Should businesses be required to treat everyone equally and impartially?

Should government force businesses to treat everyone equally and impartially?

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In another thread we were discussing what Trump and the Republicans are after with the lawsuit against Twitter, and their desire to "crack down" on social media.

bripat9643 offered the following:

I'm not calling out bri here, just wondering if that's a general consensus. Should we require businesses to treat everyone equally and impartially?
Equally, no. Impartially, yes. If I am a waiter and I am serving someone who is a recurring customer and a good tipper, I will likely give them better service.
In another thread we were discussing what Trump and the Republicans are after with the lawsuit against Twitter, and their desire to "crack down" on social media.

bripat9643 offered the following:

I'm not calling out bri here, just wondering if that's a general consensus. Should we require businesses to treat everyone equally and impartially?
it depends on the type of business

common carriers, utilities, etc shouldn’t

a lawyer, restaurant, contractor, barber, etc shouldn’t be required to
The main issue with tweeter and the like is they should not yet special treatment by the Govt and be immune from liability for their actions
You’re trying real hard to frame the debate by hoping folks are retarded enough to equate Facebook, Twitter, the google faggots and Jeff Bezos with the religious Baker in Podunk, AL….but you fail miserably.
Left people will be good, when they abandon the mischievous Muslims. Jesus is not in Left people, or Muslims or the people who are called religious. All are born of fornication. The defiled religious people want to harm zoosexuals, being one name. Left wants to harm Trump, and cartoon characters, not judging rightly. Muslims want to harm all of us. Christs enemies wanted to harm Jesus. Wide is the road that leads to destruction. Many be they that find it. The defiled religious church totaly ignores concubines. Pepe Le Pew can have more than one wife, and even have concubines. The defiled religious church, and Muslims made the left to be the way they are. No way around it. Businesses need to treat each person equally no matter what they want to blow, fuck, or be fucked by, seeing them as if they were God, himself. Whatever you do, or don't do, you are doing it, or not doing it to me, or Jesus in a person. God in a person will know whether they are talking to Satan, who consumes whatever upon that beings lusts, knowing that being can get whatever, just by asking for whatever. Jesus will counsel them, hoping to get that being to leave the individual.
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Equally, no. Impartially, yes. If I am a waiter and I am serving someone who is a recurring customer and a good tipper, I will likely give them better service.
How would we force them to be "impartial"?
it depends on the type of business

common carriers, utilities, etc shouldn’t
I see. So if a business pisses off the government we can just declare them to be a "common carrier". Lovely.
The main issue with tweeter and the like is they should not yet special treatment by the Govt and be immune from liability for their actions
Agreed. I really wish I could wave a magic wand and remove 230, just so you guys would quit using it as an excuse to bully websites you don't like.
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How would we force them to be "impartial"?
Well in my example I would not be rude to other customers but would not go the extra mile for them. There should be a minimal civilized level of service. But equity is a leftist deranged hijacked term.
Well in my example I would not be rude to other customers but would not go the extra mile for them. There should be a minimal civilized level of service.
Hmm... I just don't think we can enforce, as a matter of law, such subjective matters. Nor should we try.
But equity is a leftist deranged hijacked term.
You can say that again. And again.
More useless regulations if they do, also, who would enforce it?.
If a business doesn't treat people right their business and investment fails.
Nobody reads the 10's of thousands of pages of existing regulations. Hell corporations have to hire outside firms just to comply with the mountain of dumb ass government regulations those fools in Washington spew. Here's an idea, government why don't you fuck off sticking your nose where it doesn't belong trying to CONTROL everything.
Not an experiment, a poll. Bri had made the claim that the goal was to force Twitter and FB to treat everyone equally and impartially. I was just curious if most people feel that way, and whether they think all businesses should be held to this standard, or just Twitter and FB.
I get it, taking a stand against government regulation and imposition is a noble sentiment… It feels really good to say and type in a message board in cyberspace but in real world practice it is the duty of government to protect the interests of Americans and the future of America. It pains me to say it, but, when a company becomes too big and too influential to the detriment of American functionality the government has to step in a govern.
Again, this is not a one size fits all sort of thing…a distinction has to be made, scale and influence must be considered.
I get it, taking a stand against government regulation and imposition is a noble sentiment… It feels really good to say and type in a message board in cyberspace but in real world practice it is the duty of government to protect the interests of Americans and the future of America. It pains me to say it, but, when a company becomes too big and too influential to the detriment of American functionality the government has to step in a govern.
Again, this is not a one size fits all sort of thing…a distinction has to be made, scale and influence must be considered.
LOL - you're no conservative and you should really just own it and quit pretending. You loves you some big government.
......e it is the duty of government to protect the interests of Americans and the future of America. It pains me to say it, but, when a company becomes too big and too influential to the detriment of American functionality the government has to step in a govern.

You pathetic fucking communist. You hate my Constitution, loser.
LOL - you're no conservative and you should really just own it and quit pretending. You loves you some big government.
Damn right I’m no “conservative“.
I love me some purposeful, functional government…you should to.
I‘m curious, why is your interest in protecting Zuckerberg‘s liberty so he‘s positioned to deprive you of yours?
You probably can’t see that far out can you?
Thanks for admitting it

Zuckerberg can't touch my liberty. Government can.
Hahaha…like I said you can’t see past your nose.
Zuckerberg is complicit with your Father Government…
Just think for a fucking minute dude.
Hmm... I just don't think we can enforce, as a matter of law, such subjective matters. Nor should we try.

You can say that again. And again.
Sure we can.

In the restaurant example one would expect, prompt and kind service but the repeat patrons may have the manager provide a free app or a round of drinks.
How would we force them to be "impartial"?
The truth about Islam being undeniably known, is a heavy thing to a fallen beings mind. Kind, gentle truth is seen as force to Left people. They have no consept of being unequally yoked with Islamic people. The left feels like they are losing a body part when they reject Muslims. They risk losing their body parts, literally, holding on to Muslims. Left people need to have their eyes opened.
Customers have to abide by terms of service.

I pretty much think it is the other way around, that terms of service can not infringe upon individual rights arbitrarily.
Such as discriminating against political opinions one may not agree with.
Because that not only prevents truth from being revealed, but also allows harmful discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, etc.
If a baker refuses to bake a cake for your gay wedding, that is not just inefficient in that you have to try others until someone will, but also is hurtful, humiliating, etc.

In the US we have the 1965 Civil Rights Act that lists a half dozen groups historically discriminated against, who are listed as now specifically protected.
But it is amazing how many lawyers then do not at all understand law, and think ONLY those half dozen listed are protected.
They do not seem to realize ALL discrimination is inherently illegal, and that these listed ones can not possibly be the only ones, because that would specifically violate the 14th amendment Equal Protection clause.
It is illegal to list and protect ONLY a select group.
It has to be all of nothing.
When you explicitly protect some, then you also have to protect everyone else.
The truth about Islam being undeniably known, is a heavy thing to a fallen beings mind. Kind, gentle truth is seen as force to Left people. They have no consept of being unequally yoked with Islamic people. The left feels like they are losing a body part when they reject Muslims. They risk losing their body parts, literally, holding on to Muslims. Left people need to have their eyes opened.

Sorry, but not only do you know very little or nothing about Islam, but any system that would allow discrimination against Moslems, would destroy all civilized protocols, and we would be back burning people at the stake for witchcraft.

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