Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
No one is asking or telling them what to do, if it is their moral obligation to deny some couples to marry, they are making both a moral and a political decision. Why should they then keep their tax exempt status?

Henry David Thoreau chose jail over supporting the Mexican War via not paying a tax. Surely a religious order ought to act with the same moral certitude as did Thoreau; if they choose to act as does the Westboro Babtist Church they should do so openly and preach bigotry from the pulput and pay their taxes. Or, as in Thoreau's case, the congregation can pay the taxes (real estate, special district taxes, etc.).

...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.
No one is asking or telling them what to do, if it is their moral obligation to deny some couples to marry, they are making both a moral and a political decision. Why should they then keep their tax exempt status?

It is a moral decision to the degree that personal beliefs and adherence to faith factors in. But in no way is a political decision. It is a religious decision, and religion is not politics, two different things entirely. Should we merge the Politics and Religious sections of USMB?

How is it not a political decision? Was the Crusades a Religious or Political Decision? The various Inquisitions? Can you honestly deny The Mormon Church providing support for Prop. 8 in California or the activities of Monica Goodling in vetting candidates for US Attorney were only religious activities?
...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.

You are ACTUALLY going to claim that if gays get federal protection for their "marriage" that they will suddenly do a complete about-face from engineered-lawsuits in order to spare just the church's dogma itself eh? And I suppose they won't start suing adoption agencies either?

I nominate you second only behind Joe for "most full of shit" award at USMB.
...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.

You are ACTUALLY going to claim that if gays get federal protection for their "marriage" that they will suddenly do a complete about-face from engineered-lawsuits in order to spare just the church's dogma itself eh? And I suppose they won't start suing adoption agencies either?

I nominate you second only behind Joe for "most full of shit" award at USMB.
Hey look it's the homophobic bigoted POS come back for more.
How is it not a political decision? Was the Crusades a Religious or Political Decision? The various Inquisitions? Can you honestly deny The Mormon Church providing support for Prop. 8 in California or the activities of Monica Goodling in vetting candidates for US Attorney were only religious activities?

Uh, have you been to California? If you're travelling through anywhere east of 50 miles from the coastline, you'd better brush up on your fluent conversational spanish. The hispanic population in California is running about 99.999999999% staunch, unwavering catholic. I've even considered investing in the holy santos candle manufacturing trades there. It's only going to go up up up. They listen to the Pope. And the Pope/Vatican's stance on gay marriage is not going to change even by the end of this Century. And the reason for that is promoting homosexual cultures is one of the mortal sins that gets anyone, including the Vatican or the Pope [or perhaps especially the Vatican and the Pope] eternity in the Big Pit.

So if you're looking for the source of the 7 million people who lawfully restricted marriage in their state to not include gays or polygamists or minors [standing, valid law to this day, Windsor 2013], look no further than the I-5 corridor and all the little pockets of 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation anchor babies nestled all throughout that state. For every rich white liberal there, there are about 12-20 legal voting hispanics serving their every whim...

And they vote.
How is it not a political decision? Was the Crusades a Religious or Political Decision? The various Inquisitions? Can you honestly deny The Mormon Church providing support for Prop. 8 in California or the activities of Monica Goodling in vetting candidates for US Attorney were only religious activities?

Uh, have you been to California? If you're travelling through anywhere east of 50 miles from the coastline, you'd better brush up on your fluent conversational spanish. The hispanic population in California is running about 99.999999999% staunch, unwavering catholic. I've even considered investing in the holy santos candle manufacturing trades there. It's only going to go up up up. They listen to the Pope. And the Pope/Vatican's stance on gay marriage is not going to change even by the end of this Century. And the reason for that is promoting homosexual cultures is one of the mortal sins that gets anyone, including the Vatican or the Pope [or perhaps especially the Vatican and the Pope] eternity in the Big Pit.

So if you're looking for the source of the 7 million people who lawfully restricted marriage in their state to not include gays or polygamists or minors [standing, valid law to this day, Windsor 2013], look no further than the I-5 corridor and all the little pockets of 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation anchor babies nestled all throughout that state. For every rich white liberal there, there are about 12-20 legal voting hispanics serving their every whim...

And they vote.
You're a LYING POS.
So I'm "lying" about the hispanics in California voting? Or that they're catholic? Or that they are not wanting gay marriage? At least be specific in your ad hominen/thread diversions.
How is it not a political decision? Was the Crusades a Religious or Political Decision? The various Inquisitions? Can you honestly deny The Mormon Church providing support for Prop. 8 in California or the activities of Monica Goodling in vetting candidates for US Attorney were only religious activities?

You never did say what the problem was if indeed the Mormon church did get behind the Prop 8 campaign. Are you saying gays don't pump money into causes and candidates [Obama chief among them] they want to forward for their cult values? What did Obama do right after taking office? He appoined a gay guy as education secretary who embarked on a campaign to teach "anal fisting" to kids in schools. I mean, LGBTs aren't even shy or sly at all about jumping right into the playground straight from political funds they've donated.

On an even playing field IMHO, the Mormon cult is just as sane justified as the LGBT one. Except that mormons actually believe in traditional families...except the ones like the Brown family who have suddenly rejected their faith in favor of homosexuality so they can gain access to polygamy by the precedent created for "marriage equality" for any ground the LGBT might gain with the fed [SCOTUS]...
...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.

You are ACTUALLY going to claim that if gays get federal protection for their "marriage" that they will suddenly do a complete about-face from engineered-lawsuits in order to spare just the church's dogma itself eh? And I suppose they won't start suing adoption agencies either?

I nominate you second only behind Joe for "most full of shit" award at USMB.
Hey look it's the homophobic bigoted POS come back for more.
Fuck the queers that push this stupid agenda in everyone elses face. Let the fags get married. Marriage is a hell hole anyways. But stop bumping this stupid fucking thread. The poll results on the first page speak for themselves
Fuck the queers that push this stupid agenda in everyone elses face. Let the fags get married. Marriage is a hell hole anyways. But stop bumping this stupid fucking thread. The poll results on the first page speak for themselves
So very clever "Grandpa"...

1. Pose as a "bigoted hater" to ramp up sympathy for the LGBT machine..

2. Declare that one of the most popular polls in USMB history is "a stupid fucking poll"

3. Try to foster ambivalence in anyone alarmed by the results of said poll by saying "marriage is a hellhole anyway".

4. Hope the poll results "go away" from the public's view so the smoke and mirrors "gay marriage has majority support" lie can churn along without anymore truth-hiccups getting in its way.
Fuck the queers that push this stupid agenda in everyone elses face. Let the fags get married. Marriage is a hell hole anyways. But stop bumping this stupid fucking thread. The poll results on the first page speak for themselves
So very clever "Grandpa"...

1. Pose as a "bigoted hater" to ramp up sympathy for the LGBT machine..

2. Declare that one of the most popular polls in USMB history is "a stupid fucking poll"

3. Try to foster ambivalence in anyone alarmed by the results of said poll by saying "marriage is a hellhole anyway".

4. Hope the poll results "go away" from the public's view so the smoke and mirrors "gay marriage has majority support" lie can churn along without anymore truth-hiccups getting in its way.
There is not enough tinfoil in my city to cover that assumption.
...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.

You are ACTUALLY going to claim that if gays get federal protection for their "marriage" that they will suddenly do a complete about-face from engineered-lawsuits in order to spare just the church's dogma itself eh? And I suppose they won't start suing adoption agencies either?

I nominate you second only behind Joe for "most full of shit" award at USMB.
Hey look it's the homophobic bigoted POS come back for more.
Fuck the queers that push this stupid agenda in everyone elses face. Let the fags get married. Marriage is a hell hole anyways. But stop bumping this stupid fucking thread. The poll results on the first page speak for themselves
I wanna see gay Liberace impersonators doing black masses followed by mass marriage of gays dressed only in cockrings with tame goats as flower girls .... wearing bells.
Forcing religious institutions to do things against their religious beliefs is just as unfair as denying people who may not belong to religions which forbid homosexual marriage from getting homosexual marriages.
I wanna see gay Liberace impersonators doing black masses followed by mass marriage of gays dressed only in cockrings with tame goats as flower girls .... wearing bells.
Give it 15-20 years of litigation and that's exactly what everyone in the country will be forced to enable and participate in. Following the ceremony will be a gay pride parade the likes of which you've never seen as they march towards the adoption agency.

Sounds like hyperbole right? Might I remind you where we've come with this in the same passage of time from the past to present?...with a steam roller than has no brakes, you use what's called "extrapolation" to plot the course as it descends downward...

It starts with hypocritical themes of "assurance there's not slippery slope". For instance, 15 years ago you'd never see this emoticon on a public political website: :suck: Yet today, here it is as one of the options. But meanwhile I keep getting cautioned about one gay pride parade picture I've posted for illustration of a narrative because nude older men with black socks are walking down the street in broad daylight carrying rainbow signs.

You just give it 15 years and mark this post #. I'll refer you back to it if we are still debating this then.
...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.

You are ACTUALLY going to claim that if gays get federal protection for their "marriage" that they will suddenly do a complete about-face from engineered-lawsuits in order to spare just the church's dogma itself eh? And I suppose they won't start suing adoption agencies either?

I nominate you second only behind Joe for "most full of shit" award at USMB.

Quit being a butt head, yeah? Makes you look silly and have no cred.

One, yes, marriage equality folks will go after adoption agencies. That is why LDS Social Services is getting out of the adoption business.

Two, not a thing that marriage equality folks can do about church dogma, ever.

Try staying balanced.
So I'm "lying" about the hispanics in California voting? Or that they're catholic? Or that they are not wanting gay marriage? At least be specific in your ad hominen/thread diversions.

You are making opinions about voting and influence the which you cannot support. Yes, you are.
...And so it begins, presumptively....before any ink is even dry on a theoretical "win" for federal protection for some deviant sex behaviors to call themselves "married"'ll see lawsuits at orphanages, churches. The subcultural takeover is almost complete. All they have to do is just :boohoo:convince the Court how just certain behaviors [but not others for sure] can get federal protection to "marry" in voliation of what behaviors and standards the majority finds repugnant. Wecome to: LAWSUIT CITY..

Batten down the hatches orphanages, churches...a rainbow tornado is not resist...IST VERBOTEN!

The dreaded slippery slope faux argument.

You are ACTUALLY going to claim that if gays get federal protection for their "marriage" that they will suddenly do a complete about-face from engineered-lawsuits in order to spare just the church's dogma itself eh? And I suppose they won't start suing adoption agencies either?

I nominate you second only behind Joe for "most full of shit" award at USMB.
Hey look it's the homophobic bigoted POS come back for more.
Fuck the queers that push this stupid agenda in everyone elses face. Let the fags get married. Marriage is a hell hole anyways. But stop bumping this stupid fucking thread. The poll results on the first page speak for themselves

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