Should businesses be required to treat everyone equally and impartially?

Should government force businesses to treat everyone equally and impartially?

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ahh... the Town Square™! You dare to do business in public and government owns your ass! Love it.
they dont do business,, they provide a platform for discussions,, and have special protections,,

take the protections away and I have no problem,,
take the protections away and I have no problem,,
I'll take your word for it, but I really don't believe this excuse when it comes to most Trump supporters. I don't think they even understand 230 or how it works. They just know Twitter banned Trump and they want revenge.

I'd be fine with getting rid of 230. All it would do is push the policy into court precedent, rather than having it codifyed it in law. The lawyers would have a field day for a few years, but when the dust settled the legal precedent would approximate 230 and we'd be back where we are now.
You’re trying real hard to frame the debate by hoping folks are retarded enough to equate Facebook, Twitter, the google faggots and Jeff Bezos with the religious Baker in Podunk, AL….but you fail miserably.
You’re trying real hard to frame the debate by hoping folks are retarded enough to equate Facebook, Twitter, the google faggots and Jeff Bezos with the religious Baker in Podunk, AL….but you fail miserably.
You're trying real hard to frame debate by hoping folks are retarded enough to equate Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Jeff Bezos with religious nuts like Jim Baker and Tammy Fay....but you fail miserably.
In another thread we were discussing what Trump and the Republicans are after with the lawsuit against Twitter, and their desire to "crack down" on social media.

bripat9643 offered the following:

I'm not calling out bri here, just wondering if that's a general consensus. Should we require businesses to treat everyone equally and impartially?
Whenever they are government protected monopolies. You're all in favor of that, aren't you, hypocrite.
I'll take your word for it, but I really don't believe this excuse when it comes to most Trump supporters. I don't think they even understand 230 or how it works. They just know Twitter banned Trump and they want revenge.

I'd be fine with getting rid of 230. All it would do is push the policy into court precedent, rather than having it codifyed it in law. The lawyers would have a field day for a few years, but when the dust settled the legal precedent would approximate 230 and we'd be back where we are now.
jokes on you dumbass,, I'm not a trump supporter so keep your TDS in check when discussing important issues,,
Ok, so only large businesses should be required to treat everyone equally? How large?
Well, following guidelines of the civil rights act, Title VII states employers with 15 or more employees must comply with Father Government imposed regs
Nah, most of those are bullshit too.
You hope to buy everything you use and consume from Jeff Bezos one day? Gee…I wonder what that could lead to.
They are not "arbiters of information". They run a fucking website. The idea that they control you is paranoid delusion. Or, rather, a convenient excuse for a state power grab.
Dumb it down if you must but you’re only making yourself look stupid as you compare Facebook and its influence to
Look, I admire your “Hey look, I’m a Liberty whore” act….I really do, I hate all government imposed regs…BUT unfortunately this isn’t 1776 anymore….we live among unresponsible filth and we are responsible for said filth in real world practice. There must be guidelines and regulations to keep America in tact.
Look, I admire your “Hey look, I’m a Liberty whore” act….I really do, I hate all government imposed regs…
I just don't believe you! You love you some "regulatin", as long as it benefits your party. Party over country! You partisans are the shit!
BrokeLoser - you forgot to answer the poll!

I'll put you down for "Yes, but only businesses that are mean to Trump".
Well, that's the question of the poll. What do you think?


So you're not going to complain if someone refuses to make you a specific cake or tells you they don't serve your kind?


I just don't believe you! You love you some "regulatin", as long as it benefits your party. Party over country! You partisans are the shit!
Your little not so clever experiment is a hard fail bud…I’m sorry.
Most sane people not stuck in 1776 have the foresight to see the end result if Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots and Bezos run the world by programming the people and their thoughts by controlling the flow of information.
Try harder….you’re not that good of a liberty whore….YET

If I have the freedom to shop somewhere that doesn't require a vaccine then others have the freedom to shop somewhere that supports gays, blacks, asians, etc.

The left loves to pick and choose who is treated fairly.

either the govt. is involved ALWAYS (even when you don't like the reason)

I choose NEVER.
There are a fair number of people who support getting rid of all public accommodation laws.

And they’re almost always the people that know it wouldn’t affect themselves whatsoever.
Your little not so clever experiment is a hard fail bud…I’m sorry.
Not an experiment, a poll. Bri had made the claim that the goal was to force Twitter and FB to treat everyone equally and impartially. I was just curious if most people feel that way, and whether they think all businesses should be held to this standard, or just Twitter and FB.
You certainly know how to expose all the racists and ignorant bigots. Well done.
It is about who controls the agendas that can call people racists or not. If you are a Repub, you are a racist. If you are a Non Prog you are a racist. If you are an independent voter at times, you are a racist. So we start from there and it gets worse.

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