Should Black Americans pay reparations to descendants of Yankee Soldiers?

...You would still be living in the caves of europe, ignorant and savage had it not been for Blacks educating europeans.

Here we go again... Is it your contention Pythagoras, the individual who discovered the downward perfect 4th upon which is the basis of the Major Scale and thus Western music, was a Negro? :p
I dont know where Negro is. Pythagoras was a Greek who went and studied in Africa. He brought back that knowledge and claimed he made it up. We know thats a lie because he was persecuted for it. It was an alien concept he got directly from Africa.
...You would still be living in the caves of europe, ignorant and savage had it not been for Blacks educating europeans.

Here we go again... Is it your contention Pythagoras, the individual who discovered the downward perfect 4th upon which is the basis of the Major Scale and thus Western music, was a Negro? :p
I dont know where Negro is. Pythagoras was a Greek who went and studied in Africa. He brought back that knowledge and claimed he made it up. We know thats a lie because he was persecuted for it. It was an alien concept he got directly from Africa.

It would be better for Asslip types if I didn't catch them creeping around my back yard at night.
Dont worry. I dont mess with white girls anymore so I would have no reason to be in your back yard. haven't addressed the very salient points that I made about the Union soldiers that you see as heros.......and how they were not even slightly motivated to fight and or die on the behalf of African slaves.
Who told you I see the white yankees as heros? I know they only fought to make sure whites wouldnt be subjected to slavery. You must have me mixed up with someone else. I even started a thread about that very fact.

Dude, you think that the North intentionally freed the slaves....they didn't. You think that everyone that fought on the behalf of the South was a "slave" owner" and wanted to own them and you are fucking W-R-O-N-G. All wars are bankers war and the Civil War was the start of making ALL 14 amendment "citizens" as debt slaves and subservient to the corporate headquarters of the District of Columbia...what is it a "district" of? You are so fucking smart, you should know. The tint of your skin is something that you wear like a fucking badge or use as a fucking crutch...that is seems to define you first and foremost.That is sad to me because I think you have the ability to rise above it. Marion Morrison can be a real dickhead at times and this is one of them. I don't piggyback on his attacks on you. Rise above this shit because we are up to our necks in shit.

Those of us that know and understand the nature of the cage and the "divide and conquer" strategy? We don't see skin tint. When I come across those whose skin color is different than mine and they come across mine that is different from theirs but we speak the same language and we understand the nature of the cage? We are brothers and some are my sisters in a way deeper than even our own blood kin. You think these secret society members have a kinship? It's nothing compared to the loyalty we with knowledge have for each other and our brotherhood runs deeper and we look after each other.... not because of what we can gain in status but because we are kindred souls. I have like-minded peeps that don't have my skin tint that looked after me when tough times came and through our network, I did and DO the same for's what we do and our connection is deeper then blood relations. Maybe some day you will understand that...and what we are facing which goes so much deeper than this left versus right paradigm or "I'm black, you are white so I must hate you" bullshit. I would gladly and with fierce pride and protectiveness of those whose skin tint is different than mine put myself between them and harm because of the bod we share....hell, we operate on a higher plane of consciousness than ALL race-baiters on both sides. Those that taunt you with racial slurs and taunts? I doubt that they will ever reach that place. You? I have stated on more than one occasion that you have an inkling of what the end game is.
Seriously, can we stop the race baiting bullshit? We are ALL up to our necks in, white, brown, red, yellow.....WTF ever. I am not optimistic about what is on the horizon. 1,000,000 acres of farmland has been rendered unplantable for this year and those in charge of the weather modification tools are not done.
It would be better for Asslip types if I didn't catch them creeping around my back yard at night.
Dont worry. I dont mess with white girls anymore so I would have no reason to be in your back yard. haven't addressed the very salient points that I made about the Union soldiers that you see as heros.......and how they were not even slightly motivated to fight and or die on the behalf of African slaves.
Who told you I see the white yankees as heros? I know they only fought to make sure whites wouldnt be subjected to slavery. You must have me mixed up with someone else. I even started a thread about that very fact.

Dude, you think that the North intentionally freed the slaves....they didn't. You think that everyone that fought on the behalf of the South was a "slave" owner" and wanted to own them and you are fucking W-R-O-N-G. All wars are bankers war and the Civil War was the start of making ALL 14 amendment "citizens" as debt slaves and subservient to the corporate headquarters of the District of Columbia...what is it a "district" of? You are so fucking smart, you should know. The tint of your skin is something that you wear like a fucking badge or use as a fucking crutch...that is seems to define you first and foremost.That is sad to me because I think you have the ability to rise above it. Marion Morrison can be a real dickhead at times and this is one of them. I don't piggyback on his attacks on you. Rise above this shit because we are up to our necks in shit.

Those of us that know and understand the nature of the cage and the "divide and conquer" strategy? We don't see skin tint. When I come across those whose skin color is different than mine and they come across mine that is different from theirs but we speak the same language and we understand the nature of the cage? We are brothers and some are my sisters in a way deeper than even our own blood kin. You think these secret society members have a kinship? It's nothing compared to the loyalty we with knowledge have for each other and our brotherhood runs deeper and we look after each other.... not because of what we can gain in status but because we are kindred souls. I have like-minded peeps that don't have my skin tint that looked after me when tough times came and through our network, I did and DO the same for's what we do and our connection is deeper then blood relations. Maybe some day you will understand that...and what we are facing which goes so much deeper than this left versus right paradigm or "I'm black, you are white so I must hate you" bullshit. I would gladly and with fierce pride and protectiveness of those whose skin tint is different than mine put myself between them and harm because of the bod we share....hell, we operate on a higher plane of consciousness than ALL race-baiters on both sides. Those that taunt you with racial slurs and taunts? I doubt that they will ever reach that place. You? I have stated on more than one occasion that you have an inkling of what the end game is.
Thats a loaded question. I know the north aimed to cripple the south by "freeing" the slaves. However, I know 2 things. It wasnt out of some grand gesture of humanity. Lincolns quotes made that abundantly clear. Look up the Corwin Amendment. The method in which they were "freed" is also suspect. He only "freed" the ones in the confederate states. The 2nd thing is a little more obscure. Every wonder why the word emancipation was used? I'll let you do the research and find out the original meaning of that word..

I know exactly what you are talking about regarding the end game. That doesnt change the fact that there are racists that I must protect me and mine from. Because of this I cant possibly walk around with blinders on because one or two white people arent racist.
It would be better for Asslip types if I didn't catch them creeping around my back yard at night.
Dont worry. I dont mess with white girls anymore so I would have no reason to be in your back yard. haven't addressed the very salient points that I made about the Union soldiers that you see as heros.......and how they were not even slightly motivated to fight and or die on the behalf of African slaves.
Who told you I see the white yankees as heros? I know they only fought to make sure whites wouldnt be subjected to slavery. You must have me mixed up with someone else. I even started a thread about that very fact.

Dude, you think that the North intentionally freed the slaves....they didn't. You think that everyone that fought on the behalf of the South was a "slave" owner" and wanted to own them and you are fucking W-R-O-N-G. All wars are bankers war and the Civil War was the start of making ALL 14 amendment "citizens" as debt slaves and subservient to the corporate headquarters of the District of Columbia...what is it a "district" of? You are so fucking smart, you should know. The tint of your skin is something that you wear like a fucking badge or use as a fucking crutch...that is seems to define you first and foremost.That is sad to me because I think you have the ability to rise above it. Marion Morrison can be a real dickhead at times and this is one of them. I don't piggyback on his attacks on you. Rise above this shit because we are up to our necks in shit.

Those of us that know and understand the nature of the cage and the "divide and conquer" strategy? We don't see skin tint. When I come across those whose skin color is different than mine and they come across mine that is different from theirs but we speak the same language and we understand the nature of the cage? We are brothers and some are my sisters in a way deeper than even our own blood kin. You think these secret society members have a kinship? It's nothing compared to the loyalty we with knowledge have for each other and our brotherhood runs deeper and we look after each other.... not because of what we can gain in status but because we are kindred souls. I have like-minded peeps that don't have my skin tint that looked after me when tough times came and through our network, I did and DO the same for's what we do and our connection is deeper then blood relations. Maybe some day you will understand that...and what we are facing which goes so much deeper than this left versus right paradigm or "I'm black, you are white so I must hate you" bullshit. I would gladly and with fierce pride and protectiveness of those whose skin tint is different than mine put myself between them and harm because of the bod we share....hell, we operate on a higher plane of consciousness than ALL race-baiters on both sides. Those that taunt you with racial slurs and taunts? I doubt that they will ever reach that place. You? I have stated on more than one occasion that you have an inkling of what the end game is.
Thats a loaded question. I know the north aimed to cripple the south by "freeing" the slaves. However, I know 2 things. It wasnt out of some grand gesture of humanity. Lincolns quotes made that abundantly clear. Look up the Corwin Amendment. The method in which they were "freed" is also suspect. He only "freed" the ones in the confederate states. The 2nd thing is a little more obscure. Every wonder why the word emancipation was used? I'll let you do the research and find out the original meaning of that word..

I know exactly what you are talking about regarding the end game. That doesnt change the fact that there are racists that I must protect me and mine from. Because of this I cant possibly walk around with blinders on because one or two white people arent racist.

Rise above it...lots of "white folks" are not racist and we KNOW that we all bleed the same color. IF I were to categorize and keep a ledger on how many times I have been fucked over by those of my "skin tint"..hell those in my own family versus those that weren't ? The column would be overwhelmingly (and if'n prone to embarrassment because I was tribalistic?) I can say unequivocally that I would put faith and trust my life in the hands of tried and true friends other than "white".by a 3 to 1 margin...that has just been my experience. I know that they know that I would stand up and be counted for them against ANYONE. We all have different life experiences and mileage will vary.
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
Why should they pay reparations to Yankee soldiers? So what they died. Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.
Slaves dont get paid reparations either because, slaves dont get paid for doing their jobs.
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
Why should they pay reparations to Yankee soldiers? So what they died. Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.

As a Republican who has distant relatives that died freeing the slaves from their Democrat slave owners, the reparations that I would seek has no cash value.

We Republicans are self sufficient and don't desire to take tax money from the government that could be used to build our military to help stop racist hate groups such as ANTIFA, ISIS and MSNBC.
This problem dates back to the end of the Civil War, which was mishandled by the politicians. Those who had been forced to labor without pay and put through the vile circumstances of being enslaved should have received the proceeds of the sales of the plantations they had been forced to work upon, divided up. I don't know if they were awarded anything to enjoy the rest of their lives and pass down to their descendants or if their former owners were permitted to keep the ownership of the lands and pass down that wealth to their descendants.

What bothers me is that I am not sure that those who were enslaved ever received a penny for their work to pass down to their descendants and I am not sure whether the descendants of slave owners were allowed to enjoy the fruits of slave labor to be passed down to them through inheritance. In short, I'm not sure that people who were enslaved ever were compensated for their work such that they were ever able to pass down an inheritance that might have given their descendants a solid financial foundation. It may be too late to resolve this. It's been over for more than 150 years.

Somebody must say what these people newly freed from enslavement were given as compensation to allow them to start their new lives and whether those who enslaved them were forced to give up the proceeds of their unjust enrichment.
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Asclepias, Negros do not necessarily owe reparations to those whose relatives fought in the Civil War, but Negros should at least behave like humans as a form of thanks.
So you agree its an idiotic suggestion? Since Blacks are the original humans and whites are simply a subspecies you should rethink your suggestion. No reason for Blacks to thank whites. If anything it would be the other way around. You would still be living in the caves of europe, ignorant and savage had it not been for Blacks educating europeans.
We haven't seen the jungle bunny civilization spiel in a while. Asc is back! :)
Asc is entertaining in his idiotic brainwashed approach, BUT informative in a more grim sense in that he is not the only mulatto who holds insane beliefs.
Asclepias, Negros do not necessarily owe reparations to those whose relatives fought in the Civil War, but Negros should at least behave like humans as a form of thanks.
So you agree its an idiotic suggestion? Since Blacks are the original humans and whites are simply a subspecies you should rethink your suggestion. No reason for Blacks to thank whites. If anything it would be the other way around. You would still be living in the caves of europe, ignorant and savage had it not been for Blacks educating europeans.
We haven't seen the jungle bunny civilization spiel in a while. Asc is back! :)

What is a "jungle bunny"? Please explain.
What is a "jungle bunny"? Please explain.

That alludes to Negros of assorted degrees of darkness all with dull eyes like a shark, no color in their eyes. But good point for indicating the savages did not necessarily live in jungle areas of sub-sahara Africa before they were bought and sold. A lot of the savages lived in mud huts in plains regions.
Asclepias, Negros do not necessarily owe reparations to those whose relatives fought in the Civil War, but Negros should at least behave like humans as a form of thanks.
So you agree its an idiotic suggestion? Since Blacks are the original humans and whites are simply a subspecies you should rethink your suggestion. No reason for Blacks to thank whites. If anything it would be the other way around. You would still be living in the caves of europe, ignorant and savage had it not been for Blacks educating europeans.
We haven't seen the jungle bunny civilization spiel in a while. Asc is back! :)

What is a "jungle bunny"? Please explain.
Hell, I'm trying to figure out jungle bunny civilization. Apparently, somewhere in the depths of Africa there were people who were very advanced and who taught the world everything from writting to nuclear physics yet left nary a trace of themselves or their intellect in their descendants. It's a real mystery.
What is a "jungle bunny"? Please explain.

That alludes to Negros of assorted degrees of darkness all with dull eyes like a shark, no color in their eyes. But good point for indicating the savages did not necessarily live in jungle areas of sub-sahara Africa before they were bought and sold. A lot of the savages lived in mud huts in plains regions.
Where does this "dull eyes" thing come from? What color are your eyes? I have blue eyes. Why refer to some human beings as "savages"? Who is a "savage"? Are you a "savage"? Is your wife? Your child?
The institution that owes reparations is the Democrat Party. They are responsible for it all, and also for the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

The Republican president Abraham Lincoln fought the south and freed the slaves.

Drain the Democrat Party coffers and pay reparations to black Americans. They are the ones who owe it, they are the ones shooting their mouths off about it, so by golly they are the ones who need to pay up. Problem solved.

Slavery existed prior to the formation of the Dems. Youre about a century late.

No shit you stupid asshole. But they are still responsible.

The Democrat party was founded in 1828, and they led the slave states to secede from the Union in 1861. They started the Civil War.

The Republican Party and Republican Abraham Lincoln and the Union won the war and freed the slaves.

The Democrats proceeded with their reign of terror by creating the KKK and passing every law that hurt black people, and today they are responsible for the destruction of the black family.

So I repeat the truth: The institution that owes reparations is the Democrat Party. They are responsible for it all, and also for the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

The Republican president Abraham Lincoln fought the south and freed the slaves.

Drain the Democrat Party coffers and pay reparations to black Americans. They are the ones who owe it, they are the ones shooting their mouths off about it, so by golly they are the ones who need to pay up.

Problem solved.
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
Why should they pay reparations to Yankee soldiers? So what they died. Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.

And their "job"was to preserve the union. The president at that time even stated, "If I could preserve the union, and not free a single slave, I would do so".
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Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.

Black Americans were enslaved. The families of persons who lost their lives in the process of freeing the enslaved. provided that the cause they fought for was freedom for the oppressed, should seek reparations from those who enslaved others, not from the enslaved themselves.
Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.

LOL! "Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs"

What a dumbfuck.

Well, people don't get paid because of old laws on the books either asshat, so there you go. Nobody gets squat.
Black Americans were enslaved

SOME were enslaved, and only in a few states.

Black Americans were enslaved. The families of persons who lost their lives in the process of freeing the enslaved. provided that the cause they fought for was freedom for the oppressed, should seek reparations from those who enslaved others, not from the enslaved themselves.

Like I said, the Democrats are the ones who owe.

The institution that owes reparations is the Democrat Party. They are responsible for it all, and also for the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

The Republican president Abraham Lincoln fought the south and freed the slaves.

Drain the Democrat Party coffers and pay reparations to black Americans. They are the ones who owe it, they are the ones shooting their mouths off about it, so by golly they are the ones who need to pay up.

Problem solved.

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