Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Agree again, but the 14th demands equal protection, and granting special rights and privilege violates that in spades.

The 14th amendment prevents the States from violating the rights of citizens. It doesn't say a thing about citizen v. citizen interactions. If it did, the Federal Government would never have had to come up with the steaming rhetorical pile that is the commerce clause bullshit.
And the feds have the responsibility to ensure they're are protecting equal rights. PA laws violate the fuck out of equal rights.

You really need to read the 14th amendments. It doesn't say a thing about 'equal rights'. It says 'equal protection in the law'. And if there's no law, it applies to everyone equally.

And if they exempt fat people and poor people or smelly people or dumb people are ugly people or etc, etc, etc, .....?

In the case of Romer V. Evans, it explicitly exempted gays. They actually went out of thier way to say that gays weren't protected. That's, btw, is an equal protection violation.

I had never really read much about Romer- interesting- especially Kennedy's opinion

The case was argued on October 10, 1995.[16] On May 20, 1996, the court ruled 6-3 that Colorado's Amendment 2 was unconstitutional, though on different reasoning from the Colorado courts. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, and was joined by John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer. The Court majority held that the Colorado constitutional amendment targeting homosexuals based upon animosity lacked a rational relation to any legitimate governmental purpose.[17]

Regarding the state's argument that Amendment 2 merely blocked gay people from receiving "special rights", Kennedy wrote:[2]

Amendment 2's reach may not be limited to specific laws passed for the benefit of gays and lesbians. It is a fair, if not necessary, inference from the broad language of the amendment that it deprives gays and lesbians even of the protection of general laws and policies that prohibit arbitrary discrimination in governmental and private settings....The state court did not decide whether the amendment has this effect, however, and neither need we.

While leaving that question unresolved by his opinion, Kennedy concluded that the amendment imposed a special disability upon homosexuals by forbidding them to seek safeguards "without constraint".[2] Instead of applying "strict scrutiny" to Amendment 2 (as the Colorado Supreme Court had done), Kennedy wrote that it did not even meet the much lower requirement of having a rational relationship to a legitimate government purpose:[2]

Its sheer breadth is so discontinuous with the reasons offered for it that the amendment seems inexplicable by anything but animus toward the class that it affects; it lacks a rational relationship to legitimate state interests.[18]


[Amendment 2] is at once too narrow and too broad. It identifies persons by a single trait and then denies them protection across the board. The resulting disqualification of a class of persons from the right to seek specific protection from the law is unprecedented in our jurisprudence.

Kennedy did not go into depth in rejecting the claims put forward in support of the law (e.g. protecting the rights of landlords to evict gay tenants if they found homosexuality morally offensive), instead holding that the law was so unique as to "confound this normal process of judicial review" and "defies...conventional inquiry."[2] He elaborated: "It is not within our constitutional tradition to enact laws of this sort."[2]
Does that seem like "equal protection"to you? It's sounds to me like decidedly UNequal protection.

Fail to include and 'explicitly exclude' are two different things. Romer prevents explict exclusion.

Only if we're in hair-splitting mood. In either case some are "more equal" than others, and it IS a violation of equal protection, no matter how much you ostrich up.
Only if we're in hair-splitting mood. In either case some are "more equal" than others, and it IS a violation of equal protection, no matter how much you ostrich up.

Its not hair splitting.

If I said that you couldn't discriminate on the basis of race and gender, you're usually okay. Even if you don't include, say....religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

If I said that you couldn't discriminate on the basis of race or gender, but that religion was excluded from protection, that's an issue. As you've targeted one group for discrimination.
They said they were afraid to try, because voters don't get it. They said we need to get out there and wake people up!

He said to hang on for another few years as faggots kept demanding that Christians do business with them and enough people would get fed up and toss the PA laws to the curb.

Why are you so stupid that you don't understand that bad laws are being repealed every day? I mean my God, you're so stupid that you don't realize that your very right to faggot "marriage" relied on a bad law being repealed.


So y'all didn't actually call your representative. It's good to know how serious you all are about getting rid of PA laws.

Hey Bear, do you like using the n word too? Make you feel like a man?
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No it isn't , but that isn't entirely thehom same thing as saying a business should be able to refuse to have someone as a customer.
It depends on why they refuse them as a customer. If its because they 'don't serve black people at this lunch counter', I'd say that's not reasonable. If its because they're not wearing shoes, that's another.

In other words, the state has no right to tell a baker they can't refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual couple.

Of course they do. As intrastate commerce is totally within the State to regulate. And mandating that business people treat all their customers fairly is well within intrastate commerce.

Too right you are!

The Right to Refuse Service: Can a Business Refuse Service to Someone Because of Appearance, Odor or Attitude?

Is it a violation of your civil rights for a business to refuse to serve you because of the way you look, the way you smell, or the way you act? The answer depends.

The Federal Civil Rights Act guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which precludes discrimination by businesses on the basis of disability.

In addition to the protections against discrimination provided under federal law, many states have passed their own Civil Rights Acts that provide broader protections than the Federal Civil Rights Act. For example, California's Unruh Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals based on unconventional dress or sexual preference.[...]

Like many issues involving constitutional law, the law against discrimination in public accommodations is in a constant state of change. Some argue that anti-discrimination laws in matters of public accommodations create a conflict between the ideal of equality and individual rights. Does the guaranteed right to public access mean the business owner's private right to exclude is violated? For the most part, courts have decided that the constitutional interest in providing equal access to public accommodations outweighs the individual liberties involved.
Can we all agree that the argument isn't over the right to marry it is over the definition of marriage?

Certainly, up until very recently, marriage was never even considered to be anything other then between a man and a woman. Marriage was a contract between a man and woman for the legal protection of both. Certainly limitations were put on marriage, a man still can't legally marry his sister. A man can't have more then one wife. So a limitation on a man can't marry a man certainly seems to be within the jurisdiction of the law.

Making the comparision, falsely, between interacial marriage is first an insult. Secondly in order for such a limitation it would mean that the black man or woman would have to be defined as something different then a white man or woman. Not so with gay marriage, a woman is still a woman a man a man.

So we fight over definition. When the people have had the opportunity to decide they have universally decided NOT to change the definition of marriage. The majority of the victories that that gay "rights" side sees is won in the courts not legislature.

There really is nothing I see in the COTUS that even speaks to marriage one way or the other. Thus we are in a new world, let the people decide. But that won't hold for the left wing which MUST get their own way by hook or by crook.
But that won't hold for the far right reactionary wing which MUST get their own way by hook or by crook.
I repeat what I posted probably 2000 posts ago.

Should atheists be forced to conduct religious ceremonies?
I am not left wing and you are not mainstream right, merely a distorted imitation of it of the far right reactionary wing.

You are trying to restrain the law.
I am not left wing and you are not mainstream right, merely a distorted imitation of it of the far right reactionary wing.

You are trying to restrain the law.

Are you as confused about your sexuality as you are you political leanings? Every one of your posts put down Republicans and yet you are a Republican? Really? Is that a display of self loathing?

What law is being restrained? The Judiciary does not, or should not, make law Jake.
They said they were afraid to try, because voters don't get it. They said we need to get out there and wake people up!

He said to hang on for another few years as faggots kept demanding that Christians do business with them and enough people would get fed up and toss the PA laws to the curb.

Why are you so stupid that you don't understand that bad laws are being repealed every day? I mean my God, you're so stupid that you don't realize that your very right to faggot "marriage" relied on a bad law being repealed.


So y'all didn't actually call your representative. It's good to know how serious you all are about getting rid of PA laws.

Hey Bear, do you like using the n word too? Make you feel like a man?

I love the way you faggots are constantly trying to connect yourselves to the black civil rights movement from the 60s

You're a faggot, if you dont like being called one, well stop being one.

I've heard plenty of gays use the term fag themselves,sorta like many blacks use the term n!gger, it must offend either group that much
Personal attacks merely reveal your spiritual and emotional unbalance.

My posts are clearly mainstream Republicanism, which your extreme version distorts and makes fearful to others.

Read Article III of the COTUS, which clearly states SCOTUS has original jurisdiction of all matters constitutional.
I am not left wing and you are not mainstream right, merely a distorted imitation of it of the far right reactionary wing.

You are trying to restrain the law.

Are you as confused about your sexuality as you are you political leanings? Every one of your posts put down Republicans and yet you are a Republican? Really? Is that a display of self loathing?

What law is being restrained? The Judiciary does not, or should not, make law Jake.

Actually, the Judiciary DOES make law, through court precedents The fact that you don't like some of the rulings notwithstanding.
I am not left wing and you are not mainstream right, merely a distorted imitation of it of the far right reactionary wing.

You are trying to restrain the law.

Are you as confused about your sexuality as you are you political leanings? Every one of your posts put down Republicans and yet you are a Republican? Really? Is that a display of self loathing?

What law is being restrained? The Judiciary does not, or should not, make law Jake.

Actually, the Judiciary DOES make law, through court precedents The fact that you don't like some of the rulings notwithstanding.

The judiciary defines laws not makes laws. So they rule on laws passed by the legislature which is what they have been doing when they shoot down defense of marriage laws. Thus by default that is making law, which is not their job.
I am not left wing and you are not mainstream right, merely a distorted imitation of it of the far right reactionary wing.

You are trying to restrain the law.

Are you as confused about your sexuality as you are you political leanings? Every one of your posts put down Republicans and yet you are a Republican? Really? Is that a display of self loathing?

What law is being restrained? The Judiciary does not, or should not, make law Jake.

Actually, the Judiciary DOES make law, through court precedents The fact that you don't like some of the rulings notwithstanding.

The judiciary defines laws not makes laws. So they rule on laws passed by the legislature which is what they have been doing when they shoot down defense of marriage laws. Thus by default that is making law, which is not their job.

That is their role in the system. Do you suggest that we have NO system to keep the Legislative from passing unconstitutional laws?
They said they were afraid to try, because voters don't get it. They said we need to get out there and wake people up!

He said to hang on for another few years as faggots kept demanding that Christians do business with them and enough people would get fed up and toss the PA laws to the curb.

Why are you so stupid that you don't understand that bad laws are being repealed every day? I mean my God, you're so stupid that you don't realize that your very right to faggot "marriage" relied on a bad law being repealed.


So y'all didn't actually call your representative. It's good to know how serious you all are about getting rid of PA laws.

Hey Bear, do you like using the n word too? Make you feel like a man?

I love the way you faggots are constantly trying to connect yourselves to the black civil rights movement from the 60s

You're a faggot, if you dont like being called one, well stop being one.

I've heard plenty of gays use the term fag themselves,sorta like many blacks use the term n!gger, it must offend either group that much

You're a bigot. If you don't like being called one, stop being one.

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