Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
The concept is if the oppression undermines the West (White Civilization) is it not oppression. Jesus, imagine the stink of hairy Muslim women with all that clothing. No wonder the Muslim savage douchebag males hit them with sticks.
Jesus and mary the virgin both are middle easterners and they both were cover hea ro toe :)
Btw it was the moors that introduced bathing, steam baths , cleaning oneself regularly , hospitals, universities, and so much more to Europeans. Dont be shocked for not knowing that....being a bigot is a result of being uneducated and stupid most of the time.
I am a Muslim and here are my 2 cents.
Although i am sure most anti burqa are bigots and more likely racists, as they demonstrate it here everyday....I have to admit 2 things:
1 covering the face is not mandatory in islam.
2 I am not for it but i support everyone to dress as they please. As long as their face is shown.

But let me ask this....why dont we make wearing masks illegal, sunglasses, hats, hoodies and all other things that prevent us from recognizing a person?

You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
I don't think it's anyone's business how a person's religion compels them to dress...

Did you used to be a cop? What would you do if you pulled over someone wearing a burka? How could you tell if the person driving is the one on the ID since that too probably is covered with a burka.

There is no place in America for that shit. None.

I agree. This is America not some Middle East shithole where women are nothing but slaves.

If they don't like it they can go back to the shithole they crawled out of.
Sweetheart here are some facts for you...Muslim countries had 8 women presidents , while the US call every woman that comes close to be a president a nasty woman.
The oldest university ever was built by a Muslim woman before the US was even a country.
Muslim women are highly respected and the US 1 in 4 women was molested in her life time....women getting raped and killed is a daily occurrence....women are looked at as sex objects, women have 0 value that a pussy grabber managed to win the presidency.
I am a Muslim and here are my 2 cents.
Although i am sure most anti burqa are bigots and more likely racists, as they demonstrate it here everyday....I have to admit 2 things:
1 covering the face is not mandatory in islam.
2 I am not for it but i support everyone to dress as they please. As long as their face is shown.

But let me ask this....why dont we make wearing masks illegal, sunglasses, hats, hoodies and all other things that prevent us from recognizing a person?

You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
There are 56 Muslim countries...when you say "muslims countries execute rapists" lied. I let you google it and tell us how many or the 56 countries use that punishment.
Heck here in the US hundreds get shot and killed for cheating on their significant others.
I am a Muslim and here are my 2 cents.
Although i am sure most anti burqa are bigots and more likely racists, as they demonstrate it here everyday....I have to admit 2 things:
1 covering the face is not mandatory in islam.
2 I am not for it but i support everyone to dress as they please. As long as their face is shown.

But let me ask this....why dont we make wearing masks illegal, sunglasses, hats, hoodies and all other things that prevent us from recognizing a person?

You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
There are 56 Muslim countries...when you say "muslims countries execute rapists" lied. I let you google it and tell us how many or the 56 countries use that punishment.
Heck here in the US hundreds get shot and killed for cheating on their significant others.

Now, defending women executions...

If you prefer those countries, perhaps it's time to go back? If you didn't notice the line to this country and Denmark is full, while to Muslim countries... empty. That bigotry might have something to do with it.

Here are some facts regarding Saudi Arabia, possibly one of your favorites:

Women need their guardian's permission for:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Opening a bank account
  • Elective surgery, particularly when sexual in nature
But at least just this year, women can finally drive.
I am a Muslim and here are my 2 cents.
Although i am sure most anti burqa are bigots and more likely racists, as they demonstrate it here everyday....I have to admit 2 things:
1 covering the face is not mandatory in islam.
2 I am not for it but i support everyone to dress as they please. As long as their face is shown.

But let me ask this....why dont we make wearing masks illegal, sunglasses, hats, hoodies and all other things that prevent us from recognizing a person?

You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
There are 56 Muslim countries...when you say "muslims countries execute rapists" lied. I let you google it and tell us how many or the 56 countries use that punishment.
Heck here in the US hundreds get shot and killed for cheating on their significant others.

Now, defending women executions...

If you prefer those countries, perhaps it's time to go back? If you didn't notice the line to this country and Denmark is full, while to Muslim countries... empty. That bigotry might have something to do with it.

Here are some facts regarding Saudi Arabia, possibly one of your favorites:

Women need their guardian's permission for:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Opening a bank account
  • Elective surgery, particularly when sexual in nature
But at least just this year, women can finally drive.
Saudi Arabia as an example? Lol
Dude there are 56 Muslim countries which the vast majority of dont have mandatory burqa can remedy your bigotry ?
When did the burqa became a security concern in a country where 13000 and more get killed, show me please.
Women from the ME that come here are not wearing that burka WILLINGLY. They still have to obey their owners (husbands/fathers/brothers). The burka is insulting to women. BAN THE DAMN THINGS.

Even the ones who claim to be wearing it willingly do so out of fear. They wear the blasted things to prevent getting raped.

For fucks sake, westerners have worked for centuries to advance the human condition only to throw it away in deference to troglodytes still living in the 7th century.

Why have we stopped believing in ourselves? Our culture is BETTER than that of these knuckle draggers.
Sweetie muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages ;)....I know you didnt know American public school system sucks. Next time you see a doctor ask him about muslims and their contributions in medecine, also ask engineers, mathematicians, architects, philosophers, etc...
I am a Muslim and here are my 2 cents.
Although i am sure most anti burqa are bigots and more likely racists, as they demonstrate it here everyday....I have to admit 2 things:
1 covering the face is not mandatory in islam.
2 I am not for it but i support everyone to dress as they please. As long as their face is shown.

But let me ask this....why dont we make wearing masks illegal, sunglasses, hats, hoodies and all other things that prevent us from recognizing a person?

You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
There are 56 Muslim countries...when you say "muslims countries execute rapists" lied. I let you google it and tell us how many or the 56 countries use that punishment.
Heck here in the US hundreds get shot and killed for cheating on their significant others.

Now, defending women executions...

If you prefer those countries, perhaps it's time to go back? If you didn't notice the line to this country and Denmark is full, while to Muslim countries... empty. That bigotry might have something to do with it.

Here are some facts regarding Saudi Arabia, possibly one of your favorites:

Women need their guardian's permission for:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Opening a bank account
  • Elective surgery, particularly when sexual in nature
But at least just this year, women can finally drive.
Saudi Arabia as an example? Lol
Dude there are 56 Muslim countries which the vast majority of dont have mandatory burqa can remedy your bigotry ?
When did the burqa became a security concern in a country where 13000 and more get killed, show me please.

Pretty much every Muslim country has Hijab or Burqa as a compulsory apparel for women. Seems like in Denmark they didn't want that to become a thing in their country. As I recall a rambo Muslims has decided to go and kill cartoon artists of all things there. I understand that insulting Allah is punishable by death in your countries. But do you understand, Denmark is not your country so you be fine with or get the fck out?

Again, if you prefer Muslim countries no one is keeping you in the West.
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?
I am a Muslim and all that shit you just listed is news to me lol. It's like those that I meet overseas and tell me how many gun shootings I witness in the US, or is everyone obese and dumb....or if all American women are whores.
I am a Muslim and here are my 2 cents.
Although i am sure most anti burqa are bigots and more likely racists, as they demonstrate it here everyday....I have to admit 2 things:
1 covering the face is not mandatory in islam.
2 I am not for it but i support everyone to dress as they please. As long as their face is shown.

But let me ask this....why dont we make wearing masks illegal, sunglasses, hats, hoodies and all other things that prevent us from recognizing a person?

You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
There are 56 Muslim countries...when you say "muslims countries execute rapists" lied. I let you google it and tell us how many or the 56 countries use that punishment.
Heck here in the US hundreds get shot and killed for cheating on their significant others.

Now, defending women executions...

If you prefer those countries, perhaps it's time to go back? If you didn't notice the line to this country and Denmark is full, while to Muslim countries... empty. That bigotry might have something to do with it.

Here are some facts regarding Saudi Arabia, possibly one of your favorites:

Women need their guardian's permission for:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Opening a bank account
  • Elective surgery, particularly when sexual in nature
But at least just this year, women can finally drive.
Saudi Arabia as an example? Lol
Dude there are 56 Muslim countries which the vast majority of dont have mandatory burqa can remedy your bigotry ?
When did the burqa became a security concern in a country where 13000 and more get killed, show me please.

Pretty much every Muslim country has Hijab or Burqa as a compulsory apparel for women. Seems like in Denmark they didn't want that to become a thing in their country. As I recall a rambo Muslims has decided to go and kill cartoon artists of all things there. I understand that insulting Allah is punishable by death in your countries. But do you understand, Denmark is not your country so you be fine with or get the fck out?

Again, if you prefer Muslim countries no one is keeping you in the West.
Dude you keep lying with no facts...except Saudi Arabia and iran pretty much all Muslim countries dont impose hijab le alone fact no Muslim country imposes burqas and in some it is banned in public places ;). Pleaaaaaaase educate yourself.
And yes Denmark is free to do whatever they please, I support their decision about covering the face.

Ps:we should abolish wearing masks for Halloween, ban sunglasses, hoodies and hats , dont you think?
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?
I am a Muslim and all that shit you just listed is news to me lol. It's like those that I meet overseas and tell me how many gun shootings I witness in the US, or is everyone obese and dumb....or if all American women are whores.

You probably need to throw the "lol" in there, because it's not funny and trying to cover it up. Kind of like your women.
You think Denmark is bigot for banning Burka?

But Muslim countries are not bigoted for executing rape victims?

Right... makes sense.
There are 56 Muslim countries...when you say "muslims countries execute rapists" lied. I let you google it and tell us how many or the 56 countries use that punishment.
Heck here in the US hundreds get shot and killed for cheating on their significant others.

Now, defending women executions...

If you prefer those countries, perhaps it's time to go back? If you didn't notice the line to this country and Denmark is full, while to Muslim countries... empty. That bigotry might have something to do with it.

Here are some facts regarding Saudi Arabia, possibly one of your favorites:

Women need their guardian's permission for:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Opening a bank account
  • Elective surgery, particularly when sexual in nature
But at least just this year, women can finally drive.
Saudi Arabia as an example? Lol
Dude there are 56 Muslim countries which the vast majority of dont have mandatory burqa can remedy your bigotry ?
When did the burqa became a security concern in a country where 13000 and more get killed, show me please.

Pretty much every Muslim country has Hijab or Burqa as a compulsory apparel for women. Seems like in Denmark they didn't want that to become a thing in their country. As I recall a rambo Muslims has decided to go and kill cartoon artists of all things there. I understand that insulting Allah is punishable by death in your countries. But do you understand, Denmark is not your country so you be fine with or get the fck out?

Again, if you prefer Muslim countries no one is keeping you in the West.
Dude you keep lying with no facts...except Saudi Arabia and iran pretty much all Muslim countries dont impose hijab le alone fact no Muslim country imposes burqas and in some it is banned in public places ;). Pleaaaaaaase educate yourself.
And yes Denmark is free to do whatever they please, I support their decision about covering the face.

Ps:we should abolish wearing masks for Halloween, ban sunglasses, hoodies and hats , dont you think?

Yeah, you will quickly disappear if you don't wear one though. Don't confuse fun western events with Muslim woman oppression. Dressing up should not be an event...

I think only one question remains. Sharia law or American law?
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

Just as an aside. First time I saw women wearing burkas was in an art museum. They were with their children, wandering around the nude sculptures.

I am not making this up. I did stare, I didn't even try to hide it. It was the same kind of moment I had at a German festival, standing among the color and sound, staring at the cold and grey wall of the East German border.
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

Just as an aside. First time I saw women wearing burkas was in an art museum. They were with their children, wandering around the nude sculptures.

I am not making this up. I did stare, I didn't even try to hide it. It was the same kind of moment I had at a German festival, standing among the color and sound, staring at the cold and grey wall of the East German border.

I would have stared the nude statues as well. Isn't that what they were there for?
or if all American women are whores

Harsh, dude ... that's my mum you're talking about.
Lol bless her. I was trying to give the bigot an example.

Btw: I dont like that **** in your avatar.

Moshe Dayan is my homie. Have to respect my homie.
Just another Zionist serial killer nothing to be proud of.

Don't let your hate bring you to the dark side ...


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