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Shootout at Pamela Geller's Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas

There are no free speech issues surrounding this matter. The idea that this event was a free speech event is foolish.
If the dynamic of the world is that there's a group of barbaric thugs who kill people because you draw a cartoon of their religion's hero - - - - - -

and then you hold a gallery supporting doing just that - in what way is it not a free speech event?

its the whole point, to put your finger in the eye of people who would subjugate free speech through threats of and or actual violence.

It is only a free speech issue if the government prohibits said speech. This is a shining example of how we have untethered free speech.

Yes....the point of the event was to "put a finger in the eye of people". Period. It wasn't a free speech protest in any way.
people that deserve it.

and consequently, deserved their death.

for trying to shun....................free speech.

I have already said that the outcome seems justified.

Free speech is not in peril here. Americans are not restrained from expressing opinions about Islam or Muslims. The existence of that event is proof of that.

Your turn.
This whole thing was a provocative exercise in stupid. While I agree in principal to purpose of the event I feel it was stupid hold such a high profile public event with such a high potential for attack. Bound to attract haters from both sides of the issue. Organizers should be very thankful it turned out as it did.

good it worked out well-----it did serve a positive purpose
The point is that it didn't work out well except for people who hate, the Muslim haters got some more confirmation and Muslim extremists got some more martyrs. In the meantime people who would rather be peaceful and not hate people got exposed to potential attack and a working man has a gunshot wound to the leg. I said the organizers should be thankful simply because it could have been much worse.

OK ----you are right.....they should be thankful that their brave act did not turn out too badly---------I am sure they are.
"PEACEFUL" -------try to remember our American hero
PATRICK HENRY--------men cry peace, peace ---but there is no peace...........GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!
This whole thing was a provocative exercise in stupid. While I agree in principal to purpose of the event I feel it was stupid hold such a high profile public event with such a high potential for attack. Bound to attract haters from both sides of the issue. Organizers should be very thankful it turned out as it did.

good it worked out well-----it did serve a positive purpose
The point is that it didn't work out well except for people who hate, the Muslim haters got some more confirmation and Muslim extremists got some more martyrs. In the meantime people who would rather be peaceful and not hate people got exposed to potential attack and a working man has a gunshot wound to the leg. I said the organizers should be thankful simply because it could have been much worse.
It's not the fault of Islam... oh, and all the lions and the lambs should lie down together in peace... sheeeesh.. anybody got a barf-bag?
Being one of the few people on here who've actually met Ms. Geller (Bloomsbury Forum, London, 2011), she's little more than a hysterical, attention-seeking agitator riding the coat tails of serious hard-right movements.
This whole thing was a provocative exercise in stupid. While I agree in principal to purpose of the event I feel it was stupid hold such a high profile public event with such a high potential for attack. Bound to attract haters from both sides of the issue. Organizers should be very thankful it turned out as it did.

good it worked out well-----it did serve a positive purpose
The point is that it didn't work out well except for people who hate, the Muslim haters got some more confirmation and Muslim extremists got some more martyrs. In the meantime people who would rather be peaceful and not hate people got exposed to potential attack and a working man has a gunshot wound to the leg. I said the organizers should be thankful simply because it could have been much worse.
Oh, and the lions and the lambs will lie down together in peace... sheeeesh.. anybody got a barf-bag?

not nice-------bibilical poetry---------its just symbolic stuff----
like Edgar Allen Poe-------"quoth the raven---NEVERMORE...."

And screw the Old Testament, which is superseded by The New.

Was it? Jesus didn't think so.

MATTHEW 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

God and Jesus didn't change, we did. Which is why Christians kept burning witches and owning slaves and oppressing gays until we finally decided, "Hey, that shit is wrong" with no help from Jesus.
Being one of the few people on here who've actually met Ms. Geller (Bloomsbury Forum, London, 2011), she's little more than a hysterical, attention-seeking agitator riding the coat tails of serious hard-right movements.

LOL------you limeys know all about that TYPE
This whole thing was a provocative exercise in stupid. While I agree in principal to purpose of the event I feel it was stupid hold such a high profile public event with such a high potential for attack. Bound to attract haters from both sides of the issue. Organizers should be very thankful it turned out as it did.

good it worked out well-----it did serve a positive purpose
The point is that it didn't work out well except for people who hate, the Muslim haters got some more confirmation and Muslim extremists got some more martyrs. In the meantime people who would rather be peaceful and not hate people got exposed to potential attack and a working man has a gunshot wound to the leg. I said the organizers should be thankful simply because it could have been much worse.
It's not the fault of Islam... oh, and all the lions and the lambs should lie down together in peace... sheeeesh.. anybody got a barf-bag?
I'm sorry the idea of peacefulness is so distasteful to you, I really am.
There are no free speech issues surrounding this matter. The idea that this event was a free speech event is foolish.
If the dynamic of the world is that there's a group of barbaric thugs who kill people because you draw a cartoon of their religion's hero - - - - - -

and then you hold a gallery supporting doing just that - in what way is it not a free speech event?

its the whole point, to put your finger in the eye of people who would subjugate free speech through threats of and or actual violence.

It is only a free speech issue if the government prohibits said speech. This is a shining example of how we have untethered free speech.

Yes....the point of the event was to "put a finger in the eye of people". Period. It wasn't a free speech protest in any way.
people that deserve it.

and consequently, deserved their death.

for trying to shun....................free speech.

I have already said that the outcome seems justified.

Free speech is not in peril here. Americans are not restrained from expressing opinions about Islam or Muslims. The existence of that event is proof of that.

Your turn.
I'm not talking about speech being free within the law.

I'm talking about free speech within the context of being able to say whatever the heart desires without fear of the physical threat of death the jihadists impose on said speech.

I'm not conflating the two types of "free," I'm pointing out that there are people attempting to curb free speech on their own through violence and the answer is to use more of that speech.

I think I'll draw a picture of mohammad and jesus making out and post in on my front door.
This whole thing was a provocative exercise in stupid. While I agree in principal to purpose of the event I feel it was stupid hold such a high profile public event with such a high potential for attack. Bound to attract haters from both sides of the issue. Organizers should be very thankful it turned out as it did.

good it worked out well-----it did serve a positive purpose
The point is that it didn't work out well except for people who hate, the Muslim haters got some more confirmation and Muslim extremists got some more martyrs. In the meantime people who would rather be peaceful and not hate people got exposed to potential attack and a working man has a gunshot wound to the leg. I said the organizers should be thankful simply because it could have been much worse.
It's not the fault of Islam... oh, and all the lions and the lambs should lie down together in peace... sheeeesh.. anybody got a barf-bag?
I'm sorry the idea of peacefulness is so distasteful to you, I really am.

I learned all about the PEACE OF ISLAM-----from muslims way back circa 1970. I understand the concept very well.
I grew up in a Nazi town and learned about the "PEACE"
of the slave plantations from my Nazi wasp neighbors way
back circa 1960

And screw the Old Testament, which is superseded by The New.

Was it? Jesus didn't think so.

MATTHEW 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

God and Jesus didn't change, we did. Which is why Christians kept burning witches and owning slaves and oppressing gays until we finally decided, "Hey, that shit is wrong" with no help from Jesus.
Jesus was playing to a crowd of locals.

The broader Gentile Church that sprang up after his death and that assembled the New Testament was very specific about the order of precedence.

But we digress.

Muslim primitivism is at the root of these present troubles.

Time to drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, if they want to live alongside us.

And, if not, go live somewhere where Sharia dominates.

As it never will, here.
Being one of the few people on here who've actually met Ms. Geller (Bloomsbury Forum, London, 2011), she's little more than a hysterical, attention-seeking agitator riding the coat tails of serious hard-right movements.
Cool... that works, too... she can be whatever-the-hell she wants to be... and has the right to... without getting shot-at.

It's not the person nor the exhibit at-issue here... it's about dragging a 7th Century mindset common amongst Muslims, into the 21st, here in The West.
There are no free speech issues surrounding this matter. The idea that this event was a free speech event is foolish.
If the dynamic of the world is that there's a group of barbaric thugs who kill people because you draw a cartoon of their religion's hero - - - - - -

and then you hold a gallery supporting doing just that - in what way is it not a free speech event?

its the whole point, to put your finger in the eye of people who would subjugate free speech through threats of and or actual violence.

It is only a free speech issue if the government prohibits said speech. This is a shining example of how we have untethered free speech.

Yes....the point of the event was to "put a finger in the eye of people". Period. It wasn't a free speech protest in any way.
people that deserve it.

and consequently, deserved their death.

for trying to shun....................free speech.

I have already said that the outcome seems justified.

Free speech is not in peril here. Americans are not restrained from expressing opinions about Islam or Muslims. The existence of that event is proof of that.

Your turn.
That's all well and good, until you reach the point where you realize that the gunmen were attempting to suppress that Free Speech, and to intimidate others from exercising it, in that context, in future. With that in mind, they failed, and the folks in Texas made sure of that. Nicely done.
There are no free speech issues surrounding this matter. The idea that this event was a free speech event is foolish.
If the dynamic of the world is that there's a group of barbaric thugs who kill people because you draw a cartoon of their religion's hero - - - - - -

and then you hold a gallery supporting doing just that - in what way is it not a free speech event?

its the whole point, to put your finger in the eye of people who would subjugate free speech through threats of and or actual violence.

It is only a free speech issue if the government prohibits said speech. This is a shining example of how we have untethered free speech.

Yes....the point of the event was to "put a finger in the eye of people". Period. It wasn't a free speech protest in any way.
people that deserve it.

and consequently, deserved their death.

for trying to shun....................free speech.

I have already said that the outcome seems justified.

Free speech is not in peril here. Americans are not restrained from expressing opinions about Islam or Muslims. The existence of that event is proof of that.

Your turn.
That's all well and good, until you reach the point where you realize that the gunmen were attempting to suppress that Free Speech, and to intimidate others from exercising it, in that context, in future. With that in mind, they failed, and the folks in Texas made sure of that. Nicely done.

Let the Muslims expand their war and it will end badly for them here.

They will be cut down like the gay dogs they are

Being one of the few people on here who've actually met Ms. Geller (Bloomsbury Forum, London, 2011), she's little more than a hysterical, attention-seeking agitator riding the coat tails of serious hard-right movements.
Cool... that works, too... she can be whatever-the-hell she wants to be... and has the right to... without getting shot-at.

It's not the person nor the exhibit at-issue here... it's about dragging a 7th Century mindset common amongst Muslims, into the 21st, here in The West.

the issue that interests me------something I know because
I came into contact with islamo Nazi propaganda way back
circa 1960-------really nasty CARTOONS are part and parcel of THEIR FILTH for a very long time. --------my
response to their indignation is WHO THE ***F*** DO "YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!!
There are no free speech issues surrounding this matter. The idea that this event was a free speech event is foolish.
If the dynamic of the world is that there's a group of barbaric thugs who kill people because you draw a cartoon of their religion's hero - - - - - -

and then you hold a gallery supporting doing just that - in what way is it not a free speech event?

its the whole point, to put your finger in the eye of people who would subjugate free speech through threats of and or actual violence.

It is only a free speech issue if the government prohibits said speech. This is a shining example of how we have untethered free speech.

Yes....the point of the event was to "put a finger in the eye of people". Period. It wasn't a free speech protest in any way.

That being said, what Geller is doing is well within her right. I vigorously fight for her right to be as much of an asshole as she wants to be.

Like I said, I'm waiting to hear the actual police information, you know, the people who are actually investigating this, and like you, I am unimpressed by partisan hack sites like ZeroHedge or Jihadist news......

Wait and see.

It's early in the morning in Texas right now. That day may be long...

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