Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta


A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.
We need to end this immigration
What we need to do is stop vilifying Asians

No one is doing that.
Hong Kong Flu? China Virus?

All the attacks on Biden claiming he's a tool of the Chinese?

Don't even try to lie

Are you insane?

Naming diseases after places they come from or are first identified at, is normal and not limited to Chinese or minorities.

And the Chinese government is a bad faith actor, who plays dirty. That is not vilifying them, but honestly addressing who and what they are.
Then why did they name the Spanish flu after Spain?

Because war time censorship suppressed the actual origin of the disease. It created the illusion that it started in Spain, a neutral country where the press was free to talk about the epidemic.

And thus, they started calling it "The Spanish Flu".

Your example makes my case.
Actually, you have made my case. Thank you for proving its all about false percep

Your point was that it was about "v
We need to end this immigration
What we need to do is stop vilifying Asians

No one is doing that.
Hong Kong Flu? China Virus?

All the attacks on Biden claiming he's a tool of the Chinese?

Don't even try to lie

Are you insane?

Naming diseases after places they come from or are first identified at, is normal and not limited to Chinese or minorities.

And the Chinese government is a bad faith actor, who plays dirty. That is not vilifying them, but honestly addressing who and what they are.
Then why did they name the Spanish flu after Spain?

Because war time censorship suppressed the actual origin of the disease. It created the illusion that it started in Spain, a neutral country where the press was free to talk about the epidemic.

And thus, they started calling it "The Spanish Flu".

Your example makes my case.
Actually, you have made my case. Thank you for proving its all about false perceptions.

The point being argued was that it was about "vilifying Asians".

Your example showed that the Spanish Flu was named after the perceived place of origin, which is fairly common.

Thus, proving the claim of wacism in the naming process to be wrong.
Was the perceived place of origin correct?

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.
That cracked me us SO MUCH!
We need to end this immigration
What we need to do is stop vilifying Asians

No one is doing that.
Hong Kong Flu? China Virus?

All the attacks on Biden claiming he's a tool of the Chinese?

Don't even try to lie

Are you insane?

Naming diseases after places they come from or are first identified at, is normal and not limited to Chinese or minorities.

And the Chinese government is a bad faith actor, who plays dirty. That is not vilifying them, but honestly addressing who and what they are.
Then why did they name the Spanish flu after Spain?

Because war time censorship suppressed the actual origin of the disease. It created the illusion that it started in Spain, a neutral country where the press was free to talk about the epidemic.

And thus, they started calling it "The Spanish Flu".

Your example makes my case.
Actually, you have made my case. Thank you for proving its all about false percep

Your point was that it was about "v
We need to end this immigration
What we need to do is stop vilifying Asians

No one is doing that.
Hong Kong Flu? China Virus?

All the attacks on Biden claiming he's a tool of the Chinese?

Don't even try to lie

Are you insane?

Naming diseases after places they come from or are first identified at, is normal and not limited to Chinese or minorities.

And the Chinese government is a bad faith actor, who plays dirty. That is not vilifying them, but honestly addressing who and what they are.
Then why did they name the Spanish flu after Spain?

Because war time censorship suppressed the actual origin of the disease. It created the illusion that it started in Spain, a neutral country where the press was free to talk about the epidemic.

And thus, they started calling it "The Spanish Flu".

Your example makes my case.
Actually, you have made my case. Thank you for proving its all about false perceptions.

The point being argued was that it was about "vilifying Asians".

Your example showed that the Spanish Flu was named after the perceived place of origin, which is fairly common.

Thus, proving the claim of wacism in the naming process to be wrong.
Was the perceived place of origin correct?

Nope. But the intent was to name it after the place of origin, not to "vilify" the Spanish.

Thus, the odd wace baiting from the Left, is revealed to be nonsensical. As always.
The CNN media is trying to link this to some kind of Asian hatred and retaliation for covid by white supremacist' some point the American people are going to stop falling for this narrative by our disgustingly dishonest media....the guy was a nut...he visited those parlors has nothing to do with vengeance for covid.....

80 million voted for Biden...what makes you think those morons are going to stop falling for this crap?
Sex workers should carry firearms.
After an appropriate training course and licensing, naturally.

No reason for a license. Get as much training as you can afford in time and mandate.
I have seen too many idiots with guns.

And yet with 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people able to carry guns in public for self defense........accidental gun deaths have been going down, not up......and before the democrats decided to destroy the police, violent crime was going down, not up....
So the “White Supremacist” shooter in Atlanta didn’t kill any Black people, and killed two White people??? No wonder the Left is so quiet about it...
Now why would a white supremacist kill white people? He's already told the police that his motive was sex addiction and trying to rid the world of those that (to him) enabled it. Should we take his word for it or yours?
Guess I was wrong about this being an orgcrime thing.

Now it sounds like a "too much porn" thing...... not surprising I guess. Lots of sex workers get killed, it's why they have pimps. (One of the reasons, anyway)
You just know this sick piece of shit had a sealybobo-style non-functioning little gherkin and was driven mad by impotent frustration.
Sex workers should carry firearms.
After an appropriate training course and licensing, naturally.

No reason for a license. Get as much training as you can afford in time and mandate.
I have seen too many idiots with guns.

And yet with 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people able to carry guns in public for self defense........accidental gun deaths have been going down, not up......and before the democrats decided to destroy the police, violent crime was going down, not up....
I have no problem with people carrying guns. I carry mine, of course I am trained, qualified and licensed. I am just not in favor of every idiot in America carrying one with no training, no knowledge of applicable law, and no certification. If your were ever on a unregulated shooting range, you wouldn't either. I've seen military people that didn't need to be carrying one for their own good and the good of everybody in the chow hall or near the sand barrel.
Sex workers should carry firearms.
After an appropriate training course and licensing, naturally.

No reason for a license. Get as much training as you can afford in time and mandate.
I have seen too many idiots with guns.

And yet with 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people able to carry guns in public for self defense........accidental gun deaths have been going down, not up......and before the democrats decided to destroy the police, violent crime was going down, not up....
I have no problem with people carrying guns. I carry mine, of course I am trained, qualified and licensed. I am just not in favor of every idiot in America carrying one with no training, no knowledge of applicable law, and no certification. If your were ever on a unregulated shooting range, you wouldn't either. I've seen military people that didn't need to be carrying one for their own good and the good of everybody in the chow hall or near the sand barrel.

I agree....but......any licensing, will become a ban by other means.....the requirements will become impossible to meet for anyone who isn't rich or well connected...this is how they do it in Britain for the few hunting shotguns they allow people to well as on the continent...

Sorry.....not supporting a restriction on a Right like that...
Are these tards REALLY excusing mass murder based on their perception that these were prostitutes?
They honestly don't see or understand how insensitive and racist they are. To all the Asian people on this message board that "think " these assholes give a shit about any minority, than this thread is all the evidence you need. The same callousness that they use with Blacks and Mexicans they will use with you. Racist are racist! No empathy, no sympathy. If they aren't white backwood, peckerwood thinking; then it's fuck them. They say it's "PATRIOTISM".
Did anybody here say that Asians working in professional environments are whores?
The problem with humanity is that every nationality has members who will their fellow citizens to their own benefit,
Most of you jackasses are insinuating that all Asian massage parlors are prostitution hubs ..

Probably not all, but it's rampant.
If a black man had done these murders, the media wouldn't have told us he's black.
Because white men are so persecuted by the media........................
White men's lives matter.
And you believe they matter more than anyone else's.
When you consider that ALL advancement was caused by Caucasians ,YES.
Oh really? Well, we just all found out how ignorant YOU are. :heehee:
Hmmmmm... Ever heard of Einstein ? Newton? Bohr? Marconi? Fermi? Curie? Goddard? Freud? Bell? Edison? Tesla? Whitney? Ford? Franklin? I could go on ,but what is the point.?
Who invented the wheel? Who invented gun powder? Who first smelted iron? Who invented the stirrup? Who first introduced farming? Who built the first cities? Hint....none of these were Caucasians.
Bullshit. The Sumerians ,Babylonians, and Egyptians were Caucasians. So you LIE.---PS--Native Americans built cities. But they never invented the Wheel. Filthy Africans never used the Wheel either.
What is wrong with these people? What inspired the El Paso Walmart shooter? What inspired this fruit loop? When are we going to build a gallows and rid society of these people?
Maybe we should answer your first few questions before we build gallows
The answer is trump.Save your time looking.
Really? There weren't shooting prior to trump being President?

They weren't targeting Asians.D
There weren't mass shootings of Asians during the Trump admin, this is the Biden Admin.

With that said, violence and prejudice against Asian-Americans is nothing new......from Rock Spring, Watsonville, FDR, to the targeting of Asian businesses in the LA Riots....and more recently with African-Americans attacks on Asians, and in 2020, the uptick in Cuomo's NY
Slum Blacks hate Asians.
Says who?
Where have you been?


And? That means everywhere?

Philly, Dallas, California, NY.....pretty much covers a large part of the United States....I could post some from Minn if you'd like

So you admit that the cities cover a large part of the United States....why is the GQP trying to disenfranchise those votes then?

Yes, the prejudice and violence from African-Americans to Asian-Americans is widespread across the United States.

Not sure what your question has to do with it, but I'll answer it, they aren't......but try to stay on topic ok? Don't deflect simply because you were uninformed about the topic

I'm not the one stereotyping.

huh? What are you talking about? Who's doing that? Do you even know what that word means?

Asian women automatically = prostitution?

nope, who said that? and why would you jump to that conclusion? I know many Asian-American and women and not one is involved in the sex trade

But behind a lot of these "massage parlors" is a lot of the sex's a piece from the NY Times a few years ago for you education: Behind Illicit Massage Parlors Lie a Vast Crime Network and Modern Indentured Servitude (Published 2019)

Talk to Blackrook....he's the one who immediately assumed that the massage parlors were really all about prostitution.

why would I talk to him when you made the comment to me?

and the assumption appears to be right, the motives apparently are related to sex trafficking and his alleged addiction.

There are probably massage parlors in Atlanta that aren't Korean.

Yea but do they give happy endings. In MI only the asian ones give yum yums and boom booms.

How the hell would I know?

You have to go a few times, be cool and eventually they'll let you know. I only found out because a neighbor told me.

The secret is get completely naked. If you keep your underwear on they'll think you don't know about the sexy stuff and they'll just give you a massage.

I have had apres ski massages in Switzerland. No sex..

Don't you have a woman in your life? Do you have to pay for sex?

I have a girlfriend but a one hour massage then happy ending is something she doesn’t do.
Asian massage parlors. More hate WuFlu hate?
Hmmmmmm...Most crimes against Asians are done by Black Thugs.

That has been the history....though they usually go for older asians who are walking down some NYC city street aka the city of hate.

If they can't find an asian.....they look for a Jew. If they can't find a jew they will settle for some little old white a last resort they will attack an older black guy in a wheel chair.
Yes. It is a game they play called 'Sucka Punch". Any kid in a "Divirse" Public School knows that game from direct experience.

How do YOU know?
Direct experience.

Loons ^ love their myths! :rolleyes-41:

Since I have SEEN it happen ,I know it to be true. Usually it was five or six rotten savages buggin' one White Nerd. "Gimme some money ,Mtthafucka". After the kid gave it up ,one of those Thugs would punch him anyway. Cause Blacks are cowards. As well as savages. Their favorite method of fighting is "swarming".

I think you made that up :laugh2:
Why bother. Know what a racist really is? anyone who has been mugged ,robbed ,carjacked ,beaten ,or raped by Black Thugs.
So, what do you call white mass murderers?

Bush lied us into Iraq. How many died? Thousands? Republican governor poisoned the people of Flint with LEAD. He is finally being charged criminally for it. 115 people they say died from it.

Trump didn't tell us corona was serious when he found out. Says he didn't want to panic us. 500,000 deaths later, he should have quaranteened us for 2 weeks and told us all to wear masks. Instead he mocked people who wore masks and told us he had it under control. Nothing to worry about.
Tell us which countries took COVID seriously?
HINT: None.
Actually there are countries who had zero cases before the vaccine Because they did what republicans refuse to do.

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