Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
As you know, the assumption of the question is "if gay marriage is legal....should churches be forced...[etc.]"

One problem. You hallucinated your 'implication' version of the question. The question was: Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

Which carries no implications about nor asks any questions about the legality of gay marriage. So I ask again;

The informal message board poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage. So why in god's name would you insist that it does? And more batshit, it does more accurately than a Gallup poll that does ask about gay marriage legality?

And this time, do try and answer the question.

Really, destroying your credibility by intellectual dishonesty at this crucial point in the conversation...either way it tips...might be the "tipping point" against you.
Uh-huh. And of the two of us, who had to reimagine the question the poll asked to make it more closely match their argument? The poll is at the top of the screen of every page in this thread. Its not like we couldn't see it. So what was the point in your lying about it?

You're making unforced errors here.
Uh-huh. And of the two of us, who had to reimagine the question the poll asked to make it more closely match their argument? The poll is at the top of the screen of every page in this thread. Its not like we couldn't see it. So what was the point in your lying about it?

You're making unforced errors here.

Nope, in this case the context of the question is the question. Obviously no one would "be forced" to have anything at all to do with gay marriage if it wasn't legal.

Next diversion?

BTW, I notice the "no" category is inching back up towards's going up.
Nope, in this case the context of the question is the question. Obviously no one would "be forced" to have anything at all to do with gay marriage if it wasn't legal.

We can all read the question of the poll. Its at the top of the screen. It doesn't say what you claim it does. We can't see the alternate reality version of the polling question that you're hallucinating. All we see is the one the one that actually exists:

"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings"

And there's no mention of the legality of gay marriage. None.

BTW, I notice the "no" category is inching back up towards's going up.

BTW, I notice that there's still no question about the legality of gay marriage in the poll.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Not a thing. I support gay marriage. And I don't think that places of worship should be required to hold gay weddings. Marriage equality is about equal protection under the law. Religious ceremonies are about expressions of personal faith.

Apples and Oranges.
Nope, in this case the context of the question is the question. Obviously no one would "be forced" to have anything at all to do with gay marriage if it wasn't legal.

We can all read the question of the poll. Its at the top of the screen. It doesn't say what you claim it does. We can't see the alternate reality version of the polling question that you're hallucinating. All we see is the one the one that actually exists:

"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings"

And there's no mention of the legality of gay marriage. None.

BTW, I notice the "no" category is inching back up towards's going up.

BTW, I notice that there's still no question about the legality of gay marriage in the poll.
Within the title of the thread...should churches be FORCED to accomodate for homosexual weddings. How would you force a church if not by law?
Within the title of the thread...should churches be FORCED to accomodate for homosexual weddings. How would you force a church if not by law?

The poll says this:

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

No mention of the legality of gay marriage. No implications about the legality of gay marriage. You can't get around that.
The poll says this:

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

No mention of the legality of gay marriage. No implications about the legality of gay marriage. You can't get around that.
Yes, "no mention of the legality of gay marriage... EXCEPT IN THE TITLE WITH THE CHOICE OF THE WORD "FORCED".
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Not a thing. I support gay marriage. And I don't think that places of worship should be required to hold gay weddings. Marriage equality is about equal protection under the law. Religious ceremonies are about expressions of personal faith.

Apples and Oranges.


Churches should not- and will not be forced to marry anyone that they don't believe should be married in their church.

I cannot be married in a Catholic Church or a Synagogue.

And no one has a problem with that.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.

We've had PA laws since the 60s. Please list all the churches that have been forced to marry interracial or interfaith couples. We'll wait.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.

We've had PA laws since the 60s. Please list all the churches that have been forced to marry interracial or interfaith couples. We'll wait.

By and large inter racial and interfaith couple aren't as big of assholes out to force the rest of the world to do what they want the way fags are, ALSO respect for others is deteriorating rapidly and what was not acceptable to try to force other people to do 10 years ago is now acceptable.

For instance, can you show a SINGLE example of where an interfaith or interracial couple sued a bakery who refused to bake their wedding cake? No? Neither can I.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.

What have I denied? Of course someone will sue, and I will oppose it as any red blooded believer in the 1st Amendment and the Constitution will oppose it. Such a suit will not be successful.
What's with "fags", averagebear. We both served with lesbians and gays who were good soldiers. Don't deny it. If they were willing to do the job and go in harm's way, what is it off your ass anyway.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.

What have I denied? Of course someone will sue, and I will oppose it as any red blooded believer in the 1st Amendment and the Constitution will oppose it. Such a suit will not be successful.

Did someone in your family just come out Jake?
You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

Oh a gay suing a Christian church is an absolute certainty. Almost as much as that gay getting laughed out of court.
I have said several times on the Board my youngest brother is gay, and has been out for at least 15 years.

A couple of the far right have had children come out recently, so let's be easy on them.
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.

We've had PA laws since the 60s. Please list all the churches that have been forced to marry interracial or interfaith couples. We'll wait.

By and large inter racial and interfaith couple aren't as big of assholes out to force the rest of the world to do what they want the way fags are, ALSO respect for others is deteriorating rapidly and what was not acceptable to try to force other people to do 10 years ago is now acceptable.

For instance, can you show a SINGLE example of where an interfaith or interracial couple sued a bakery who refused to bake their wedding cake? No? Neither can I.

Ta da!!!! The answer you're looking for is none. No church has ever been forced to perform a ceremony against the tenants of their faith. Now let's see if you know WHY that is...

Public Accommodation laws have existed since the you think those were for "the gheys"?
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.
How many times are you gonna get this wrong? Public accommodation laws have nothing to do with religious marriage ceremonies held at a church. How many times? Seriously? What part is confusing you about the fact that marriage ceremonies at churches are not a service that is for sale to the public?
"Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings" means nothing about the legality of marriage equality.

Except that that is not true since we have the stupid, and unconstitutional, public accommodation laws.

You can deny it all you want Jake, one day a gay will sue a Christian Church to force them to allow their wedding. People are assholes and do shit like that just to prove they are assholes.

I mean I never thought I'd see the day when a court ordered a school to let a boy use the girl's restroom either. And honestly, I doubt that even 5 years ago YOU would thought it would have happened, or supported it either.
How many times are you gonna get this wrong? Public accommodation laws have nothing to do with religious marriage ceremonies held at a church. How many times? Seriously? What part is confusing you about the fact that marriage ceremonies at churches are not a service that is for sale to the public?

Not just that, but they have been challenged and were found constitutional. Why do they ignore that fact?

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