Should Casebolt Have Shot the Kids who Charged At Him ?

Clearly, you don't know what you are talking about. If you feel threatened by teenagers in a situation such as this one to the point where you pull your gun, you don't belong on any police force.

Clearly, you don't know what you are talking about. If you don't feel threatened by teenagers (or anybody) in a situation such as this one (with people charging at other people) to the point where you pull your gun, you don't belong on any street in America, where you could be attacked and killed, at a moment's notice.
" You are being arrested for violation of Article 23.6b, wearing a bikini while under age 16 and mouthing off to a white man wearing a gun and a badge on a public street.. You have a right to remain silent, and the right to have your face ground in to the concrete, while a full grown man rests his weight on you by putting his knees in your back. Should any of your race object to these procedures, they have the right to be shot like mad dogs."
Perfect example of the idiocy of the Obama/Sharpton anti-White, anti-cop,stir up the Black base, VOTE campaign. A pile of :bsflag: All one has to do is look at the picture of Casebolt and the girl together. Her face is on GRASS, not concrete. No need to even bother correcting the rest of this moronic post. You've already got the idea.

Your fantasizing about killing someone is reason enough to revoke your permit and put on a 72 hour psych hold.
There is no fantasizing, and, for your edification, talking about killing someone, is part of the training that applicants for CCW permits receive. It is also part of the training that US troops, cops, and security guards receive, and it may also be part of what they DO, and HAVE DONE, performing those jobs. You're lost in a fog of liberal jibberish.
Oh, well that makes it alright! For one thing, nobody has to hose down the concrete later!
I didn't say it made it all right or didn't make it all right. I just pointed out your obvious exaggeration FALSE posting, but if you must add to your nonsense level, feel free. :laugh:
According to the police training in just about all police academies, police should draw their gun and fire when charging at them gets to within 21 feet of them. This is the standard 21 FOOT RULE. The kids who charged at officer Eric Casebolt, at an illicit pool party attended by a mob of over 100 trespassers,came right up to Casebolt, with a couple of feet of him, or less than that.

I'd say those kids are lucky to be alive, and that Casebolt did not shoot them, is a testimony to his restraint (in opposition to the 21 foot rule), not the crazy things cop-haters in this forum have been saying about him.

I have a concealed weapon permit, and I carry a pistol. If some goofball charges at me, yelling trash at me, like those loons did at Casebolt, I can tell you they will be eating hollowpoints. Neither I or Casebolt or anybody else has any way of knowing what the intention is of any screwball who runs at somebody. And if you are armed with a gun, all of these idiots, whether you can initially see if they are armed or not, represent a deadly threat against you. They could pull a knife (in less than a second), hit you with a rock, or grab you own gun from you and shoot you with it.

Under self defense laws, Casebolt could have, and probably should have, shot the 2 fools who charged at him, and the 2 women who did the same, one of whom (in the white bikini) actually hit Casebolt with her hand, or grabbed at him.

Since the 21 foot rule was established, there has been some rethinking of it and much talk of changing the rule to a longer distance of 35 feet.

Lastly, I would strongly CAUTION anyone responding to this OP to watch the video entitled > 21 Foot rule, before posting. When you watch it, you'll see why.

Rethinking the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine

if you had an altercation and somebody supposedly charge at you in an argument and you shot them I would charge you with murder I would find you guilty. you don't get to murder anybody you get in an argument with
According to the police training in just about all police academies, police should draw their gun and fire when charging at them gets to within 21 feet of them. This is the standard 21 FOOT RULE. The kids who charged at officer Eric Casebolt, at an illicit pool party attended by a mob of over 100 trespassers,came right up to Casebolt, with a couple of feet of him, or less than that.

I'd say those kids are lucky to be alive, and that Casebolt did not shoot them, is a testimony to his restraint (in opposition to the 21 foot rule), not the crazy things cop-haters in this forum have been saying about him.

I have a concealed weapon permit, and I carry a pistol. If some goofball charges at me, yelling trash at me, like those loons did at Casebolt, I can tell you they will be eating hollowpoints. Neither I or Casebolt or anybody else has any way of knowing what the intention is of any screwball who runs at somebody. And if you are armed with a gun, all of these idiots, whether you can initially see if they are armed or not, represent a deadly threat against you. They could pull a knife (in less than a second), hit you with a rock, or grab you own gun from you and shoot you with it.

Under self defense laws, Casebolt could have, and probably should have, shot the 2 fools who charged at him, and the 2 women who did the same, one of whom (in the white bikini) actually hit Casebolt with her hand, or grabbed at him.

Since the 21 foot rule was established, there has been some rethinking of it and much talk of changing the rule to a longer distance of 35 feet.

Lastly, I would strongly CAUTION anyone responding to this OP to watch the video entitled > 21 Foot rule, before posting. When you watch it, you'll see why.

Rethinking the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine

great example two cars having a road rage incident. at a red light the man with a wife and kid got out of the car and the man in the truck shot him dead right in front of his family. he was found guilty. you don't get to murder anyone pussy
Oh, well that makes it alright! For one thing, nobody has to hose down the concrete later!
I didn't say it made it all right or didn't make it all right. I just pointed out your obvious exaggeration FALSE posting, but if you must add to your nonsense level, feel free. :laugh:

Nonsense posting? I would not dream of invading your territory, Pro!

Anyway, I assume that since this cop did the right thing, and the other 10 or 11 cops did not, that they will be disciplined and the chief who fired this guy will lose his job, as well. When is this going to happen?
great example two cars having a road rage incident. at a red light the man with a wife and kid got out of the car and the man in the truck shot him dead right in front of his family. he was found guilty. you don't get to murder anyone pussy
That's true. You don't get to murder to murder anyone. Thanks so much for that profound insight. And spicing it up with your :lame2: self-identifying profanity. You're not even smart enough to know when you are disparaging yourself. :laugh:
Oh, well that makes it alright! For one thing, nobody has to hose down the concrete later!
that girl should not have been in the vicinity and when he told her to get down she should have. black people need to learn how to comply with police officers verbal commands
great example two cars having a road rage incident. at a red light the man with a wife and kid got out of the car and the man in the truck shot him dead right in front of his family. he was found guilty. you don't get to murder anyone pussy
That's true. You don't get to murder to murder anyone. Thanks so much for that profound insight. And spicing it up with your :lame2: self-identifying profanity. You're not even smart enough to know when you are disparaging yourself. :laugh:
remember when our parents said what happened to the days when young people settle things with their fists not guns and knives? I'm sorry but if you would pull out your gun and shoot someone because you were arguing with them and it was coming close to getting physical you are a pussy. and you need to be very careful about when you feel justified shooting someone because someone like me might be on your jury
It does matter what he says. He's the fucking chief of police.
Big deal. Every chief of police in America, and all their bosses (mayors) are currently under the duress of the Obama Justice Dept which threatens lawsuits, that the cities can not afford to defend themselves against. Haven't you been paying attention to the news ? This has been going on for nearly a year now.
Is that tin foil too tight?
Nonsense posting? I would not dream of invading your territory, Pro!

Anyway, I assume that since this cop did the right thing, and the other 10 or 11 cops did not, that they will be disciplined and the chief who fired this guy will lose his job, as well. When is this going to happen?

1. Who knows what the other cops did ?,except for the ones who followed Casebolt's order, and ran after the guy with the gray shirt, collared him, and brought him back in handcuffs.
You want to pin brutality on them too ?

2. You are not capable of invading my territory, sonny.

Glad to see you're taking my advice and feeling free to increase your nonsense level, though. :badgrin:
great example two cars having a road rage incident. at a red light the man with a wife and kid got out of the car and the man in the truck shot him dead right in front of his family. he was found guilty. you don't get to murder anyone pussy
That's true. You don't get to murder to murder anyone. Thanks so much for that profound insight. And spicing it up with your :lame2: self-identifying profanity. You're not even smart enough to know when you are disparaging yourself. :laugh:
remember when our parents said what happened to the days when young people settle things with their fists not guns and knives? I'm sorry but if you would pull out your gun and shoot someone because you were arguing with them and it was coming close to getting physical you are a pussy. and you need to be very careful about when you feel justified shooting someone because someone like me might be on your jury
If you have a problem with the govt laws, as they stand, write a letter to your state reps and senators. Don't come crying to me, junior.

PS - you don't go around calling a veteran of the US Army and Army National Guard with 2 honorable discharges, a "pussy", unless you're a complete jackass, but I guess by now, that's a foregone conclusion, isnt it ?
great example two cars having a road rage incident. at a red light the man with a wife and kid got out of the car and the man in the truck shot him dead right in front of his family. he was found guilty. you don't get to murder anyone pussy
That's true. You don't get to murder to murder anyone. Thanks so much for that profound insight. And spicing it up with your :lame2: self-identifying profanity. You're not even smart enough to know when you are disparaging yourself. :laugh:
remember when our parents said what happened to the days when young people settle things with their fists not guns and knives? I'm sorry but if you would pull out your gun and shoot someone because you were arguing with them and it was coming close to getting physical you are a pussy. and you need to be very careful about when you feel justified shooting someone because someone like me might be on your jury
If you have a problem with the govt laws, as they stand, write a letter to your state reps and senators. Don't come crying to me, junior.

PS - you don't go around calling a veteran of the US Army and Army National Guard with 2 honorable discharges, a "pussy", unless you're a complete jackass, but I guess by now, that's a foregone conclusion, isnt it ?
just chill out on how quick gun you will kill someone sargent because I will throw your ass in jail veteran or not
No, Casebolt should not have shot those kids.

But I would have laughed, if he would have Tasered them.

Given their encroachment (and contact?) at the time of the bikini-girl's restraint, they had that much coming to them.

One Black... One White... nervous-system malfunction in stereo... Dinner AND a Show...
great example two cars having a road rage incident. at a red light the man with a wife and kid got out of the car and the man in the truck shot him dead right in front of his family. he was found guilty. you don't get to murder anyone pussy
That's true. You don't get to murder to murder anyone. Thanks so much for that profound insight. And spicing it up with your :lame2: self-identifying profanity. You're not even smart enough to know when you are disparaging yourself. :laugh:
remember when our parents said what happened to the days when young people settle things with their fists not guns and knives? I'm sorry but if you would pull out your gun and shoot someone because you were arguing with them and it was coming close to getting physical you are a pussy. and you need to be very careful about when you feel justified shooting someone because someone like me might be on your jury
If you have a problem with the govt laws, as they stand, write a letter to your state reps and senators. Don't come crying to me, junior.

PS - you don't go around calling a veteran of the US Army and Army National Guard with 2 honorable discharges, a "pussy", unless you're a complete jackass, but I guess by now, that's a foregone conclusion, isnt it ?
I worry that you gun carriers will start arguments and antagonize someone to attack you and then you will shoot them because you want to. just remember you don't get to be a dick and then shoot somebody when they react
It is beyond sane belief that anyone would say the use of a firearm in that situation was called for.
It is beyond sane belief that anyone would say the use of a firearm in that situation was NOT called for. And the people and legislatures of most states in America, agree. Got a problem ? Call you state legislator.

I saw no brutality. The girl was resisting.

4 nincompoops charged the officer. You do that, you get shot. 4 very, very dumb kids are very, very lucky right now.


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