Shootout at Pamela Geller's Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas

If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.
These, and ISIS as well, are not 'radical' Islamists.
They are Orthodox Islamists. They are following the literal translation of the Quran

I just heard Geller say the same thing on CNN.
This Geller is not a very genuine person, I believe. She sure is adept at prevarication, though.
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.
These, and ISIS as well, are not 'radical' Islamists.
They are Orthodox Islamists. They are following the literal translation of the Quran

I just heard Geller say the same thing on CNN.
Don't look at me. Wife has hgtv on
If the dynamic of the world is that there's a group of barbaric thugs who kill people because you draw a cartoon of their religion's hero - - - - - -

and then you hold a gallery supporting doing just that - in what way is it not a free speech event?

its the whole point, to put your finger in the eye of people who would subjugate free speech through threats of and or actual violence.

It is only a free speech issue if the government prohibits said speech. This is a shining example of how we have untethered free speech.

Yes....the point of the event was to "put a finger in the eye of people". Period. It wasn't a free speech protest in any way.
people that deserve it.

and consequently, deserved their death.

for trying to speech.

I have already said that the outcome seems justified.

Free speech is not in peril here. Americans are not restrained from expressing opinions about Islam or Muslims. The existence of that event is proof of that.

Your turn.
That's all well and good, until you reach the point where you realize that the gunmen were attempting to suppress that Free Speech, and to intimidate others from exercising it, in that context, in future. With that in mind, they failed, and the folks in Texas made sure of that. Nicely done.
It could have just as easily gotten a bunch of people killed had the gunmen been better or more numerous, I find it irresponsible to hold an event like this when it could have been exclusively held on the internet.

In consideration of that which is going on in the world today---
I find your objection to be disgusting. Acquiecence to the filth you support GALVANIZES IT-------just this week your fellow scum
in Iraq were shitting and pissing on historic Christian shrines
as a SYMBOL of their GLORY and VICTORY----and your fellow scum in Iran are encouraging their stinking slut sisters and daughters to dance on the millions of dead babies their
brothers and sons murdered. In fact, in both places they are murdering in the name of the piece of filth who is subject of
Ms Geller's "contest"
[QUOTE="Statistikhengst, post: 11328058, member: 46168"]Who do you think the gunmen were.[/QUOTE]

America hating :assholes: like yourself, the only difference is you are too cowardly to pick up a gun and demonstrate, so that some cop or CCW holding citizen can legally shoot your stupid muslime ass. :fu:
The Los Angeles Times reported that a Twitter account bearing the name "Shariah is Light" posted a message with the hashtag "texasattack" at 6:35 p.m. Central Time. The account featured an image of Anwar Awlaki, an American-born cleric killed in 2011 by a drone strike in Yemen.

Moments later, authorities say two men pulled up in a car to the Curtis Culwell Center in the Dallas suburb of Garland, Texas and opened fire. A school security guard was injured in the ankle before police officers shot and killed both suspects. The gunmen had not been identified as of Monday morning and their bodies lay next to their car while police searched for a possible incendiary device.

ISIS-linked Twitter accounts reportedly claim responsibility for Texas shooting Fox News
Obama hope and chains is picking up speed now that his ISIS is on the march in America

America hating :assholes: like yourself, the only difference is you are too cowardly to pick up a gun and demonstrate, so that some cop or CCW holding citizen can legally shoot your stupid muslime ass. :fu:

Well said.

Punk bitches never been anywhere, done anything, fought for anything or anyone, defended anything or anyone, believe in nothing --

the perfect dimocrap. Gutless, nutless and brainless.

At least the towelheads, as fucked up as they are, are willing to fight for what they believe in. Of course, our guys promptly send them to meet Allah as soon as they do (pedophiles, woman-beaters and goat-fuckers don't make real good warriors)

dimocraps just cry like the little bitches they are. They're even lower than the pedophile goat fuckers

Or burn down their own neighborhoods.
Sounds pretty intolerant to me.

so where is the intolerance ? i am guessing you were born (?) into an anti-Christian family and was never baptized, or you were dipped in shit and stayed that way ever since.

:fu: joe:bsflag:
In a recent Pew poll, 2/3 of British Muslims supported making criticism of Islam a criminal offense. Wherever the jackboot of Islam prevails, there are already such laws, and so when Muslims emigrate, they do all in their power to establish the totalitarian nature of their quasi-religious political ideology.

The unintelligent, ignorant and reactive portion of the hard left just loves to trot out its simple-minded platitude "it's not all Muslims". They offer these platitudes and defend Islam at every opportunity because they don't know a fucking thing about it.

As to those making the sorts of outlandish statements of hatred directed against Geller about wishing her dead, I would ask why they have lent themselves so easily to the agenda of a totalitarian political ideology that allows no criticism?

Mere stupidity doesn't seem to really answer it.
Fear would be not holding the event.

Everyone who organized and went and drew is the antithesis of letting fear guide them.

Religion is ass, these are just more reasons
Hate isn't the antithesis of fear
Hate isn't the antithesis of fear

O.K., we get it. Drawing a picture of one particular mass murderer who fucked children should be verboten because doing so is double plus ungood.

Could you do us all a solid, though, and kindly provide a list of other mass-murderers or others who have fucked an 8 year old who people should not be allowed to draw?


I'm afraid of incurring your wrath were I to object to others who were in the business of killing people or fucking children.

The ANSWER is in the Koran -----(as I have been told by many muslims) I read the Koran and other than finding it
an idiot book which glorified a rapist pig-----I saw no actual
answers. BUT----muslim theologians have and from that
book they have elaborated LOTS OF ANSWERS. The answer to "insult" of their god-----both the allah thing and the rapist -------is KILL THEM The answer to "what to do with the holy sites and artificats of those who do not worship the rapist is SHIT AND PISS UPON IT. Just these past few
days-----We have seen the KORANIC answer to "we, the worshippers of the rapist pig CONTROL THE WATERWAYS and the path to conquest of Saudi Arabia is---------PIRATE ANY KAFFIR SHIPS THAT PAST BY ----because "they owe us money according to our own courts"

OK so that is the answer "COURT ORDERED DEBT"----

Reports from Texas is that so far----the GELLER people paid more than $30,000 dollars for security for their picnic
-----and then the meccaist pigs opened fire injuring one of the guards -----the koranic answer-??? SUE THE FUCKING UMMAH-------and grab anything they own either
in the USA or on the high seas----------
This Geller is not a very genuine person, I believe. She sure is adept at prevarication, though.

really? you got an example of her "prevarication"??
What is the American Freedom Defense Initiative -

Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center

She runs a hate group.

because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

what "actions"???? whom did she kill, or rape, or pillage?
This Geller is not a very genuine person, I believe. She sure is adept at prevarication, though.

really? you got an example of her "prevarication"??
What is the American Freedom Defense Initiative -

Pamela Geller Southern Poverty Law Center

She runs a hate group.

because the SPLC says so?
Because of her actions

Because you say so?

FYI, your side has called so many people haters, so many groups hate groups, and so many views hate that the word has lost all meaning.

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