Shootout at Pamela Geller's Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas

According to ABC:

Official One of Garland Texas Shooting Suspects ID d - ABC News

One of the two shooters has been identified as

Elton Simpson, 31 years old, from Phoenix, AZ, already arrested 5 years ago in a terror investigation and then put on probation.

This is the photo they are providing of him:


The Dallas Morning news is also reporting this, also that the other gunman was a roomate of his. The DM was no specific as to whether he as a roomate in the past or in the present, but the assumption would be that the other gunman also came from Phoenix.:

One gunman reportedly ID d in shootings outside Muhammad art show in Garland Dallas Morning News

This is the court case against Simpson from 5 years ago:

Elton Simpson Terror Investigation Document

According to IBD:

Elton Simpson ID d As 1 Of Draw Muhammad Contest Shooters In Garland Texas

Simpson, of Phoenix, was previously convicted of lying to the FBI about plans to go to Africa, but a judge determined there was not enough evidence to suggest he was planning to join up with a terror group as the bureau claimed, ABC News reported. The Arizona man was believed to have used the Twitter hashtag #TexasAttack about 30 minutes before the shooting erupted outside the community center. Dallas investigators will reportedly name the second suspect when they give an update on the Garland shooting at an unspecified time, tweeted Chris Williams, a reporter with KPNX-TV, Phoenix's NBC affiliate.
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Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?
If she hates muslims, thats her right.
If certain muslims are going to try to kill her for it, they should have a spotlight on their faces, shoul be drawn out, and executed from existence.

what "actions"???? whom did she kill, or rape, or pillage?

You think you need to rape or kill to get that designation?

"Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.
Through her website, Geller has promulgated some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories found on the extreme right, including claims that President Obama is the love child of Malcolm X, that Obama was once involved with a "crack whore," that his birth certificate is a forgery, that his late mother posed nude for pornographic photos, and that he was a Muslim in his youth who never renounced Islam.

She has described Obama as beholden to his "Islamic overlords" and said that he wants jihad to be victorious in America. In April 2011, Geller accused Obama of withholding evidence in the then-upcoming trial of accused Fort Hood mass murderer Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

Geller uses her website to publish her most revolting insults of Muslims: She posted (and later removed) a video implying that Muslims practiced bestiality with goats and a cartoon depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad with a pig's face (observant Muslims do not eat pork). Geller also has denied the genocide of Bosnian Muslims by Serbian forces in Srebrenica – calling it the "Srebrenica Genocide Myth," even though the Serbian government itself issued a state apology for the massacre. She wrote, "Westerners are admitting to their role in something that didn't happen, and digging their own graves."

Geller will ally with virtually any individual or movement that expresses stridently anti-Muslim sentiments, no matter how otherwise repugnant. As a result, she has frequently rubbed shoulders with elements of white radicalism. In 2009, Geller was invited to address the German far-right organization Pro Köln [Cologne], described as a successor group to the neo-fascist German League for People and Homeland. Pro Köln at the time was under investigation by the German authorities because of its defamation of foreigners and suspected violations of "human dignity." As of early 2011, Pro Köln was officially deemed a right-wing extremist group by the German authorities.

Geller is an enthusiastic fan of Dutch anti-Muslim extremist Geert Wilders. He was charged in 2009 with hate-incitement in the Netherlands, but not convicted. She invited Wilders to speak at the June 2010 "Ground Zero Mosque" rally. In June 2010, Geller spoke at an event in Paris put on by the Bloc Identitaire, which opposes race-mixing and "Islamic imperialism."

Geller invited the notorious British anti-Muslim group English Defence League (EDL) to her September 2010 anti-mosque rally in New York. The previous May, a report by the British newspaper The Guardian revealed the EDL as thugs who hold anti-Muslim protests intended to provoke violence. Because of its racism and history, the EDL's leader, Tommy Robinson, was denied entry at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and sent back to England.


In February 2011, she spoke favorably of Soviet leader Josef Stalin's forced relocation and genocide of Chechen Muslims after World War II, arguing – wrongly – that they were allied with Adolf Hitler. Historians say Chechens were fighting to preserve their own freedom and culture.


Geller's anti-Muslim stance has also drawn the admiration of white nationalist and even neo-Nazi proponents on the extreme right – a rather remarkable feat, considering she is Jewish. She has been the subject of positive postings on racist websites such as Stormfront, VDARE, American Renaissance and the neo-Confederate League of the South.

Geller was one of several prominent anti-Muslim activists cited by the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik in the manifesto he posted online hours before killing 77 of his countrymen, mostly teenagers, at a left-wing youth camp in August 2011.

In the wake of the attack, Geller downplayed the influence of her views on Breivik, making much of the fact that his screed had only mentioned her by name once. This conveniently ignored the manifesto’s dozen citations of her blog and 64 mentions of her SIOA partner, Robert Spencer.

At the same time, Geller couldn’t help displaying some sympathy for Breivik’s actions against the young multiculturalists. “Breivik,” she wrote, “was targeting the future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims.”
Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center

None of which are "actions" . In fact they compare in a very BALANCED way with the standard rhetoric delivered weekly in mosques into the ears of children (I have been there) My take on Pamela Geller is that she is
"GIVING "IT" BACK TO THEM" ----she is engaging
in some of the understandable actions taken by blacks
in the 1960s. I was a kid then-----in college. I went
a slightly snotty girls' school One day I was in
the "lounge" of my very large old dorm -----a group of
black girls told me to leave "We are having a meeting"-
I said "go right ahead". They said "YOU ARE NOT
WANTED HERE"--------I understood----they were handing
out that which they had gotten for so long. Pam
Geller is RETURNING to muslims their very own
attitude. She is not returning their violence----JUST
THEIR ATTITUDE -----and that is all she is doing----
Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?

She hates radical islam. If muslims gave up that philosophy i doubt her opposition would continue.

and there is always a counter argument, and you don't get to decide which ones are legitimate.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?

What is actually clear is that some people lack the intelligence necessary to figure out that when those following a totalitarian ideology are so willing to kill over a cartoon, that the term "hate" is made a complete mockery here when it is only applied to those who object to the ideology that drives the killing.
who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?
If she hates muslims, thats her right.
If certain muslims are going to try to kill her for it, they should have a spotlight on their faces, shoul be drawn out, and executed from existence.
Of course it's her right.

Still, Geller is, and has been for a long time - a sick, ugly, racist, hatemongering fucknut.
Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?

I have no idea whom she hates. I do not hate muslims----I have had many very close muslim friends over the past
50 years. I have worked and socialized with muslims so
closely that I got invited to their mosques. I DESPISE
THE MUSLIM POV and the actions that muslims justify against----hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, Christians etc ----and their LAW (to wit shariah) which
renders murder of non muslims virtually LEGAL. and
extreme OPPRESSION OF NON MUSLIMS-----laudable.
I do not hate Germans either-------I hate Nazism. Pam
Geller's DISCUSSION with persons of weird ideology
does not make HER a criminal. You have anything at all
of actual SUBSTANCE?
America hating :assholes: like yourself, the only difference is you are too cowardly to pick up a gun and demonstrate, so that some cop or CCW holding citizen can legally shoot your stupid muslime ass. :fu:

Well said.

Punk bitches never been anywhere, done anything, fought for anything or anyone, defended anything or anyone, believe in nothing --

the perfect dimocrap. Gutless, nutless and brainless.

At least the towelheads, as fucked up as they are, are willing to fight for what they believe in. Of course, our guys promptly send them to meet Allah as soon as they do (pedophiles, woman-beaters and goat-fuckers don't make real good warriors)

dimocraps just cry like the little bitches they are. They're even lower than the pedophile goat fuckers

Or burn down their own neighborhoods.

That was some nice butthurt, but has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Try again, little butthurty.

You think you need to rape or kill to get that designation?

"Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.
Through her website, Geller has promulgated some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories found on the extreme right, including claims that President Obama is the love child of Malcolm X, that Obama was once involved with a "crack whore," that his birth certificate is a forgery, that his late mother posed nude for pornographic photos, and that he was a Muslim in his youth who never renounced Islam.

She has described Obama as beholden to his "Islamic overlords" and said that he wants jihad to be victorious in America. In April 2011, Geller accused Obama of withholding evidence in the then-upcoming trial of accused Fort Hood mass murderer Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

Geller uses her website to publish her most revolting insults of Muslims: She posted (and later removed) a video implying that Muslims practiced bestiality with goats and a cartoon depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad with a pig's face (observant Muslims do not eat pork). Geller also has denied the genocide of Bosnian Muslims by Serbian forces in Srebrenica – calling it the "Srebrenica Genocide Myth," even though the Serbian government itself issued a state apology for the massacre. She wrote, "Westerners are admitting to their role in something that didn't happen, and digging their own graves."

Geller will ally with virtually any individual or movement that expresses stridently anti-Muslim sentiments, no matter how otherwise repugnant. As a result, she has frequently rubbed shoulders with elements of white radicalism. In 2009, Geller was invited to address the German far-right organization Pro Köln [Cologne], described as a successor group to the neo-fascist German League for People and Homeland. Pro Köln at the time was under investigation by the German authorities because of its defamation of foreigners and suspected violations of "human dignity." As of early 2011, Pro Köln was officially deemed a right-wing extremist group by the German authorities.

Geller is an enthusiastic fan of Dutch anti-Muslim extremist Geert Wilders. He was charged in 2009 with hate-incitement in the Netherlands, but not convicted. She invited Wilders to speak at the June 2010 "Ground Zero Mosque" rally. In June 2010, Geller spoke at an event in Paris put on by the Bloc Identitaire, which opposes race-mixing and "Islamic imperialism."

Geller invited the notorious British anti-Muslim group English Defence League (EDL) to her September 2010 anti-mosque rally in New York. The previous May, a report by the British newspaper The Guardian revealed the EDL as thugs who hold anti-Muslim protests intended to provoke violence. Because of its racism and history, the EDL's leader, Tommy Robinson, was denied entry at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and sent back to England.


In February 2011, she spoke favorably of Soviet leader Josef Stalin's forced relocation and genocide of Chechen Muslims after World War II, arguing – wrongly – that they were allied with Adolf Hitler. Historians say Chechens were fighting to preserve their own freedom and culture.


Geller's anti-Muslim stance has also drawn the admiration of white nationalist and even neo-Nazi proponents on the extreme right – a rather remarkable feat, considering she is Jewish. She has been the subject of positive postings on racist websites such as Stormfront, VDARE, American Renaissance and the neo-Confederate League of the South.

Geller was one of several prominent anti-Muslim activists cited by the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik in the manifesto he posted online hours before killing 77 of his countrymen, mostly teenagers, at a left-wing youth camp in August 2011.

In the wake of the attack, Geller downplayed the influence of her views on Breivik, making much of the fact that his screed had only mentioned her by name once. This conveniently ignored the manifesto’s dozen citations of her blog and 64 mentions of her SIOA partner, Robert Spencer.

At the same time, Geller couldn’t help displaying some sympathy for Breivik’s actions against the young multiculturalists. “Breivik,” she wrote, “was targeting the future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims.”
Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center

None of which are "actions" . In fact they compare in a very BALANCED way with the standard rhetoric delivered weekly in mosques into the ears of children (I have been there) My take on Pamela Geller is that she is
"GIVING "IT" BACK TO THEM" ----she is engaging
in some of the understandable actions taken by blacks
in the 1960s. I was a kid then-----in college. I went
a slightly snotty girls' school One day I was in
the "lounge" of my very large old dorm -----a group of
black girls told me to leave "We are having a meeting"-
I said "go right ahead". They said "YOU ARE NOT
WANTED HERE"--------I understood----they were handing
out that which they had gotten for so long. Pam
Geller is RETURNING to muslims their very own
attitude. She is not returning their violence----JUST
THEIR ATTITUDE -----and that is all she is doing----
Sure, in the same way the Westboro Baptist God Hates Fags group is just doing "God's work."

You'd probably be comfortable protesting funerals with them.
This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?
If she hates muslims, thats her right.
If certain muslims are going to try to kill her for it, they should have a spotlight on their faces, shoul be drawn out, and executed from existence.
Of course it's her right.

Still, Geller is, and has been for a long time - a sick, ugly, racist, hatemongering fucknut.
Yea, im sure she is and im sure id piss on he shoes if i could.

The real issue to me is that there were actual scumbags with guns who showed up at an art show which (in my opinion) the shows intention was to shine light on just these men who would do that. An invitatuon, to come be put down by security like the dogs they are.

This was a service to America, you dont get to persecute our free speech through intimidation and threat of violence, and your religious dogma is not the precedent a secular nation follows.
Geller and the jihaidis are similar to Hitler and the commies.

All are evil.
Still, Geller is, and has been for a long time - a sick, ugly, racist, hatemongering fucknut.

Please quite something she has said that is racist.

I do know she has said this:

"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."

which is absolutely true in the first part, and arguably true in the latter considering the mayhem it causes throughout the world.

A person would have to be awfully stupid to conflate ideology with race.
Still, Geller is, and has been for a long time - a sick, ugly, racist, hatemongering fucknut.

Please quite something she has said that is racist.

I do know she has said this:

"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."

which is absolutely true in the first part, and arguably true in the latter considering the mayhem it causes throughout the world.

A person would have to be awfully stupid to conflate ideology with race.
Shootout at Pamela Geller s Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
She hates radical islam. If muslims gave up that philosophy i doubt her opposition would continue.

and there is always a counter argument, and you don't get to decide which ones are legitimate.

So do I. I despise this radicalization that is turning human beings into primal animals.

That being said, although I support her right to free speech, I think that Geller often goes too far. She also posted the false information on her site about the copilot of the Lufthansa flight, the one who murdered everyone, claiming that he was a Muslim. He was not. When she does that kind of shit, she hurts her own credibility.

I just wanna go on record, so that there is no confusion here, that though I think it is tasteless and unnecessary to hold a Muhamed drawing contest, it IS free speech and that people need to grow thicker skins. That same would apply were some yahoo to want to do a "perverted Rabbi" cartoon contest, as many Islamonazis are prone to do in their writings. It would be disgusting, but it would still be free speech.
This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?
If she hates muslims, thats her right.
If certain muslims are going to try to kill her for it, they should have a spotlight on their faces, shoul be drawn out, and executed from existence.
Of course it's her right.

Still, Geller is, and has been for a long time - a sick, ugly, racist, hatemongering fucknut.

OK-----can you provide a rationale for your claim. Has she advocated anything like "DEATH TO MUSLIMS" chants
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.
These, and ISIS as well, are not 'radical' Islamists.
They are Orthodox Islamists. They are following the literal translation of the Quran
Says the amateur dilettante. Trot along.
Disprove my statement Fake.
That's why the White House, or Obama, won't use the term 'radical Islam.
They're not radical. They are following the letter of the law

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