Shot in the Head in the Kroger parking Lot

Thoughts and prayers. That should fix everything. Well that plus more guns. Those two things.

We know you don't......
But Christians believe in a loving God so prayers are that her soul will be with God

Completely alien concept for you
Yours will be lit up burning like a roman candle in a barrel of gasoline
I would guess there was some kind of exchange between them either inside the store or outside.
The murderer probably felt "disrespected" in some way. Or maybe just a psycho with mental issues.

either way.....this didn't exist 50 years ago.
This is a sure sign of widespread social sickness that is not being addressed.
When people can take a life so casually, we are all in trouble.

Again...the price we will pay for doing nothing.
Still, Progs did this. They did it good.
Thoughts and prayers. That should fix everything. Well that plus more guns. Those two things.
You would e lucky if that is the end game. Civilizations exterminate people when they need to. Progs have destroyed us. Instead of equality and inclusion we have had equity and people who live on the edge of society given the reins of power. This is your show.
would guess there was some kind of exchange between them either inside the store or outside.
The murderer probably felt "disrespected" in some way. Or maybe just a psycho with mental issues
You’re almost certainly correct. I do my best to avoid interactions with people in public, but watch people as closely as I can.
either way.....this didn't exist 50 years ago.
This is a sure sign of widespread social sickness that is not being addressed.
When people can take a life so casually, we are all in trouble.

Again...the price we will pay for doing nothing
We are definitely in societal decline. I doubt most would disagree. Unfortunately there’s only so much we can do.

This murderer doesn't owe a "debt" to society, but to the MOTHER and her children.

She is clearly incapable of supporting these orphaned kids, so the only JUST answer is she go into slavery and be forced off her lazy ass and WORK to pay for those kids at least until they reach the age of 21.

That is how we solve this problem.

This murderer doesn't owe a "debt" to society, but to the MOTHER and her children.

She is clearly incapable of supporting these orphaned kids, so the only JUST answer is she go into slavery and be forced off her lazy ass and WORK to pay for those kids at least until they reach the age of 21.

That is how we solve this problem.
Yeah but the bleeding hearts will take pity on the slaves. I say let the mother and the children exact whatever revenge they want on the perp. Then kill the perp.
Everywhere in the Western world has about the same problem w/mental issues.

Casualty of modernity.

The one thing they don't have, is these many gun-related deaths.

Try again rightwingers.
For the millionth time, it's not the guns. It's angry, mentally ill people pushed over the edge. Drugs, being poor and Democrats that inflame them 24/7 are causative factors.

If you vanished every single gun in the country right now all the criminals would still be here.

But of course it's not guns fault. If it were we would all be dead because there are more guns than Americans.
I would guess there was some kind of exchange between them either inside the store or outside.
The murderer probably felt "disrespected" in some way. Or maybe just a psycho with mental issues.

either way.....this didn't exist 50 years ago.
This is a sure sign of widespread social sickness that is not being addressed.
When people can take a life so casually, we are all in trouble.

Again...the price we will pay for doing nothing.
Well as much as you like to blame conservatives for doing nothing, outside of vigilantism, all we can do is vote, and most of the time a candidate once elected, immediately starts trying to get reelected. I am certain that as time goes, vigilantism will become more popular, they should give that woman 30 minutes to say good bye, and get right with God should she choose, and then send her to meet Him .
Everywhere in the Western world has about the same problem w/mental issues.

Casualty of modernity.

The one thing they don't have, is these many gun-related deaths.

Try again rightwingers.
This was a hate crime, murders are like that and she shot her because she was white change my mind
The one thing they don't have, is these many gun-related deaths.

Try again rightwingers
The rest of the world is full of gutless, worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen who have, for centuries, accepted being stuck under the boot of their Government.

This is largely because most of these nations were formerly monarchies, where the citizens had no rights to begin with. This allowed their Governments to claim to embrace freedom and Liberty while in reality never act giving the citizens anything of the sort. They still exist under the Government boot and always will.

Americans, on the other hand proved willing to KILL and MAIM to obtain, maintain, and protect our ability to think for and govern ourselves independently from the Government and to replace that Government if/when necessary. We do this by maintaining the private ownership of arms.

If you are so disgusted by this, feel free to relocate somimore to your liking.

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