Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
The Constitutional specifically provides for the protection of religious freedom and the EXERCSING of that religion.

Homosexuality and same-sex weddings are specifically against the christian religion, and the attempt to FORCE Christians to perform ceremonies in direct opposition to their faith is a violation of the Constitution.!

Well lets talk about that.

Divorce- and remarriage is specifically condemned by Christianity- unlike say homosexuality(Jesus never says a word about it) or 'same sex weddings'(not one word in the NT condemning them).

And he said unto them, ‘Whoever shall put away hiswife, and marry another,commits adultery against her.’ Mk 10:11

Can Christians be 'forced' to allow non-Christians to divorce? Can a Christian judge deny a divorce to a Jewish couple- because it is against his own personal beliefs?
'Civil Unions' is the answer that would end all of this. A Civil Union, a non-religious union, between 2 people, recognized by a government for the purpose of receiving equal government-provided benefits. That is not good enough for the LGBT Liberal Socialists, though...they want to impose their will in regards to gay marriage as they have regarding abortions.

Gay Christian couples wanted to be able to be legally married- but Right Wing Conservatives acted to deny them their religious freedom to legally marry- because allowing Christians to legally marry according to their own religious values was not enough for the anti-LGBT Conservative Fascists- they went around passing laws to prevent both the legal marriage between Christian gay couples- but also 'civil unions' between Christian gay couples.

Because you wanted to deny them their religious freedom to marry.
And the millennials, all of whom can vote for the first time as a complete generation next year, are looking at the far right and thinking WTF?
I suspect there is an effort underway by the fringe on the left to seek out and destroy all who refuse to obey the liberal rules..

I suspect that whacky far right Christians really, really believe that they are victims....when told they have to obey the same law as everyone else.

Obama has set the precedent that no one should follow a law that they don't like. He hates immigration laws and states get punished for following them. If you want to preach about everyone following the same laws, talk to your idol.
At least for now, churches still have the right to refuse people. I suspect some are already working to change that since it's been stated that Christians need to change or let go of their beliefs to go along with the liberal views. If you want religious freedom with no criticism or lawsuits, covert to Islam and you will be untouchable. Otherwise, prepare for a battle with the PC crowd.

LOL.....what bullshit.

Muslims get protested against all of the time- far from Christians being the 'victims' in the United States- they are the ones most loudly trying to deny Muslims equal rights to religion.

While a high-profile battle rages over a mosque near ground zero in Manhattan, heated confrontations have also broken out in communities across the country where mosques are proposed for far less hallowed locations.

In Murfreesboro, Tenn., arguments broke out over a planned Muslim center.

In Murfreesboro, Tenn., Republican candidates have denounced plans for a large Muslim center proposed near a subdivision, and hundreds of protesters have turned out for a march and a county meeting.

In late June, in Temecula, Calif., members of a local Tea Party group took dogs and picket signs to Friday prayers at a mosque that is seeking to build a new worship center on a vacant lot nearby.

In Sheboygan, Wis., a few Christian ministers led a noisy fight against a Muslim group that sought permission to open a mosque in a former health food store bought by a Muslim doctor.

At one time, neighbors who did not want mosques in their backyards said their concerns were over traffic, parking and noise — the same reasons they might object to a church or a synagogue. But now the gloves are off.

In all of the recent conflicts, opponents have said their problem is Islam itself. They quote passages from the Koran and argue that even the most Americanized Muslim secretly wants to replace the Constitution with Islamic Shariah law.

These local skirmishes make clear that there is now widespread debate about whether the best way to uphold America’s democratic values is to allow Muslims the same religious freedom enjoyed by other Americans, or to pull away the welcome mat from a faith seen as a singular threat.

“What’s different is the heat, the volume, the level of hostility,” said Ihsan Bagby, associate professor of Islamic studies at the University of Kentucky. “It’s one thing to oppose a mosque because traffic might increase, but it’s different when you say these mosques are going to be nurturing terrorist bombers, that Islam is invading, that civilization is being undermined by Muslims.”
I suspect there is an effort underway by the fringe on the left to seek out and destroy all who refuse to obey the liberal rules..

I suspect that whacky far right Christians really, really believe that they are victims....when told they have to obey the same law as everyone else.

Obama has set the precedent that no one should follow a law that they don't like. He hates immigration laws and states get punished for following them. If you want to preach about everyone following the same laws, talk to your idol.

I suspect that whacky far right Christians really, really believe that they are victims....when told they have to obey the same law as everyone else
I suspect there is an effort underway by the fringe on the left to seek out and destroy all who refuse to obey the liberal rules..

I suspect that whacky far right Christians really, really believe that they are victims....when told they have to obey the same law as everyone else.

Obama has set the precedent that no one should follow a law that they don't like. He hates immigration laws and states get punished for following them. If you want to preach about everyone following the same laws, talk to your idol.
You did not pass logic, obviously.
I suspect there is an effort underway by the fringe on the left to seek out and destroy all who refuse to obey the liberal rules..

I suspect that whacky far right Christians really, really believe that they are victims....when told they have to obey the same law as everyone else.

They never have been required to obey the same laws as everyone else. Think about it.....everything the church(a small business) costs is tax deductible from the time the land is purchased until the building is completed. Then every bit of maintenance or normal upkeep is tax deductible. Stained glass...tall steeples, oak and mahogany pews, expensive musical instruments and sound systems....all tax deductible. Then....each penny which a member contributes is a tax write-off and basically anything coming or going is done tax free. The entire organization pays no local or national taxes. The members, less than half of them, show up on Sunday morning, listen to an hour of the preacher's personal selections then stop at the local Cracker Barrel for an hour and go home to feel good about themselves for another week.

The churches own more real property than anyone or anything except the government itself. 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about one in nine people on earth. For at least 15 years I was a member of the building committee, the budget committee and worked with several other church functions in a legitimate member of the Southern Baptist Convention. The world's churches....what a bloated, self indulging, conceited bunch of arrogant, egotistical humans.
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The churchs' tax exemption should be ended.

Agreed. And some religious leaders agree. They recognize the insidious nature of these kinds of "perks". religious retreats for pastors. The church pays for the preacher and his family and they pay for it with tax free contributions to the church. Actually....once you've been on the inside looking at records many of the things are nothing short of atrocious. The bottom line could easily be labeled corruption!
Bonzi, it depends on your state's accomodation laws.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now going to pretend this is a state's rights issue after all the states were told to go to hell by the SCOTUS. Really RW, come on.
The churchs' tax exemption should be ended.

Agreed. And some religious leaders agree. They recognize the insidious nature of these kinds of "perks".

Yeah, insidious "perks" that are in compliance with the COTUS.

But if you were able to it would mostly effect black churches so we can see the reasoning.
At least their pastors write grammatically much better than you. All churches should give up tax exempt status. The pastors would cry a Nile.
Bonzi, it depends on your state's accomodation laws.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now going to pretend this is a state's rights issue after all the states were told to go to hell by the SCOTUS. Really RW, come on.
Yes, this Kim Davis thing is going to SCOTUS. And you'd better bet the Fumbling Five are squirming in their seats about it, while the other four are grinning ear to ear.
It's been to SCOTUS, Sil: they won't hear it.

Any appeal will be upheld by the CCA, appealed to SCOTUS, who again will let the ruling stand.
Bonzi, it depends on your state's accomodation laws.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now going to pretend this is a state's rights issue after all the states were told to go to hell by the SCOTUS. Really RW, come on.
Yes, this Kim Davis thing is going to SCOTUS. And you'd better bet the Fumbling Five are squirming in their seats about it, while the other four are grinning ear to ear.

Her appeal for a stay request already went to the 6th Circuit Court, the source court that had upheld SSCM bans resulting in the SCOTUS Obergefell ruling.

Then she appeal for a stay from the SCOTUS itself.

In both cases she was denied.

The churchs' tax exemption should be ended.

Agreed. And some religious leaders agree. They recognize the insidious nature of these kinds of "perks". religious retreats for pastors. The church pays for the preacher and his family and they pay for it with tax free contributions to the church. Actually....once you've been on the inside looking at records many of the things are nothing short of atrocious. The bottom line could easily be labeled corruption!

I was actually referring to the insidious nature of accepting perks from the government. There are strings attached, strings we see every time religious leaders step out of line and the government threatens to revoke their tax exempt status.

The First Amendment was ratified to keep government from having power over religion. By turning it inside out, and using it as an excuse to grant religions special perks and exemptions, federal and state governments have achieved the opposite effect.

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