Should AG Barr Resign

If Barr does not resign, should he be impeached

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Well I certainly wouldn't want to discuss the thread instead of Frank's hijackings, but I don't know about impeaching Burr, but his motivations seem questionable imo. Initially, he said his campaigning to be AG was because there were elements of the govt in the DOJ, and possibly DOS, that wanted to torpedo his presidency. Trumpstettes see some deep state conspiracy, but it seems to me that some view Trump's values and goals as dangerous to America and even the const. Not that I agree with removing him simply because he "might" do something.

But now Burr seems concerned about a secular assault on society, which is ironic because Trump's embrace of Christianity is enough to make Lenin blush
Wrong. He can talk the talk all he wants, he cannot walk that talk as the highest law enforcement officer in our nation.

Do you really want a theocratic ideology to be the policy of the Dept. of Justice?

I sure don't. I too am Catholic, and reject the authoritarianism within the arrogance of the Moral Majority; which was never moral nor a majority.

Perhaps you can explain how he's violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

In the open?
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has predicted the impeachment of President Donald Trump “shouldn’t take very long.”

The California senator also told a United Food and Commercial Workers candidate forum in Iowa at the weekend that she, as a former prosecutor, would prosecute Trump for impeachment now “based on everything I know.”

“We’ve got a confession. And it don’t take a prosecutor to see that was a confession,” said Harris, in reference to Trump’s acknowledgment that he withheld aid to Ukraine before calling on its president Volodymyr Zelensky in a phone call to investigate his potential Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden.

“When people say, ‘how long do you think this impeachment process is going to be?’ Well, it shouldn’t take very long, because, I mean, he did it out in the open,” she added.

Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes!

For the reader: CrusaderFrank's Code lists telling the truth as a high crime, thus he avoids posting anything truthful.

Money laundering, extortion, payola, they're just not crimes when the democrat POTUS candidate does them

AS posted before, Frank cannot be truthful; they are crimes whenever evidence is provided and is probative that these actions occurred in an investigation. Even then, they must be found to have been determined to have occurred beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Which brings us to the current kerfuffle, where the obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion and the emolument clause of Constitution are under investigation by The Congress.

No Democrats have publicly used the rhetoric so common at today's political rally's to bypass an investigation (or in HRC's Case interrogate her for hours, and yet never find evidence that she committed a crime) and lead a mob to chant "lock him/her up".
Barr is the only reason why Jeff Epstein was prosecuted. Epstein was above Federal Law during Clinton, W, the Cocksucker, and when Sessions was AG.

That is why the CHOSEN want Barr out = they don't like not being ABOVE FEDERAL LAW
Perhaps you can explain how he's violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

In the open?
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has predicted the impeachment of President Donald Trump “shouldn’t take very long.”

The California senator also told a United Food and Commercial Workers candidate forum in Iowa at the weekend that she, as a former prosecutor, would prosecute Trump for impeachment now “based on everything I know.”

“We’ve got a confession. And it don’t take a prosecutor to see that was a confession,” said Harris, in reference to Trump’s acknowledgment that he withheld aid to Ukraine before calling on its president Volodymyr Zelensky in a phone call to investigate his potential Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden.

“When people say, ‘how long do you think this impeachment process is going to be?’ Well, it shouldn’t take very long, because, I mean, he did it out in the open,” she added.

Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes!

For the reader: CrusaderFrank's Code lists telling the truth as a high crime, thus he avoids posting anything truthful.

Money laundering, extortion, payola, they're just not crimes when the democrat POTUS candidate does them

AS posted before, Frank cannot be truthful; they are crimes whenever evidence is provided and is probative that these actions occurred in an investigation. Even then, they must be found to have been determined to have occurred beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Which brings us to the current kerfuffle, where the obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion and the emolument clause of Constitution are under investigation by The Congress.

No Democrats have publicly used the rhetoric so common at today's political rally's to bypass an investigation (or in HRC's Case interrogate her for hours, and yet never find evidence that she committed a crime) and lead a mob to chant "lock him/her up".

Hillary, during her tenure as SecState, collected $145,000.000 (probably $5,000,000 Bitcoin account too) from Russia. Emoluments? Extortion? Payola?

Biden is ON RECORD extorting the Ukraine for them to fire the prosecutor investigating the pay for play arrangement between Ukraine and the Bidens

But, remember, "it's not a crime when a democrat does it"
NOT A CRIME = Democrats stealing from the US taxpayer

CRIME = investigating whether Democrats were stealing from the US taxpayer
Is Barr truthful, one must wonder after watching his confirmation hearing if he is honest, or invokes the Reagan/Clinton method of not answering and easy yes or no response.

In this video, he is wasting the time of Sen. Harris as a means not to answer hard questions.

Anyone who defends Barr is fool!

She tried to limit his response, she is an idiot. We'll see what Barr's made of when the reports come out.
Barr's speech to the Notre Dame Law School is down right scary. He shit on the first amendment and deserves to be impeached!!!

Bill Barr: Secularists are assaulting religion and its values - CNN Video

This guy is the highest law enforcement official in our nation, and he doesn't respect, support or defend our Constitution.

He is correct.
Secularists don't hove the right to asult and shut down religious people.
Under our 1st amendment both have the right of freedom.

That's not the point. The Highest Law Enforcement Officer cannot violate the First Amendment, he has no business attacking Public Schools, nor should he be in the business of proselytizing.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Of course Barr is not a Member of Congress, so we need to look at what Trump has done in picking Pence (Christian, Conservative, Republican) and Barr (link to he speech above) in the context of Art. VI: "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public Trust under the United States".

I know, it's odd that an immoral President choose to place Pence and Barr into such high offices, when both put their faith before the rule of law.

Why is it that so many proposed Catholics are Democrats and yet frequently argue against Christianity and Christian beliefs? I have even seen folks claim to be Catholic in one thread and then argue against Creationism in another. It is a strange dicotomy.

I'm a Catholic and believe in the values of Jesus Christ, and practice them, but still be an agnostic. It's not a dichotomy. Your post is a logical fallacy, i.e. a false dichotomy.

False Dilemma

You can like Jesus the man and practice what he preached but until you can say He is the only begotten Son of God and the ONLY way to God you are still going to hell.

Learn to pronounce
  1. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God."
Barr joins Trump in wanting an impeachment so that they can set up martial law with the military and majority of American men to save the nation by setting up a new govt

Britain now with the Queens push for the patriots also will bring England back from the globalist crooks
Barr's speech to the Notre Dame Law School is down right scary. He shit on the first amendment and deserves to be impeached!!!

Bill Barr: Secularists are assaulting religion and its values - CNN Video

This guy is the highest law enforcement official in our nation, and he doesn't respect, support or defend our Constitution.

Didn't you say there could be no religious test to hold office? Seems a bit hypocritical compared to the OP.


Barr is going with the founders clearly

That means he also is ready to stop the crime of voting against the founders voting done only by the wise

I have no idea what that means.


The founders wanted only the wise to vote

This system today is a crime against the founders and will be stopped by the majority of the men

Hate to tell ya kid, the majority of men is a minority. Get back to me when you get a few more decades under your belt.


Can’t you read

Majority of men is the majority of men

See how you got caught

You are trying to say trump does not have the majority of men. He does

You throwing in the women was to lie about the men and got you caught

Majority of the men agrees with trump

A landslide majority of white men agrees

A landslide of the majority of military agrees with trump

You foolish democrats have no real power

Just bluffs and now Barr and Trump is forcing you to do your foolish losing bluffs

Wow, you're the first idiot to call me a democrat. How about you provide links that confirm your assertions.

Here's the Lunatic OP: Barr points out that Socialist democrats want to silence all opposition, therefore we must silence him!!!

Wrong. He can talk the talk all he wants, he cannot walk that talk as the highest law enforcement officer in our nation.

Do you really want a theocratic ideology to be the policy of the Dept. of Justice?

I sure don't. I too am Catholic, and reject the authoritarianism within the arrogance of the Moral Majority; which was never moral nor a majority.

Perhaps you can explain how he's violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

In the open?
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has predicted the impeachment of President Donald Trump “shouldn’t take very long.”

The California senator also told a United Food and Commercial Workers candidate forum in Iowa at the weekend that she, as a former prosecutor, would prosecute Trump for impeachment now “based on everything I know.”

“We’ve got a confession. And it don’t take a prosecutor to see that was a confession,” said Harris, in reference to Trump’s acknowledgment that he withheld aid to Ukraine before calling on its president Volodymyr Zelensky in a phone call to investigate his potential Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden.

“When people say, ‘how long do you think this impeachment process is going to be?’ Well, it shouldn’t take very long, because, I mean, he did it out in the open,” she added.

Hey clueless idiot, this thread is about Barr, not Trump. Do try to keep up.

Barr's speech to the Notre Dame Law School is down right scary. He shit on the first amendment and deserves to be impeached!!!

Bill Barr: Secularists are assaulting religion and its values - CNN Video

This guy is the highest law enforcement official in our nation, and he doesn't respect, support or defend our Constitution.

Hah, exactly. Barr, the religious moron, all butthurt that people aren't putting his Baby Jebus in the laws.
Barr should really dislike LIARS. Since religion says strongly NO and also JUSTICE

Barr knows mueller lied under oath when he said that Italian professor was a Russian Agent.. but he was a Italian America CIA agent

So will Barr charge mueller with perjury ??

And will a judge keep Flynn in jail for doing the same as mueller ??

A lot of people are waiting to see justice !!
Putin is NOT getting his money's worth with you...
he is with you though, I'm sure he thanks you often.
Sessions was the (Zionist) "Christian."

Barr is simply AMERICAN, meaning he doesn't think any one or group should be above the law, even if "Christians" think Zionist Jews should be....
Here's the Lunatic OP: Barr points out that Socialist democrats want to silence all opposition, therefore we must silence him!!!

Wrong. He can talk the talk all he wants, he cannot walk that talk as the highest law enforcement officer in our nation.

Do you really want a theocratic ideology to be the policy of the Dept. of Justice?

I sure don't. I too am Catholic, and reject the authoritarianism within the arrogance of the Moral Majority; which was never moral nor a majority.

Perhaps you can explain how he's violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

In the open?
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has predicted the impeachment of President Donald Trump “shouldn’t take very long.”

The California senator also told a United Food and Commercial Workers candidate forum in Iowa at the weekend that she, as a former prosecutor, would prosecute Trump for impeachment now “based on everything I know.”

“We’ve got a confession. And it don’t take a prosecutor to see that was a confession,” said Harris, in reference to Trump’s acknowledgment that he withheld aid to Ukraine before calling on its president Volodymyr Zelensky in a phone call to investigate his potential Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden.

“When people say, ‘how long do you think this impeachment process is going to be?’ Well, it shouldn’t take very long, because, I mean, he did it out in the open,” she added.
what about removal from office in the Senate?

idle threats, trump will receive many more votes than 2016 because the nut job leftists are scaring the fence sitters to trump because they don't want a country as they are promoting. just are.

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