Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans? cap the income of the people creating that income, to give to political leaders who use the money to enrich and empower themselves......and you see nothing wrong with that equation.......

This is why communism is foolish.

The people are all serfs under communism and socialism....

As if they're not doing that now? Anyways, what evidence do you have that Americans can't organize a system of government that has strict controls on what politicians can do with public funds? In a country with a democratic government, politicians can be recalled or impeached, and even criminally prosecuted. At least with our government, we have the means to choose our leaders, however, that's not the case in the private sector where corporations are run like absolute dictatorships and monarchies.

I would rather have the funds deposited in the public treasury or FED for use in developing and maintaining our infrastructure than in the pockets of a billionaire. As a matter of principle and practice, it's immoral and impractical to allow members of society to amass millions and billions of dollars. That just undermines democracy and is unacceptable when there are so many people homeless and struggling in our country. We need to eliminate poverty, employing all of this advanced technology we have available.
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Wealth and money aren't the same thing, generally speaking. Money builds wealth when it is spent to obtain an asset. The money then enters the economy and is available once again as wages or loans. Money is traded by the rich for assets such as real estate, stocks and bonds, business equipment, etc. The money for these purchases returns to general circulation.

Anyone can do this; however, most spend their money on consumer goods not assets that make money or increase in value. Also, the purchase of those consumer goods is what makes the

Most people in America live paycheck to paycheck and don't have the luxury to invest or even go to school. Low wages, and a high cost of living, don't create a healthy economy. We need more money in the hands of the people who do the work.
At the urging of Republican Senators Hawley and Rubio, a new think tank is working out ways for the GOP to changetheir messaging.

They want to shift their rhetoric from support for corporations and the morbidly rich to pretending they care about working people. This new organization will, they say, “think differently about labor vs. capital than Republicans have in recent generations.”

It’s a cynical effort to capture Trump’s working class base. He’d promised he’d bring our jobs home from China, empower labor unions, raise taxes on the rich so high that “my friends won’t ever talk to me again,” and give every American full health insurance that cost less than Obamacare. Those promises helped win him the White House.

All were lies, but the GOP base bought it and gave him tens of millions of votes; now Hawley, Rubio, et al think they can bottle that populist rhetorical magic and repeat Trump’s shtick for 2024.

Which raises the existential question both economists and politicians have debated for centuries:

America has had two different but clear answers to that question during the past century.

From the end of the Republican Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s until 1981 (including the presidencies of Republican Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, who maintained the top 91% and 74% income tax rates), the answer was unambiguous: “The economy is here to serve average Americans.”

Income and wealth during that time rose at about the same rate for working class Americans as they did for the rich, something we’d never before seen in this country.

This was not an accident or a mistake. It was the very intentional outcome of policies put into place by FDR and then maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations for almost 50 years during that pre-Reagan era.

And then came the Reagan Revolution, when Republicans decided that the middle class wasn’t as important as giant corporations and the very wealthy after all, and that the rest of us are here to serve the rich.

Im sure this will hurt the feminine sensibilities of certain moderators, so I expect it to be moved with not much intelligent input.
most of those evil rich that you hate so much are democrats. comments?
At the urging of Republican Senators Hawley and Rubio, a new think tank is working out ways for the GOP to changetheir messaging.

They want to shift their rhetoric from support for corporations and the morbidly rich to pretending they care about working people. This new organization will, they say, “think differently about labor vs. capital than Republicans have in recent generations.”

It’s a cynical effort to capture Trump’s working class base. He’d promised he’d bring our jobs home from China, empower labor unions, raise taxes on the rich so high that “my friends won’t ever talk to me again,” and give every American full health insurance that cost less than Obamacare. Those promises helped win him the White House.

All were lies, but the GOP base bought it and gave him tens of millions of votes; now Hawley, Rubio, et al think they can bottle that populist rhetorical magic and repeat Trump’s shtick for 2024.

Which raises the existential question both economists and politicians have debated for centuries:

America has had two different but clear answers to that question during the past century.

From the end of the Republican Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s until 1981 (including the presidencies of Republican Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, who maintained the top 91% and 74% income tax rates), the answer was unambiguous: “The economy is here to serve average Americans.”

Income and wealth during that time rose at about the same rate for working class Americans as they did for the rich, something we’d never before seen in this country.

This was not an accident or a mistake. It was the very intentional outcome of policies put into place by FDR and then maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations for almost 50 years during that pre-Reagan era.

And then came the Reagan Revolution, when Republicans decided that the middle class wasn’t as important as giant corporations and the very wealthy after all, and that the rest of us are here to serve the rich.

Im sure this will hurt the feminine sensibilities of certain moderators, so I expect it to be moved with not much intelligent input.

The democrat party is the party of the billionaires.

Dummy never stops at the rich....just ask the 200 million people murdered by socialists around the world after 1917........very few billionaires in that group....

Capitalism has its own huge mountain of dead rotting corpses, so you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked feculent finger at communists. Death toll arguments are stupid, because capitalism through its insatiable pursuit of profits, through its colonialism, imperialism, and slavery, has killed ten times the number that communists have. Class struggle is bloody. A lot of people die in civil wars.


The American invasion of Soviet Russia with 8500 US Marines.

The United States with 14 other countries invaded Soviet Russia in 1918 and that began 70 years of war between Russia and the capitalist West. The US had to leave Russia with its allies because they couldn't get rid of the Bolsheviks. The communists were in a constant struggle against capitalist aggression, economic sanctions, and a "cold war".
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Back in the 1950s the wealthiest people in America paid 90%. They had their tax loopholes, breaks, so they didn't actually pay 90%, but officially that was the percentage rate. They paid around 60%. In the 1980s, when Reagan became president, the top tax rate was around 70%.
Regardless of how wealthy you are I believe ANYONE should be able to keep more than 50 percent including Fed, state and local . Dems like the way it is; their biggest contributors are the wealthiest in the Country MAYBE instead of blaming the Republicans the ENTIRE tax code should be rewritten
Regardless of how wealthy you are I believe ANYONE should be able to keep more than 50 percent including Fed, state and local . Dems like the way it is; their biggest contributors are the wealthiest in the Country MAYBE instead of blaming the Republicans the ENTIRE tax code should be rewritten
the tax code was mostly written by democrats to give breaks to their rich donors and friends. all the loopholes should be removed.
I said "most" dingleberry. all the holly wood loonies are democrats, most ceos are democrats, the media moguls are mostly democrats, except for Musk who is exposing some of their corruption. yes, MOST of the very rich are democrats.
That’s because they’re smarter than the right wingers.
I said "most" dingleberry. all the holly wood loonies are democrats, most ceos are democrats, the media moguls are mostly democrats, except for Musk who is exposing some of their corruption. yes, MOST of the very rich are democrats.

They're all corrupt, both the Republicans and Democrats.
Regardless of how wealthy you are I believe ANYONE should be able to keep more than 50 percent including Fed, state and local . Dems like the way it is; their biggest contributors are the wealthiest in the Country MAYBE instead of blaming the Republicans the ENTIRE tax code should be rewritten
We're going to have to transcend money within the next 40 years, adopting a non-profit, moneyless economy, so we might as well start now to move in that direction. Employing as much automation technology as possible and nationalizing industries that are vital to our nation's infrastructure, like the banks, and energy. etc.
That’s because they’re smarter than the right wingers.
smarter? or more corrupt? better at theft? better at cheating the system?

how many members of congress are millionaires? of that total how many are democrats? the answer is easy to find, look it up and report back.
We're going to have to transcend money within the next 40 years, adopting a non-profit, moneyless economy, so we might as well start now to move in that direction. Employing as much automation technology as possible and nationalizing industries that are vital to our nation's infrastructure, like the banks, and energy. etc.

Don't forget the death camps. You commies and Nazis ALWAYS have death camps eventually.
true. but the dems have hurt the country more than the pubs, in many ways.

Not really. At least the Dems pretend to care about the working-class and pass laws that benefit the average Joe American. Republicans tend to only care about the rich.
During the US civil war, there were plenty of death camps on both sides. Civil wars and camps are common.

Those weren't death camps, those were POW camps, the ones in the South suffered because the democrats didn't have the resources to make them better....

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