Should all good people join GAB now and crowd fund them? I’m in!

On every college campus in America there is a group named "Students for Justice in Palestine" that is dedicated to wiping Israel off the map. This is a leftwing group. The left is the home of anti-Semitism, not the right.

Why do you people continue to lie when it is so easy to prove your lies are just that?

They are on a few, they are not on all campus.

They are not on the campus where I got my Bachelors or where I got my Masters.

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You mean they weren't at your piss ant school? Well then, it must prove that leftists aren't anti-semites who want to destroy Israel . . . . . . NOT!

No, it proves that you are a liar, and not a very good one at that.

And it proves you have no integrity because once your lie is proven you double down instead of being a man and admitting you were wrong.
It's pretty easy to raise a few milion dollars in a day or two for little ventures like that, but I wouldn't do a moneybomb for that site. I read through it for a bit before it got kicked off the server, the majority of those people seemed like romper room half-wits.From what I saw just skimming through, I wouldn't trust a lot of em to be responsible enough to hold up a sign on an overpass some place without supervision. Be thankful the scope of their political action is relegated to just voting.
On every college campus in America there is a group named "Students for Justice in Palestine" that is dedicated to wiping Israel off the map. This is a leftwing group. The left is the home of anti-Semitism, not the right.

Why do you people continue to lie when it is so easy to prove your lies are just that?

They are on a few, they are not on all campus.

They are not on the campus where I got my Bachelors or where I got my Masters.

Interactive SJP Map
You mean they weren't at your piss ant school? Well then, it must prove that leftists aren't anti-semites who want to destroy Israel . . . . . . NOT!
Get back to us when a "leftist" shoots up a synagogue.
I think that is an excellent way for you to use your money.

Principle smartest guys in the room won’t get it.

As I said, I think it is great thing for you to do. If I spent my days spewing racist bullshit all over the internet like you do, I would fund them myself.

Oh I see, when you post, you speak “the truth” but when I say wetbacks are disgusting, welfare dependent, criminal filth I’m being a racist...You’ve never looked at statistics have you?

Yes, exactly. When one uses racist epithets, that makes them a racist. It is pretty simple really.

Except that unfortunately certain traits do tend to manifest themselves in certain Gene pools. Whether that is genetically related or simply the consequence of unfortunate geographical destiny I cannot say. I suspect that both contribute. Regardless of its insensitivity it is nevertheless quite foolish to ignore reality in that regard for a multiplicity of practical and pragmatic reasons.


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