Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
What church do you attend, Antares and Sil?

What standing do you have in that church, guys?

Your belief or interpretation of scripture is yours alone.

What does this have to with the OP? It doesn't.
What would I counsel you, Antares?

Get on your knees and ask your Savior to accept you.

That goes for you, too, Sil.

Really, you both should do that.
What church do you attend, Antares and Sil?

What standing do you have in that church, guys?

Your belief or interpretation of scripture is yours alone.

What does this have to with the OP? It doesn't.

The OP is about Churches and Homosexual Weddings.

WE are on topic and you are running.

This is Romans Chapter 1 Jake,
Explain it to me , please?

"That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved."
What would I counsel you, Antares?

Get on your knees and ask your Savior to accept you.

That goes for you, too, Sil.

Really, you both should do that.

You can't even tell me why gods word doesn't say what it says Jake.

"That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved."
Antares and Sil are far from the OP.

I see that the two near agnostics are trying to force their religious opinion as the law of the land.

You know where that goes, right?

Pray to your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, guys, for guidance.

You both certainly need it.

And, by the way, Antares, thank you for calming down and trying to talk rationally. I appreciate it.
How can you represent Christ when you can't even tell me why Romans 1 ISN'T actually condemning Homosexuality, you can't even tell me why you believe what you believe.
Your personal (or mine) religious opinion does not run the law, guys, and offers nothing about the OP. Stay on track, please.
I am going to let it go Jake.

But we both know you have no answer to the question, and as much as I dislike you I am not going to embarrass you anymore with it.

I would have put this in a message but you turned them off.
Antares, you are trying to mix religion and law where they don't mix. You are incapable of ever embarrassing me: not possible.

Please pray about this and about Jesus.

I wish you both a good night.
And, yes, I agree that churches can never be told who to marry or not marry.

Why not? I mean when you get down to it, a church is a public accommodation.

In actuality though I have to ask the next logical question. Why does a business OWNED by a church have to serve gays? I mean the ADA for example, exempts businesses ran by churches, why doesn't the CRA as well?
And, yes, I agree that churches can never be told who to marry or not marry.

Why not? I mean when you get down to it, a church is a public accommodation.

In actuality though I have to ask the next logical question. Why does a business OWNED by a church have to serve gays? I mean the ADA for example, exempts businesses ran by churches, why doesn't the CRA as well?
No, it's not. And NO THE CHURCH DOES NOT HAVE TO SERVE GAYS. Why do you keep making shit up? You provided the link and I disproved it FIVE TIMES. CHURCHES ARE NOT FORCED TO SERVE ANYONE.
What church do you attend, Antares and Sil?

What standing do you have in that church, guys?

Your belief or interpretation of scripture is yours alone.

What does this have to with the OP? It doesn't. evasion..

It doesn't matter. Anyone who follows the christian bible has the threat of eternal damnation hanging over their head if they enable the spread of a homosexual culture. Facilitating them "marrying" playing at "mom and dad" to children would be the paramount example of that.

Meanwhile I notice you dropped the thread of my questioning with your evasion.

Let's try again:

JakeStarkey said:
..Sil, I think in your case the services cannot deny adoption to anyone who qualifies if the agency is subject to public accommodation laws.

I suspect the courts would be involved by both sides.
But the church cannot qualify gays to either "be married" or "to be fake mom/dad". So how would you counsel that church to abide both by God's and civilian law with respect to the orphans in their care? Which would be dominant for them?

And for that matter, will attorneys for the orphans also be involved?
" evasion.." is a statement by a person who has evaded from the get go.

Those who have no religious standing are (1) in no position to lecture others who do and (2) have forgotten that church and state are separated in the public sphere..

Meanwhile I notice you dropped the thread of my questioning with your evasion.

But whether the "church [can] qualify gays to either 'be married" or "to be fake mom/dad'" is a skewered statement because that is not the church's role in public society.

Jarlaxle, anyone who can't argue the OP and resorts to ad hom and trolling has no place in a thread. Period.
You're wrong Jake, to be a good witness you must be able to answer those questions
God condemns Homosexuality in His word it requires no "interpretation" which is why I simply posted the Scripture.

What Church do you go to Jake,what denomination?
Antares, this OP is about churches, not my faith belief. And you, a member of the private health insurance community, are on a level culturally with the Matthew the tax man of the scriptures. I have nothing to answer to you.

But . . . if you will answer what is your faith belief and where do you attend church, I will discuss this with you until we get told to stop.
Antares, this OP is about churches, not my faith belief. And you, a member of the private health insurance community, are on a level culturally with the Matthew the tax man of the scriptures. I have nothing to answer to you.

But . . . if you will answer what is your faith belief and where do you attend church, I will discuss this with you until we get told to stop.

1 Peter 3:15

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

The thread is about the Church and Homosexuality Jake,I warned you some time ago that I knew more about your "faith" than you did.

Whether or not I go to Church is immaterial, my questions are fair questions based on the thread and scripture itself.

You seem unable to reconcile your faith with your bible, not surprising.

Matthew was a Apostle, thank you but I am not on that level.
The more you type Jake the more I see that you do not know

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