Should AG Barr Resign

If Barr does not resign, should he be impeached

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Barr's speech to the Notre Dame Law School is down right scary. He shit on the first amendment and deserves to be impeached!!!

Bill Barr: Secularists are assaulting religion and its values - CNN Video

This guy is the highest law enforcement official in our nation, and he doesn't respect, support or defend our Constitution.

He is correct.
Secularists don't hove the right to asult and shut down religious people.
Under our 1st amendment both have the right of freedom.

That's not the point. The Highest Law Enforcement Officer cannot violate the First Amendment, he has no business attacking Public Schools, nor should he be in the business of proselytizing.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Of course Barr is not a Member of Congress, so we need to look at what Trump has done in picking Pence (Christian, Conservative, Republican) and Barr (link to he speech above) in the context of Art. VI: "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public Trust under the United States".

I know, it's odd that an immoral President choose to place Pence and Barr into such high offices, when both put their faith before the rule of law.

Why is it that so many proposed Catholics are Democrats and yet frequently argue against Christianity and Christian beliefs? I have even seen folks claim to be Catholic in one thread and then argue against Creationism in another. It is a strange dicotomy.

I'm a Catholic and believe in the values of Jesus Christ, and practice them, but still be an agnostic. It's not a dichotomy. Your post is a logical fallacy, i.e. a false dichotomy.

False Dilemma

I am not sure what you are talking about. So you believe Jesus was a good guy, but don't believe he was the son of God because, being an agnostic, you aren't sure whether or not God actually exists? Not sure how you could claim to be Catholic. Part of your belief is Jewish, Jesus being a good guy/prophet, the other part is pure on confusion at at odds with virtually any religion. Catholism is a form of Christianity. The core of that belief is that Jesus was not just a good guy, but was God himself in human flesh.

I am just astounded that someone can claim to be a Catholic agnostic. That is some twisted, confused stuff.
Barr's speech to the Notre Dame Law School is down right scary. He shit on the first amendment and deserves to be impeached!!!

Bill Barr: Secularists are assaulting religion and its values - CNN Video

This guy is the highest law enforcement official in our nation, and he doesn't respect, support or defend our Constitution.

He is correct.
Secularists don't hove the right to asult and shut down religious people.
Under our 1st amendment both have the right of freedom.

That's not the point. The Highest Law Enforcement Officer cannot violate the First Amendment, he has no business attacking Public Schools, nor should he be in the business of proselytizing.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Of course Barr is not a Member of Congress, so we need to look at what Trump has done in picking Pence (Christian, Conservative, Republican) and Barr (link to he speech above) in the context of Art. VI: "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public Trust under the United States".

I know, it's odd that an immoral President choose to place Pence and Barr into such high offices, when both put their faith before the rule of law.

Why is it that so many proposed Catholics are Democrats and yet frequently argue against Christianity and Christian beliefs? I have even seen folks claim to be Catholic in one thread and then argue against Creationism in another. It is a strange dicotomy.

I'm a Catholic and believe in the values of Jesus Christ, and practice them, but still be an agnostic. It's not a dichotomy. Your post is a logical fallacy, i.e. a false dichotomy.

False Dilemma

You can like Jesus the man and practice what he preached but until you can say He is the only begotten Son of God and the ONLY way to God you are still going to hell.

Learn to pronounce

    • a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God."

He can believe what he wants, but callling himself a Catholic is astoundingly ignorant. Maybe he thinks Catholicism is a race, not a religion...not sure.

You know nothing of history

Nothing of Andrew Jackson also saying no to congress and the courts

The military obeyed him and not the congress and courts

You foolish democrats don’t want to hear about what happens when congress goes against its men

Hiding the real history too scared to speak correctly

And during the dark history of the United States, Slavery was approved. The Courts and Law Enforcement not only approved of public lynching but joined in in the festivals. Rape was approved as long as it was done by a proper person. Wholesale theft of entire communities was the way of life for the rich. Shall I go on? Yes, we have a very checkered past. And to single out one of the bloodiest and most vile part of that and to attempt to use it to justify any actions that might come up today is just wrong. There is a reason that the Military has changed to prevent this from ever happening again. Why you may find the Military's actions as correct by following a rogue President, the Military of today finds it an abomination and has instilled and passed policies, traditions and customs to prevent it from ever happening again. Andrew Jackson used the US Military to do what would be considered today as wholesale Mass Murder of unarmed Innocent American Citizens just so a bunch of rich fat cats could seize their lands as their own.

Are you aware there were more than one Trail of Tears? While most people are aware of the one from the east to the Oklahoma Terretory, there was another one. I have both sides of the family involved in that one. One wore blue and road a horse. The other walked and wore a blanket if they were lucky. It started in upper Montana. It wasn't as large as the Eastern one but it was even more deadly by far. It was done during the same time period. And the winters in Montana weren't the time to be traveling. More than half of the Cherokee were lost that were forced to start that journey to exposure. The reason for this one wasn't land but to thin the herd. At this time, the Cherokee was the largest Indian Nation. And they were spread across much of the East and West from Florida to Montana. If they had ever come together under one central War Chief and went to war, the US Military could not have handled them without going to a Civil War type footing. So Jackson used methods to attend to it. All so he could cater to a bunch of his rich fat cat buddies.

Jackson authorized and used the US Military for wholesale Mass Murders. Not something the Military is greatly proud of today.

Why do you want to lie??

You saying over half of the Cherokees was lost on the journey ??

These are the facts


Then began the march known as the Trail of Tears, in which 4,000 Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and disease on their way to the western lands.

You want to correct you saying over half

See you get caught all the time lying

No credibility

Red clay tenn 10 foot past the Georgia state line was the last capital of the Cherokee nation

That was from the Southern route. The Northern route was done in the dead of winter. This is the one that History wants to completely forget. If you want to learn about it you are going to have to go to the Cherokee History Books, not the White Eyes history books. The books you read are all written by the winners.

You said over half of the Cherokees

Again you said over half of the Cherokees

The northern section was not the cherokees

Are you a foolish DRUNKARD that gets you caught all the time ?

Get back on topic drunkard

Barr is setting up with trump to force impeachment to then enforce declaring a broken govf to change the crooked congress and courts in order to save the nation

The military agrees with trump and will go with trump

I took an oath 5 times that says you are wrong. I am still under that oath. No one has ever relieved me from that oath. And that oath puts the country and the Constitution above all others. ANY President that give me an order for me to go against the oath I took no longer has the right to give me any orders. If he gives an order for the Military to go against the Civilian Federal Government in any way then that is what would happen and he no longer deserves the position as Commander in Chief.

But people do not take an oath to defend what they know are crooks and crookedness

That law is the supreme law

Being a drunkard like this makes it easy for you to get caught
He is correct.
Secularists don't hove the right to asult and shut down religious people.
Under our 1st amendment both have the right of freedom.

That's not the point. The Highest Law Enforcement Officer cannot violate the First Amendment, he has no business attacking Public Schools, nor should he be in the business of proselytizing.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Of course Barr is not a Member of Congress, so we need to look at what Trump has done in picking Pence (Christian, Conservative, Republican) and Barr (link to he speech above) in the context of Art. VI: "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public Trust under the United States".

I know, it's odd that an immoral President choose to place Pence and Barr into such high offices, when both put their faith before the rule of law.

Why is it that so many proposed Catholics are Democrats and yet frequently argue against Christianity and Christian beliefs? I have even seen folks claim to be Catholic in one thread and then argue against Creationism in another. It is a strange dicotomy.

I'm a Catholic and believe in the values of Jesus Christ, and practice them, but still be an agnostic. It's not a dichotomy. Your post is a logical fallacy, i.e. a false dichotomy.

False Dilemma

You can like Jesus the man and practice what he preached but until you can say He is the only begotten Son of God and the ONLY way to God you are still going to hell.

Learn to pronounce

    • a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God."

He can believe what he wants, but callling himself a Catholic is astoundingly ignorant. Maybe he thinks Catholicism is a race, not a religion...not sure.
He thinks it's a gender and it's whatever he feels from moment to moment

You know nothing of history

Nothing of Andrew Jackson also saying no to congress and the courts

The military obeyed him and not the congress and courts

You foolish democrats don’t want to hear about what happens when congress goes against its men

Hiding the real history too scared to speak correctly

And during the dark history of the United States, Slavery was approved. The Courts and Law Enforcement not only approved of public lynching but joined in in the festivals. Rape was approved as long as it was done by a proper person. Wholesale theft of entire communities was the way of life for the rich. Shall I go on? Yes, we have a very checkered past. And to single out one of the bloodiest and most vile part of that and to attempt to use it to justify any actions that might come up today is just wrong. There is a reason that the Military has changed to prevent this from ever happening again. Why you may find the Military's actions as correct by following a rogue President, the Military of today finds it an abomination and has instilled and passed policies, traditions and customs to prevent it from ever happening again. Andrew Jackson used the US Military to do what would be considered today as wholesale Mass Murder of unarmed Innocent American Citizens just so a bunch of rich fat cats could seize their lands as their own.

Are you aware there were more than one Trail of Tears? While most people are aware of the one from the east to the Oklahoma Terretory, there was another one. I have both sides of the family involved in that one. One wore blue and road a horse. The other walked and wore a blanket if they were lucky. It started in upper Montana. It wasn't as large as the Eastern one but it was even more deadly by far. It was done during the same time period. And the winters in Montana weren't the time to be traveling. More than half of the Cherokee were lost that were forced to start that journey to exposure. The reason for this one wasn't land but to thin the herd. At this time, the Cherokee was the largest Indian Nation. And they were spread across much of the East and West from Florida to Montana. If they had ever come together under one central War Chief and went to war, the US Military could not have handled them without going to a Civil War type footing. So Jackson used methods to attend to it. All so he could cater to a bunch of his rich fat cat buddies.

Jackson authorized and used the US Military for wholesale Mass Murders. Not something the Military is greatly proud of today.

Are you aware that because of Andrew Jackson the Indians in America has the best lifestyle than any in the world ?

Are you aware that tgd Indians were mass murdering EACH other ??

Are you aware that their life span has trippled ?

Are you aware of white Christian males brought the Indians out of the misery of the Stone Age ?

Are you aware that you know nothing of real history ?

Are you aware that you democrats are foolish losers ?

Am I aware that you support the mass murder that occurred during Andrew Johnsons time period? And probably would again if something else came up similar? Yes.

Are you drunk again?

It's Andrew Jackson. Not Andrew Johnson

See how you get caught so easily

So you take that as a win. A friggin typo. If that's the best you can do you have already lost. Now, using the correct Presidents name, address the issues instead of just trying to do a gotcha.

Foolish loser you were wrong on the cherokees too

Again you don’t need to post while being a drunkard

This is about Barr that is showing he is ready to be impeached so that him and trump can call out the military to stop this crooked govt

And I show how this can be easy with the Andrew Jackson real example and you being a drunkard you go off in other areas getting caught wrong too
Since Barr is talking about religion as good for America .. he then must hate liars and injustice since he is a judge

Mueller his church friend lied about him seeking the fbi job with trump

And then he lied under oath for all to see

He said that the CIA agent the Italian professor was a Russian Agent !! He said that to help the crooked deep state to bring fraud charges

That is clear perjury

And takes a fraud religious person to do

So since Barr understands the real problem and mueller doing those acts. He should next charge mueller with high treason ???

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