Should Casebolt Have Shot the Kids who Charged At Him ?

It is beyond sane belief that anyone would say the use of a firearm in that situation was called for.
"It is beyond sane belief that anyone would say the use of a firearm in that situation was NOT called for. And the people and legislatures of most states in America, agree. Got a problem ? Call you state legislator.

I saw no brutality. The girl was resisting.

4 nincompoops charged the officer. You do that, you get shot. 4 very, very dumb kids are very, very lucky right now."

Police are there to serve and protect...
...the public, not themselves.
Of course, they have a right to self defense, but that is not the first consideration and not the job description. Endangering others just because they doubt their own safety is like firemen not going into a burning building because they might get hurt.
It is not a job for everyone. Few are truly qualified. My dad was one, and he would tell you the same, and would have condemned this cop just as I do.
she wasn't resisting anything, she was standing with a few others, yes, she might have mouthed off, WHICH IS NOT A CRIME and IS NOT RESISTING anything.....

Then he walked over to the group and less than a second goes by before he grabs her away from the people she was standing near, and swings her around like a rag doll....

YOU ARE LYING Protectionist.
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you OBVIOUSLY did not watch the same video that I watched... he walked over to her and a group of 4 people or so standing there and grabbed her and hauled her then smashed her to the ground....she could not have sat down if he had even ordered her to, he was holding on to her and swing her around like a rag doll....
Nothing you said here is improper. Grabbing a suspect who has committed some crime is what cops ARE SUPPOSED TO DO. How did you think they deal with criminal suspects ? Play pattycake with them ?
what crime did she commit Protec? She simply walked over to a few people simply standing there on the sidewalk who were watching what the cop was doing with other people...


please STOP lying.
There is not definition more clear of those who want a police state than those who would not only defend such action, but actually say we a lucky to have escaped worse.
There is not definition more clear of those who want a police state than those who would not only defend such action, but actually say we a lucky to have escaped worse.
did you ever see police academy the movie? Do you want our police to be a joke when they walk into the crowd where their being punked and disrespected by the punks?
There is not definition more clear of those who want a police state than those who would not only defend such action, but actually say we a lucky to have escaped worse.
did you ever see police academy the movie? Do you want our police to be a joke when they walk into the crowd where their being punked and disrespected by the punks?
That has not the least importance in the situation. What stupid individuals might think about a respectable officer of the peace is irrelevant. The police themselves must know that what they are doing is right, and that the rights of citizens is supreme.
I suspect in my white culture we wouldn't act like that around police officers. I went to college and we were respectful and afraid of the police. like it or not if they say you're under arrest you have to comply. and I might scream at them that's not right when they're arresting my friend and throwing him face down on the ground but that's all I'm going to do is yell from a distant I would never physically aggressively approach a police officer unless I was looking to go to jail or die
Good post. Nice to see that SOMEBODY has his thinking cap on around here, amid all the nitwit cop-haters.
That has not the least importance in the situation. What stupid individuals might think about a respectable officer of the peace is irrelevant. The police themselves must know that what they are doing is right, and that the rights of citizens is supreme.
Citizens need to know what rights police have in the normal conduct of their job. That knowledge is very lacking among many posters in this thread, bu tit's not surprising with the lack of education of it in the schools, and the cop-hater propaganda emanating from the Obama administration and its running dog, Al Sharpton.
It isn't a race card if race is actually a factor, which it was. But hey, it's good to know that you don't deny being okay with cops assaulting and shooting our kids. At least now we all know where the real threat is.
It IS a race card when race is actually NOT a factor, which it was NOT. Casebolt detained another girl who was White.. But hey, it's good to know that you don't deny pretending that I'm okay with cops assaulting our kids.

And it's good to know that you don't realize that cops are, in self-defense, entitled to shoot anyone who is attacking them At least now we all know where the real threat is >>. Your ignorance and stupidity.
I think we are tying the hands of police officers if we side with the people who are not respectfully dealing with the police. those are our law enforcers and we can't allow the criminals to have the upper hand. everyone in that video should be charged. anyone acting a fool
Correct. Amazing that anyone would/could disagree with this, but then we have a propaganda campaign coming from Obama, Sharpton et al, to set a cop-hater tone, and millions of young Blacks are getting sucked into the scam (to stimulate the black voting base and generate VOTES for Democrats)
she wasn't resisting anything, she was standing with a few others, yes, she might have mouthed off, WHICH IS NOT A CRIME and IS NOT RESISTING anything.....

Then he walked over to the group and less than a second goes by before he grabs her away from the people she was standing near, and swings her around like a rag doll....

YOU ARE LYING Protectionist.
NOT! Of course she resisted. That's why he had to forcibly slam het to the ground. SHE caused that. Not the cop. There it is, very clear in the video.
what crime did she commit Protec? She simply walked over to a few people simply standing there on the sidewalk who were watching what the cop was doing with other people...
YOU ARE DOING THE LYING. The video does not show what she was doing just before he grabbed her. I don't know what crime she committed and neither do you, so stop pretending that you know.
There is not definition more clear of those who want a police state than those who would not only defend such action, but actually say we a lucky to have escaped worse.

There is not definition more clear of those who want a criminal state, than those who would not only condemn such action of normal police procedure, but actually not know that attackers are lucky to have escaped worse.
Nonsense posting? I would not dream of invading your territory, Pro!

Anyway, I assume that since this cop did the right thing, and the other 10 or 11 cops did not, that they will be disciplined and the chief who fired this guy will lose his job, as well. When is this going to happen?

1. Who knows what the other cops did ?,except for the ones who followed Casebolt's order, and ran after the guy with the gray shirt, collared him, and brought him back in handcuffs.
You want to pin brutality on them too ?

2. You are not capable of invading my territory, sonny.

Glad to see you're taking my advice and feeling free to increase your nonsense level, though. :badgrin:
Well, for one thing, the other cops are in the video, and not assaulting anyone. For another thing, when the police chief apologized to the community for this one uncontrolled cop, he praised the other 11 cops who assaulted no one. It is in the chief's video, "Sonny" (which I find amusing because I am probably almost twice your age.)
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what crime did she commit Protec? She simply walked over to a few people simply standing there on the sidewalk who were watching what the cop was doing with other people...
YOU ARE DOING THE LYING. The video does not show what she was doing just before he grabbed her. I don't know what crime she committed and neither do you, so stop pretending that you know.

Interesting. According to you, she committed a crime. Yet, all charges were dismissed as soon as she was arrested. My understanding of the constitution is that unless someone is found guilty, he has not committed a crime. In this case, they even dismissed the charges.
It's 21 feet when the attacker is armed with a knife. Get your facts straight. The officer grossly overacted, the situation was calm until he showed up.

That was already answered in >

1) the OP

2) Post # 9

3) Post # 10.

Get your posts straight.

No, it wasn't. The kids were not armed. Pull your head out of your ass.
They were about to be armed when they took the gun from the policeman doing the job of We The People.
It's 21 feet when the attacker is armed with a knife. Get your facts straight. The officer grossly overacted, the situation was calm until he showed up.

That was already answered in >

1) the OP

2) Post # 9

3) Post # 10.

Get your posts straight.

No, it wasn't. The kids were not armed. Pull your head out of your ass.
They were about to be armed when they took the gun from the policeman doing the job of We The People.

Wow! So, we have found those elusive "gun grabbers" after all!
To me, its better to be judged by twelve instead of being carried by six.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If the person charging you does not have any good intentions, what is a person supposed to do, just stand there and let the charger do whatever they want? I do not think so and if shooting the charger is what has to be done in order to stop them, well then so be it.
To me, its better to be judged by twelve instead of being carried by six.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If the person charging you does not have any good intentions, what is a person supposed to do, just stand there and let the charger do whatever they want? I do not think so and if shooting the charger is what has to be done in order to stop them, well then so be it.

What a contradiction: "God bless you!", and "I'll shoot someone who is running at me."

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