Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

It's much more difficult when all you have is enough to pay for the rent and other basic needs. Even if a family managed to save some money, after years of working two full-time jobs, that doesn't imply they'll become financially secure millionaires. At best that money will be used to put their children through college.

There was a time when a household could have one breadwinner, even with a blue-collar job. Those days are behind us.
Why would such a family pay for their kid's college? That's for rich people to do.
If your inequality is at the expense of everybody else's freedom, then of course. To hell with your desire to be special, if it's at the expense of everyone else.

How would my extra money come at the expense of anyone's, let alone everyone's, freedom?
Be as specific as you can.
It's well to keep in mind that money is the creation of the rich and powerful. Even though they keep a tight grip on it there is plenty to go around.
Cronyism is perhaps the most egregious consequence of having a socioeconomic class of rich ruling elites. They skew the law to serve their vested interests at the public's expense. They undermine our democracy. It's not envy, it's actually ethical to protect society against a wealthy and powerful socioeconomic class of exploiters and vampires. These leeches that rely on the sweat, tears, and blood of their human labor, shouldn't have too much power.

I would cap income at 1.2 million yearly, with cash savings at 10 million. If a person feels persecuted and violated when they're bringing home upper five figures monthly, and have ten million dollars in the bank, they should see a psychiatrist. They're suffering from a bad case of financial gluttony.

In the not-too-distant future, we're going to have to re-organize our economic system anyways to prevent the working-class from being consigned to serfdom. The techno-lords are going to replace all of their employees with robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles..etc, hence creating a mass unemployment crisis. That's why these billionaires are offering to give everyone a government check, called a "UBI", i.e. Universal Basic Income. That's nothing more than another government bailout. Capitalism needs to get bailout again, by the public.

It's not the working class that's in trouble, it's the capitalist, employer class that is up the creek without a paddle, due to technology. Eventually the working-class, even Bubba, will wake up and say "wait a second, why the hell are we allowing these rich folks to own all of the robots and technology, rendering us worthless/unemployed? We don't need to allow this crap. Let's own all of the robots together and produce everything that we consume ourselves". America will eventually, due to technology, adopt a non-profit mode of production. Advanced, 21st-century automation technology will demand it. Our choice is slavery or owning the means of production, together.

Cronyism is perhaps the most egregious consequence of having a socioeconomic class of rich ruling elites. They skew the law to serve their vested interests at the public's expense.

Unlike cronyism under communism where the elites skew the law to serve their vested interests at the public's expense.
It's well to keep in mind that money is the creation of the rich and powerful. Even though they keep a tight grip on it there is plenty to go around.
Money is the creation of the US government, through its exclusive right to issue the USD. The American workforce, those who wake up in the morning and sell their lives to capitalists, eight, twelve, and sixteen hours daily, are the ones who matter, not the rich leech that depends upon their labor. The land lord that collects rent from working-class people, is a pathetic lazy parasite. Even Adam Smith, the father of modern capitalism, had nothing good to say about them.

The working-class, produces everything in this world, even your fruit of the looms.
As a matter of principle and practice, it's immoral and impractical to allow members of society to amass millions and billions of dollars. That just undermines democracy and is unacceptable when there are so many people homeless and struggling in our country.

How is a mentally ill drug user, for example, made homeless by the fact that someone
has a billion dollars in wealth?
Cronyism is perhaps the most egregious consequence of having a socioeconomic class of rich ruling elites. They skew the law to serve their vested interests at the public's expense.

Unlike cronyism under communism where the elites skew the law to serve their vested interests at the public's expense.
Nothing compared to what occurs in capitalist-run societies, where the gap between the haves and have-nots is much wider. In the not-too-distant future, communism/non-profit production will be the norm. So you might as well just surrender now and become a communist.
How is a mentally ill drug user, for example, made homeless by the fact that someone
has a billion dollars in wealth?
There shouldn't be billionaires or homelessness in America. Every human being that is born in America should have a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment. It's that simple and again, I repeat for the 458th time, that in the not too distant future, say at the most 40 years, we're going to have to adopt a non-profit, fully socialized, and democratized system of production. In other words, communism. Join the communist party today, sign here.
Money is the creation of the US government, through its exclusive right to issue the USD. The American workforce, those who wake up in the morning and sell their lives to capitalists, eight, twelve, and sixteen hours daily, are the ones who matter, not the rich leech that depends upon their labor. The land lord that collects rent from working-class people, is a pathetic lazy parasite. Even Adam Smith, the father of modern capitalism, had nothing good to say about them.

The working-class, produces everything in this world, even your fruit of the looms.
Lots of wage earners are invested in the markets via their 401's or IRA's. I was a landlord (someone is going to own the building and collect rents) who kept rents low and upgraded the property at every opportunity.

Not everyone wants to own their own home.
Why would such a family pay for their kid's college? That's for rich people to do.

Not really, you can be poor and still not qualify for FAFSA and other grants. However, I believe all Americans, including the rich, have a right to an education. No one should have to pay a penny for it, in a public college. There was a time in this country when public universities were almost free. Practically free. You said you were 80 years old. You probably remember that time. Be honest and admit it.
There shouldn't be billionaires or homelessness in America. Every human being that is born in America should have a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment. It's that simple and again, I repeat for the 458th time, that in the not too distant future, say at the most 40 years, we're going to have to adopt a non-profit, fully socialized, and democratized system of production. In other words, communism. Join the communist party today, sign here.
You may be right, based on the rapidly increasing unjustified sense of entitlement that Americans have.
Lots of wage earners are invested in the markets via their 401's or IRA's. I was a landlord (someone is going to own the building and collect rents) who kept rents low and upgraded the property at every opportunity.

Not everyone wants to own their own home.
You're so delusional. No most people would rather have a landlord hehehe. So confused. The reason most people rent is that they don't have the funds. Whether the landlord is you or a bank, it's the same crap. We have plenty of resources in this country to hand everyone the keys to their own house. In American communism, every American owns their home. They no longer need to pay a bank mortgage or a landlord. Everyone keeps their house or gets a new one.
Nothing compared to what occurs in capitalist-run societies, where the gap between the haves and have-nots is much wider. In the not-too-distant future, communism/non-profit production will be the norm. So you might as well just surrender now and become a communist.

Nothing compared to what occurs in capitalist-run societies

But.... "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

where the gap between the haves and have-nots is much wider.

Of course it is. Commies shitholes don't have much. Because....commies.

In the not-too-distant future, communism/non-profit production will be the norm.


So you might as well just surrender now and become a communist.

How about NO!
There shouldn't be billionaires or homelessness in America. Every human being that is born in America should have a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment. It's that simple and again, I repeat for the 458th time, that in the not too distant future, say at the most 40 years, we're going to have to adopt a non-profit, fully socialized, and democratized system of production. In other words, communism. Join the communist party today, sign here.

I noticed you didn't answer the question.

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