Should anti-vaxers be denied ICU treatment for COVID?

NOT correct. Kids automatically get help. You (adult) also should get help for NON-COVID medical issues, but if you are also infected with COVID, then you should be isolated from others ... if there is room.

No, not at all. Hospitals are asking nurses who are sick to keep working.
I am not on the left. Middle man here. Med care is a right, I believe, if there are resources, but someone has to pay for it. If you're going to be medically irresponsible, then you better be rich.
Does medically irresponsible cover things like getting pregnant from a one-night stand and alcohol poisoning from a frat house party?
The oath is ideal. We live in a pandemic world where hospital care is EXPENSIVE in time and money, and may not be able to service everyone who needs urgent care of all sorts.
Therefore, in this non-ideal world, we need to be PRACTICAL.
The medical reason for being in the ICU is if you need urgent care AND have followed medically approved precautions (such as getting vaccine) OR there are beds AND staff available.
So if you are drunk, get into an accident you’d be disqualified because they didn’t follow medically approved options. So, if you smoke, you should be denied ICU. What other ailments could keep people out of the hospital? Drinkers, smokers, type II diabetes, a person that has sex with more than one partner, the health issues of their habits should have them bear responsibility later in life. This must be the new Obamacare program, right?
In theory, "Medically, all should be treated" is the goal.
Have you heard the term "triage"? Gotta choose which patients to treat if ER or ICU is overwhelmed.
I say unvaxed people who are infected with COVID should wait in line and be treated AFTER vaxed patients are treated for breakthrough infection.
What needs to happen is all of the people rushing to the ER taking up needed space for true need following a positive COVID-19 test, when they have no business even going there, reportedly. That’s been an national issue in many hospitals prior to SARS2, worse now. People using the ER like a “doc in a box” for mild conditions because they aren’t on Medicaid, don’t have insurance, and no savings. That is a huge problem clogging up ER’s.
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?
If the hospital situation doesn't turn around soon, they will be dying while they're waiting to get treatment. If a hospital declares " crisis " mode that's exactly what is happening.
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?
Most all health conditions can be prevented so that's not an option. People make themselves sick.
Does medically irresponsible cover things like getting pregnant from a one-night stand and alcohol poisoning from a frat house party?
Obviously, those activities are irresponsible.
In this thread, we're talking about COVID unvaxed people using up VALUABLE hospital resources and straining nurses to the point of quiting. Not good for society as a whole.
Obviously, those activities are irresponsible.
In this thread, we're talking about COVID unvaxed people using up VALUABLE hospital resources and straining nurses to the point of quiting. Not good for society as a whole.
So in other words you're saying irresponsibility on a massive scale creates harm to society. I can agree with that. Still, I can't support denying them care even though it's a very tempting thought.
So in other words you're saying irresponsibility on a massive scale creates harm to society. I can agree with that. Still, I can't support denying them care even though it's a very tempting thought.
If there is hospital availability, then don't deny them care, but responsible people should have priority, such as organ transplants (another topic).
Obviously, those activities are irresponsible.
In this thread, we're talking about COVID unvaxed people using up VALUABLE hospital resources and straining nurses to the point of quiting. Not good for society as a whole.
Since more of those in the hospital are vaccinated, that argument is starting to ring false.
You are correct. Hospitals are overwhelmed and shorthanded. I hope you and I do not need to be hospitalized anytime soon.
Since the unvaxed make up most of those hospitalized due to COVID, it makes sense that they should be admitted ONLY if there's availability AFTER the vaccinated people are taken care of first.
If you want to add a smokestack to your plastic toy concentration camp you're gonna have get a paper route to buy the kit for yourself. Begging on this site is not approved.
If people are asking this question. They have a lot to learn about Big Pharma and do what they do. People that ask these questions seem to think Big Pharma is God. So in this way, it seems like 2 religions are pitted against one another once again. On the other side you have the Jesus believers. Both, religions big pharma warriors and Christians pitted,.hmmmm
You are correct. Hospitals are overwhelmed and shorthanded. I hope you and I do not need to be hospitalized anytime soon.
Since the unvaxed make up most of those hospitalized due to COVID, it makes sense that they should be admitted ONLY if there's availability AFTER the vaccinated people are taken care of first.
Smokers, diabetics, overweight, are all at a higher risk to be hospitalized than those that watch their diet and exercise and don’t smoke. Should these irresponsible people be put in the back of the line as well? It is their responsibility to take care of themselves and not fall into a high risk pool?
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?
I think stupid people are a waste of medical resources trying to heal them. Too bad for you.
It's the anti-vaxers who are selfish.

Yes, wanting to control your own body and health decisions - for anything the left doesn't approve of, anyway - is selfish, whereas there's nothing selfish at all about wanting to demand control of total strangers.
You simple thinkers are ignoring the fact that many hospitals are overwhelmed! Can't treat everyone who goes there. Gotta choose.

Yes, but YOU don't get to choose, and you don't get to do it according to your own personal wishes. There are triage procedures that hospitals use to decide who gets what care when, and none of them include, "Dipshit leftist tyrant-wannabes decide based on their politics."
You sound like an extremist.
If treatment resources are limited, decisions need to be made.
If there's a healthy heart available for transplant, would you put it into a responsible person who can contribute to society, or give it to a drug addict?

Actually, that's not how that decision is made. Only leftist shitbags want to make decisions about who lives or dies based on whether or not they like them.
In theory, "Medically, all should be treated" is the goal.
Have you heard the term "triage"? Gotta choose which patients to treat if ER or ICU is overwhelmed.
I say unvaxed people who are infected with COVID should wait in line and be treated AFTER vaxed patients are treated for breakthrough infection.

See my previous post, ie. "triage doesn't include a criterion for 'idiot leftist tyrants don't like them'."

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