Should Animal Hunting Be Banned?

Agreed and they should be forced to ass rape and skull fuck Tea Baggers and Tea Brains.

We need to cut the fringe from America.

Well we have all seen what you r kind did in Soviet Russia, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, Pol Pot's we got getter done before we get done, no doubts.

You have a problem forcing the Tea Bag fringe to perform oral sex on the far-left?

I think we could sell out stadiums with show that included gun-nutters religious righties having butt sex with Code Pink and #Black Livesmatter.

Shame the fringe!!!
As long as you eat what you kill -- I'm fine with it.
You don't get the fact that it is none of your fucking business anyway, idiot.

Yes it is. We live in a country where everyone gets a say.

That's the FACT jack.

Only cowards and small dicked assholes kills something for "sport."

No you don't get a say in what I do when I don't directly impact you, so go mind your own goddamned business shit-4-brains.

But we all know ass holes like you are all talk and no bark.

You are OK with passing another stupid ass law that gets cops killed serving useless warrants and interfering in other peoples families.

But you would never dare go and do the shit for your own self, because you are as much a coward as a busybody hypocrite.

But hunting Animals in MY country does effect me.


I say eat it and or don't shoot it pussy.
As long as you eat what you kill -- I'm fine with it.
You don't get the fact that it is none of your fucking business anyway, idiot.

Yes it is. We live in a country where everyone gets a say.

That's the FACT jack.

Only cowards and small dicked assholes kills something for "sport."

No you don't get a say in what I do when I don't directly impact you, so go mind your own goddamned business shit-4-brains.

But we all know ass holes like you are all talk and no bark.

You are OK with passing another stupid ass law that gets cops killed serving useless warrants and interfering in other peoples families.

But you would never dare go and do the shit for your own self, because you are as much a coward as a busybody hypocrite.

But hunting Animals in MY country does effect me.


I say eat it and or don't shoot it pussy.

You have no say.


No, you fascist fuck.

Fascist because I protect animals?

If that's your definition of fascist then I am one.

You are a fascist because you think you have the right to impose your values on other people when they don't directly impact you, dumbass.

Excuse me?

The OP asked a question and members of this forum are answering it, me included.

I would not dare to impose anything on anybody, we believe in what we believe, right or wrong.

But I do have my opinion on the matter, and if I am asked I will answer it.

And so...

The question asked here was: "Should animal hunting be banned?"

And my answer is, was, and will be a resounding YES, it should.
Hunting is so popular. Leave the animals alone. Go to the border and hunt illegals.
Does the modern union based education system really teach pop-culture kids that dogs, deer and rabbits are endangered?
Ban animal hunting.

Ban it NOW!

Animal hunting is not a sport...its a criminal activity for psychopaths

Surely you jest....

I don't jest

I am serious ....animals love life the same way you and I do
Animals are not people. They kill each other with no more consideration than I give to squashing a mosqito and with less concern about the other animal's suffering.
Incorrect we are all animals, even humans.
Animals have done nothing to deserve this. Think about the harmless animals that haven't been doing anything to people. They get killed for no reason. Some people just want a new fur coat, some need a head on their wall, and others just want to kill for fun. Rabbits, deer, dogs and other animals get killed for stupid things like skins and fur. This will cause extinction and a change needs to happen.
BTW, researches show that about 200 million animals are killed every year.

As long as you eat what you kill -- I'm fine with it.

The Dentist who shot the lion should be killed and fed to the lions.
You should go to Saudi Arabia and tell them you're a proud gay Mooslim. Your religion is probably so tolerant that they won't bury you alive, hang you off of a steel crane, throw you off a rooftop, or stone you to death.

I'm sure of it!
Agreed and they should be forced to ass rape and skull fuck Tea Baggers and Tea Brains.

We need to cut the fringe from America.

Well we have all seen what you r kind did in Soviet Russia, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, Pol Pot's we got getter done before we get done, no doubts.

You have a problem forcing the Tea Bag fringe to perform oral sex on the far-left?

I think we could sell out stadiums with show that included gun-nutters religious righties having butt sex with Code Pink and #Black Livesmatter.

Shame the fringe!!!
I have a problem with the murderous methods preferred by the left, I sure do.

More people have died at the hands of socialists of one kind or another in the past two centuries than have died at the hands of all other men throughout human history.


No, you fascist fuck.

Fascist because I protect animals?

If that's your definition of fascist then I am one.

You are a fascist because you think you have the right to impose your values on other people when they don't directly impact you, dumbass.

Excuse me?

The OP asked a question and members of this forum are answering it, me included.

I would not dare to impose anything on anybody, we believe in what we believe, right or wrong.

But I do have my opinion on the matter, and if I am asked I will answer it.

And so...

The question asked here was: "Should animal hunting be banned?"

And my answer is, was, and will be a resounding YES, it should.

You are socialist scum and would justify the slaughter of millions of other human beings just like the New York Times justified Stalins slaughter of Ukrainians for two decades.
Animals have done nothing to deserve this. Think about the harmless animals that haven't been doing anything to people. They get killed for no reason. Some people just want a new fur coat, some need a head on their wall, and others just want to kill for fun. Rabbits, deer, dogs and other animals get killed for stupid things like skins and fur. This will cause extinction and a change needs to happen.
BTW, researches show that about 200 million animals are killed every year.
Your point?
Leftists get all bent out of shape over animals but think nothing of slaughtering millions of their fellow human beings. Hell awaits!

Tellin you, SMH.

These idiots would rather see a child dismembered in the womb without any anesthetic, rather than see them live and grow up in poverty.
No, hunting should not be banned. Nobody is forcing the weenie OP to hunt. It's none of his business if other people choose to hunt.
No, hunting should not be banned. Nobody is forcing the weenie OP to hunt. It's none of his business if other people choose to hunt.
People besotted by the notion that animals have rights begin to take upon themselves the mantel of their defense. Our nation's founders, who asserted the rights of man vouchsafed by God, would roll their eyes at this generation that thinks rights are drafted from every whim of mankind and are as sacrosanct and inviolable as any in the Bill of Rights. They even give rights to the enemies of the United States. They even give them to animals. And someday they will even give them to robots, subsumed in the robots suffrage movement they will champion. They make rights into a cheap thing to be despised.
No, hunting should not be banned. Nobody is forcing the weenie OP to hunt. It's none of his business if other people choose to hunt.
People besotted by the notion that animals have rights begin to take upon themselves the mantel of their defense. Our nation's founders, who asserted the rights of man vouchsafed by God, would roll their eyes at this generation that thinks rights are drafted from every whim of mankind and are as sacrosanct and inviolable as any in the Bill of Rights. They even give rights to the enemies of the United States. They even give them to animals. And someday they will even give them to robots, subsumed in the robots suffrage movement they will champion. They make rights into a cheap thing to be despised.

A lot of the animal rights activists I know show very little concern for People.
Ban on hunting and fishing? Never, too many Americans consider it not just as a hobby but as a lifestyle.
But I'd surely support ban on using animals for circus performances.
As long as you eat what you kill -- I'm fine with it.
You don't get the fact that it is none of your fucking business anyway, idiot.

Yes it is. We live in a country where everyone gets a say.

That's the FACT jack.

Only cowards and small dicked assholes kills something for "sport."

No you don't get a say in what I do when I don't directly impact you, so go mind your own goddamned business shit-4-brains.

But we all know ass holes like you are all talk and no bark.

You are OK with passing another stupid ass law that gets cops killed serving useless warrants and interfering in other peoples families.

But you would never dare go and do the shit for your own self, because you are as much a coward as a busybody hypocrite.

But hunting Animals in MY country does effect me.


I say eat it and or don't shoot it pussy.
I say shoot it or don't eat it, pussy. Anyone who eats meat from a store but then whines about sport hunting is a first echelon hypocrite.

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