Should Casebolt Have Shot the Kids who Charged At Him ?

It only applies to armed suspects.

Revisiting the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine

Neither of those boys were armed.
ANYONE attacking toward you is considered armed. You have no way of knowing if someone is carrying a knife which can be pulled in a FRACTION OF A SECOND, or if the attacker might seize your own gun. You have to be told this TWICE ?Read the OP.


If 6'3 260 pound former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar attacked a 5'9 160 pound cop....would that cop be justified shooting that "unarmed" man? Absolutely.
Of course his size (and fighting expertise) is his weapon. In reality , nobody is ever unarmed. You could be wearing steel tipped shoes, carry a ball point pen, be wearing a belt, have shoelaces, have a golf ball in your pocket, a cigarette lighter - all are weapons.(as are the hands, which can wrest a gun away from the person being attacked)

And yet this 14 year old girl was utterly defenseless against an abusive police officer. Makes you proud, doesn't it?
The girl was not a trespasser. BTW,how would Casebolt have known the difference?

Obviously,he assumed she was a trespasser.....because? Let's see if you can guess?
"Obviously,he assumed she was a trespasser" ??? That's one of the more odd things I've hear the last few days in the McKinney issue. Well, it's not obvious to me, nor do I even see ANY reason to think that at all. So OK. I give up. How is it obvious that he assumed she was a trespasser ? No, I can't guess. Not at all.

She was an invited guest to the party by someone with legal permission to use the pool facilities. The only violation was by that person who was having the party in violating the HOA contract on the number of allowed guests. The girl was not trespassing.
]McKinney, which is no paradise as it is now, would have been sued out of existence if even one of those kids have been wounded.
Anyone can file a court suit. Winning is another thing. In all these Obama/Sharpton anti-cop drum up the Black VOTE campaign scenarios (Zimmerman, Wilson, 6 cops in Baltimore, Casebolt, etc) it is Obama and his Justice Dept which threatens lawsuits against any city that doesn't go along. And since they can't afford to fight the court battle, they go along, with the cops being thrown under the bus. Casebolt is just the latest of the group. There will be more.
You cannot convince me that this guy pulling his gun on two unarmed teenagers who were backing away from him - in the middle of an area where dozens of kids were standing by, and when other police officers were also present, was an appropriate thing to do. The police chief said flat out that they officer was out of control, that his actions were counter to department policy. If he has fired that weapon, the chances were very high that he would have struck, and likely killed an innocent child. As it was, he was already in the process of assaulting a young girl. For anyone to justify this man's actions is just as outrageous as his actions.
1. Unarmed is irrelevant. If you're attacked that's enough to warrant self-defense witha gun - for a cop or civilian. And as i said before, no one is ever unarmed.

The only person in this case who did any attacking was the police officer. He was not attacked, not by the teenaged boys, and certainly not by the 14 year old girl.

2. Don't me that backing away crap.

I just did. And it is not crap. It is a fact.

When Casebolt first caught sight of these 2 numbskulls, they were approaching , and that's when his draw began.

But according to what you claimed earlier, they approached him from the rear. If that was the case, he would not have seen them. Of course, they approached from the side. And as soon as he looked up, they backed off. Then, as he stood, he drew his weapon. The police chief has said that he should not have drawn his weapon. It violated department rules of engagement. He repeatedly cursed at these children, before and after these specific details occurred, and was clearly, by all accounts, including official accounts, out of control. I suspect that you defend him because you are also one who has tendencies to get out of control yourself.
]McKinney, which is no paradise as it is now, would have been sued out of existence if even one of those kids have been wounded.
Anyone can file a court suit. Winning is another thing. In all these Obama/Sharpton anti-cop drum up the Black VOTE campaign scenarios (Zimmerman, Wilson, 6 cops in Baltimore, Casebolt, etc) it is Obama and his Justice Dept which threatens lawsuits against any city that doesn't go along. And since they can't afford to fight the court battle, they go along, with the cops being thrown under the bus. Casebolt is just the latest of the group. There will be more.

Casebolt faces a ton of lawsuits by not only the girl who he attacked, but by the families of the other children he put in danger when he carelessly drew his gun, as well as the boys he handcuffed and forced to the ground, none of whom broke any laws and were never actually arrested. And he is going to lose everything as a result.
And that is why people like you are part of the problem in this country.

Longtime McKinney Officer Blasts Police Conduct At Pool Party Says Department Has A Race Problem ThinkProgress

Pete Schutle, a former McKinney police officer and “longtime reserve deputy,” spoke to Fox4 Dallas and blasted the conduct of Eric Casebolt, the police corporal shown slamming a 15-year-old girl in a swimsuit to the ground.

“I don’t care what she was yelling at that officer. Anything would not have justified throwing her to the ground and pushing her down and throwing her face into the concrete like he did,” Schutle said.

Schulte also said there was no reason for Casebolt to have drawn his weapon and described Casebolt’s reaction to the situation as “crazy.”

According to Schulte, the video indicates that the McKinney police had a race problem. “There is an indication based on watching the video that the white people who were around the officers weren’t talked to, they weren’t pushed away, they weren’t told to get on the ground, they weren’t put in handcuffs. The only individuals McKinney police were doing that to were those that were African-American,” he said.
So some guy named Schulte comes out and makes a complete ass clown out of himself, and you think this is worthy of a forum post ?

1. The girl was resisting arrest. THAT justifies throwing her to the ground and pushing her down, and pushing her face down in to the grass.

2. Of course there was a reason for Casebolt to have drawn his weapon, when 2 guys were charging right at him. And both were well within the 21 foot rule. Maybe Schulte forgot his police training.

3. Schulte is 100% wrong about no white people being talked to, pushed away, told to get on the ground, put in handcuffs. In addition to the Black girl in the video CAsebolt also apprehended and detained a white girl also.

Great going, Schulte. Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3.
He had no business assaulting the girl in the first place. If I had seen a police officer do that to a 14 year old girl, I might have confronted him as well.
You would have been interfering with a police officer making a lawful arrest. Your crime would be >>



(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
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And that is why people like you are part of the problem in this country.

Longtime McKinney Officer Blasts Police Conduct At Pool Party Says Department Has A Race Problem ThinkProgress

Pete Schutle, a former McKinney police officer and “longtime reserve deputy,” spoke to Fox4 Dallas and blasted the conduct of Eric Casebolt, the police corporal shown slamming a 15-year-old girl in a swimsuit to the ground.

“I don’t care what she was yelling at that officer. Anything would not have justified throwing her to the ground and pushing her down and throwing her face into the concrete like he did,” Schutle said.

Schulte also said there was no reason for Casebolt to have drawn his weapon and described Casebolt’s reaction to the situation as “crazy.”

According to Schulte, the video indicates that the McKinney police had a race problem. “There is an indication based on watching the video that the white people who were around the officers weren’t talked to, they weren’t pushed away, they weren’t told to get on the ground, they weren’t put in handcuffs. The only individuals McKinney police were doing that to were those that were African-American,” he said.
So some guy named Schulte comes out and makes a complete ass clown out of himself, and you think this is worthy of a forum post ?

1. The girl was resisting arrest. THAT justifies throwing her to the ground and pushing her down, and pushing her face down in to the grass.

2. Of course there was a reason for Casebolt to have drawn his weapon, when 2 guys were charging right at him. And both were well within the 21 foot rule. Maybe Schulte forgot his police training.

3. Schulte is 100% wrong about no white people being talked to, pushed away, told to get on the ground, put in handcuffs. In addition to the Black girl in the video CAsebolt also apprehended and detained a white girl also.

Great going, Schulte. Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3.

He is a former officer there with many years on that police force, and a member of the community in good standing. I'd say that qualifies him as having more knowledge of the situation than you ever will have. The girl didn't have a chance to resist arrest. The skinny girl was thrown on the pavement then slung around, had her face shoved into the ground, then sat upon by a out of control fatassed cop. How is that resisting anything? He had no probable cause to do any of that in the first place. She was an invited guest who wanted to retrieve her glasses before she left. If she smarted off to him, so fucking what? She has a 1st amendment right to tell him to fuck off if she wants to.
It only applies to armed suspects.

Revisiting the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine

Neither of those boys were armed.

Yes. The 21 foot rule typically is for weapons. Particularly knives.

But sometimes its for "unarmed" people. If 3 people charge me...well...I cant win a hand to hand fight vs three men. So...if they get to life is in danger.

If the attacker is Brock Lesnar or a former SEAL...and unarmed. lose that fight too. Life is in danger.

2 unknown males swarming me as I made an arrest? Maybe. With ample backup there id say dont shoot. But...thats from our view on a couch. Casebolt didnt see what was behind him...or if they had weapons. Or may want his weapon.

It was all unknown.

Drawing the gun? Im 100% ok with that.
The two males immediately ran absolutely not a good shoot. And he didnt again....not sure what all the outrag is over.

You cannot convince me that this guy pulling his gun on two unarmed teenagers who were backing away from him - in the middle of an area where dozens of kids were standing by, and when other police officers were also present, was an appropriate thing to do. The police chief said flat out that they officer was out of control, that his actions were counter to department policy. If he has fired that weapon, the chances were very high that he would have struck, and likely killed an innocent child. As it was, he was already in the process of assaulting a young girl. For anyone to justify this man's actions is just as outrageous as his actions.

Yes...the two males who swarmed him did back away...BECAUSE he drew a gun. What if he stays there and keeps trying to detain the girl? Do they assault him? Swarm him? We dont kmow. He didnt give them a chance.

He had no business assaulting the girl in the first place. If I had seen a police officer do that to a 14 year old girl, I might have confronted him as well.
You would have been interfering with a police officer making a lawful arrest. Your crime would be >>

And I guarantee in this case, the charges, if any, would have been dropped because the officer was in the wrong. You don't treat children who have broken no laws as if they are hardened criminals. Period. End of story.
protectionist said:
So some guy named Schulte comes out and makes a complete ass clown out of himself, and you think this is worthy of a forum post ?

1. The girl was resisting arrest. THAT justifies throwing her to the ground and pushing her down, and pushing her face down in to the grass.

2. Of course there was a reason for Casebolt to have drawn his weapon, when 2 guys were charging right at him. And both were well within the 21 foot rule. Maybe Schulte forgot his police training.

3. Schulte is 100% wrong about no white people being talked to, pushed away, told to get on the ground, put in handcuffs. In addition to the Black girl in the video CAsebolt also apprehended and detained a white girl also.

Great going, Schulte. Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3.

He is a former officer there with many years on that police force, and a member of the community in good standing. I'd say that qualifies him as having more knowledge of the situation than you ever will have. The girl didn't have a chance to resist arrest. The skinny girl was thrown on the pavement then slung around, had her face shoved into the ground, then sat upon by a out of control fatassed cop. And he continued to sit on her despite the fact that she was crying her eyes out the entire time. How is that resisting anything? He had no probable cause to do any of that in the first place. She was an invited guest who wanted to retrieve her glasses before she left. If she smarted off to him, so fucking what? She has a 1st amendment right to tell him to fuck off if she wants to.[/QUOTE]
He had no business assaulting the girl in the first place. If I had seen a police officer do that to a 14 year old girl, I might have confronted him as well.
You would have been interfering with a police officer making a lawful arrest. Your crime would be >>



(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

It is not obstruction if you are preventing a police officer from committing a criminal act. In case you missed the memo, the Police have to obey the law. Otherwise, they are just tyrants.
She was walking away after he told her to leave. She might have said something he didn't like but that did not justify him throwing her to the ground and then shoving her face in the dirt. She was a fucking child for Pet's sake. And if she did say something to him, So what? Did you hear the language he was spewing at these kids during that entire video? Several kids even asked him to stop cursing at them. So what the hell did he expect?
:bsflag: The video doesn't show what occured in the moments leading up to when Casebolt began to apprehend the girl. No one knows what that was (video or audio), and that includes YOU.

Child or not, she was resisting arrest, and he used what force was necessary to subdue her.
Those so called charging thugs were not charging at all when Jackass cop pulled his weapon. The vid clearly shows them backing off and moving away from Jackass as soon as he reaches for his weapon. By the time he pulls leather the suspects are beginning to turn and run. If Jackass cop had shot one of those guys he would be facing murder charges.
FALSE! They were charging at full force and speed. And, you are ignoring the 21 foot rule. You are not properly posting in this thread.
She was walking away after he told her to leave. She might have said something he didn't like but that did not justify him throwing her to the ground and then shoving her face in the dirt. She was a fucking child for Pet's sake. And if she did say something to him, So what? Did you hear the language he was spewing at these kids during that entire video? Several kids even asked him to stop cursing at them. So what the hell did he expect?
:bsflag: The video doesn't show what occured in the moments leading up to when Casebolt began to apprehend the girl. No one knows what that was (video or audio), and that includes YOU.

Child or not, she was resisting arrest, and he used what force was necessary to subdue her.

The video clearly shows her walking away when the officer walked up and grabbed her, slinging her to the pavement, then swinging her around and throwing her to the ground, then grabbing her left arm while also grabbing her head and shoving it into the ground. Then he sat on her for the duration of the video while she was crying her eyes out in obvious pain. She wasn't resisting arrest because in order to be under arrest, you have to actually be under arrest. She was not under arrest. he never said the words, and certainly did not read her her rights. She was an INVITED GUEST. She was not trespassing. If you think she was under arrest, what were the charges? Because, according to the police department no charges were filed against any of those children.
Those so called charging thugs were not charging at all when Jackass cop pulled his weapon. The vid clearly shows them backing off and moving away from Jackass as soon as he reaches for his weapon. By the time he pulls leather the suspects are beginning to turn and run. If Jackass cop had shot one of those guys he would be facing murder charges.
FALSE! They were charging at full force and speed. And, you are ignoring the 21 foot rule. You are not properly posting in this thread.

For the third time, the 21 feet (it is feet, not foot) rule only applies to armed suspects.
Hmm your a troll. Besides he did not pull the gun until the kids were running away. Yeah shoot them in the back. Besides they were kids and any decent person would had done the same if someone in uniform or not was manhandling a 14 year old girl. In fact the disgusting cop went back and attacked the girl when she was just sitting there. Assault of a minor. I guess in your world you want kids shot and girls forced into submission for no reason, because there was no reason for it. Go donate to this bully cop, or hire him since you seem to be in love with him. Like it or not police are ambassitors of the state and are in the public eye, they are to be held to the highest standards because they have so much power, if they cannot handle it like casebolt they have no business being a policeman. When one screws up they all look bad. It is this way everywhere, and need to mend fences. They need to adopt military type evaluations, meaning they need to volunteer and work their off time with the communities and schools and habitat for humanity, and be evaluated ever quarter, if they do not they should be demoted. They need to get out in the communities and work with people. The military does this. If you do not volunteer time and effort in the community you get poor ratings which make it impossible to be promoted. Protect and serve. if you don't like it don't be a cop. Only responsible people need apply.
1. I'll let your dumb ass slide THIS TIME. If you call me a troll again, I'll report you.

2. Obviously, he was pulling his gun as he saw them approaching. You're either an idiot, or a baldfaced liar.

3. Doesn't matter if they were kids. The guy that looked like he was reaching into his back pocket for a weapon is 18 years old. Thousands of people (including cops) have been killed by 18 year olds.

4. The 14 or 15 year old girl was resisting arrest. She is supposed to be manhandled under that situation.

5. You don't know what reason there was for Casebolt to apprehend the girl. Where they first come in contact with each other isn't shown on the video. She must have committed a crime. So don't talk about what you don't know.

6. I already sent a email to the McKinney police that we would like to have Casebolt come here to Tampa to be on our police force.

7. Casebolt did not "screw up" Your perception (influenced by the biased media) is what is screwed up.

8. Police are ALREADY out in the communities, and working with people more than you know anything about.
Ok since we're talking about unknowns, you do not know that she did commit a crime but assume she did, as you said she must had committed a crime. Second in earlier posts you said they came up behind him which they never did. But you and even hannity on fox said they came up behind him... That was a me dude because you are a troll and I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can't possible believe the crap that your saying. No one could be that stupid. Hence you must be a troll trying to get a reaction. Lol
I saw the video idiot, they came up behind him
Read my post #8, boo boo.
Yeah. That was REFUTED in Post # 10, and before that, in the OP. (doo doo) :biggrin:

You've gotten enough information from me, and the video, and the links about the 21 FOOT rule, to cure you of your media induced mental paralysis. You don't need any more help from me.

I'm off the computer now
Hmm your a troll. Besides he did not pull the gun until the kids were running away. Yeah shoot them in the back. Besides they were kids and any decent person would had done the same if someone in uniform or not was manhandling a 14 year old girl. In fact the disgusting cop went back and attacked the girl when she was just sitting there. Assault of a minor. I guess in your world you want kids shot and girls forced into submission for no reason, because there was no reason for it. Go donate to this bully cop, or hire him since you seem to be in love with him. Like it or not police are ambassitors of the state and are in the public eye, they are to be held to the highest standards because they have so much power, if they cannot handle it like casebolt they have no business being a policeman. When one screws up they all look bad. It is this way everywhere, and need to mend fences. They need to adopt military type evaluations, meaning they need to volunteer and work their off time with the communities and schools and habitat for humanity, and be evaluated ever quarter, if they do not they should be demoted. They need to get out in the communities and work with people. The military does this. If you do not volunteer time and effort in the community you get poor ratings which make it impossible to be promoted. Protect and serve. if you don't like it don't be a cop. Only responsible people need apply.
1. I'll let your dumb ass slide THIS TIME. If you call me a troll again, I'll report you.

2. Obviously, he was pulling his gun as he saw them approaching. You're either an idiot, or a baldfaced liar.

3. Doesn't matter if they were kids. The guy that looked like he was reaching into his back pocket for a weapon is 18 years old. Thousands of people (including cops) have been killed by 18 year olds.

4. The 14 or 15 year old girl was resisting arrest. She is supposed to be manhandled under that situation.

5. You don't know what reason there was for Casebolt to apprehend the girl. Where they first come in contact with each other isn't shown on the video. She must have committed a crime. So don't talk about what you don't know.

6. I already sent a email to the McKinney police that we would like to have Casebolt come here to Tampa to be on our police force.

7. Casebolt did not "screw up" Your perception (influenced by the biased media) is what is screwed up.

8. Police are ALREADY out in the communities, and working with people more than you know anything about.
Ok since we're talking about unknowns, you do not know that she did commit a crime but assume she did, as you said she must had committed a crime. Second in earlier posts you said they came up behind him which they never did. But you and even hannity on fox said they came up behind him... That was a me dude because you are a troll and I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can't possible believe the crap that your saying. No one could be that stupid. Hence you must be a troll trying to get a reaction. Lol
Those so called charging thugs were not charging at all when Jackass cop pulled his weapon. The vid clearly shows them backing off and moving away from Jackass as soon as he reaches for his weapon. By the time he pulls leather the suspects are beginning to turn and run. If Jackass cop had shot one of those guys he would be facing murder charges.
those thugs only ran when the good cop pulled his gun. Libtards=thug lovers.

The officer was crouched down assaulting a 14 year old girl in a bathing suit when they approached him from the side. If they had approached him from behind while he was in that position, he would have been unable to even see that they were there. Stop justifying the unjustifiable.
FALSE! He was subduing a suspect who was resisting arrest. Doesn't matter where they came from.. They charged at him. They violated Texas law CHAPTER 38. OBSTRUCTING GOVERNMENTAL OPERATION § 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION.

They could have LEGALLY been shot and killed, and at the very lwst they shouls have been arrested for § 38.03. Only reason they're free is because of the politics.
Hmm your a troll. Besides he did not pull the gun until the kids were running away. Yeah shoot them in the back. Besides they were kids and any decent person would had done the same if someone in uniform or not was manhandling a 14 year old girl. In fact the disgusting cop went back and attacked the girl when she was just sitting there. Assault of a minor. I guess in your world you want kids shot and girls forced into submission for no reason, because there was no reason for it. Go donate to this bully cop, or hire him since you seem to be in love with him. Like it or not police are ambassitors of the state and are in the public eye, they are to be held to the highest standards because they have so much power, if they cannot handle it like casebolt they have no business being a policeman. When one screws up they all look bad. It is this way everywhere, and need to mend fences. They need to adopt military type evaluations, meaning they need to volunteer and work their off time with the communities and schools and habitat for humanity, and be evaluated ever quarter, if they do not they should be demoted. They need to get out in the communities and work with people. The military does this. If you do not volunteer time and effort in the community you get poor ratings which make it impossible to be promoted. Protect and serve. if you don't like it don't be a cop. Only responsible people need apply.
1. I'll let your dumb ass slide THIS TIME. If you call me a troll again, I'll report you.

2. Obviously, he was pulling his gun as he saw them approaching. You're either an idiot, or a baldfaced liar.

3. Doesn't matter if they were kids. The guy that looked like he was reaching into his back pocket for a weapon is 18 years old. Thousands of people (including cops) have been killed by 18 year olds.

4. The 14 or 15 year old girl was resisting arrest. She is supposed to be manhandled under that situation.

5. You don't know what reason there was for Casebolt to apprehend the girl. Where they first come in contact with each other isn't shown on the video. She must have committed a crime. So don't talk about what you don't know.

6. I already sent a email to the McKinney police that we would like to have Casebolt come here to Tampa to be on our police force.

7. Casebolt did not "screw up" Your perception (influenced by the biased media) is what is screwed up.

8. Police are ALREADY out in the communities, and working with people more than you know anything about.
Ok since we're talking about unknowns, you do not know that she did commit a crime but assume she did, as you said she must had committed a crime. Second in earlier posts you said they came up behind him which they never did. But you and even hannity on fox said they came up behind him... That was a me dude because you are a troll and I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can't possible believe the crap that your saying. No one could be that stupid. Hence you must be a troll trying to get a reaction. Lol
I saw the video idiot, they came up behind him
Read my post #8, boo boo.
Yeah. That was REFUTED in Post # 10, and before that, in the OP. (doo doo) :biggrin:

You've gotten enough information from me, and the video, and the links about the 21 FOOT rule, to cure you of your media induced mental paralysis. You don't need any more help from me.

I'm off the computer now
1. I'll let your dumb ass slide THIS TIME. If you call me a troll again, I'll report you.

2. Obviously, he was pulling his gun as he saw them approaching. You're either an idiot, or a baldfaced liar.

3. Doesn't matter if they were kids. The guy that looked like he was reaching into his back pocket for a weapon is 18 years old. Thousands of people (including cops) have been killed by 18 year olds.

4. The 14 or 15 year old girl was resisting arrest. She is supposed to be manhandled under that situation.

5. You don't know what reason there was for Casebolt to apprehend the girl. Where they first come in contact with each other isn't shown on the video. She must have committed a crime. So don't talk about what you don't know.

6. I already sent a email to the McKinney police that we would like to have Casebolt come here to Tampa to be on our police force.

7. Casebolt did not "screw up" Your perception (influenced by the biased media) is what is screwed up.

8. Police are ALREADY out in the communities, and working with people more than you know anything about.
Ok since we're talking about unknowns, you do not know that she did commit a crime but assume she did, as you said she must had committed a crime. Second in earlier posts you said they came up behind him which they never did. But you and even hannity on fox said they came up behind him... That was a me dude because you are a troll and I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can't possible believe the crap that your saying. No one could be that stupid. Hence you must be a troll trying to get a reaction. Lol
Those so called charging thugs were not charging at all when Jackass cop pulled his weapon. The vid clearly shows them backing off and moving away from Jackass as soon as he reaches for his weapon. By the time he pulls leather the suspects are beginning to turn and run. If Jackass cop had shot one of those guys he would be facing murder charges.
those thugs only ran when the good cop pulled his gun. Libtards=thug lovers.

The officer was crouched down assaulting a 14 year old girl in a bathing suit when they approached him from the side. If they had approached him from behind while he was in that position, he would have been unable to even see that they were there. Stop justifying the unjustifiable.
FALSE! He was subduing a suspect who was resisting arrest. Doesn't matter where they came from.. They charged at him. They violated Texas law They could have LEGALLY been shot and killed.

What suspect, where? What was she suspected of? What was his probable cause? What law did that 14 year old girl break? By the way, I am hoping that you continue to respond to my posts, because as long as you are posting here, you aren't a menace out in the real world.
Those so called charging thugs were not charging at all when Jackass cop pulled his weapon. The vid clearly shows them backing off and moving away from Jackass as soon as he reaches for his weapon. By the time he pulls leather the suspects are beginning to turn and run. If Jackass cop had shot one of those guys he would be facing murder charges.
FALSE! They were charging at full force and speed. And, you are ignoring the 21 foot rule. You are not properly posting in this thread.

For the third time, the 21 feet (it is feet, not foot) rule only applies to armed suspects.
For the TWENTY third time, all attackers are armed, and it is FOOT rule. How many times do you have to be corrected ?

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