Should Animal Hunting Be Banned?

The necessary killing of animals is understandable and acceptable. It is the unnecessary killing which is objectionable and should be prevented by strict laws.

Who died and left you Master of the Fucking Universe?

You don't like it, tough shit, don't do it. But leave everyone else the hell alone, you fucking Nazi.

The sonofabitch dentist who paid to go to Africa and kill that lion (Cecil) deserves a prison sentence for his arrogant and wantonly sadistic action.

The locals had no idea who that fucking lion was. When told about it locals said great kill some more lions they are a danger and a nuisance!

It is only idiot Westerners who believe all this animal rights bullshit and project human personalities onto animals that has a problem with this; i.e. the libtard disease contingent.
Hunting for food, or to thin an overpopulated species to protect it from suffering starvation/disease, or if necessary to stop destruction to property caused by them are acceptable reasons.

To hunt solely for hide or sport is wrong.
All hunting is for sport because it's never necessary because of grocery stores, but it's a lot like telling a cat it can't hunt because its food bowl is always full. Hunting is a primitive instinct and humans have been doing it for thousands of years.

Besides, I hear you do some hunting too, the kind that meets with even less approval in society.
Hunting for food is more humane than the treatment the cows and chickens got that are served up in your grocery store.
We should replace animal hunting with libtard hunting. No license required and open season year round....yeah, I could deal with that.
Their tie-dye shirts are an excellent aid for targeting.
Hey! I love tie die shirts, wear them all the time!

No, we have to go by something that is a more significant recording who the libtards are on message boards then tagging them with GPS transponder buried in their chests.
Or a free for all hunt at the Whole Foods Market.

Sounds mighty Christian!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
You should talk.

LOL... I'm not the one that has a Christian diety as an avatar, then posts about hunting people.

But it was a 'great' come back you gave me. :lmao:
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Their tie-dye shirts are an excellent aid for targeting.
Hey! I love tie die shirts, wear them all the time!

No, we have to go by something that is a more significant recording who the libtards are on message boards then tagging them with GPS transponder buried in their chests.
Or a free for all hunt at the Whole Foods Market.

Sounds mighty Christian!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
You should talk.

LOL... I'm not the one that has a Christian diety as an avatar, then posts about hunting people.

But it was a 'great' come back you gave me. :lmao:
The difference is I'm joking. The kind of hunting you do is no joke.
Ban animal hunting.

Ban it NOW!

Animal hunting is not a sport...its a criminal activity for psychopaths

Surely you jest....

I don't jest

I am serious ....animals love life the same way you and I do
And they also love depriving other animals of life so they can continue living. Are you really this stupid to miss something so obvious? Watch some Animal Planet, brainy.
Hey! I love tie die shirts, wear them all the time!

No, we have to go by something that is a more significant recording who the libtards are on message boards then tagging them with GPS transponder buried in their chests.
Or a free for all hunt at the Whole Foods Market.

Sounds mighty Christian!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
You should talk.

LOL... I'm not the one that has a Christian diety as an avatar, then posts about hunting people.

But it was a 'great' come back you gave me. :lmao:
The difference is I'm joking. The kind of hunting you do is no joke.

LOL. I see you're still trying to make a joke. Leaving a decision up to another person about their own autonomy is hardly 'hunting'. Funny stuff there.:boohoo: You're a regular Henny Youngman....:clap2::)
Animals have done nothing to deserve this. Think about the harmless animals that haven't been doing anything to people. They get killed for no reason. Some people just want a new fur coat, some need a head on their wall, and others just want to kill for fun. Rabbits, deer, dogs and other animals get killed for stupid things like skins and fur. This will cause extinction and a change needs to happen.
BTW, researches show that about 200 million animals are killed every year.

Nope. Since most predator species have been eliminated prey Animals like deer have to be hunted to thin the herd or they would over populate and many would starve to death.

Hunting serves a necessary function.
What predator species have been eliminated???

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