Shootout at Pamela Geller's Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas

Thank God they didn't try to do what those assholes in Baltimore want to do to cops......disarm them...arrest them....and put them behind bars.

Btw, Michael Moore has no comment.
This Geller is not a very genuine person, I believe. She sure is adept at prevarication, though.

really? you got an example of her "prevarication"??
What is the American Freedom Defense Initiative -

Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center

She runs a hate group.

because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
so far the cops are not releasing information about the muzzie
scum who attacked the Pam Geller et al picnic. Sit tight----
it is going to get interesting

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.

Oh-----I know so little about OG BILE------other than the bitter stuff he spews into cyberspace
because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.

Oh-----I know so little about OG BILE------other than the bitter stuff he spews into cyberspace
Cute. What would you like to know?
because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

I do not agree that Pam Geller is a "hateful" person Nor do I find her actions "hateful" People who instigate
HARM to others are hateful. Has anything she said instigated murder? Has she advocated murder? Has she pulled a gun on anyone or has someone done so BECAUSE of her?
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.

Oh-----I know so little about OG BILE------other than the bitter stuff he spews into cyberspace
Cute. What would you like to know?

whatever you wish to divulge. Please feel free
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.
These, and ISIS as well, are not 'radical' Islamists.
They are Orthodox Islamists. They are following the literal translation of the Quran
Says the amateur dilettante. Trot along.
This Geller is not a very genuine person, I believe. She sure is adept at prevarication, though.

really? you got an example of her "prevarication"??
What is the American Freedom Defense Initiative -

Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center

She runs a hate group.

because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

what "actions"???? whom did she kill, or rape, or pillage?

You think you need to rape or kill to get that designation?

"Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.
Through her website, Geller has promulgated some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories found on the extreme right, including claims that President Obama is the love child of Malcolm X, that Obama was once involved with a "crack whore," that his birth certificate is a forgery, that his late mother posed nude for pornographic photos, and that he was a Muslim in his youth who never renounced Islam.

She has described Obama as beholden to his "Islamic overlords" and said that he wants jihad to be victorious in America. In April 2011, Geller accused Obama of withholding evidence in the then-upcoming trial of accused Fort Hood mass murderer Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

Geller uses her website to publish her most revolting insults of Muslims: She posted (and later removed) a video implying that Muslims practiced bestiality with goats and a cartoon depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad with a pig's face (observant Muslims do not eat pork). Geller also has denied the genocide of Bosnian Muslims by Serbian forces in Srebrenica – calling it the "Srebrenica Genocide Myth," even though the Serbian government itself issued a state apology for the massacre. She wrote, "Westerners are admitting to their role in something that didn't happen, and digging their own graves."

Geller will ally with virtually any individual or movement that expresses stridently anti-Muslim sentiments, no matter how otherwise repugnant. As a result, she has frequently rubbed shoulders with elements of white radicalism. In 2009, Geller was invited to address the German far-right organization Pro Köln [Cologne], described as a successor group to the neo-fascist German League for People and Homeland. Pro Köln at the time was under investigation by the German authorities because of its defamation of foreigners and suspected violations of "human dignity." As of early 2011, Pro Köln was officially deemed a right-wing extremist group by the German authorities.

Geller is an enthusiastic fan of Dutch anti-Muslim extremist Geert Wilders. He was charged in 2009 with hate-incitement in the Netherlands, but not convicted. She invited Wilders to speak at the June 2010 "Ground Zero Mosque" rally. In June 2010, Geller spoke at an event in Paris put on by the Bloc Identitaire, which opposes race-mixing and "Islamic imperialism."

Geller invited the notorious British anti-Muslim group English Defence League (EDL) to her September 2010 anti-mosque rally in New York. The previous May, a report by the British newspaper The Guardian revealed the EDL as thugs who hold anti-Muslim protests intended to provoke violence. Because of its racism and history, the EDL's leader, Tommy Robinson, was denied entry at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and sent back to England.


In February 2011, she spoke favorably of Soviet leader Josef Stalin's forced relocation and genocide of Chechen Muslims after World War II, arguing – wrongly – that they were allied with Adolf Hitler. Historians say Chechens were fighting to preserve their own freedom and culture.


Geller's anti-Muslim stance has also drawn the admiration of white nationalist and even neo-Nazi proponents on the extreme right – a rather remarkable feat, considering she is Jewish. She has been the subject of positive postings on racist websites such as Stormfront, VDARE, American Renaissance and the neo-Confederate League of the South.

Geller was one of several prominent anti-Muslim activists cited by the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik in the manifesto he posted online hours before killing 77 of his countrymen, mostly teenagers, at a left-wing youth camp in August 2011.

In the wake of the attack, Geller downplayed the influence of her views on Breivik, making much of the fact that his screed had only mentioned her by name once. This conveniently ignored the manifesto’s dozen citations of her blog and 64 mentions of her SIOA partner, Robert Spencer.

At the same time, Geller couldn’t help displaying some sympathy for Breivik’s actions against the young multiculturalists. “Breivik,” she wrote, “was targeting the future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims.”
Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center
This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.

If, by progressive, you mean "mindless and hypocritical", then you are spot-on. Identity politics is unconcerned with principles, as it only seeks to establish an easily understood method for establishing correct and incorrect speech based upon the identity of the potential target.

if this were all about " "Piss Christ receiving a national endowment for the arts, these same numb-nuts would be all over it , claiming it was anybody who objected to it in even the smallest way (much less shooting people over it) who were the......wait for it......wait for it......"haters".
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For actions NOT BEING ISLAM--------lots of muslims do seem to think differently. ---------in fact they openly state that
their actions ARE ---entirely MUSLIM
Fear would be not holding the event.

Everyone who organized and went and drew is the antithesis of letting fear guide them.

Religion is ass, these are just more reasons
Hate isn't the antithesis of fear
Comedians roasting through art is not hate, either.
You bet. But then , that's not what 5his was about, was it?
Its a just cause, in my opinion. One id take up myself, and i consider myself moral for whatever that is worth.

Religious dogma doesnt rule me, nor do i respect it. ANY of it. And Muhammad was a tyrant, thats just history.

And also violence against free speech is reprehensible in a civilized world. The answer is quite clearly to draw these disgusting ants out of the wood work to be destroyed.
because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

who is "your side"??

This was a reply to ogbillm. His side is the progressive side, the "we don;t want to debate, so we call everything hate" side.
That she is a hateful person isn't up for debate. Her actions make that clear

More opinions being passed on as fact.
Some things are so clear that there is no legitimate counter argument. Do you believe that Geller does not hate muslims?

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