Should Casebolt Have Shot the Kids who Charged At Him ?

What threat from the Justice Department, where? If you are going to make an outrageous accusation like that, you have better back it up, pal.

"he allowed his emotions to get the better of him,"
HEY MORON!!! Are you brains in the toilet ? How any fucki times have I alreadt told you about the Justice Dept lawsuit threat and the Obama/Sharpton Vote hustle campaign ? How many times, blockhead / 10 ? 20 ? 25 ?

LOOK IT UP, ass clown!

You can make any claim you care to, but until you offer up some evidence to back up your accusation, I am calling you on your bullshit line.
So, all in all, Casebolt could have shot the stupid kidws who charged at him, and that includes the 2 idiot girls as well. And instead od being condemned for overreacting, he could well be praised for underreacting,. and letting 4 moron kids live, who by all rights, really could be dead right now.

Any cop who puts the public at risk is acting irresponsibly and has no business being a police officer. There were dozens of children in the area, and he put them all at risk when he pulled his pistol. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet not to realize this.
What threat from the Justice Department, where? If you are going to make an outrageous accusation like that, you have better back it up, pal.

"he allowed his emotions to get the better of him,"
HEY MORON!!! Are you brains in the toilet ? How any fucki times have I alreadt told you about the Justice Dept lawsuit threat and the Obama/Sharpton Vote hustle campaign ? How many times, blockhead / 10 ? 20 ? 25 ?

LOOK IT UP, ass clown!

You can make any claim you care to, but until you offer up some evidence to back up your accusation, I am calling you on your bullshit line.
You're calling on nothing. Everyone knows the news reports for damn near a year now about the Justice Dept threatening lawsuits against Ferguson at al cities. You're an idiot. What an I doing talking o you atr 3;30 AM ? What a waste. Good grief
The police have to have probable cause to subdue someone. So it has everything to do with it. You cannot simply walk up to someone and throw them to the ground and then claim that they are resisting arrest when they try to defend themselves (which, by the way, she didn't do, couldn't possibly do (against someone three times her size) when no arrest has been made or probable cause has been determined.
So you don't know what probable cause there was. So stop trying to talk about it then.
So, all in all, Casebolt could have shot the stupid kidws who charged at him, and that includes the 2 idiot girls as well. And instead od being condemned for overreacting, he could well be praised for underreacting,. and letting 4 moron kids live, who by all rights, really could be dead right now.

Any cop who puts the public at risk is acting irresponsibly and has no business being a police officer. There were dozens of children in the area, and he put them all at risk when he pulled his pistol. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet not to realize this.
When you are a cop (or private citizen) YOU PULL YOUR GUN when you are threatened, period. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet not to realize this. Now GOOD NIGHT!!!
"Should Casebolt Have Shot the Kids who Charged At Him ?"

A moronic question consistent with the moronic OP.
Oh God!! Who left the cage door open ? Hey, CCJ, aren't you going to throw in your customary "ignorant, hateful" line ? Gosh, I almost didn't recognize you without it.
You're a ridiculous troll.
The police have to have probable cause to subdue someone. So it has everything to do with it. You cannot simply walk up to someone and throw them to the ground and then claim that they are resisting arrest when they try to defend themselves (which, by the way, she didn't do, couldn't possibly do (against someone three times her size) when no arrest has been made or probable cause has been determined.
So you don't know what probable cause there was. So stop trying to talk about it then.

Clearly you haven't watched the video carefully. She said she wanted to get her glasses. He told her to walk away, and she did. Now, it appears that she said something inaudible after that and that is when he grabbed her from behind, swung her around and threw her against the ground. Whatever she said, he has no cause for him to respond the way he did. She could have told him to fuck off, and that would be her right under the 1st amendment. The fact that he had been running around screaming and cursing at the children indicates clearly that he was out of control.

I am working on an edited version that shows only the portion in question so you can see what I am talking about, and if I can, I will enhance the audio so you can hear it better (I can do that because I'm fucking smart).
The police have to have probable cause to subdue someone. So it has everything to do with it. You cannot simply walk up to someone and throw them to the ground and then claim that they are resisting arrest when they try to defend themselves (which, by the way, she didn't do, couldn't possibly do (against someone three times her size) when no arrest has been made or probable cause has been determined.
So you don't know what probable cause there was. So stop trying to talk about it then.

Clearly you haven't watched the video carefully. She said she wanted to get her glasses. He told her to walk away, and she did. Now, it appears that she said something inaudible after that and that is when he grabbed her from behind, swung her around and threw her against the ground. Whatever she said, he has no cause for him to respond the way he did. She could have told him to fuck off, and that would be her right under the 1st amendment. The fact that he had been running around screaming and cursing at the children indicates clearly that he was out of control.

I am working on an edited version that shows only the portion in question so you can see what I am talking about, and if I can, I will enhance the audio so you can hear it better (I can do that because I'm fucking smart).
So, all in all, Casebolt could have shot the stupid kidws who charged at him, and that includes the 2 idiot girls as well. And instead od being condemned for overreacting, he could well be praised for underreacting,. and letting 4 moron kids live, who by all rights, really could be dead right now.

Any cop who puts the public at risk is acting irresponsibly and has no business being a police officer. There were dozens of children in the area, and he put them all at risk when he pulled his pistol. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet not to realize this.
When you are a cop (or private citizen) YOU PULL YOUR GUN when you are threatened, period. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet not to realize this. Now GOOD NIGHT!!!

Clearly, you don't know what you are talking about. If you feel threatened by teenagers in a situation such as this one to the point where you pull your gun, you don't belong on any police force.
It is beyond sane belief that anyone would say the use of a firearm in that situation was called for.
Hmm your a troll. Besides he did not pull the gun until the kids were running away. Yeah shoot them in the back. Besides they were kids and any decent person would had done the same if someone in uniform or not was manhandling a 14 year old girl. In fact the disgusting cop went back and attacked the girl when she was just sitting there. Assault of a minor. I guess in your world you want kids shot and girls forced into submission for no reason, because there was no reason for it. Go donate to this bully cop, or hire him since you seem to be in love with him. Like it or not police are ambassitors of the state and are in the public eye, they are to be held to the highest standards because they have so much power, if they cannot handle it like casebolt they have no business being a policeman. When one screws up they all look bad. It is this way everywhere, and need to mend fences. They need to adopt military type evaluations, meaning they need to volunteer and work their off time with the communities and schools and habitat for humanity, and be evaluated ever quarter, if they do not they should be demoted. They need to get out in the communities and work with people. The military does this. If you do not volunteer time and effort in the community you get poor ratings which make it impossible to be promoted. Protect and serve. if you don't like it don't be a cop. Only responsible people need apply.
1. I'll let your dumb ass slide THIS TIME. If you call me a troll again, I'll report you.

2. Obviously, he was pulling his gun as he saw them approaching. You're either an idiot, or a baldfaced liar.

3. Doesn't matter if they were kids. The guy that looked like he was reaching into his back pocket for a weapon is 18 years old. Thousands of people (including cops) have been killed by 18 year olds.

4. The 14 or 15 year old girl was resisting arrest. She is supposed to be manhandled under that situation.

5. You don't know what reason there was for Casebolt to apprehend the girl. Where they first come in contact with each other isn't shown on the video. She must have committed a crime. So don't talk about what you don't know.

6. I already sent a email to the McKinney police that we would like to have Casebolt come here to Tampa to be on our police force.

7. Casebolt did not "screw up" Your perception (influenced by the biased media) is what is screwed up.

8. Police are ALREADY out in the communities, and working with people more than you know anything about.

You are a huge troll.

The kid who got closest to the crazed cop had lost his balance. Did you notice that in the video, troll?
You guys are interfering with Pro's wet dream about his fascist state Shangrila, in which all non-whites, and all immigrants are fair game for troopers who are armed to the teeth, and licensed to kill anyone who mouths off. If this does not come about in the next election, his frustration level will rise, and he may get a gun and start a neighborhood watch program in Brownsville Texas, where brown and black people are all stealing the American dream from him.
Hmm your a troll. Besides he did not pull the gun until the kids were running away. Yeah shoot them in the back. Besides they were kids and any decent person would had done the same if someone in uniform or not was manhandling a 14 year old girl. In fact the disgusting cop went back and attacked the girl when she was just sitting there. Assault of a minor. I guess in your world you want kids shot and girls forced into submission for no reason, because there was no reason for it. Go donate to this bully cop, or hire him since you seem to be in love with him. Like it or not police are ambassitors of the state and are in the public eye, they are to be held to the highest standards because they have so much power, if they cannot handle it like casebolt they have no business being a policeman. When one screws up they all look bad. It is this way everywhere, and need to mend fences. They need to adopt military type evaluations, meaning they need to volunteer and work their off time with the communities and schools and habitat for humanity, and be evaluated ever quarter, if they do not they should be demoted. They need to get out in the communities and work with people. The military does this. If you do not volunteer time and effort in the community you get poor ratings which make it impossible to be promoted. Protect and serve. if you don't like it don't be a cop. Only responsible people need apply.
1. I'll let your dumb ass slide THIS TIME. If you call me a troll again, I'll report you.

2. Obviously, he was pulling his gun as he saw them approaching. You're either an idiot, or a baldfaced liar.

3. Doesn't matter if they were kids. The guy that looked like he was reaching into his back pocket for a weapon is 18 years old. Thousands of people (including cops) have been killed by 18 year olds.

4. The 14 or 15 year old girl was resisting arrest. She is supposed to be manhandled under that situation.

5. You don't know what reason there was for Casebolt to apprehend the girl. Where they first come in contact with each other isn't shown on the video. She must have committed a crime. So don't talk about what you don't know.

6. I already sent a email to the McKinney police that we would like to have Casebolt come here to Tampa to be on our police force.

7. Casebolt did not "screw up" Your perception (influenced by the biased media) is what is screwed up.

8. Police are ALREADY out in the communities, and working with people more than you know anything about.

You are a huge troll.

The kid who got closest to the crazed cop had lost his balance. Did you notice that in the video, troll?

Lost his balance? Should Casebolt had said "Young man....are you just losing your balance...or are you trying to attack me or go for a weapon? Please advise me so I can react appropriately. "

Yeah. Probly shoulda done that.
" You are being arrested for violation of Article 23.6b, wearing a bikini while under age 16 and mouthing off to a white man wearing a gun and a badge on a public street.. You have a right to remain silent, and the right to have your face ground in to the concrete, while a full grown man rests his weight on you by putting his knees in your back. Should any of your race object to these procedures, they have the right to be shot like mad dogs."
According to the police training in just about all police academies, police should draw their gun and fire when charging at them gets to within 21 feet of them. This is the standard 21 FOOT RULE. The kids who charged at officer Eric Casebolt, at an illicit pool party attended by a mob of over 100 trespassers,came right up to Casebolt, with a couple of feet of him, or less than that.

I'd say those kids are lucky to be alive, and that Casebolt did not shoot them, is a testimony to his restraint (in opposition to the 21 foot rule), not the crazy things cop-haters in this forum have been saying about him.

I have a concealed weapon permit, and I carry a pistol. If some goofball charges at me, yelling trash at me, like those loons did at Casebolt, I can tell you they will be eating hollowpoints. Neither I or Casebolt or anybody else has any way of knowing what the intention is of any screwball who runs at somebody. And if you are armed with a gun, all of these idiots, whether you can initially see if they are armed or not, represent a deadly threat against you. They could pull a knife (in less than a second), hit you with a rock, or grab you own gun from you and shoot you with it.

Under self defense laws, Casebolt could have, and probably should have, shot the 2 fools who charged at him, and the 2 women who did the same, one of whom (in the white bikini) actually hit Casebolt with her hand, or grabbed at him.

Since the 21 foot rule was established, there has been some rethinking of it and much talk of changing the rule to a longer distance of 35 feet.

Lastly, I would strongly CAUTION anyone responding to this OP to watch the video entitled > 21 Foot rule, before posting. When you watch it, you'll see why.

Rethinking the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine

Your fantasizing about killing someone is reason enough to revoke your permit and put on a 72 hour psych hold.
Clearly you haven't watched the video carefully. She said she wanted to get her glasses. He told her to walk away, and she did. Now, it appears that she said something inaudible after that and that is when he grabbed her from behind, swung her around and threw her against the ground. Whatever she said, he has no cause for him to respond the way he did. She could have told him to fuck off, and that would be her right under the 1st amendment. The fact that he had been running around screaming and cursing at the children indicates clearly that he was out of control.

I am working on an edited version that shows only the portion in question so you can see what I am talking about, and if I can, I will enhance the audio so you can hear it better (I can do that because I'm fucking smart).
YOU don't know what happened. It's not on the video. Stop lying.

PS - running around is cops' jobs. Screaming (when it is a noisy place) is also their job. Cursing is not their job, but both cops and suspects do it all the time. Get a life.
.I am working on an edited version that shows only the portion in question so you can see what I am talking about, and if I can, I will enhance the audio so you can hear it better (I can do that because I'm fucking smart).

Yeah. You're so "smart" that right after you complain about cops cursing, you throw an F bomb right into the same post. Oh, impressive, man. Impressive.

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