Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities, Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities,

Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

21 Nov 2021 ~~ By Alicia Powe
Following a relentless effort by the Democrat establishment to demonize and defund the police, crime rates in deep-blue cities including New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and St. Louis are skyrocketing.
Muggings, vehicle break-ins, car jackings and homicides are surging in blue cities across the country amid the implementation of bail-reform laws that keep violent offenders out of jail and legislative measures that put the burden of liability on police officers while emboldening criminals.

“A staggering 80 percent of the officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined,” the publication notes.
According to the survey of 6,000 police officers, 78 percent said they don’t feel supported by the Department and 73 percent said the most effective cops fail to “receive appropriate recognition.”

This country is now run by thieves, and not just election thieves.
Should anyone be surprised that everyone is copying the example of the installed leaders?
A good read for this is the NY Times Opinion piece.
I'm surprised that the NY Times would write an opinion piece of this magnitude.

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities,

Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

21 Nov 2021 ~~ By Alicia Powe
Following a relentless effort by the Democrat establishment to demonize and defund the police, crime rates in deep-blue cities including New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and St. Louis are skyrocketing.
Muggings, vehicle break-ins, car jackings and homicides are surging in blue cities across the country amid the implementation of bail-reform laws that keep violent offenders out of jail and legislative measures that put the burden of liability on police officers while emboldening criminals.

“A staggering 80 percent of the officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined,” the publication notes.
According to the survey of 6,000 police officers, 78 percent said they don’t feel supported by the Department and 73 percent said the most effective cops fail to “receive appropriate recognition.”

This country is now run by thieves, and not just election thieves.
Should anyone be surprised that everyone is copying the example of the installed leaders?
A good read for this is the NY Times Opinion piece.
I'm surprised that the NY Times would write an opinion piece of this magnitude.

Only blue cities, I would opine they are also looting in red cities. Gateway pundit is a rag.
All cities that have huge population are run by Democrats, republicans can't handle the diversity or have the brains.
Yea sure. How’s that “diversity” working out for you in those large Dem run cities? Violent crimes have skyrocketed. Obviously Dem’s brilliant plan of defunding the police and being lenient with criminals is working out just great. Keep it up.

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities,

Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

21 Nov 2021 ~~ By Alicia Powe
Following a relentless effort by the Democrat establishment to demonize and defund the police, crime rates in deep-blue cities including New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and St. Louis are skyrocketing.
Muggings, vehicle break-ins, car jackings and homicides are surging in blue cities across the country amid the implementation of bail-reform laws that keep violent offenders out of jail and legislative measures that put the burden of liability on police officers while emboldening criminals.

“A staggering 80 percent of the officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined,” the publication notes.
According to the survey of 6,000 police officers, 78 percent said they don’t feel supported by the Department and 73 percent said the most effective cops fail to “receive appropriate recognition.”

This country is now run by thieves, and not just election thieves.
Should anyone be surprised that everyone is copying the example of the installed leaders?
A good read for this is the NY Times Opinion piece.
I'm surprised that the NY Times would write an opinion piece of this magnitude.

I'm not surprised that you're surprised...

Right wing media never allows self examination...if they do; the examiner is usually shown the door if they still have a career ahead of them.

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities,

Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

21 Nov 2021 ~~ By Alicia Powe
Following a relentless effort by the Democrat establishment to demonize and defund the police, crime rates in deep-blue cities including New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and St. Louis are skyrocketing.
Muggings, vehicle break-ins, car jackings and homicides are surging in blue cities across the country amid the implementation of bail-reform laws that keep violent offenders out of jail and legislative measures that put the burden of liability on police officers while emboldening criminals.

“A staggering 80 percent of the officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined,” the publication notes.
According to the survey of 6,000 police officers, 78 percent said they don’t feel supported by the Department and 73 percent said the most effective cops fail to “receive appropriate recognition.”

This country is now run by thieves, and not just election thieves.
Should anyone be surprised that everyone is copying the example of the installed leaders?
A good read for this is the NY Times Opinion piece.
I'm surprised that the NY Times would write an opinion piece of this magnitude.

At this point I no longer care. Let the Dems destroy their own cities. Let the largely “diverse” people (as Penelope likes to point out) be the victims and keep getting slaughtered.
I'm not surprised that you're surprised...

Right wing media never allows self examination...if they do; the examiner is usually shown the door if they still have a career ahead of them.
This post does not absolve democrats for 100% of the blame for allowing riots in cities under their control

All of that effort in the 90’s and 2000’s to rejuvenate cities will go to shit. If you are a high-end retailer, why put a store downtown? The business risks are too great: shoplifting, looting. If you try and mitigate the shoplifting and looting by hiring security for the stores, then you are going to run the risk of racial profiling lawsuits.

The better bet is to focus on the suburbs and online.

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities,

Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

21 Nov 2021 ~~ By Alicia Powe
Following a relentless effort by the Democrat establishment to demonize and defund the police, crime rates in deep-blue cities including New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and St. Louis are skyrocketing.
Muggings, vehicle break-ins, car jackings and homicides are surging in blue cities across the country amid the implementation of bail-reform laws that keep violent offenders out of jail and legislative measures that put the burden of liability on police officers while emboldening criminals.

“A staggering 80 percent of the officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined,” the publication notes.
According to the survey of 6,000 police officers, 78 percent said they don’t feel supported by the Department and 73 percent said the most effective cops fail to “receive appropriate recognition.”

This country is now run by thieves, and not just election thieves.
Should anyone be surprised that everyone is copying the example of the installed leaders?
A good read for this is the NY Times Opinion piece.
I'm surprised that the NY Times would write an opinion piece of this magnitude.

I'm not surprised that you're surprised...

Right wing media never allows self examination...if they do; the examiner is usually shown the door if they still have a career ahead of them.
What a fucking totally brainwashed moron you are.......lolol...............Get the dried shit stuck in your eye sockets removed commie fukterd
All cities that have huge population are run by Democrats, republicans can't handle the diversity or have the brains.

Then why has crime gone up significantly in democrat run states and cities the past years vs republican ones?
Damned dude your sense of humor is outstanding.....lololol

Our thieves are getting soft and out of shape, remember the old days when they had 2 tvs in arms running faster than Jessee Owens ever did
Yeah, and they were those big assed TUBE TV's that weighed tons...........not these all microchip TV's that weigh 5 pounds.

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