Shots fired at Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood airport. 5 casualties as of now

Update: Active shooter at #FLL. Shelter in place. Airport closed.
I hope the POS people on both extremes are proud of their blaming who they hate. Dancing on graves to make a political point is despicable.
Total Chaos, people look like ants running every which way on the tarmac...
Hey, guys! Ya think it might be a Muslim?
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The pseudocons are hoping its a Muslim.

If not a Muslim, a negro.

If not a negro, a Mexican.

But they're not bigots or anything.
G5000 hopes its a white man, Trump supporter.
I'm hoping it is Elvis.
you are one sick POS, like dancing on graves do ya.
I didn't rush here to start a topic hoping Muslims were behind the shooting, retard.
Well, as most of these shootings are either Muslims yelling "god is great" or an upset progressive snowflakes...
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He killed 5 and wounded 8 more with a 9 mm at a Florida airport baggage claim. He was Captured, not shot. I didn't hear anymore than that.
Esteban Santiago has been identified as the gunman who opened fire at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

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This could be anything from a disgruntled passenger to an angry Trump supporter

Why would a Trump supporter be angry...moron....he won...

The only violence we have seen is anti Trump violence....the most recent were the 4 blacks torturing a handicapped White teenager and yelling anti white, anti Trump crap at him.......and the organized violence created by bob craemer and scott foval on orders from the Democrat National Committee and the hilary clinton campaign...which they admitted to on video....

Do you just pretend to be this stupid on the internet...or are you actually this stupid in real life?
Witness John Schichler described how a slender, gun-wielding man in a blue "Star Wars" shirt began randomly firing at people.

The suspect - who reportedly has a military ID - was able to reload his weapon at least once during the shooting, John told MSNBC.

Horror as multiple dead as gunman goes on rampage at airport

All of that is to be taken with a giant grain of salt.
This could be anything from a disgruntled passenger to an angry Trump supporter

Now why would it be an angry Trump supporter? haven't we seen enough fake reports of Trump supporters comiting racist and xenophobic acts in the name of Trump? fake stories dreampt up by disgruntled Hillary supporters?

Most likely, it was an angry Hillary supporter egged on by the fake news stories of the left. Or maybe just a crazy guy, who knows.
The pseudocons are hoping its a Muslim.

If not a Muslim, a negro.

If not a negro, a Mexican.

But they're not bigots or anything.
G5000 hopes its a white man, Trump supporter.
I'm hoping it is Elvis.
you are one sick POS, like dancing on graves do ya.
I didn't rush here to start a topic hoping Muslims were behind the shooting, retard.
you joined right in tho didnt ya

One thing for sure, he's a gun owner.
Hey, man. Don't be harshing Rustic's buzz.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

I hope the POS people on both extremes are proud of their blaming who they hate. Dancing on graves to make a political point is despicable.

The assholes can't help themselves.
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