Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Yes. Ban all headscarves. Including the Christian and Jewish ones. That will free all women from bondage right?
Women could insist on having a superior understanding of supply side economics; and simply ensure guys have no urge to be Bad around women anymore.

Not sure I get the connection between supply side economics and male misbehavior....
In this country...we are free to dress as we wish, legally...with legally required minimum coverage. If a person wishes to wear an hijab, why not :dunno: When it comes to completely covering the face however, other issues come into play - public safety, cultural norms - being able to see faces particularly in public places, workplace safety etc and I can understand not allowing it. I think places have constraints on wearing masks in certain places. Europe has always been more restrictive of civil liberties than we have imo - whether it's free speech or banning religious artifacts. It's their country.
These poor, dumb burqa-clad female muslim wraiths....dressing up as the Star Wars Galactic Emperor or Darth Vader makes you neither because you don't have the FORCE!
Yes. Ban all headscarves. Including the Christian and Jewish ones. That will free all women from bondage right?
Women could insist on having a superior understanding of supply side economics; and simply ensure guys have no urge to be Bad around women anymore.

Not sure I get the connection between supply side economics and male misbehavior....

He's baked.....just ignore his idiocy.
Yes. Ban all headscarves. Including the Christian and Jewish ones. That will free all women from bondage right?
Women could insist on having a superior understanding of supply side economics; and simply ensure guys have no urge to be Bad around women anymore.

Not sure I get the connection between supply side economics and male misbehavior....
A Proactive desire for Equality and Equal Rights.
Yes. Ban all headscarves. Including the Christian and Jewish ones. That will free all women from bondage right?
Women could insist on having a superior understanding of supply side economics; and simply ensure guys have no urge to be Bad around women anymore.

Not sure I get the connection between supply side economics and male misbehavior....
A Proactive desire for Equality and Equal Rights.
Burkas shall be removed for ID purposes.
Yes. Ban all headscarves. Including the Christian and Jewish ones. That will free all women from bondage right?
Women could insist on having a superior understanding of supply side economics; and simply ensure guys have no urge to be Bad around women anymore.

Not sure I get the connection between supply side economics and male misbehavior....
A Proactive desire for Equality and Equal Rights.
Male Burkas?
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?

Muslims have to stop doing the things that break our laws?

They won't be very happy about it...…..
I think folks should be able to wear whatever they want (with slight exceptions like masks in the bank and the like)

That said, I find the Burka a symbol of oppression that I'd like to see go away, it needs to go organically though because govs forcing that kind of thing just creates "different" problems.
America is a haven for all religions.Ours is the only nation in the history of the world to base its entire sytem of government on the idea that all men are created..endowed by their creator.
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

Nope. If someone wants to wear it, that’s their choice.
I think folks should be able to wear whatever they want (with slight exceptions like masks in the bank and the like)

That said, I find the Burka a symbol of oppression that I'd like to see go away, it needs to go organically though because govs forcing that kind of thing just creates "different" problems.

Well said.
I think folks should be able to wear whatever they want (with slight exceptions like masks in the bank and the like)

That said, I find the Burka a symbol of oppression that I'd like to see go away, it needs to go organically though because govs forcing that kind of thing just creates "different" problems.

Well said.

Yes. And the same thing can be said about pretty much all biases and bigotry.
I think folks should be able to wear whatever they want (with slight exceptions like masks in the bank and the like)

That said, I find the Burka a symbol of oppression that I'd like to see go away, it needs to go organically though because govs forcing that kind of thing just creates "different" problems.

Well said.

Yes. And the same thing can be said about pretty much all biases and bigotry.

The primary difference being that a burka is something that an indivisible chooses to wear themselves rather than something done to someone else.
It would be pretty appalling if you had to wear it. But I think many wear it out of choice. I also think that in a generation or so it will be obsolete.
You’re kidding, right?
Used to be the UKs Pakistani and Bangladeshi women wore colourful saris.
Now it is not uncommon to see them in burqas and niqabs. The number wearing these oppressive garments is an upward trend, as I’m sure you know.

View attachment 209260

Many people find the sight of oppression and misogyny in liberal western societies offensive and don’t want to feel as if they are living in a backwards shitehole like Saudi Arabia. It is also NOT a religious requirement, which is why they weren’t worn in the past.
That you support the oppression and subjugation of women is not exactly a surprise though.
Is there a hole in the mask to slurp slushies in the hot sun? At least they get to wear comfortable Nikies in the 6th century. The question is why aren't modern American women outraged at the sight of adult women being forced (by liberal religious men) to wear such garb. It's a tribute to the American media.
Quite. It’s a mystery to me why feminists and women in general think this is OK. Invariably they pretend to believe that the majority of these muslim women want to dress like this in the West.

I'll ask the same think of you that I asked the OP and did not get any response to. The concern for women I suspect, is just a ruse -a thinly veiled attempt to take the edge off of your bigotry

This is what I asked:

So, your concern is the oppression of women? Very commendable but oppression and discrimination takes many form and , while not always so visible, it can be just as insidious right here in the USA. Take for example

10 Surprising Statistics on Women in the Workplace

Tell us which of these practices you are concerned about and are working to remedy.

Then, we can talk about access to reproductive health care which is a problem for many women

We can also talk about the Equal Rights (for women) Amendment that has been hanging out there for a few decades..

Tell us about all of your concerns about how women are treated. Not just Muslim women
He didn’t answer you because you are going totally off topic.
Why are you soooooo desperate to derail and change the subject??

Here’s the title of this thread:

Should Burka be banned?

If you don’t want to discuss the topic of the OP gtfo and start your own thread! Will you be able to manage that since it’s not about gays??? Lol.

Shit girl! Are you serious ? The OP and others raised the issue of oppressing of women ! I challenged them on their actual concern for women. That is not changing the subject. It is calling them out on their hypocrisy . Deal with it!
So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?

Muslims have to stop doing the things that break our laws?

They won't be very happy about it...…..
What are they doing that breaks our laws Smiley?

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