Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

First of all, all of the technology that they capitalized on was researched and developed with public funding. Their wealth is highly dependent upon the public through the state and yet what is produced isn't publicly owned, as it should be. Many of these billionaires were born into wealthy families and had plenty of help from both their families and the government:

Production is a social endeavor, it takes many people to produce everything that we consume and use. Even if the rich people that you know work hard, they wouldn't produce the millions or billions that they have without their employees and the working-class in general (who mine, process, manufacture, build and produce everything in this world). There is no reason why society should allow one person or family amass so much money and power. It undermines our democracy and safety, when so much power is concentrated in one person or small group of wealthy elites.

It's easy to take risks and invest when if you lose your investment you're still filthy rich.

First of all, all of the technology that they capitalized on was researched and developed with public funding.

And after they capitalized on it, they paid enough taxes to cover that public funding many times over.
At the urging of Republican Senators Hawley and Rubio, a new think tank is working out ways for the GOP to changetheir messaging.

They want to shift their rhetoric from support for corporations and the morbidly rich to pretending they care about working people. This new organization will, they say, “think differently about labor vs. capital than Republicans have in recent generations.”

It’s a cynical effort to capture Trump’s working class base. He’d promised he’d bring our jobs home from China, empower labor unions, raise taxes on the rich so high that “my friends won’t ever talk to me again,” and give every American full health insurance that cost less than Obamacare. Those promises helped win him the White House.

All were lies, but the GOP base bought it and gave him tens of millions of votes; now Hawley, Rubio, et al think they can bottle that populist rhetorical magic and repeat Trump’s shtick for 2024.

Which raises the existential question both economists and politicians have debated for centuries:

America has had two different but clear answers to that question during the past century.

From the end of the Republican Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s until 1981 (including the presidencies of Republican Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, who maintained the top 91% and 74% income tax rates), the answer was unambiguous: “The economy is here to serve average Americans.”

Income and wealth during that time rose at about the same rate for working class Americans as they did for the rich, something we’d never before seen in this country.

This was not an accident or a mistake. It was the very intentional outcome of policies put into place by FDR and then maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations for almost 50 years during that pre-Reagan era.

And then came the Reagan Revolution, when Republicans decided that the middle class wasn’t as important as giant corporations and the very wealthy after all, and that the rest of us are here to serve the rich.

Im sure this will hurt the feminine sensibilities of certain moderators, so I expect it to be moved with not much intelligent input.


Republicans regurgitating talking point made by leftists/socialists/communists over the past 100 years.

And the alt-right pretends they aren’t enemies of freedom and America.

First of all, all of the technology that they capitalized on was researched and developed with public funding.

And after they capitalized on it, they paid enough taxes to cover that public funding many times over.

But since they keep the assets funded by the public, which is much more valuable than the taxes they pay (when they pay taxes), they're actually taking much more than what they've paid.
Those with most of the wealth will be judged harshly at the kingdom of heaven.

That's what Jesus himself says in Matthew 25:41-46, but since these conservatives are fake Christians, they don't really care what their god says. They worship comfort and mammon. They hate humanity and the world in general, looking forward to being swept into the heavens in a "rapture". They're religious sickos.
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That's what Jesus himself says in Matthew 25:41-46, but since these conservatives are fake Christians, they don't really care what their god says. They worship comfort and mammon. They have humanity and the world in general, looking forward to being swept into the heavens in a "rapture". They're religious sickos.

A commie is telling us how to be good Christians.
Like in Cuba?
Yes like Cuba, but without the United States and its allies imposing economic sanctions. The United States is now the big bully imperialist power, that threatens socialist economies with war, embargoes..etc. When the big bully empire adopts communism, it's not going to have to deal with a big bully, because it was the big bully. The abusive capitalist giant will be the one converting to communism, hence it will be easy and amazing, wonderful, for Americans to become communists. They're going to love it. Americans will enjoy a very high standard of living when they adopt modern, high-tech, democratic communism.
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A commie is telling us how to be good Christians.

Because unlike you the commie can read and comprehend what he reads, unlike you apparently. The bible is clear, assholes like you are going to hell, for not feeding the poor and housing the homeless. Enjoy yourself in the lake of fire.

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Yes like Cuba, but without the United States and its allies imposing economic sanctions. The United States is now the big bully imperialist power, that threatens socialist economies with war, embargoes..etc. When the big bully empire adopts communism, it's not going to have to deal with a big bully, because it was the big bully. The abusive capitalist giant will be the one converting to communism, hence it will be easy and amazing, wonderful, for Americans to become communists. They're going to love it. Americans will enjoy a very high standard of living when they adopt modern, high-tech, democratic communism.

So they don't have nice, free, modern housing in Cuba?
Which commie country does?
So they don't have nice, free, modern housing in Cuba?
Which commie country does?

They don't because of American pubtards like you, who back the US government in its enforcement of economic sanctions upon Cuba and other socialist countries. Right now what exists, are socialist countries, not communist. That includes nations that apply socialist principles to their economies but don't identify as having Marxist economies, out of fear of being punished by the United States and its allies/vassals. So to answer your question, practically any modern, industrialized nation in Europe and Asia that nationalizes all or most of its major industries, like energy, utilities, its banking sector, and offers a robust social-welfare system (healthcare, education, housing for the poor), including the government protection of labor, is a socialist country. Spain, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, China, you name it, they're all socialist. The fact that they have a private sector with markets, doesn't disqualify them as socialist, because socialism allows for markets to exist under proper government oversight and regulation.

America is the country that is the "tard", of the industrialized world. The working class in America is brainwashed and continues to vote against its own socioeconomic class interests, in favor of its capitalist masters. But that won't last for too long, due to how bad the situation is going to get in the not-too-distant future.
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Why did all the commie countries suppress religion?

Religion was allowed in the Soviet Union and currently in every single country that openly identifies as Marxist. When Christians like you were fighting the Bolsheviks in Russia, in an effort to resurrect the monarchy and Kulaks (feudal farms), murdering communist farmers, burning fields, sabotaging equipment, and killing teachers..etc. It created, let's just say, "bad blood", between the Communists and Christians. Not so much against the Muslims, but mostly against the Russian "right-wingers", many of them were Orthodox Christians, who loved being under the rule of their Christian king i.e. Tzar, and feudal lords. The Russian communists, in the late 1910s and into the 1920s, began burning down churches or turning them into public buildings. They sent all of the violent right-wing pubtards to the gulags or hung them from a tree. Unfortunately, many innocent Christians also suffered. There was a lot of "collateral damage". Class civil war is bloody. Hopefully, America will be spared that type of revolution and will transition from capitalism to high communism peacefully.

In summary, it was in the early phase of the Russian communist revolution, when Christians suffered. The right-wing, violent pubtard Christians of your ilk, along with many innocent good Christians who didn't have anything to do with the violent pubtards. I'm against persecuting Christians or anyone else for being religious. The American capitalist-backed forces in Vietnam, ruined lives and killed countless innocent people. Carpet bombing villages, forests, and cities, with napalm and agent orange. The Korean war also saw a lot of innocent people dying at the hands of American "capitalist" forces.
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Does anyone understand that machines are capital?

Capital in the sense of what profits or money it can produce. Without that, the machines of capitalist production, are worthless. More, the machines need humans to operate them, if not the machinery loses its value under a capitalist system. If most or all of the capitalists have machines that don't need humans to operate them, resulting in production without humans, then there's no market to sell the products produced by these autonomous machines. Humans animate the machines, imbuing them with capital value. Whenever you take the human component out of capitalist production, you shrink the market and devalue all of the machinery. The worker is likewise the paying consumer. You can't have capitalism without wage labor/paying consumers. So hey capitalists, do you want to replace your human labor with machines? Please do, thank you. Communists love it when capitalists do that. You're destroying capitalism and making communism necessary. Please continue automating production.


Watching capitalist automate capitalism to oblivion.

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At the urging of Republican Senators Hawley and Rubio, a new think tank is working out ways for the GOP to changetheir messaging.

They want to shift their rhetoric from support for corporations and the morbidly rich to pretending they care about working people. This new organization will, they say, “think differently about labor vs. capital than Republicans have in recent generations.”

It’s a cynical effort to capture Trump’s working class base. He’d promised he’d bring our jobs home from China, empower labor unions, raise taxes on the rich so high that “my friends won’t ever talk to me again,” and give every American full health insurance that cost less than Obamacare. Those promises helped win him the White House.

All were lies, but the GOP base bought it and gave him tens of millions of votes; now Hawley, Rubio, et al think they can bottle that populist rhetorical magic and repeat Trump’s shtick for 2024.

Which raises the existential question both economists and politicians have debated for centuries:

America has had two different but clear answers to that question during the past century.

From the end of the Republican Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s until 1981 (including the presidencies of Republican Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, who maintained the top 91% and 74% income tax rates), the answer was unambiguous: “The economy is here to serve average Americans.”

Income and wealth during that time rose at about the same rate for working class Americans as they did for the rich, something we’d never before seen in this country.

This was not an accident or a mistake. It was the very intentional outcome of policies put into place by FDR and then maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations for almost 50 years during that pre-Reagan era.

And then came the Reagan Revolution, when Republicans decided that the middle class wasn’t as important as giant corporations and the very wealthy after all, and that the rest of us are here to serve the rich.

Im sure this will hurt the feminine sensibilities of certain moderators, so I expect it to be moved with not much intelligent input.
Affordable Care Act, as with all acts called exactly what it is not. Arizona with the low crawling John McCain last betrayal to every Arizonan. Over twice the cost with half the benefits and a deductible you will never meet. Just another democRat Ponzi Scam. DemocRats voted to give it away to ones never paying a dime into it, Jimmy Carter. It was democRat Congress that voted to 'borrow it' and 'borrow it' as fast as they get it. It was a democRat Congress that voted along party lines to tax it, with Algore giving the vote to break the tie. It was democRat BoRock Obama that used a big hunk of it to build a neighborhood of upper middle income homes. (the gooooooood welfare) Something to be proud to park your Beamer in front of, cause your Porch is in the garage. It's also democRats telling us every election Republicans are trying to steal it. They have always been full of shit. So much more so now they are getting it all over innocent victims, including the Poor Pope. Ya can't live with em and ya can't kill em. Yet.
Ad hominems have deep sixed all your arguments. ;)

Calling you out on your disingenuous, stupid bullshit and strawman arguments, with a well-reasoned, evidence-based rebuttal, accompanied by a disdainful mention of your apparent senility, does nothing to falsify or invalidate anything that I've said. Only in your decrepit, deluded mind does insulting a cynical, misanthropic 80-year-old, religious sociopath that contends humanity should be culled, undermine all of the arguments that I've presented in response to your pro-capitalist tripe. Address the points that I've made or shut up. I always grant you the courtesy of addressing the points that you make regardless of how ridiculous they might be, so you grant me the same courtesy or go eat a burrito. Maybe farting will help you release some of that gas in your bloated capitalist skull.
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