Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Children are integral to marriage.

Not one state requires children for a marriage to be valid. Not one state requires the ability to have children for a marriage to be valid. You're insisting we invent a legal standard that applies to no one. And then apply it only to gays for the purpose of excluding them from legally recognized marriage.

Um, no. That's a clear equal protection violation and violates the 14th amendment.

Yet this is one of the debunked talking points for gay "Marriage"..
No state at all requires a marriage to have even the option to be pro-creative, Kosh, much less mandate it.

Not one.
Children are integral to marriage.

Not one state requires children for a marriage to be valid. Not one state requires the ability to have children for a marriage to be valid. You're insisting we invent a legal standard that applies to no one. And then apply it only to gays for the purpose of excluding them from legally recognized marriage.

Um, no. That's a clear equal protection violation and violates the 14th amendment.

Yet this is one of the debunked talking points for gay "Marriage"..
No state at all requires a marriage to have even the option to be pro-creative, Kosh, much less mandate it.

Not one.

Once again the far left shows they are clueless on the Constitution as well as this subject.

Yet this is one of the debunked talking points for gay "Marriage".

To bad the far left programmed drones do not understand context..
Koshbot goes blah, blah, blah.

The far right was debunked, and the voters are showing it in the primaries.

Remember that the far right can only lose elections not win them.
Koshbot goes blah, blah, blah.

The far right was debunked, and the voters are showing it in the primaries.

Remember that the far right can only lose elections not win them.
Here's the LGBT strategy: beat up anyone who has an opposing opinion to gay marriage. Then sit back and destroy the democratic party when numbers like the ones in the poll above come out of their silent, battered caves to express their anger in the one venue they still feel safe they can anonymously do so.

And now the conservatives are risking the same fate. See you at the polls. Or maybe not. Will know in a couple weeks.
Here's the anti marriage equality strategy. Beat "up anyone who has an opposing opinion" to marriage equality. Pretend to be for the children when in fact willingly let the great majority of children be exposed to abuse by heterosexuals.

Sil, you are a goof ball, pure and simple.

The issue is over at the polls. Watch and see.
Here's the anti marriage equality strategy. Beat "up anyone who has an opposing opinion" to marriage equality. Pretend to be for the children when in fact willingly let the great majority of children be exposed to abuse by heterosexuals.

Sil, you are a goof ball, pure and simple.

The issue is over at the polls. Watch and see.
The 82% say they want to regulate which behaviors may force a church to marry them...and then of course later to adopt orphans to them. "Private vs public" accomodation, right Jakey? Catholic orphanages currently adopt out kids to catholics and non-catholics. If they want to stay faithful to their core values as outlined in Jude 1, if gays get to marry...any lawsuit will force catholic orphanges to close their doors to the general public in order to protect the children from a culture/cult that is 100% behind lewd sex acts in front of kids in public in unapologetic/unrepentant "pride". That will greatly reduce the number of homes where orphans can go. So children will directly suffer as a result of gay marriage becoming "federally protected".
Koshbot goes blah, blah, blah.

The far right was debunked, and the voters are showing it in the primaries.

Remember that the far right can only lose elections not win them.
Here's the LGBT strategy: beat up anyone who has an opposing opinion to gay marriage. Then sit back and destroy the democratic party when numbers like the ones in the poll above come out of their silent, battered caves to express their anger in the one venue they still feel safe they can anonymously do so.

And now the conservatives are risking the same fate. See you at the polls. Or maybe not. Will know in a couple weeks.

Indeed, your opinions and arguements have consistently been bested not only here but in the courts as well. The reason the GOP isn't harping on gay marriage as they have in the past is because they see the writing on the wall concerning this issue. It's a losing issue for them and they have decided to focus on more pressing matters. Threaten all you wish but they know you folks will go clomping off to the polls and vote for them anyway.
The 82% who answered your poll only said they want churches to not be forced to marry homosexuals. You had many homosexuals tell you that in posts.

It means absolutely nothing else. You don't have the votes, Sil: watch this fall and learn.
The 82% who answered your poll only said they want churches to not be forced to marry homosexuals. You had many homosexuals tell you that in posts.

It means absolutely nothing else. You don't have the votes, Sil: watch this fall and learn.

All they have left is misrepresentations at this point. It is why Sil keeps clinging to this poll as if it speaks to gay marriage when it clearly does not. We both know it only speaks to churches being forced to marry to gays and nothing else. Both of which we have stated should never happen. Besides, using a poll on this forum is hardly indicative of the nation as a whole. Watching their death throes does bring me some joy though.
The 82% who answered your poll only said they want churches to not be forced to marry homosexuals. You had many homosexuals tell you that in posts.

It means absolutely nothing else. You don't have the votes, Sil: watch this fall and learn.
It's not "my poll". I'm not the OP.
Here's the anti marriage equality strategy. Beat "up anyone who has an opposing opinion" to marriage equality. Pretend to be for the children when in fact willingly let the great majority of children be exposed to abuse by heterosexuals.

Sil, you are a goof ball, pure and simple.

The issue is over at the polls. Watch and see.
The 82% say they want to regulate which behaviors may force a church to marry them...and then of course later to adopt orphans to them. "Private vs public" accomodation, right Jakey? Catholic orphanages currently adopt out kids to catholics and non-catholics. If they want to stay faithful to their core values as outlined in Jude 1, if gays get to marry...any lawsuit will force catholic orphanges to close their doors to the general public in order to protect the children from a culture/cult that is 100% behind lewd sex acts in front of kids in public in unapologetic/unrepentant "pride". That will greatly reduce the number of homes where orphans can go. So children will directly suffer as a result of gay marriage becoming "federally protected".
You're a LYING POS.
“The 82% say they” don’t think churches should be required to marry those they wish not to marry, not, in the Silly lie “to regulate which behaviors may force a church to marry them,” right, Silly.

If public accommodation laws say private orphanages have to grant clearance to whom ever, they can opt out of the adoption business if they wish “to stay faithful to their core values”, right, Silly?

We are going to introduce legislation in our state legislature to prevent grooming behavior by heterosexuals who wish to adopt children.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Interesting how you equate free exercise of religious beliefs within the confines of a building as discrimination.
The 82% who answered your poll only said they want churches to not be forced to marry homosexuals. You had many homosexuals tell you that in posts.

It means absolutely nothing else. You don't have the votes, Sil: watch this fall and learn.

All they have left is misrepresentations at this point. It is why Sil keeps clinging to this poll as if it speaks to gay marriage when it clearly does not.

Most of Silo's argument is based on projection. Just straight up imagining that whatever Silo feels, others must as well. Despite the fact that this process has failed him again and again and again, he keeps using it. Second, Silo's a bit desperate. And now its just getting ridiculous. Silo's bizarrely insisting that an informal message board poll that doesn't ask about gay marriage legality is more indicative of the national opinion on gay marriage legality than Gallup's poll on gay marriage legality.

Which is fucking nuts.

It would be like holding a poll on this board about if you like In n' Out Burger or McDonalds.....and then insisting that the poll indicates national support for PETA. Its just a big bucket of WTF.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Interesting how you equate free exercise of religious beliefs within the confines of a building as discrimination.

It is's just legal is all.
The 82% who answered your poll only said they want churches to not be forced to marry homosexuals. You had many homosexuals tell you that in posts.

It means absolutely nothing else. You don't have the votes, Sil: watch this fall and learn.
It's not "my poll". I'm not the OP.

But the poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage. So why in god's name would you insist that it does.....and more batshit, it does more accurately than a Gallup poll that does ask about gay marriage legality.
You're a LYING POS.

Silo's just desperate. At this point he's willing to throw any random shit on the barn wall and pray that something sticks.

Alas, all that's happening is Silo's getting shit all over himself.
But the poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage. So why in god's name would you insist that it does.....and more batshit, it does more accurately than a Gallup poll that does ask about gay marriage legality.

As you know, the assumption of the question is "if gay marriage is legal....should churches be forced...[etc.]" Really, destroying your credibility by intellectual dishonesty at this crucial point in the conversation...either way it tips...might be the "tipping point" against you.

Should be more careful next time? :popcorn:
Silly's trying to duck this.

“The 82% say they” don’t think churches should be required to marry those they wish not to marry, not, in the Silly lie “to regulate which behaviors may force a church to marry them,” right, Silly.

If public accommodation laws say private orphanages have to grant clearance to whom ever, they can opt out of the adoption business if they wish “to stay faithful to their core values”, right, Silly?

We are going to introduce legislation in our state legislature to prevent grooming behavior by heterosexuals who wish to adopt children.

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