Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Antares wants to troll this thread with an inquiry into my faith belief rather than dealing with the OP. So reported.
Antares wants to troll this thread with an inquiry into my faith belief rather than dealing with the OP. So reported.

Jake I warned you that I knew more about your "faith" than you did.....and I've shown you that I do.

The thread is about homosexuality and the Church.

You are the oldest 12 year old I've ever met.
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Antares has shown me nothing about my faith, only his understanding (or lack of it) of scripture. That you wish to be compared with Matthew the Tax Man before he repented says much about your lack of character.

Now the OP is about whether churches should have to marry homosexuals.

I think churches don't have to, ever, and I am sure that you agree with me.
Kids...lets get back ON TOPIC.


Thank you :)
That reminds me coyote. The LGBT "how to kill a topic" technique.

1. Have two of the faithful engage in supposedly opposite stances.

2. Have them begin to flame and go off topic in serial fashion...even after being warned...

3. Have a moderator come on and warn them openly "heads up everyone, this important topic of free speech is about to be shut down".

4. Shut the thread down and lock it.

5. Watch as the important information disappears in the dungeon just in the nick of time before elections.

Meanwhile I will stay on topic.

I was going to say about the poll that hasn't been brought up about the SHEER NUMBERS of people that voted on it. No one will dispute it is one of the biggest polls in USMB history. And the over 150 people who voted on it didn't show up to post about how they voted...They just voted and quietly disappeared back into the membership rolls here at USMB, to talk about other topics that wouldn't get them as hotly-flamed as anyone daring to speak their actual mind on gay marriage....

...thinking caps on yet election strategists?....

It shows why election upsets are happening...because the opinions about gay marriage haven't gone away. And they show up at the polls. It's why state after state kept voting for traditional marriage. And they still would [look at the poll again]. Just because you've successfully frightened people into silence, doesn't mean you have won their heart.

These people also quietly showed up to buy some Chic-Fil-a..."all by coincidence" one Fall day awhile back....and then they disappeared into the shadows. Oh, they're still out there, incensed now also with their conservative leaders. I imagine the telling-silence from the GOP and their powerholds on the topic is going to favor some disgusted folks staying home or voting droves...

They speak all right. Just in a different they won't get beat up. And that dialect so far seems to be so tricky for strategists to figure out. Keep listening to Carl Rove ...see where it gets you...


Stay on topic all you want, Sil You are a fool if you think Antares and I were tag teaming your OP to end it here.

The point is, keep talking as much as you want on OP and you can't create an argument socially or legally that is going to end marriage equality.

Your poll represents a few Board members' attitudes toward churches and marriage of homosexuals.

In no way can you possibly find any grounds that it represents our larger society's general opinion about marriage equality.
Antares has shown me nothing about my faith, only his understanding (or lack of it) of scripture. That you wish to be compared with Matthew the Tax Man before he repented says much about your lack of character.

Now the OP is about whether churches should have to marry homosexuals.

I think churches don't have to, ever, and I am sure that you agree with me.

LMAO, Jake didn't even know they were one and the same.....

Here is the importance of this part of the conversation........who you think Jesus is and what you think of the rest of the scripture determines how you view homosexuality.

If you believe that Jesus is who He says He was you must then believe what the rest of scripture says about the topic.

You are thus far afraid to divulge your core beliefs,that in and of itself is very revealing,couple that with the reality that you do not have a firm grasp of scripture (you weren't aware of Timothy or any of the others) and that tells me you are either a new Christian, or in a mainline denomination that doesn't push biblical intimacy.
" evasion.." is a statement by a person who has evaded from the get go.

Those who have no religious standing are (1) in no position to lecture others who do and (2) have forgotten that church and state are separated in the public sphere..

Meanwhile I notice you dropped the thread of my questioning with your evasion.

But whether the "church [can] qualify gays to either 'be married" or "to be fake mom/dad'" is a skewered statement because that is not the church's role in public society.'re a match for Fred Astaire. How long have you been practicing your tap-dancing?
Antares did not know Matthew was a bad guy before becoming a bad guy is the story.

Now start your own thread on this, or get reported again.
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" evasion.." is a statement by a person who has evaded from the get go.

Those who have no religious standing are (1) in no position to lecture others who do and (2) have forgotten that church and state are separated in the public sphere..

Meanwhile I notice you dropped the thread of my questioning with your evasion.

But whether the "church [can] qualify gays to either 'be married" or "to be fake mom/dad'" is a skewered statement because that is not the church's role in public society.'re a match for Fred Astaire. How long have you been practicing your tap-dancing?

Says the master tap dancer.
And right on cue, Fakey goes back to his usual projection-flailing.

Dude, you are as predictable-and about as useful-as a broken clock.

...and as whiny as a 12 year old kid.

He apparently won't even say whether or not the Bible is the inspired word of God.

If it isn't Jake there is NO Christianity....or any reason to even discuss "Church".
Antares, you are not a scholar, not a believer, not an attender, any more than is Sil.

Move long, son, nothing here for you.
And right on cue, Fakey goes back to his usual projection-flailing.

Dude, you are as predictable-and about as useful-as a broken clock.

...and as whiny as a 12 year old kid.

He apparently won't even say whether or not the Bible is the inspired word of God.

If it isn't Jake there is NO Christianity....or any reason to even discuss "Church".
The devil's spokesman wants you and me and anyone speaking against his sex fetish cult replacing, utterly.. core christian mandates...not values...not "move along". Of course he does! :FIREdevil: :gay: Forget the wolf in sheep's clothing. He is the viper in a V-neck.

Jude 1 is clear however. It isn't a "suggestion for a better you". It's a dire warning of eternal damnation for anyone who facilitates the spread of a homosexual culture...anywhere....anytime...not just biblical times. In fact it says that here to make sure the reader doesn't give the command a "historical pass"

Jude 1: 7

"7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

So this isn't a manipulatable passage subject to human spins and interpretations. It is direct, clear and concise. "Thou shalt not or thou art not a christian". PERIOD.

So these "christians" who are staying quiet and turning their backs on this spread that makes no apologies or doesn't even try to hide the fact that it is after destroying core christian arrogantly challenges them... these christians are essentially taking communion at the altar of the horned goat fellow by their silence apathy and willful misunderstanding of their core faith. They know it's wrong. They feel it in their hearts. It squirms against their every attempt to squelch it in the pit of their stomach. "This culture cannot be allowed around our impressionable children, our society".

Yet in Jude 1 even with this harrowing commandment that pains with the punishment of eternal torture of the soul for failing to abide, it still follows the cores of Jesus' teachings of compassion. It dares to assert that you can reject behaviors-become-culture [like the nazi movement] but you can extend the hand of compassion to the INDIVIDUALS caught up in that culture... Here's what Jude 1: 22 goes on to say:

"And of some have compassion, making a difference."

The idea is to stop the wildfire and pull the unwitting victims caught up in it back to their salvation. Get it?

To violate the core commandments of one's belief...those that come with eternal torture to the soul promised for failure to to voilate the entirety of religion itself. And thereby you have completely killed it in the heart of that person and that person thereafter is no longer christian and is wide open to "whatever fate" awaits them.

Requiring christians to enable passively, actively or otherwise promote the spread of the gay culture, paramount of which would be their "marriages" and ensuing lawsuits to adopt orphans is INSEPERABLE FROM SUSPENDING A PERSON OR CHURCH'S 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO PRACTICE RELIGION. There isn't even a whiff of a discernable difference.

And the Pope's silence on all of this? Well let's just say matter how much dirt the Vatican found out that the gay mafia had on its high-ranking officials "caught up in the wildfire" of the gay culture...those sentenced to the pit of torture needn't worry about running into them in the afterlife. Because they, via their unique position to make an instant change in the favor of God's unwavering commandment as to this issue, even if it means losing some of their careers...will be rewarded so much more darkly so than the average sinner that their final abode will be several levels below the basement of the most vile and despicable heretics that they'll never even run into each other...
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Antares, you are not a scholar, not a believer, not an attender, any more than is Sil.

Move long, son, nothing here for you.

You are a novice Jake, no less.

You've no idea what my degree is in :)

But you DO know that I know more about what you may or may not believe than you do.

IS Jesus the Son of God,did he die for you sins, was he raised from the dead 3 days later....was it for the remission of sin?

IS the Bible the inspired word inerrant and infallible?

All of this goes to whether or not you are even qualified to talk of the Church and whether or not they should perform homosexual weddings.
I was going to say about the poll that hasn't been brought up about the SHEER NUMBERS of people that voted on it. No one will dispute it is one of the biggest polls in USMB history. And the over 150 people who voted on it didn't show up to post about how they voted...They just voted and quietly disappeared back into the membership rolls here at USMB, to talk about other topics that wouldn't get them as hotly-flamed as anyone daring to speak their actual mind on gay marriage....

...thinking caps on yet election strategists?....

It shows why election upsets are happening...because the opinions about gay marriage haven't gone away. And they show up at the polls. It's why state after state kept voting for traditional marriage. And they still would [look at the poll again]. Just because you've successfully frightened people into silence, doesn't mean you have won their heart.

The mistake that you're making, that you almost always you assume that the 'opinions about gay marriage' are exactly like your own. But that's simply not the case. Support for gay marriage outpaces opposition by about 10 points. You assume that opposition to churches being forced to perform gay marriage is opposition to gay marriage. That's also blithering nonsense. As one doesn't imply the other.

For example, I don't think churches should be forced to perform gay marriages. But I strongly support gay marriage. One is a product of religion. The other legal recognition by the State. They're distinctly separate issues.

You combine them in your head. And feel free. You blunder when you insist that everyone else must do what you do.
The devil's spokesman wants you and me and anyone speaking against his sex fetish cult replacing, utterly.. core christian mandates...not values...not "move along". Of course he does! :FIREdevil: :gay: Forget the wolf in sheep's clothing. He is the viper in a V-neck.

And now you're getting down to why the gay marriage opponents have so consistently lost in court. They can't bring up their real reasons for opposing gay marriage in a court of law; religious opposition. As one journalist so deftly put it, there's no legal precedent created by the case Yahweh v. Sodom.

Leaving gay marriage opponents with middling second tier arguments that are easily refuted with an even casual review of the facts.

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