Should Black Americans pay reparations to descendants of Yankee Soldiers?

What Party fought to keep blacks in slavery and was the Party of the Ku Klux Klan? Democrat Party

What Party from 1870 to 1930 used fraud, whippings, lynching, murder, intimidation, and mutilation to get the black vote, and passed the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws which legalized racial discrimination and denied blacks their rights as citizens? Democrat Party

What was the Party of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Harry Truman who rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission? Democrat Party

What was the Party of President Lyndon Johnson, who called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “that [N-word] preacher” because he opposed the Viet Nam War; and President John F. Kennedy who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights law as a Senator, then as president opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. after becoming president and had the FBI investigate Dr. King on suspicion of being a communist? Democrat Party

What is the Party of the late Senators Robert Byrd who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, Ernest “Fritz” Hollings who hoisted the Confederate flag over the state capitol in South Carolina while governor, and Ted Kennedy who called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals” while blocking their appointments? Democrat Party

What was the Party of President Bill Clinton who failed to fight the terrorists after the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, sent troops to war in Bosnia and Kosovo without Congressional approval, vetoed the Welfare Reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan? Democrat Party

What is the Party of President Barack Obama whose liberal socialist policies increased black poverty and devastated both HBCUs and charter school opportunity scholarships for poor black student after President Obama took office? Democrat Party

What Party is against school vouchers and takes the black vote for granted without ever acknowledging their racist past or apologizing for trying to expand slavery, lynching blacks and passing the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that caused great harm to blacks? Democrat Party


Blah blah blah.
How about reparations for all the white folk who had NOTHING to do with slavery who were denied education and employment opportunities simply because their skin was not dark enough?
Get in line.
I don't cry to anyone. The rules are the rules. You don't have to be intimidated to get your ass handed to you. I made the thread. Read it or run from it. I don't give a damn.
Your dreams of handling my ass have as much chance of happening as your dreams of Democrats giving you the $ I earned while you sit on the porch and eat Cheetos.
I don't cry to anyone. The rules are the rules. You don't have to be intimidated to get your ass handed to you. I made the thread. Read it or run from it. I don't give a damn.
Your dreams of handling my ass have as much chance of happening as your dreams of Democrats giving you the $ I earned while you sit on the porch and eat Cheetos.
Words of a scared man.
I don't live in the ghetto and those are not the facts.

Your head lives in the ghetto, and those are facts.

Your head lives up your ass. And unlike what you said that IS a fact.

So understand this, whites got reparations for the civl war. So blacks should not pay for a mf thing. You owe us.

Your head lives up your ass. And unlike what you said that IS a fact.

So understand this, whites got reparations for the civl war. So blacks should not pay for a mf thing. You owe us.

Come and get it.

Never bring a crack pipe to a gun fight.
I don't live in the ghetto and those are not the facts.

Your head lives in the ghetto, and those are facts.

Your head lives up your ass. And unlike what you said that IS a fact.

So understand this, whites got reparations for the civl war. So blacks should not pay for a mf thing. You owe us.


So you want the Democrats to pay up with the 40 acres and a mule, no? Good luck, I hope you get them to.

I don't live in the ghetto and those are not the facts.

Your head lives in the ghetto, and those are facts.

Your head lives up your ass. And unlike what you said that IS a fact.

So understand this, whites got reparations for the civl war. So blacks should not pay for a mf thing. You owe us.


So you want the Democrats to pay up with the 40 acres and a mule, no? Good luck, I hope you get them to.

You keep repeating the same silly ass bullshit knowing that I know the history of both parties relative to race. I won't be watching that video from Alphonso the clown. He's milking you racists royally.
You keep repeating the same silly ass bullshit knowing that I know the history of both parties relative to race. I won't be watching that video from Alphonso the clown. He's milking you racists royally.
It's OK.

Alphonso's videos are for free, self sufficient adults. Not professional beggars, perpetual victims, and children.
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This problem dates back to the end of the Civil War, which was mishandled by the politicians. Those who had been forced to labor without pay and put through the vile circumstances of being enslaved should have received the proceeds of the sales of the plantations they had been forced to work upon, divided up. I don't know if they were awarded anything to enjoy the rest of their lives and pass down to their descendants or if their former owners were permitted to keep the ownership of the lands and pass down that wealth to their descendants.

What bothers me is that I am not sure that those who were enslaved ever received a penny for their work to pass down to their descendants and I am not sure whether the descendants of slave owners were allowed to enjoy the fruits of slave labor to be passed down to them through inheritance. In short, I'm not sure that people who were enslaved ever were compensated for their work such that they were ever able to pass down an inheritance that might have given their descendants a solid financial foundation. It may be too late to resolve this. It's been over for more than 150 years.

Somebody must say what these people newly freed from enslavement were given as compensation to allow them to start their new lives and whether those who enslaved them were forced to give up the proceeds of their unjust enrichment.
Its worse than that. Some ex-enslaved were given land as part of the 40 acres promise but the racists took it back and gave it to the southern plantation owners after Lincoln was killed. That ushered in the time of the "Black Codes" where they exploited the clause in the 14th amendment that legalizes slavery if youre imprisoned. They just simply arrested Blacks for not having a job or ID, put them in prison and sold them out to work the highest plantation bidder. That sound familiar?

Black Codes (United States) - Wikipedia
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Why should I shut up? Just because I havent taken the time to do any calculations doesnt mean I cant acknowledge there is an amount owed.
Take a guess.

What would pacify Black Liberals?

What would it cost to make Black Liberals feel equal to Whites, and therefore remove the need for Affirmative Action?
What would pacify Black liberals? Racist whites imprisoned and reparations paid.

I feel more than equal to whites so I cant answer that question. Never met a white person that was smarter than me.
You keep're gonna get the war you want.
Youve been saying that for years you silly white trash. What are you doing? Are you waiting for me to become incontinent or get Alzheimer so I cant hurt you or something?
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.

How about reparations for all the white folk who had NOTHING to do with slavery who were denied education and employment opportunities simply because their skin was not dark enough?
When did that happen and for how long? I know that happened to Black people for centuries because they werent white..
Youve been saying that for years you silly white trash. What are you doing? Are you waiting for me to become incontinent or get Alzheimer so I cant hurt you or something?
You're already incontinent. You're spewing crap everywhere
It would be better for Asslip types if I didn't catch them creeping around my back yard at night.
Dont worry. I dont mess with white girls anymore so I would have no reason to be in your back yard.
So they all realized you're a useless piece of Societal Dung and don't want your sorry ass around them anymore. I have to read between your lines, or did you get caught Peeping and they all found out. I bet you're single ! No Black woman would put up with you. Boiling grits ring a bell for you?
I dont know what they think to be honest. Never gave it any serious thought. They still come on to me so I guess they still have the desire but I have a beautiful Black empress that makes them dull in comparison. Nothing against them personally its just that Black women have another level no other race of women can ascend to.

So you are a racist! Got it!
Why should I shut up? Just because I havent taken the time to do any calculations doesnt mean I cant acknowledge there is an amount owed.
Take a guess.

What would pacify Black Liberals?

What would it cost to make Black Liberals feel equal to Whites, and therefore remove the need for Affirmative Action?
What would pacify Black liberals? Racist whites imprisoned and reparations paid.

I feel more than equal to whites so I cant answer that question. Never met a white person that was smarter than me.

You really are a self centered egotist and racist What kind of College degree do you hold? Which white people would you want imprisoned surely not the White girls that give birth to Mixed race children. Oh and by the way smartest Blackman in the World !!!!!! Barack Obama was not Black he is Halfrican ! He should go to jail too right! His Momma was obviously a racist since she's white! Chew on that my Brother! The lie of the First Black President is just that "a lie". You only see your side! Typical racist point of view. Barack claiming he is black is like Elizabeth Warren claiming she's American Indian!:cuckoo:

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