Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
So according to the far left left on this thread the answer to the question is they would force churches.

I think one person in this thread may said churches should be forced to marry gays against their wishes. Maybe two if I've miscounted. The vast and overwhelming majority of the people in this thread have stated churches should not be forced to do so.

Many have said they disagree, but as you keep reading their posts, they actually agree with forcing churches.

I am all for the government getting out of the business of marriage..

I am still not seeing a bunch of posters stating they feel churches should be forced to marry anyone, gay or otherwise. That view has very very little support in this thread.

You are correct some that say they disagree with forcing churches changed their tune when pressed.

But that would require one to actually re-read the entire thread.
Kosh is nothing but a far right bot droning and trolling on and on.

He can't support his point, so he trolls and ad ad homs.
So according to the far left left on this thread the answer to the question is they would force churches.

I think one person in this thread may said churches should be forced to marry gays against their wishes. Maybe two if I've miscounted. The vast and overwhelming majority of the people in this thread have stated churches should not be forced to do so.

Many have said they disagree, but as you keep reading their posts, they actually agree with forcing churches.

I am all for the government getting out of the business of marriage..

I am still not seeing a bunch of posters stating they feel churches should be forced to marry anyone, gay or otherwise. That view has very very little support in this thread.

You are correct some that say they disagree with forcing churches changed their tune when pressed.

But that would require one to actually re-read the entire thread.

That isn't what I said in the least. What I actually said, is that very few people have stated that churches should be forced to marry gays. I've read this entire and that is position is held by very few people.
Kosh, like Yurt, makes false statements then insists they are true.

No one was pressed and changed their tune about churches being forced to marry homosexuals.

Kosh, give evidence. If you can't then the doctrine of silent affirmation takes effect, which means you lied and got caught.
The irony of those comments coming from this far left religious follower.

Notice how when you agree with the traditional marriage/religious standpoint on homosexual cultural spread, you are beat up, called names and group-attacked. If you and your buddies did that to their sect [the Church of LGBT], you would be threatened, banned from this website, labelled a bully and probably sued too for good measure.

But they can do it with impunity, you know, because they're for equal rights. Get it?
Sil, does this mean you will take graciously that which you hand out? Let's try that, please.
Sil, does this mean you will take graciously that which you hand out? Let's try that, please.

And Antares troll cries when he gets dealt with as he dishes out, yet pretends yet again he and his ilk are treated unfairly.

Anyone who has been on this Board for several years is laughing at Antares. :lol:
Sil, does this mean you will take graciously that which you hand out? Let's try that, please.

And Antares troll cries when he gets dealt with as he dishes out, yet pretends yet again he and his ilk are treated unfairly.

Anyone who has been on this Board for several years are laughing at Antares. :lol:

I bitch slap you at every turn Jake, they all know it.

You run to Mommy every time you get slapped.
Antares Roo is whining and crying.

I support any church the right to marry or not marry they who they wish to marry.

My church affiliation right now won't do it, but it is weakening.
Antares Roo is whining and crying.

I support any church the right to marry or not marry they who they wish to marry.

My church affiliation right now won't do it, but it is weakening.

And when you violate the rules, yup, I report the likes of you who cannot argue according to the rules.
Antares Roo is whining and crying.

I support any church the right to marry or not marry they who they wish to marry.

My church affiliation right now won't do it, but it is weakening.

You are the one whining Jake.

So you attend a homophobic Church.....but like Obama you are not there on the days they spout their homophobic beliefs?
Antares Roo is whining and crying.

I support any church the right to marry or not marry they who they wish to marry.

My church affiliation right now won't do it, but it is weakening.

And when you violate the rules, yup, I report the likes of you who cannot argue according to the rules.

Nope, you do it because you aren't capable of taking what you give out.

Plain and simple
Antares Roo is whining and crying.

I support any church the right to marry or not marry they who they wish to marry.

My church affiliation right now won't do it, but it is weakening.

You are the one whining Jake.

So you attend a homophobic Church.....but like Obama you are not there on the days they spout their homophobic beliefs?

Says one of the big time whiners on the far right.

I am in church regularly, even if the msg is one I don't like.

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