Should 24-Hour News Cycles Be Constrained?

Should 24 hour news stations be curbed for the sake of social stability?

  • Nope. Money is money. It comes first. Social issues second.

  • Yes, it has gotten out of hand. People learn and imitate what they see all the time.

  • Other, see my post.

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Most of a typical cable news channel's programming for any given day is not news. It's comments and opinions about the news. It would be as if your local paper had one page of news and ten editorial pages, not the other way around.

You should try watching FOX News and become informed. Yep, they have both opinion programs, well indicated as such, and their news programs. Both of which always display both sides of issues.

As for newspapers. Are they still being printed? They had their noses up in the air when the internet came about. They believed their own news clippings and believed they would be around forever. The internet was just a passing fad.

Today newspapers are nothing but Progressive opinion publications. The New York Times has set the stage for their opinion page now being on the front page and MAYBE one page of actual news...if there was a disaster.
You should try watching FOX News and become informed.


If you want to be misinformed or have breaking news that's 2 days old, tune into FNC! They're pathetic and I should know; been watching since '97 with lineup of O'Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, and Crier!" They make news by making mistakes, puting a "D" behind a Republican's name that's been indicted or being prosecuted, and bemoans how bad Dems are in comparison to saintly Republicans! As long as they reported the facts, I was fine with how they slanted their news; now it's more about commentary and opinion and is unwatchable even though I push myself! The only program I can watch from beginning to end is Sat.'s, "Journal Editorial Report" & Sun.'s "Mediabuzz!" The rest has to be taken with a grain of salt! The only anchors I have any respect for are Shepard Smith and Brett Baier on "Special Report!" ;-/

You have them confused with PMSNBC!
Most of a typical cable news channel's programming for any given day is not news. It's comments and opinions about the news. It would be as if your local paper had one page of news and ten editorial pages, not the other way around.

You should try watching FOX News and become informed. Yep, they have both opinion programs, well indicated as such, and their news programs. Both of which always display both sides of issues.

As for newspapers. Are they still being printed? They had their noses up in the air when the internet came about. They believed their own news clippings and believed they would be around forever. The internet was just a passing fad.

Today newspapers are nothing but Progressive opinion publications. The New York Times has set the stage for their opinion page now being on the front page and MAYBE one page of actual news...if there was a disaster.
You should try watching FOX News and become informed.


If you want to be misinformed or have breaking news that's 2 days old, tune into FNC! They're pathetic and I should know; been watching since '97 with lineup of O'Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, and Crier!" They make news by making mistakes, puting a "D" behind a Republican's name that's been indicted or being prosecuted, and bemoans how bad Dems are in comparison to saintly Republicans! As long as they reported the facts, I was fine with how they slanted their news; now it's more about commentary and opinion and is unwatchable even though I push myself! The only program I can watch from beginning to end is Sat.'s, "Journal Editorial Report" & Sun.'s "Mediabuzz!" The rest has to be taken with a grain of salt! The only anchors I have any respect for are Shepard Smith and Brett Baier on "Special Report!" ;-/

You have them confused with PMSNBC!
Fox News, even their "hard news" shows are 100% GOP propaganda, coordinated to further the GOP narrative
Suppression / control of the media....yeah, there's a good idea. The fact that you even asked the question in this country identifies who / what you are / stand for. Have a nice day.
Most of a typical cable news channel's programming for any given day is not news. It's comments and opinions about the news. It would be as if your local paper had one page of news and ten editorial pages, not the other way around.

You should try watching FOX News and become informed. Yep, they have both opinion programs, well indicated as such, and their news programs. Both of which always display both sides of issues.

As for newspapers. Are they still being printed? They had their noses up in the air when the internet came about. They believed their own news clippings and believed they would be around forever. The internet was just a passing fad.

Today newspapers are nothing but Progressive opinion publications. The New York Times has set the stage for their opinion page now being on the front page and MAYBE one page of actual news...if there was a disaster.
You should try watching FOX News and become informed.


If you want to be misinformed or have breaking news that's 2 days old, tune into FNC! They're pathetic and I should know; been watching since '97 with lineup of O'Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, and Crier!" They make news by making mistakes, puting a "D" behind a Republican's name that's been indicted or being prosecuted, and bemoans how bad Dems are in comparison to saintly Republicans! As long as they reported the facts, I was fine with how they slanted their news; now it's more about commentary and opinion and is unwatchable even though I push myself! The only program I can watch from beginning to end is Sat.'s, "Journal Editorial Report" & Sun.'s "Mediabuzz!" The rest has to be taken with a grain of salt! The only anchors I have any respect for are Shepard Smith and Brett Baier on "Special Report!" ;-/

You have them confused with PMSNBC!

MSNBC starts their morning with 3 hours of Morning Joe hosted by conservative doofus Joe Scarborough. What's the comparable liberal 3 hours on Foxnews?
Most of a typical cable news channel's programming for any given day is not news. It's comments and opinions about the news. It would be as if your local paper had one page of news and ten editorial pages, not the other way around.

You should try watching FOX News and become informed. Yep, they have both opinion programs, well indicated as such, and their news programs. Both of which always display both sides of issues.

As for newspapers. Are they still being printed? They had their noses up in the air when the internet came about. They believed their own news clippings and believed they would be around forever. The internet was just a passing fad.

Today newspapers are nothing but Progressive opinion publications. The New York Times has set the stage for their opinion page now being on the front page and MAYBE one page of actual news...if there was a disaster.

Would you like to debate me on an issue you think I'm not informed about?

I will interpret your stunned silence as a 'No'.
Most of a typical cable news channel's programming for any given day is not news. It's comments and opinions about the news. It would be as if your local paper had one page of news and ten editorial pages, not the other way around.

You should try watching FOX News and become informed. Yep, they have both opinion programs, well indicated as such, and their news programs. Both of which always display both sides of issues.

As for newspapers. Are they still being printed? They had their noses up in the air when the internet came about. They believed their own news clippings and believed they would be around forever. The internet was just a passing fad.

Today newspapers are nothing but Progressive opinion publications. The New York Times has set the stage for their opinion page now being on the front page and MAYBE one page of actual news...if there was a disaster.

Would you like to debate me on an issue you think I'm not informed about?

I will interpret your stunned silence as a 'No'.

The so called liberals on FNC are talked over and beat up mercilessly! I have no respect for them now! I do watch Fox and it gets more and more embarrassing every year and I've tried hard to give them a chance for almost 20 years! I go back to the "Hannity & Colmes" days with Catherine Crier on later! They barely pretend to be objective with only 2 anchors I have any respect for; Shepard Smith and Bret Baier! ;-/
I'm really amazed people in this thread.

If you watch Fox the end of the day, you will have seen conservatives putting forth the GOP conservative platform, and probably feel good about being conservative.

If you watch the end of the day, you will have seen liberals putting forth the Democratic and liberal platforms, and probably feel good about being liberal

This back and forth about which is worse...while fun, is just crazy
Most of a typical cable news channel's programming for any given day is not news. It's comments and opinions about the news. It would be as if your local paper had one page of news and ten editorial pages, not the other way around.

You should try watching FOX News and become informed. Yep, they have both opinion programs, well indicated as such, and their news programs. Both of which always display both sides of issues.

As for newspapers. Are they still being printed? They had their noses up in the air when the internet came about. They believed their own news clippings and believed they would be around forever. The internet was just a passing fad.

Today newspapers are nothing but Progressive opinion publications. The New York Times has set the stage for their opinion page now being on the front page and MAYBE one page of actual news...if there was a disaster.
You should try watching FOX News and become informed.


If you want to be misinformed or have breaking news that's 2 days old, tune into FNC! They're pathetic and I should know; been watching since '97 with lineup of O'Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, and Crier!" They make news by making mistakes, puting a "D" behind a Republican's name that's been indicted or being prosecuted, and bemoans how bad Dems are in comparison to saintly Republicans! As long as they reported the facts, I was fine with how they slanted their news; now it's more about commentary and opinion and is unwatchable even though I push myself! The only program I can watch from beginning to end is Sat.'s, "Journal Editorial Report" & Sun.'s "Mediabuzz!" The rest has to be taken with a grain of salt! The only anchors I have any respect for are Shepard Smith and Brett Baier on "Special Report!" ;-/

You have them confused with PMSNBC!
Fox News, even their "hard news" shows are 100% GOP propaganda, coordinated to further the GOP narrative

PMSNBC probably shares space with the DNC, since they are attached at the hip.

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