Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?

Let's see........we have children being raped here. We have gays that are sometimes beaten to death by gangs of homophobes here. We have boys getting their genitals mutilated here. So, by YOUR standards. America looks like the some of the countries that you think are oh so horrible.

You can't post snarky internet comments in practically ALL of the nations on this planet. But like in the US, some of your internet posts can get you in 'deep doo doo' with the authorities.

You guys have some weird ideas about what goes on in this and other countries.

Awesome troll post! :clap2:

Obviously, America has rapists and murderers, etc., but our laws do not allow these crimes to go unpunished. You obviously knew the distinction the poster was making, but chose to ignore it for trolling purposes. Great job! :thup:

So, which countries are you claiming have laws that allow rape and murder? As for trolls, you the king man!! No one can beat you!!!

No, No...*YOU* summarily chastised a poster while stating this:

So, you think the US is great because the rest of the world is worse????:cuckoo::cuckoo:

And why shouldn't they think such a thing since we are a Republic based upon the Rule of LAW, and not of man?

I *INVITE* you to do a search to see real injustice if you think this Republic is so terrible...*And Hence the posters' point*

GOOGLE is your friend. Avail yourself of it.
Let's see........we have children being raped here. We have gays that are sometimes beaten to death by gangs of homophobes here. We have boys getting their genitals mutilated here. So, by YOUR standards. America looks like the some of the countries that you think are oh so horrible.

You can't post snarky internet comments in practically ALL of the nations on this planet. But like in the US, some of your internet posts can get you in 'deep doo doo' with the authorities.

You guys have some weird ideas about what goes on in this and other countries.

In America, raping children and beating gays to death are crimes. I'm not sure what you mean by mutilating boys genitals, unless that is a reference to circumcision. That practice doesn't prevent men from achieving orgasm; I have never heard a circumcised man describe himself as mutilated. The ones that do have procedures such as prince alberts and ampallangs do so voluntarily.

You fail to make the distinction between crimes and sanctioned activity. Norms in America make things that are common place in other countries crimes. We punish the people who do them instead of lending them the legitimacy of state approval.
So, which countries are you claiming have laws that allow rape and murder? As for trolls, you the king man!! No one can beat you!!!

Sharia law - read about it. Pay special attention to honor killings and how gays are treated.

And then do some reading on cultures in which young girls are married off to grown men.
Let's see........we have children being raped here. We have gays that are sometimes beaten to death by gangs of homophobes here. We have boys getting their genitals mutilated here. So, by YOUR standards. America looks like the some of the countries that you think are oh so horrible.

You can't post snarky internet comments in practically ALL of the nations on this planet. But like in the US, some of your internet posts can get you in 'deep doo doo' with the authorities.

You guys have some weird ideas about what goes on in this and other countries.

In America, raping children and beating gays to death are crimes. I'm not sure what you mean by mutilating boys genitals, unless that is a reference to circumcision. That practice doesn't prevent men from achieving orgasm; I have never heard a circumcised man describe himself as mutilated. The ones that do have procedures such as prince alberts and ampallangs do so voluntarily.

You fail to make the distinction between crimes and sanctioned activity. Norms in America make things that are common place in other countries crimes. We punish the people who do them instead of lending them the legitimacy of state approval.

It's a principle called unfettered Liberty which this country still is in practice of...but if these Statists have their way? Not for long.
So, which countries are you claiming have laws that allow rape and murder? As for trolls, you the king man!! No one can beat you!!!

Sharia law - read about it. Pay special attention to honor killings and how gays are treated.

And then do some reading on cultures in which young girls are married off to grown men.

You're tryingto open the eyes of a narrow minded progressive....a near impossible task.
Yes. I do.

America is a better place to live than countries in which women's genitals are mutilated, gays are stoned to death, children are raped in superstitious practices, etc.

We live in a Freer Society than has been enjoyed by the vast amount of humans who have ever lived. Most have lived in Fear societies. If we lived in the latter, you would not be free to post snarky hostile comments about it on the internet.

Let's see........we have children being raped here. We have gays that are sometimes beaten to death by gangs of homophobes here. We have boys getting their genitals mutilated here. So, by YOUR standards. America looks like the some of the countries that you think are oh so horrible.

You can post snarky internet comments in practically ALL of the nations on this planet. But like in the US, some of your internet posts can get you in 'deep doo doo' with the authorities.

You guys have some weird ideas about what goes on in this and other countries. old are you?
Have you not learned the word comprehension and practiced it?

I practice it every day. See my post you responded to? I don't 'interpret' for the poster, I respond to what they post, except in the event of an obvious typo. If you read the post I responded to and my response, it might just improve YOUR reading comprehension.

As for my age. I'm old enough to have seen all of this blather coming from the wingnuts before.
Putting the freedom we have in America in the context of the rest of the world and history is perfectly appropriate.

Freedom has been enjoyed by far more than Caucasoid Males.

So, you think the US is great because the rest of the world is worse????:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I can see that Logic, and understanding of basic Human Nature isn't your strong suit.

Maybe that's because you're 'basic'. I've always strove to do better than basic and I've definitely never been one to succumb to basic human nature. If we did that, there would be no humans left. We've had to rise above our 'basic human nature' to keep from killing each other off.
Maybe that's because you're 'basic'. I've always strove to do better than basic and I've definitely never been one to succumb to basic human nature. If we did that, there would be no humans left. We've had to rise above our 'basic human nature' to keep from killing each other off.

Ain't it nice to see another wimpy elitist sneer at basic, decent values - just the type who disdains Americans but wants to tell us how we should live.
So, you think the US is great because the rest of the world is worse????:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I can see that Logic, and understanding of basic Human Nature isn't your strong suit.

Maybe that's because you're 'basic'. I've always strove to do better than basic and I've definitely never been one to succumb to basic human nature. If we did that, there would be no humans left. We've had to rise above our 'basic human nature' to keep from killing each other off.

I see. So what you are stating before the USMB here and now, is that YOU are an elitist...and yer shit doesn't stink...Screw 'Basic' principles/values? And what of basic -MORALS-?

-NAH- [What am I thinking here]?

You sir/maam'? Are an elitist dolt. And had better rethink a few things for YOU reflect the Ideals of those that are in power...and mean to put you into servitude of the State.
Maybe that's because you're 'basic'. I've always strove to do better than basic and I've definitely never been one to succumb to basic human nature. If we did that, there would be no humans left. We've had to rise above our 'basic human nature' to keep from killing each other off.

Ain't it nice to see another wimpy elitist sneer at basic, decent values - just the type who disdains Americans but wants to tell us how we should live.

As a matter of course? Their collective *shit* doesn't stink. Therefore they have to demean the rest of us that are principled, and tethered to Morals.
there is an inverse relationship between socialism and freedom. the more you have of one the less you have of the other.
I would do away with socialism in order to have more freedom.
Losers want more socialism and willingly trade their freedom and mine to get it.
Maybe that's because you're 'basic'. I've always strove to do better than basic and I've definitely never been one to succumb to basic human nature. If we did that, there would be no humans left. We've had to rise above our 'basic human nature' to keep from killing each other off.

Ain't it nice to see another wimpy elitist sneer at basic, decent values - just the type who disdains Americans but wants to tell us how we should live.

You just encapsulated the libby progressive credo.
there is an inverse relationship between socialism and freedom. the more you have of one the less you have of the other.
I would do away with socialism in order to have more freedom.
Losers want more socialism and willingly trade their freedom and mine to get it.

And isn't this more the question? This is what they wish to do. Adn they want Mommy government to make it so at the point of the point of a gun.
Really? Which practices that are common in other areas of the world are routinely done in America:

- Female Genital Mutilation
- Stoning Rape Victims
- Marrying 8 year old girls to old men
- Executing Gays for Being Gay
- Raping children to Cure Disease
- Slavery (sexual and otherwise)

Oh please. Using third world mentality as an analogy is ungrocky. Does Great Britain engage in those activities?

Stay focused. We were discussing the US, not any foreign nation.

Maybe you were, but Bo wasn't ^, thus my response.
Let's see........we have children being raped here. We have gays that are sometimes beaten to death by gangs of homophobes here. We have boys getting their genitals mutilated here. So, by YOUR standards. America looks like the some of the countries that you think are oh so horrible.

You can post snarky internet comments in practically ALL of the nations on this planet. But like in the US, some of your internet posts can get you in 'deep doo doo' with the authorities.

You guys have some weird ideas about what goes on in this and other countries. old are you?
Have you not learned the word comprehension and practiced it?

I practice it every day. See my post you responded to? I don't 'interpret' for the poster, I respond to what they post, except in the event of an obvious typo. If you read the post I responded to and my response, it might just improve YOUR reading comprehension.

As for my age. I'm old enough to have seen all of this blather coming from the wingnuts before.

If you comprehended, how could you have missed the point of the poster? hmmmm?
Oh please. Using third world mentality as an analogy is ungrocky. Does Great Britain engage in those activities?

Stay focused. We were discussing the US, not any foreign nation.

Putting the freedom we have in America in the context of the rest of the world and history is perfectly appropriate.

Freedom has been enjoyed by far more than Caucasoid Males.

So what you're saying is that we DO enjoy more freedom than other nations. But I thought all you guys were screaming that it's been taken away!! Is something being left out of this dialog? :confused: :confused: Maybe it's all the grokiness and wordplay.
Stay focused. We were discussing the US, not any foreign nation.

Putting the freedom we have in America in the context of the rest of the world and history is perfectly appropriate.

Freedom has been enjoyed by far more than Caucasoid Males.

So what you're saying is that we DO enjoy more freedom than other nations. But I thought all you guys were screaming that it's been taken away!! Is something being left out of this dialog? :confused: :confused: Maybe it's all the grokiness and wordplay.

For the record? *IT IS*. by the ability to choose what/Where/When to practice our 'LIBERTY' to do with our lives 'X'...without the Government being involved in some form or fashion.

Are you really this blind?
Stay focused. We were discussing the US, not any foreign nation.

Putting the freedom we have in America in the context of the rest of the world and history is perfectly appropriate.

Freedom has been enjoyed by far more than Caucasoid Males.

So what you're saying is that we DO enjoy more freedom than other nations. But I thought all you guys were screaming that it's been taken away!! Is something being left out of this dialog? :confused: :confused: Maybe it's all the grokiness and wordplay.

Everytime they pass legislation a freedom we had yesterday is not here today, Maggie.
I'm not a smoker, but it started in eating establishments, then the parks, then the beaches. Just one example.
Certain types of firearms have been prohibitied.
Recreational sluicing and panning for gold on federal lands (tax payers land)
Drilling ANWR.
These are easy examples, Maggie. I'm sure if I took the time to research, I could come up with a lot more.
there is an inverse relationship between socialism and freedom. the more you have of one the less you have of the other.
I would do away with socialism in order to have more freedom.
Losers want more socialism and willingly trade their freedom and mine to get it.

And isn't this more the question? This is what they wish to do. Adn they want Mommy government to make it so at the point of the point of a gun.


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