "Why are shootings happening now that Biden is President" tinfoil topic 60 minutes ago.

**** off.
It seems like wingers go to right wing web sites to pick up their daily talking points doesn't it..
Anyone venture a guess why?

Because it's America and there are always a lot of shootings.....

Only when a dem holds the presidency.
I know huh, not a single mass shooting when Trump was in..(rolls eyes)
...Do they like reboot y'all each morning and send you out to troll the INternet or something? Some other guy made this EXACT SAME "Why are shootings happening now that Biden is President" tinfoil topic 60 minutes ago.

**** off.
That was me. Why did we not hear about these shootings from the Trump hatingcmedia when he was in office.

Now that gun control Biden maps in the White House, it's a DAILY thing.

Yeah, Democrats are behind this, I just cwntvfigure out how they are manipulating sheep to start shooting


There are some people who believe they're manipulated in some cases, beyond common PROG-fecal matter I mean, by way the Democrats & their media.

Take for example Christine Ford. She's clearly mentally incapable enough to be fully PROG. She's institutionally educated, probably single I'm guessing, and quite enjoys the victim role. Above that she's nuts and she even speaks like a little girl, she LOVES that victim role. Twist is she's in the mental profession :abgg2q.jpg:

Anyway, you can take a nut case and convince them of anything and the crazy don't even have to know them or why. I can just picture Christine Ford approaching them on Kavanaugh, ah you poor baby.

And of course PROGS are tarded and fell for it, they always do. They tell us they're educated and intelligent. Fuck they're so intelligent they didn't know leftists INCLUDING XIDEN pulled the same shit on Clarence Thomas. Both OUTSTANDING judges and people.
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There are some people who believe they're manipulated in some cases, beyond PROG-head fecal matter I mean, by way the Democrats & their media, and PROG-heads.

Take for example Christine Ford. She's clearly mentally incapable enough to be fully PROG. institutional education, probably single I'm guessing, enjoys the victim role. Above that she's nuts even speaks like a little girl, she LOVES that victim role. Twist is she's a medical social worker some type.

Anyway, you can take a nut case and convince them of anything and the crazy doesn't even have to know it. I can just picture Christine Ford approaching them on Kavanaugh, ah you poor baby.

And of course PROGS are tarded and fell for it, they always do. They tell us they're educated and intelligent. Fuck they're so intelligent they didn't know leftists INCLUDING XIDEN pulled the same shit on Clarence Thomas. Both OUTSTANDING judges and people.
Do you have a newsletter I could subscribe to?
Anyone venture a guess why?

Not a surprise.

Trump should have cleared out the entire leadership at the FBI.
...Do they like reboot y'all each morning and send you out to troll the INternet or something? Some other guy made this EXACT SAME "Why are shootings happening now that Biden is President" tinfoil topic 60 minutes ago.

**** off.
That was me. Why did we not hear about these shootings from the Trump hatingcmedia when he was in office.

Now that gun control Biden maps in the White House, it's a DAILY thing.

Yeah, Democrats are behind this, I just cwntvfigure out how they are manipulating sheep to start shooting
Dude, the Las Vegas shooter got 60 freaking people and injured hundreds. The **** are you even talking about?

El Paso?
...That guy at the Coors plant who shot the place up in Wisconson?
...Do they like reboot y'all each morning and send you out to troll the INternet or something? Some other guy made this EXACT SAME "Why are shootings happening now that Biden is President" tinfoil topic 60 minutes ago.

**** off.
That was me. Why did we not hear about these shootings from the Trump hatingcmedia when he was in office.

Now that gun control Biden maps in the White House, it's a DAILY thing.

Yeah, Democrats are behind this, I just cwntvfigure out how they are manipulating sheep to start shooting
Dude, the Las Vegas shooter got 60 freaking people and injured hundreds. The **** are you even talking about?

El Paso?
...That guy at the Coors plant who shot the place up in Wisconson?
How long has Biden been in office? How many mass shootings?
Shootings galore! Ever since Dems took office it's shootings gone wild (again)

Correlation does not automatically equal causation. Can you explain why Biden being in the White House somehow would spark a rash of mass shootings?
Because the media is staging the events. Simply advertising what they know will cause unrest.
Biden is ready to sign a bill passed by congress nullifying the bill of rights in reaction to the unrest....that they created with their media coverage.
I recognize the CIA's work.
They specialize in creating unrest in other countries.....why not try it in our own country?
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