Shootout at Pamela Geller's Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas

...But whst was the point of her "art" contest if not to engender hate? What's the point of her transit "jihad" ad campaign if not to raise discord?...

One Of The World s Most Controversial Artworks Is Making Catholics Angry Once Again

To demonstrate the virtue of Free Speech in connection with Islam in America (and, indeed, The West), in much the same way as Christianity and Buddhism and Judaism and all the rest have been parodied over the decades?

Consider it a forcible de-sensitizing of Muslims about such things. If they want to live in The West alongside the rest of us, they're just gonna have to acclimate.

On the macro level, this (such demonstrations of Free Speech in connection with Islam) is part of that necessary process, to drag them, kicking and screaming, into the same 21st Century that much of the rest of the world lives in.

And, any time that they become violent over it and try to kill us, we will kill them, instead, or also.

Want to be respected? Don't want to be thought of as religiously-motivated violent savages and Neanderthals?

Don't riot or hurt people over shit like this.

Hope that helps.


"If you need a refresher history lesson, here's the jist: The work dates back to 1987, when the American artist Serrano submerged a plastic crucifix in a jar of his own urine, photographed it, and exhibited the image publicly in New York. As you might imagine, a certain subset of Christians were nonplussed at the idea of their deity being dunked in someone's bodily fluids, but outrage didn't hit an apex until another exhibition in 1989, when a few politicians expressed dissatisfaction at the fact that the offensive work was funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts."
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.
So, don't live that way. The solution to radical Islam is liberalism. Start promoting it.
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.

nor should you
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.

And yet the Whitehouse doesn't see this as a problem.

They still think climate change deserves their attention, their top focus, while a growing threat becomes a malignant cancer in America. Attacks like this will become a frequent occurrence as long as Democrats hold the Whitehouse.
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.
two guys from phoenix went there. two guys. .0001% of the US muslim population.

still too much, i agree, but i won't begin painting the other 99.9999% based on their actions.
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.

And yet the Whitehouse doesn't see this as a problem.

They still think climate change deserves their attention, their top focus, while a growing threat becomes a malignant cancer in America. Attacks like this will become a frequent occurrence as long as Democrats hold the Whitehouse.
i'm curious what you think a republican president would have done to prevent the shooting?
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.

And yet the Whitehouse doesn't see this as a problem.

They still think climate change deserves their attention, their top focus, while a growing threat becomes a malignant cancer in America. Attacks like this will become a frequent occurrence as long as Democrats hold the Whitehouse.

Uhh, the White House has never said it's not a problem.

The personnel at the WH can walk AND chew gum at the same time. Can you?
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.

I disagree.

Geller sometimes goes too far, but she is in no way to comparable to Jihadis or Hitler.

I think she is EXTREMELY opportunistic, for she makes $$$$ off this cottage industry.
She's a highly disturbed ****, that the world would be far better off without. Her and her little buddies. At least ISIS aren't pussies hiding behind blogs and the protection of the US government.

And just as I respect your right to free speech and to be as gross as you want to be, I respect her right to free speech, even though I sometimes find it putrid. I cannot help it that she is sometimes very stupid and does stuff that causes a massive backlash.

On the other hand, the Islamic world needs to grow a thicker skin. Really, who in the fuck wants to be walking around on eggshells, just because a muslim maniac will get pissed off and call the Allahu Akbar brigade? That's not how I want to live.
two guys from phoenix went there. two guys. .0001% of the US muslim population.

still too much, i agree, but i won't begin painting the other 99.9999% based on their actions.

Have I painted the other 99.99999%?

Nope. I've not.
Winning a contest for making the most hateful and bigoted cartoon.

Jesus must be so proud!
Killing two psychos who were provoked by your contest.

Jesus must be so proud!

Kill a raghead for Jesus...
The two shooters got what they deserved.

The far left wacks are every bit as reprehensible as the far right wacks.
Killing two psychos who were provoked by your contest.

Jesus must be so proud!

Kill a raghead for Jesus...

I have a feeling some of the entries were from artists who are anti-religion in general, as Charlie Hedbo was.
Killing two psychos who were provoked by your contest.

Jesus must be so proud!

Kill a raghead for Jesus...

I have a feeling some of the entries were from artists who are anti-religion in general, as Charlie Hedbo was.
Does Pam Geller hand out checks in Texas for the best anti-Christian cartoon?

Didn't think so!

She'd probably need a lot more bodyguards.

Kill a raghead for Jesus...

The blood money is going to be flooding into the Americunt Freedom Defense Initative now.
Killing two psychos who were provoked by your contest.

Jesus must be so proud!

Kill a raghead for Jesus...

I have a feeling some of the entries were from artists who are anti-religion in general, as Charlie Hedbo was.
Does Pam Geller hand out checks in Texas for the best anti-Christian cartoon?

Didn't think so!

She'd probably need a lot more bodyguards.

Kill a raghead for Jesus...

The blood money is going to be flooding into the Americunt Freedom Defense Initative now.

Nice deflection, but no dice. I am trying to get links for the pictures, but I would not be surprised if some of them were anti-religious in general, and I haven't seen Christian gunmen attack Charlie Hedbo, Jewish gunmen go after the countless leftist protests that contain antisemitic posters, or Buddhist gunmen go after all the Chinese food places with Buddha in their menus.

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