Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.
Your ability to cut and paste is not impressing anyone. Post one or two of your best examples for discussion, is you are serious.
It's called receipts which I have many.

I looked at your first example. THe guy got life in prison without the possibility of parole. That is an acceptable punishment for murder.
And you ignored the other examples. But whether he got punished is not the point. The point is that whites are and have been thee biggest threat to Asians than black ppl. And masses of black ppl harming Asians is a myth.
Your ability to cut and paste is not impressing anyone. Post one or two of your best examples for discussion, is you are serious.
It's called receipts which I have many.

I looked at your first example. THe guy got life in prison without the possibility of parole. That is an acceptable punishment for murder.
And you ignored the other examples. But whether he got punished is not the point. The point is that whites are and have been thee biggest threat to Asians than black ppl. And masses of black ppl harming Asians is a myth.

Posting a handful of examples does not support a claim of one group vs another.

I mean, you do understand that right? It's ..... obvious if you give it a single moment of thought.
Just because the Dems treated African-Americans poorly in the 40s doesnt' mean they weren't citizens.
Laws are toilet paper to the white supremacist. White supremacy - Racism is the law. Citizens ? Fk does that mean ?

Denzel as a Malcolm X said it best.

yes, white people have killed and hurt asians.....but as I have highlighted, there has been a string of racist African-American attacks targeting Asians...especially over the last 30 years.
No there hasn't.

How is it that the white media is pushing a narrative that Asians are being targeted by BLACK people with coordinated attacks...... but Black people are the economic base for most Asian businesses?

If they’re under attack and we are just treating Asians so awfully then why aren't they leaving our communities because of the anti Asian violence ? I mean we are just stomping on them 24 - 7 right ?
Black people have been patronizing Asian businesses since segregation. Have you been to an urban area? Black people don't own those liquor stores, laundromats, fast food restaurants, also a huge percentage of black hair care products and services are Asian owned.
Your ability to cut and paste is not impressing anyone. Post one or two of your best examples for discussion, is you are serious.
It's called receipts which I have many.

I looked at your first example. THe guy got life in prison without the possibility of parole. That is an acceptable punishment for murder.
And you ignored the other examples. But whether he got punished is not the point. The point is that whites are and have been thee biggest threat to Asians than black ppl. And masses of black ppl harming Asians is a myth.
The Chinese are not to enamored with you. And I have experienced and seen African Americans mocking Asian people with derogatory sounding voice accents many times. Asians run many stores in inner cities. And know the drill. They provide a service and design their stores for the clientele. If their personalities are abrasive, that is to the individual.
Just because the Dems treated African-Americans poorly in the 40s doesnt' mean they weren't citizens.
Laws are toilet paper to the white supremacist. White supremacy - Racism is the law. Citizens ? Fk does that mean ?

Denzel as a Malcolm X said it best.

yes, white people have killed and hurt asians.....but as I have highlighted, there has been a string of racist African-American attacks targeting Asians...especially over the last 30 years.
No there hasn't.

How is it that the white media is pushing a narrative that Asians are being targeted by BLACK people with coordinated attacks...... but Black people are the economic base for most Asian businesses?

If they’re under attack and we are just treating Asians so awfully then why aren't they leaving our communities because of the anti Asian violence ? I mean we are just stomping on them 24 - 7 right ?
Black people have been patronizing Asian businesses since segregation. Have you been to an urban area? Black people don't own those liquor stores, laundromats, fast food restaurants, also a huge percentage of black hair care products and services are Asian owned.

Being a citizen, means being a citzen of a country...African Americans have been citizens since the GOP passed the 14th Amendment.

Malcolm X said it better then Washington did.....but he did a great job in the role....Malcolm X was a great speaker....the dem leadership in NYC has been oppressing African-Americans for decades...on that i dont' disagree....and Malcolm is right , there will be black people, long after the USA, and was long before there was a USA....there were also white people, Asian people, and all other races.

It's tragic Malcolm was murdered by the Nation of his later life he recognized their racist bigotry was no way to move forward, and for that he was killed.

Going to someone's businesses doesn't mean you can't be racist.....and not every African-American is racist towards Asian-Americans....but as I have highlighted there have been numerous racist attacks.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead
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I'm going to keep doing so anyway, lol.
And attacks on Asian Americans will rise. The attackers will be trump supports.
You feeling a ltitle embarrassed that you know black kids are so racist against the asians eh?
White people nuked Asians in WW2, killing half a mill in one go and many more after No one has been more violent to Asians that white people.

The guys you mentioned were all fucking asian women not racists lol
Having sex with a non white women is white supremacists rites of passage.
Actually the United States bombed Japan.....the US was then and is now made up of all different races.....and frankly it was to end a violent war where Japan attacked the United States first....and killed, and tortured numerous Americans during the war.

I didn't know that, interesting....
Harry S Trueman (a White man) gave the green light to kill half million Asians. White people have been way more violent towards Asians than black people.
Yea you guys are mostly just violent towards yourselves. I heard that the national average for violent crime in American cities is something like 300 per 100,000. In Detroit it’s like 1900 per 100,000. That’s mostly black on black crime.
Sex workers should carry firearms.
After an appropriate training course and licensing, naturally.

No reason for a license. Get as much training as you can afford in time and mandate.
I have seen too many idiots with guns.

And yet with 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people able to carry guns in public for self defense........accidental gun deaths have been going down, not up......and before the democrats decided to destroy the police, violent crime was going down, not up....
I have no problem with people carrying guns. I carry mine, of course I am trained, qualified and licensed. I am just not in favor of every idiot in America carrying one with no training, no knowledge of applicable law, and no certification. If your were ever on a unregulated shooting range, you wouldn't either. I've seen military people that didn't need to be carrying one for their own good and the good of everybody in the chow hall or near the sand barrel.

I agree....but......any licensing, will become a ban by other means.....the requirements will become impossible to meet for anyone who isn't rich or well connected...this is how they do it in Britain for the few hunting shotguns they allow people to well as on the continent...

Sorry.....not supporting a restriction on a Right like that...
Got no problem with "right to keep and bear arms" and not debating what a "well regulated militia" is, but gun nuts do not believe in any intelligent regulation at all and that is wrong, makes no sense, gives responsible gun owners a bad name and does away with "well regulated" in any way shape form or fashion. Yesterday some sex addict shot up 3 different whorehouses in Georgia. Today some depressed nut ball from Texas brought all his guns to Washington and got arrested outside what he thought was the home of the Vice President. His mother said he had been depress and phoned to say he was in Washington and going to solve his problems. Would proper licensing solve all that? No. It might help the idiot factor though, having to at least sit a professionally instructed class, take tests of safety and operation before a certified instructor. I say, in your home for personal defense keep anything you want. I do and always have, but some people are a danger to themselves and everybody around them, and should not have them on the street. Everybody free to carry anything they want, just about anywhere they want is in no way well regulated, and your position is poor people may not be able to pay for training and getting a license doesn't make sense. These weapons today are not flint locks or even 6 shooter and this ain't the old west. Wait til you see the hill billy militia guys swaggering around on a range (if you can call it that) with mac 10s dangling with full clips until they line up and start shooting at sticks of dynamite on a berm 40 feet away and walking around drinking beer between rounds. People like them, with no respect for their fire power or safety and you who will indulge any carry anytime by anyone as some sacred right make us all look bad.

600 million guns in private hands......over 19.4 million people legally carry guns in public...

One guy broke the law.....all the laws regarding guns, and murdered people......

Meanwhile, the other 600 million guns were not used to murder anyone, and the 19.4 million people who carry their guns legally did not murder anyone.

You have no rational argument for what you want......we have a history of governments using massive regulations to prevent people who have the legal Right to own and carry guns from being able to own and carry guns...

You are wrong......that is just a fact.

And before the democrats decided to make war on our police.....27 years of more people owning and carrying guns and what was the impact on those things you fear?

49% reduction in gun murder.

75% reduction in gun crime.

72% reduction in violent crime in general.

You have no rational argument for the policies that we know will result in the government barring people from owning and carrying guns.

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

From the CDC.....

Accidental Gun deaths...

I am just not as paranoid as you over the 2nd amendment. The key statement was in your first line "people legally carry guns in public...". We just disagree about what should be considered legal and whether there should be any regulations regarding weapons at all. Your number 19.4 legally carrying in public sounds dubius and I could not locate a sources for it. Equilly or more dubius is the Washington Post number, I saw of 3 million. I suspect the number is in between those two. Here is an interesting number for you. In the year 1800 there were 5,308,483 counted in the census of the United State. Here is a fact to go along with it. As numbers climbed to the 330,000,000 plus of today it has become necessary for the common good to increase regulation in just about everything to avoid chaos and create a society that works for the whole population. In my opinion, rolling gun regulation back to 1790 standards is ludicrous, beyond rational thought.
If looking for how many weapons injuries, it seems everybody is more interested in weapons deaths annually. Available numbers are large, unless compared to the number legally carrying. I am confident the number of accidental shootings, including accidental deaths could be reduced with proper training. Unlike you, I feel it is worth the inconvenience to reduce weapons accidents, and training would (not might) reduce that number.
For all your, numbers, bits of info you try to string together to support your cause, I suspect you went to the trouble of getting your own carry permit and are (like myself) a licensed carry permit holder. It is not the people like you and I that concern me. We are unlikely to be involve in an accidental or illegal shooting situation, as all the permit holders, I know are very serious people, as opposed to the people I have personally witnessed. As someone trained not only on weapons, but in the field of safety itself, you will never be able to convince me, proper training does not make any complex operation safer for all concerned, and therefore unnecessary and certainly not regarding weapons. Trying to wrap the flag around your concept only works on the simple minded.

There are already regulations on gun ownership and it isn't doing any good. Putting more regulations on gun ownership doesn't seem like the answer.
The answer is to get the criminals off the street and use the death penalty more. Defunding the police forces certainly isn't a solution. That's just plain moronic.
I only spoke in favor of carry permits, issued by states after training, certification and background check as a safety issue, as safety is often enhanced by training. I have mine and have had for years. Nobody spoke about de-funding cop. Certainly not in my town.

Im all for training, as long as it's free. I'm opposed to permits.
Then you would never know if somebody had the training.
So what?
You would have idiot with guns running around like the 1790s old west plus the criminals on the street now. How long you been out of jail?
Lack of freedom has never made anyone safer.

Who are you to decide who gets to exercise their rights?
BS. I ran weapons all kinds of weapons ranges in multiple states around this country and it was my way, (the safe way) or the highway and those ranges were far safer for it. Freedom of those people to operate as they might or might not see fit, never entered my mind. Untrained amateurs are a danger to themselves and everybody around them. That's just the way it is with most things and especially weapons. At some level everybody knows this.
So did I, so what?

The rest of the world is not your range and you ain't the the RSO for the whole world.

Get over yourself.
They won't get it from me, but they could dang sure benefit for training and discipline proper regulation. If you can use the rest of the 2nd amendment to support all guns for all people all the time, I can point to their descriptive clause "well regulated" and know why well regulated was important even in a time of less than 3 million people in the country and the guns were mostly single shot.
I highly encourage people to get training and I even provide it to the ones who pay me to do so.... but I don't think I'm entitled to force it on them.
You and I do not make the laws. We only make or strike down the laws. We only make recommendations to those that do. I support what I support, as is your right, for right or wrong. Aren't you from the other end of my state? They may be about to pass constitutional carry right here. How would you like to live in Memphis when that happens. Law enforcement not happy about it. Guess they think like I do, but it is a hot button right wing issue to prove you are right wing so it might pass. I did take the time to write my Senator and Representative opposing it with my signature and contact information, as well as by email. Did you write yours to support?
Actually, we the people do decide on the laws.
No. We are in a representative republic. TN in particular is a state with a bicameral legislature. Our elected representatives and senators write and pass the laws for the most part and are the signed into law by our governor. Not sure TN even as a law allowing ballot initiatives. Also not sure, I'm not glad it doesn't. Look at California.
And they all answer to us, so yes, we do decide on what the laws are. We can either vote our reps out, or we can nullify the laws, but bottom line, we decide the laws here, no one else.

The power resides in the people, and the .gov knows it..... it's why they are so fucking terrified they built fences and barricades and posted more armed guards around themselves than we have in Afghanistan and Iraq, combined.

They're scared...... and they should be.
BS. That is the most pessimistic viewpoint I have ever heard from somebody that has been inside and outside the wire. Fortifying a soft target is not fear, just basic intelligence after those dumb asses were sent by trump and the pathetic dumb asses actually went. Much more preferable than to say "OK rabble, screw the constitution, you can overthrow the constitution this time, but please don't do it again." So, no. We'll go with option "A", saving you dumb asses from yourself.
The Chinese are not to enamored with you.
I know this. That's why I always say it's the world against black people

And I have experienced and seen African Americans mocking Asian people with derogatory sounding voice accents many times.
So a few black youths do the "ching chong" name calling and slanty eyed gestures

Mean while whites do this.

Let me introduce Brendt Christensen


Most of you don't know who he is. Well he did this

In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.

He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back

Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive

Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.

I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

Show me similar examples of black men doing this to Asians.

Asians run many stores in inner cities. And know the drill. They provide a service and design their stores for the clientele. If their personalities are abrasive, that is to the individual.
And it's black people who are their economic base. But we hate Asians right ?
Sex workers should carry firearms.
After an appropriate training course and licensing, naturally.

No reason for a license. Get as much training as you can afford in time and mandate.
I have seen too many idiots with guns.

And yet with 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people able to carry guns in public for self defense........accidental gun deaths have been going down, not up......and before the democrats decided to destroy the police, violent crime was going down, not up....
I have no problem with people carrying guns. I carry mine, of course I am trained, qualified and licensed. I am just not in favor of every idiot in America carrying one with no training, no knowledge of applicable law, and no certification. If your were ever on a unregulated shooting range, you wouldn't either. I've seen military people that didn't need to be carrying one for their own good and the good of everybody in the chow hall or near the sand barrel.

I agree....but......any licensing, will become a ban by other means.....the requirements will become impossible to meet for anyone who isn't rich or well connected...this is how they do it in Britain for the few hunting shotguns they allow people to well as on the continent...

Sorry.....not supporting a restriction on a Right like that...
Got no problem with "right to keep and bear arms" and not debating what a "well regulated militia" is, but gun nuts do not believe in any intelligent regulation at all and that is wrong, makes no sense, gives responsible gun owners a bad name and does away with "well regulated" in any way shape form or fashion. Yesterday some sex addict shot up 3 different whorehouses in Georgia. Today some depressed nut ball from Texas brought all his guns to Washington and got arrested outside what he thought was the home of the Vice President. His mother said he had been depress and phoned to say he was in Washington and going to solve his problems. Would proper licensing solve all that? No. It might help the idiot factor though, having to at least sit a professionally instructed class, take tests of safety and operation before a certified instructor. I say, in your home for personal defense keep anything you want. I do and always have, but some people are a danger to themselves and everybody around them, and should not have them on the street. Everybody free to carry anything they want, just about anywhere they want is in no way well regulated, and your position is poor people may not be able to pay for training and getting a license doesn't make sense. These weapons today are not flint locks or even 6 shooter and this ain't the old west. Wait til you see the hill billy militia guys swaggering around on a range (if you can call it that) with mac 10s dangling with full clips until they line up and start shooting at sticks of dynamite on a berm 40 feet away and walking around drinking beer between rounds. People like them, with no respect for their fire power or safety and you who will indulge any carry anytime by anyone as some sacred right make us all look bad.

600 million guns in private hands......over 19.4 million people legally carry guns in public...

One guy broke the law.....all the laws regarding guns, and murdered people......

Meanwhile, the other 600 million guns were not used to murder anyone, and the 19.4 million people who carry their guns legally did not murder anyone.

You have no rational argument for what you want......we have a history of governments using massive regulations to prevent people who have the legal Right to own and carry guns from being able to own and carry guns...

You are wrong......that is just a fact.

And before the democrats decided to make war on our police.....27 years of more people owning and carrying guns and what was the impact on those things you fear?

49% reduction in gun murder.

75% reduction in gun crime.

72% reduction in violent crime in general.

You have no rational argument for the policies that we know will result in the government barring people from owning and carrying guns.

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

From the CDC.....

Accidental Gun deaths...

I am just not as paranoid as you over the 2nd amendment. The key statement was in your first line "people legally carry guns in public...". We just disagree about what should be considered legal and whether there should be any regulations regarding weapons at all. Your number 19.4 legally carrying in public sounds dubius and I could not locate a sources for it. Equilly or more dubius is the Washington Post number, I saw of 3 million. I suspect the number is in between those two. Here is an interesting number for you. In the year 1800 there were 5,308,483 counted in the census of the United State. Here is a fact to go along with it. As numbers climbed to the 330,000,000 plus of today it has become necessary for the common good to increase regulation in just about everything to avoid chaos and create a society that works for the whole population. In my opinion, rolling gun regulation back to 1790 standards is ludicrous, beyond rational thought.
If looking for how many weapons injuries, it seems everybody is more interested in weapons deaths annually. Available numbers are large, unless compared to the number legally carrying. I am confident the number of accidental shootings, including accidental deaths could be reduced with proper training. Unlike you, I feel it is worth the inconvenience to reduce weapons accidents, and training would (not might) reduce that number.
For all your, numbers, bits of info you try to string together to support your cause, I suspect you went to the trouble of getting your own carry permit and are (like myself) a licensed carry permit holder. It is not the people like you and I that concern me. We are unlikely to be involve in an accidental or illegal shooting situation, as all the permit holders, I know are very serious people, as opposed to the people I have personally witnessed. As someone trained not only on weapons, but in the field of safety itself, you will never be able to convince me, proper training does not make any complex operation safer for all concerned, and therefore unnecessary and certainly not regarding weapons. Trying to wrap the flag around your concept only works on the simple minded.

There are already regulations on gun ownership and it isn't doing any good. Putting more regulations on gun ownership doesn't seem like the answer.
The answer is to get the criminals off the street and use the death penalty more. Defunding the police forces certainly isn't a solution. That's just plain moronic.
I only spoke in favor of carry permits, issued by states after training, certification and background check as a safety issue, as safety is often enhanced by training. I have mine and have had for years. Nobody spoke about de-funding cop. Certainly not in my town.

Im all for training, as long as it's free. I'm opposed to permits.
Then you would never know if somebody had the training.
So what?
You would have idiot with guns running around like the 1790s old west plus the criminals on the street now. How long you been out of jail?
Lack of freedom has never made anyone safer.

Who are you to decide who gets to exercise their rights?
BS. I ran weapons all kinds of weapons ranges in multiple states around this country and it was my way, (the safe way) or the highway and those ranges were far safer for it. Freedom of those people to operate as they might or might not see fit, never entered my mind. Untrained amateurs are a danger to themselves and everybody around them. That's just the way it is with most things and especially weapons. At some level everybody knows this.
So did I, so what?

The rest of the world is not your range and you ain't the the RSO for the whole world.

Get over yourself.
They won't get it from me, but they could dang sure benefit for training and discipline proper regulation. If you can use the rest of the 2nd amendment to support all guns for all people all the time, I can point to their descriptive clause "well regulated" and know why well regulated was important even in a time of less than 3 million people in the country and the guns were mostly single shot.
I highly encourage people to get training and I even provide it to the ones who pay me to do so.... but I don't think I'm entitled to force it on them.
You and I do not make the laws. We only make or strike down the laws. We only make recommendations to those that do. I support what I support, as is your right, for right or wrong. Aren't you from the other end of my state? They may be about to pass constitutional carry right here. How would you like to live in Memphis when that happens. Law enforcement not happy about it. Guess they think like I do, but it is a hot button right wing issue to prove you are right wing so it might pass. I did take the time to write my Senator and Representative opposing it with my signature and contact information, as well as by email. Did you write yours to support?
Actually, we the people do decide on the laws.
No. We are in a representative republic. TN in particular is a state with a bicameral legislature. Our elected representatives and senators write and pass the laws for the most part and are the signed into law by our governor. Not sure TN even as a law allowing ballot initiatives. Also not sure, I'm not glad it doesn't. Look at California.
And they all answer to us, so yes, we do decide on what the laws are. We can either vote our reps out, or we can nullify the laws, but bottom line, we decide the laws here, no one else.

The power resides in the people, and the .gov knows it..... it's why they are so fucking terrified they built fences and barricades and posted more armed guards around themselves than we have in Afghanistan and Iraq, combined.

They're scared...... and they should be.
BS. That is the most pessimistic viewpoint I have ever heard from somebody that has been inside and outside the wire. Fortifying a soft target is not fear, just basic intelligence after those dumb asses were sent by trump and the pathetic dumb asses actually went. Much more preferable than to say "OK rabble, screw the constitution, you can overthrow the constitution this time, but please don't do it again." So, no. We'll go with option "A", saving you dumb asses from yourself.
Oh horseshit.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead
View attachment 469878
I'm going to keep doing so anyway, lol.
And attacks on Asian Americans will rise. The attackers will be trump supports.
Except not really.
The Chinese are not to enamored with you.
I know this. That's why I always say it's the world against black people

And I have experienced and seen African Americans mocking Asian people with derogatory sounding voice accents many times.
So a few black youths do the "ching chong" name calling and slanty eyed gestures

Mean while whites do this.

Let me introduce Brendt Christensen


Most of you don't know who he is. Well he did this

In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.

He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back

Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive

Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.

I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

Show me similar examples of black men doing this to Asians.

Asians run many stores in inner cities. And know the drill. They provide a service and design their stores for the clientele. If their personalities are abrasive, that is to the individual.
And it's black people who are their economic base. But we hate Asians right ?
Yes, you're a racist POS...... we know.


Got it already....

We understand.....

You can stop proving it now.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.

Right .Forget manners and civil discourse. Trump appeals to the lowest common denominator and gives his true believers permission to be their worst selves.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.

Right .Forget manners and civil discourse. Trump appeals to the lowest common denominator and gives his true believers permission to be their worst selves.
It's nothing more than a way to control others speech.

Fuck that.
And fuck anyone who is in favor of it.

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