Shot in the Head in the Kroger parking Lot

This is why I don’t go into public unarmed… EVER!!!!

I would guess there was some kind of exchange between them either inside the store or outside.
The murderer probably felt "disrespected" in some way. Or maybe just a psycho with mental issues.

either way.....this didn't exist 50 years ago.
This is a sure sign of widespread social sickness that is not being addressed.
When people can take a life so casually, we are all in trouble.

Again...the price we will pay for doing nothing.
Thoughts and prayers. That should fix everything. Well that plus more guns. Those two things.

Your people are the root cause of this.
insane Leftist policies.
Even Stevie Wonder can see that. It's plain as day and you are an asshole for not admitting it.

It's not the guns. It's horrendous Leftist policies and inept government intervention where it should not be.

Guns have been a part of American culture for over 300 years.
Only since Progressive policies and Marxist policies have been allowed to flourish has gun violence become a problem.
The prisons are already full. And orders are whitey must pay anyway.
She'll be back on the streets by 5:00

One mo time......The price for doing nothing will be steep and painful....and will eventually affect you personally.
The prisons are full because we are locking up the wrong people
There are more people in jail for simple drug possession and property crimes than there are violent offenders.

Prison should be reserved for the mot violent criminals

But drug use and property crimes are destroying American society as well.
We can't just ignore the problem or we'll end up like SanFrancisco coast to coast.

But I agree, they are releasing violent criminals in Blue states. Many should be summarily executed after trial.

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