Shoplifting is legal in wacko lib california

You have it backwards. The YouTube videos are deflecting from the real issue of wage inequity in California. Working class and even middle class workers are having difficulty affording, housing, clothing, and food and they’re working full-time.

The shoplifting, homelessness and crime are all symptoms of poverty and inequity in the wealthiest state in the union.

Those people aren't shoplifting, it's dedicated criminal gangs, homeless drug users, and other society welches doing it.

The working/middle class people are the ones stuck dealing with this shit, having their shit stolen, themselves threatened, their stores closed, and if the stores are open their shopping turning into hour long slogs of getting employees to open secure display cases for them to buy things as simple as disposable shaving razors.
Those people aren't shoplifting, it's dedicated criminal gangs, homeless drug users, and other society welches doing it.

The working/middle class people are the ones stuck dealing with this shit, having their shit stolen, themselves threatened, their stores closed, and if the stores are open their shopping turning into hour long slogs of getting employees to open secure display cases for them to buy things as simple as disposable shaving razors.

Society’s welchers?? You mean people who lack the skills, resources or resiliency to deal with an economy that crashes every time a Republican is in the White House??

It would seem to me that “society’s welchers” are the leaders from both parties who promised them that if they got a good education and worked hard, they could live the American Dream. And then left them mired in student debt, with wages that don’t even cover the cost of decent housing.

Drug addiction, homelessness, alcohol, alcoholism are all the diseases of despair.

You used to mock the alcoholism of the Soviet Union, as proof, positive the failure of communism. Drug addiction, homelessness, and the petty crime that comes from poverty are symptoms that your “capitalism on steroids” has failed.

At least Democrats are finally acknowledging that and trying to reverse the worst results of unfunded tax cuts, stagnant wages, financial enslavement of low income students to lifelong student debt, and worst wage and wealth inequity in the first world.

It’s time for working people on the right to embrace reality and stop believing right wing lies.
Society welchers?? You mean people who, like the skills resources are resiliency to deal with an economy that they’re shit out of?? It would seem to me that “societies welchers” are the leaders who promised them that if they got a good education and worked hard, they could live the American Dream. And then left the mired in student deb, debt with wages that don’t even cover the cost of decent housing.

Drug addiction, homelessness, alcohol, alcoholism are all the diseases of despair. You used to mock the alcoholism of the Soviet Union, as proof, positive the failure of communism.

Drug addiction, homelessness, and the petty crime that comes from poverty are symptoms that your “capitalism on steroids” has failed.

At least Democrats are finally acknowledging that and trying to reverse the worst results unfunded tax cuts, stagnant wages, financial enslavement of low income students to lifelong student debt, and worst wage and wealth inequity in the first world.

It’s time for working people on the right to embrace reality and stop believing right wing lies.

Diseases we refuse to treat properly, instead funding massive bureaucracies that do nothing to solve the issue, just perpetuate it.

It's never anyone's fault when they turn to crime, or addiction, or living off others. typical progressive bullshit.

Democrats are only throwing money at the problem, so they can feel better while people still die on the streets, and now grow into masses large enough to ruin local economies and standards of living.

But they throw money at the issue, so they can say they are "doing something"

Reality is treating the criminals as the victims is being taken advantage of by the criminals, because they are fucking criminals.

But a Limo progressive like yourself can make yourself feel better about it because you support throwing money at the problem. If people are still stuck in their addiction, mental illness, laziness, criminality and ruin other's lives because of it, "Oh well, at least I CARE"
Diseases we refuse to treat properly, instead funding massive bureaucracies that do nothing to solve the issue, just perpetuate it.

It's never anyone's fault when they turn to crime, or addiction, or living off others. typical progressive bullshit.

Democrats are only throwing money at the problem, so they can feel better while people still die on the streets, and now grow into masses large enough to ruin local economies and standards of living.

But they throw money at the issue, so they can say they are "doing something"

Reality is treating the criminals as the victims is being taken advantage of by the criminals, because they are fucking criminals.

But a Limo progressive like yourself can make yourself feel better about it because you support throwing money at the problem. If people are still stuck in their addiction, mental illness, laziness, criminality and ruin other's lives because of it, "Oh well, at least I CARE"

The solutions are simple. Raise wages for working people instead of increasing earned income credit. No other first world nations subsidizes the wages of their workers through tax credits paid for by the middle class. Make corporations pay their own damn workers.

This eliminates vast swaths of government bureaucracy, administration, means testing and disbursement of various government programs, in addition to the benefits paid out.

The wages paid by corporations are tax deductible. Every dollar of wages only costs the employer 79 cents. Every dollar of government benefits costs taxpayers $1.50 by the time you factor in administration and expenses.

When jobs were offshore and workers were displaced, the government did nothing for the workers. They did give the corporations tax breaks to move their infrastructure and equipment to a foreign country though.

In Ontario, we had the same hollowing out of automobile manufacturing as the American Midwest. But the Canadian government immediately launched retraining programs for the displaced workers with income supports while they retrained. We didn’t have a massive unemployment and displacement.

The Canadian government also has an entrepreneur program for people, wanting to start a new businesses which provide mentorship, access to a business, incubator, and income supports for the first year. This program has a very, very high success rate in new business start ups

General Motors went from 20,000 employees and contractors prior to NAFTA, to fewer than 3000 today and that number was recently boosted by the reopening of an electric vehicle manufacturing plant employing 2000 workers. Despite the fact that 20,000 people in a city of 120,000 people were thrown out of work, Oshawa continued to thrive, as did Oakville (Ford) and Windsor (Chrysler).

Why does the conservative solution always seek to harshly punish people for being poor? You already have more people in jail than any other nation on earth and it’s not solving your problems with crime? You’re out of room. You can’t lock up any more people than you already have. It’s time to look at other solutions.

Creating programs to educate and train displaced workers is not “throwing money at the problem”.

I do agree that some of the @housing the homeless programs” in California make my eyes roll. The conversion of shipping containers to housing at a cost of $300,000 per unit spings immediately to mind.

Couldn’t you just build new apartment buildings for less than $300,000 per unit? The whole program smacked of porkbarreling for the construction companies that would do the conversion. The state would be awarding contracts to big construction companies for the conversion.

They could just give $300,000 away to every homeless family to for housing and it still would be cheaper than this boondoggle. And no, I am not suggesting that’s what they do.

A “limo liberal” I am not. After my father died, when I was 11 years old, my mother was left, literally penniless. I’m a bootstraps gal. I got a paper route when I was 12 and I didn’t stop working until I was 66. I’m a bootstraps gal.

I’m still working on my crafting business. It was originally incorporated under the entrepreneurs program in the year summer of 2000, but after 9/11, the market dried up and I returned to Bay Street, picking it up again after I retired. Now it’s my travel fund.
You have it backwards. The YouTube videos are deflecting from the real issue of wage inequity in California. Working class and even middle class workers are having difficulty affording, housing, clothing, and food and they’re working full-time.

The shoplifting, homelessness and crime are all symptoms of poverty and inequity in the wealthiest state in the union.

You know nothing of Ca
The solutions are simple. Raise wages for working people instead of increasing earned income credit. No other first world nations subsidizes the wages of their workers through tax credits paid for by the middle class. Make corporations pay their own damn workers.

This eliminates vast swaths of government bureaucracy, administration, means testing and disbursement of various government programs, in addition to the benefits paid out.

The wages paid by corporations are tax deductible. Every dollar of wages only costs the employer 79 cents. Every dollar of government benefits costs taxpayers $1.50 by the time you factor in administration and expenses.

When jobs were offshore and workers were displaced, the government did nothing for the workers. They did give the corporations tax breaks to move their infrastructure and equipment to a foreign country though.

In Ontario, we had the same hollowing out of automobile manufacturing as the American Midwest. But the Canadian government immediately launched retraining programs for the displaced workers with income supports while they retrained. We didn’t have a massive unemployment and displacement.

The Canadian government also has an entrepreneur program for people, wanting to start a new businesses which provide mentorship, access to a business, incubator, and income supports for the first year. This program has a very, very high success rate in new business start ups

General Motors went from 20,000 employees and contractors prior to NAFTA, to fewer than 3000 today and that number was recently boosted by the reopening of an electric vehicle manufacturing plant employing 2000 workers. Despite the fact that 20,000 people in a city of 120,000 people were thrown out of work, Oshawa continued to thrive, as did Oakville (Ford) and Windsor (Chrysler).

Why does the conservative solution always seek to harshly punish people for being poor? You already have more people in jail than any other nation on earth and it’s not solving your problems with crime? You’re out of room. You can’t lock up any more people than you already have. It’s time to look at other solutions.

Creating programs to educate and train displaced workers is not “throwing money at the problem”.

I do agree that some of the @housing the homeless programs” in California make my eyes roll. The conversion of shipping containers to housing at a cost of $300,000 per unit spings immediately to mind.

Couldn’t you just build new apartment buildings for less than $300,000 per unit? The whole program smacked of porkbarreling for the construction companies that would do the conversion. The state would be awarding contracts to big construction companies for the conversion.

They could just give $300,000 away to every homeless family to for housing and it still would be cheaper than this boondoggle. And no, I am not suggesting that’s what they do.

A “limo liberal” I am not. After my father died, when I was 11 years old, my mother was left, literally penniless. I’m a bootstraps gal. I got a paper route when I was 12 and I didn’t stop working until I was 66. I’m a bootstraps gal.

I’m still working on my crafting business. It was originally incorporated under the entrepreneurs program in the year summer of 2000, but after 9/11, the market dried up and I returned to Bay Street, picking it up again after I retired. Now it’s my travel fund.

Living in some podunk part of Canada doesn't equip you to realize the issues in large Urban cities.

The people addicted and the hardened criminals could care less about a living wage. The number of people poor and trying to fix themselves is small, because those are the ones that ACTUALLY GET OUT OF THE SYSTEM.

The assholes and sick stay in the system, and the governments throw money at them and let them fester in the streets in the name of some sort of dignity.
Living in some podunk part of Canada doesn't equip you to realize the issues in large Urban cities.

The people addicted and the hardened criminals could care less about a living wage. The number of people poor and trying to fix themselves is small, because those are the ones that ACTUALLY GET OUT OF THE SYSTEM.

The assholes and sick stay in the system, and the governments throw money at them and let them fester in the streets in the name of some sort of dignity.

I retired to a Podunk part of Ontario after living and working in downtown Toronto for more than 30 years, the last 20 years of which were spent working on Bay Steet for some of the largest law firms in the world, on deals that affect the economies of nations. I’m not even gonna try to name drop the people that I worked with or the deals I worked on because you’d just call me a liar. One of the partners at last firm I worked for was a former Premier of Ontario.

I worked next door to Trump Tower, and watched it being built and saw his incompetence firsthand. It took him 7 years to break ground - average development time in Toronto is 2 years. 5 years of additional interest, property taxes, and legal fees, and higher development costs.

I worked on development deals similar to Trump Tower, so I understand the structures and financing. My small cog job was “due diligence” on the agreements and closings. Fact checking every claim the other side made. And preparing mortgages, debentures and financing, etc.

There is no way I was ever going to be able to afford to retire in Toronto. I can’t afford seasons tickets to the Jays Games anymore, or seats at the ballet. Now both are once a year treats.

I opted to return to small town life in a lakeside town on the Niagara Escarpment. It’s rated one of the best places in Canada to retire.
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I retired to a Podunk part of Ontario after living and working in downtown Toronto for more than 30 years, the last 20 years of which were spent working on Bay Steet for some of the largest law firms in the world, on deals that affect the economies of nations. I’m not even gonna try to name drop the people that I worked with or the deals I worked on because you’d just call me a liar. One of the partners at last firm I worked for was a former Premier of Ontario.

I worked next door to Trump Tower, and watched it being built and saw his incompetence firsthand. It took him 7 years to break ground - average development time in Toronto is 2 years. 5 years of additional interest, property taxes, and legal fees, and higher development costs.

I worked on development deals similar to Trump Tower, so I understand the structures and financing. My small cog job was “due diligence” on the agreements and closings. Fact checking every claim the other side made. And preparing mortgages, debentures and financing, etc.

There is no way I was ever going to be able to afford to retire in Toronto. I can’t afford seasons tickets to the Jays Games anymore, or seats at the ballet. Now both are once a year treats.

I opted to return to small town life in a lakeside town on the Niagara Escarpment. It’s rated one of the best places in Canada to retire.

Toronto is NYC lite, the diet coke of NYC. you also don't have the underclass we have, or the massive illegal immigration we have.

It's like comparing apples to switchblades.

And why are your bringing in Trump to this, Good god the TDS is jammed in your twat.
Toronto is NYC lite, the diet coke of NYC. you also don't have the underclass we have, or the massive illegal immigration we have.

It's like comparing apples to switchblades.

And why are your bringing in Trump to this, Good god the TDS is jammed in your twat.
Wait what... non US citizen trying to claim they know the cause and affect of CA? HA... that laughable. CA has people and businesses fleeing that state like it's the plague. CA carries some of the highest taxation in the country.
Literally everything causes cancer in CA. They have some of the tightest restrictions on emissions in the world (yet the rich and elite have their choppers and private jets). Criminals are getting away with practically everything.

CA should secede from the union, become its own country so the rest of the US could watch it crumble, Then, when CA is crying for "assistance" bring it back into the nation, while restarting the state with fresh bipartisan politicians who won't run it into the shiter again.
Wait what... non US citizen trying to claim they know the cause and affect of CA? HA... that laughable. CA has people and businesses fleeing that state like it's the plague. CA carries some of the highest taxation in the country.
Literally everything causes cancer in CA. They have some of the tightest restrictions on emissions in the world (yet the rich and elite have their choppers and private jets). Criminals are getting away with practically everything.

CA should secede from the union, become its own country so the rest of the US could watch it crumble, Then, when CA is crying for "assistance" bring it back into the nation, while restarting the state with fresh bipartisan politicians who won't run it into the shiter again.

What killed most Blue States was Board of Estimates vs. Morris, which eliminated the concept of a Senate like body in State and Local governments that was based on geography, and not population.

Once that was removed, large cities could control entire States, and in many cases made a bicameral legislature pointless.
Might wanna check again. No, it hasn't been decriminalized. It has simply been reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor.
That’s close enough to to qualify as legalized theft

The cops write them a ticket and they throw it away

No big deal to the criminals
Its decriminalized under $950

Thats why major retailers are closing stores on cities like San Francisco
Shoplifting is NOT decriminalized, liar. It is a misdemeanor subject to jail time and/or a fine.

It was formerly a misdemeanor under $450, but due to inflation over the decades, it has been upped to $950.
That’s close enough to to qualify as legalized theft

The cops write them a ticket and they throw it away

No big deal to the criminals

You don't get a ticket. You get a court date with a fine of up to 1,000 and possible jail time up to 6 months if you are convicted of shoplifting. Like I said, you might wanna check again, as you are showing yourself to be full of crap.

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