Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

Not really, you can be poor and still not qualify for FAFSA and other grants. However, I believe all Americans, including the rich, have a right to an education. No one should have to pay a penny for it, in a public college. There was a time in this country when public universities were almost free. Practically free. You said you were 80 years old. You probably remember that time. Be honest and admit it.
Back in the day resident tuition at my public university was about $1000 per semester. Of course, cost of living and rent wasn't included.

There is no free education. Public schools are funded by taxes.

The biggest single problem with public (High School) education today is that students are being prepared for college, not for the workplace. In the minds of the elitist educators the workplace is for losers.
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Not really, you can be poor and still not qualify for FAFSA and other grants. However, I believe all Americans, including the rich, have a right to an education. No one should have to pay a penny for it, in a public college. There was a time in this country when public universities were almost free. Practically free. You said you were 80 years old. You probably remember that time. Be honest and admit it.

There was a time in this country when public universities were almost free.

A time when very few went to college. And liberals hadn't fucked things up so much yet.
There shouldn't be billionaires or homelessness in America. Every human being that is born in America should have a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment. It's that simple and again, I repeat for the 458th time, that in the not too distant future, say at the most 40 years, we're going to have to adopt a non-profit, fully socialized, and democratized system of production. In other words, communism. Join the communist party today, sign here.
In a country w/ some 340 million people it is inevitable that there will be at least one homeless and at least one billionaire. Most probably more than two of each.

OK, moving forward from the obvious let's talk about just how many are we willing to live with and how we want to bring it about.
You may be right, based on the rapidly increasing unjustified sense of entitlement that Americans have.
Why should the working class allow the rich to own all of the robots, automation technology, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and all of the facilities of production, consigning them to abject poverty and slavery? No, the people are rightly entitled to take the means of production and own and manage it together, as a community. The transition from profit-based, capitalist production to non-profit, publicly owned and operated production. This is just common sense. Do you have that?
Why should the working class allow the rich to own all of the robots, automation technology, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and all of the facilities of production, consigning them to abject poverty and slavery? No, the people are rightly entitled to take the means of production and own and manage it together, as a community. The transition from profit-based, capitalist production to non-profit, publicly owned and operated production. This is just common sense. Do you have that?
Using the Russian economic model as an example of communism I would stick with free-market capitalism. The free-but-black market in Russia undergirds the economy (and is funded mainly by USD's and currencies other than the Ruble).
You're so delusional. No most people would rather have a landlord hehehe. So confused. The reason most people rent is that they don't have the funds. Whether the landlord is you or a bank, it's the same crap. We have plenty of resources in this country to hand everyone the keys to their own house. In American communism, every American owns their home. They no longer need to pay a bank mortgage or a landlord. Everyone keeps their house or gets a new one.
For your plan to work most currently alive Americans must die and be replaced by peoples that have never been free or owned anything, maybe bring them in from North Korea. ;)
Using the Russian economic model as an example of communism I would stick with free-market capitalism. The free-but-black market in Russia undergirds the economy (and is funded mainly by USD's and currencies other than the Ruble).

It's not a Russian model, it's simply the way a modern, high-tech society evolves and transitions from a capitalist, non-democratic, for-profit system of production to a non-profit, democratized, mostly automated, high-tech mode of production. It's called human progress.
Which raises the existential question both economists and politicians have debated for centuries:

Why do nations create and sustain economies? Is the economy here to serve average Americans, or are working class people here to serve those who own and control the economy?
Your mistake is in thinking that "nations" create and sustain economies. At least it is mistaken if you think that some government or other form of collective action toward a goal is necessary for an economy to "be created."

In history, it has been the opposite. No one sat around saying to each other, "everybody spends their time eating, and sexing, and gathering and hunting. We'll always be primitive if we keep that up. Let's make a government which can create an economy and then we can start working, producing, and trading."

What happened was that people started moving away from the hunter/gatherer lifestyle to farming, tool making, trading, and other wealth producing activities. People who were not especially good at those things, but who used weapons well in the hunt, turned the weapons on the producers and begain governing them.

Here's a thread that explains it further:

Basic economics for Democrats/Socialists

America has had two different but clear answers to that question during the past century.

From the end of the Republican Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s until 1981 (including the presidencies of Republican Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, who maintained the top 91% and 74% income tax rates), the answer was unambiguous: “The economy is here to serve average Americans.”
Yes, having seen great industrialists create great wealth, and then distribute it to the working class in the from of wages and goods to purchase with those wages, politicians of those days realized that there were votes to be had by telling the uneducated workers that the people whose superior effort, intellect, education, and thoughtful planning allowed those workers to live like kings compared to the third world, were actually mean people whose money should be taken from them and used by the politicians.

The politics of envy is always a winner.
Income and wealth during that time rose at about the same rate for working class Americans as they did for the rich, something we’d never before seen in this country.
I would love to see evidence for that statement.
This was not an accident or a mistake. It was the very intentional outcome of policies put into place by FDR and then maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations for almost 50 years during that pre-Reagan era.

And then came the Reagan Revolution, when Republicans decided that the middle class wasn’t as important as giant corporations and the very wealthy after all, and that the rest of us are here to serve the rich.
Wait, is this just a cut and paste from the Daily Kos?

Im sure this will hurt the feminine sensibilities of certain moderators, so I expect it to be moved with not much intelligent input.
Dude, why randomly attack the moderators? Are you hoping that they will move your thread so you can play the martyr?
For your plan to work most currently alive Americans must die and be replaced by peoples that have never been free or owned anything, maybe bring them in from North Korea. ;)
It's not my plan, it will be America's plan, in the not-too-distant future, when advanced automation replaces 25%+ of wage labor. Just a quarter of the workforce has to be replaced with robots, automated systems, artificial intelligence, and self-driving vehicles. etc, for the working-class to start waking up. You know it's inevitable, you're just suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance. You're in denial.

Technology automates production, eventually to the point that the individual consumer will have full control over the means of production. The state that is always a dictatorship, protecting the interests of one class over another, begins to dissolve when the individual consumer has control over the means of production, rather than the state. That's when relationships between people become 100% voluntary because everyone will have the means to produce everything they consume and use without anyone else's help. That's the birth of a stateless society, with very little government. If you don't like the government, you pack up and fly or sail away, somewhere else.

Until we reach that level of technological automation, where the individual will be able to produce everything for themselves, production will be organized by society, through the state. The state will become the dictatorship of the proletariat or working-class. It will transition from being the dictatorship of the rich and powerful (6% of the population), to the dictatorship of the people (94% of the population).
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How have conservatives fucked up US colleges? Be specific.
Defunding government and privatizing everything. The government isn't inherently good or evil, it's whatever we want it to be. It's a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale, socioeconomic, civil affairs and projects. What you or I can't accomplish alone or even if we worked together, our government can, because it has an immense amount of resources and organizational capacity.
Nothing compared to what occurs in capitalist-run societies

But.... "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

where the gap between the haves and have-nots is much wider.

Of course it is. Commies shitholes don't have much. Because....commies.

In the not-too-distant future, communism/non-profit production will be the norm.


So you might as well just surrender now and become a communist.

How about NO!

If you're a working-class person, you'll lose your delusions about capitalism, when you start going hungry or see your loved ones suffering, from lack of food and money. The capitalist masters aren't going to need anyone to work for them. You obviously don't get it.
Most of them have done (or not done) the things necessary to put themselves in their current place in Society.
Not everyone is born with the same hand of cards. When one falls through the cracks, it's extremely difficult, if not impossible to get back up. As a society, we could eliminate homelessness and poverty. We have the technology to do it today.
Defunding government and privatizing everything. The government isn't inherently good or evil, it's whatever we want it to be. It's a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale, socioeconomic, civil affairs and projects. What you or I can't accomplish alone or even if we worked together, our government can, because it has an immense amount of resources and organizational capacity.

Defunding government and privatizing everything.

Defunding government? What does that mean?
And why would "privativing everything", which never happened, make already private colleges
more expensive?

What you or I can't accomplish alone or even if we worked together, our government can

That's true, I can't make college more expensive, but Obama and liberal government did.
If you're a working-class person, you'll lose your delusions about capitalism, when you start going hungry or see your loved ones suffering, from lack of food and money. The capitalist masters aren't going to need anyone to work for them. You obviously don't get it.

Why would I go hungry?
Defunding government and privatizing everything.

Defunding government? What does that mean?
And why would "privativing everything", which never happened, make already private colleges
more expensive?

What you or I can't accomplish alone or even if we worked together, our government can

That's true, I can't make college more expensive, but Obama and liberal government did.


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