Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
People with religious values, like those with secular values, are always going to lobby the government.
just looking at the latest insanity from the libertards.., nothing has changed, if qweers want a church wedding let them build their own churches with SATAN...., their god as high priest!!
just looking at the latest insanity from the libertards.., nothing has changed, if qweers want a church wedding let them build their own churches with SATAN...., their god as high priest!!

Those are bold words. Or bold text, anyway.
But individuals don't enjoy the right to exercise freedom of religious beliefs. Only gatherings of them in a building do. Just like the Constitution says. And if it doesn't say that, don't worry, Justice Kennedy and pals are getting their quills sharpened to make the necessary changes, just like is their charge to do as the Judicial branch of government...

BTW, a fundamental structural change to marriage rendering kids in it fatherless or motherless IS NOT the same as the interracial marriage issue. LGBTs are now striving to make it the same as a defensive move and framing their argument for why Christians "must be forced" to participate in gay sex weddings. They're calling sex (a verb) a noun and passing it off that way, hoping nobody will notice.
And now a woman sits in jail for passively refusing to accomodate a gay wedding.

She's in jail because she used State power to force people to obey her religion. That's a strict 1st amendment violation as its State establishment of religion.

And no church is required to perform any wedding. Remember, words have meanings. People aren't churches. And county clerk's office isn't a church.

Very little has changed. You're still just making up pseudo-legal gibberish as it suits your argument. And its still just as irrelevant to the law as it always was.
Let's be very clear.

Kim Davis is the victimizer.

The gay couples are her victims.
just looking at the latest insanity from the libertards.., nothing has changed, if qweers want a church wedding let them build their own churches with SATAN...., their god as high priest!!

Tell us more about your close and personal friend Satan.
Bonzi, it depends on your state's accomodation laws.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now going to pretend this is a state's rights issue after all the states were told to go to hell by the SCOTUS. Really RW, come on.
Yes, this Kim Davis thing is going to SCOTUS. And you'd better bet the Fumbling Five are squirming in their seats about it, while the other four are grinning ear to ear.

Silhouette manages to make a prediction about something that has already happened.....and she even gets predictions about past events wrong.
just looking at the latest insanity from the libertards.., nothing has changed, if qweers want a church wedding let them build their own churches with SATAN...., their god as high priest!!

Why would they need to build there own Churches there are plenty of Christian Churches at accept gay people and will perform same-sex weddings?

Safety in numbers and denial isn't going to change that she was jailed for her religious convictions. Take comfort while you can...
90% of the Board believes that Sil's writings should be prosecuted under liberl law.
90% of the Board believes that Sil's writings should be prosecuted under liberl law.
That's not how they're voting on the polls though, is it?
They agree with the law, as it is, that churches should not have to marriages they don't want to do. Almost all of us agree on that. You, on the other hand, are in the shrinking minority of those who want to prevent Marriage Equality, and you will lie about it to get your way. And you will continue to fail.:popcorn:
They agree with the law, as it is, that churches should not have to marriages they don't want to do. Almost all of us agree on that. You, on the other hand, are in the shrinking minority of those who want to prevent Marriage Equality, and you will lie about it to get your way. And you will continue to fail.:popcorn:
What are churches made up of? They're made up of people like Kim Davis.


How may of the 82% here that are adamantly opposed to gays forcing "churches" (buildings, parking lot, pavement, pews, stained glass) to accomodate gay marriage would you suppose are IN favor of Kim Davis going to jail for not wanting to accomodate gay weddings?

Would you say half of them? 3/4s? 11/12ths?
You have no idea, Sil, as usual. 3/4 of folks polled in KY said she should have issued the licenses. I don't think she shold have been in jail. She should have been fined and all donations for her financial relief confiscated.


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