Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
"A Christian woman sitting in jail for passively refusing to accomodate a gay wedding" is a mischaracterization.

She actively refused to offer her government services to all who qualified.

She can be charged with theft of services.

Technically she can be charged with failure to provide services for which she was responsible and accountable to provide.
The government changing up the game after 100's of years, and therefore making the good citizens as criminals today is what has gone bad now, but I say enjoy it while it last, because it won't last much longer I don't think.. People will get a belly full of this bull, and they will see that it was foolishness that they have been led into believing now.
The subject of the thread was churches being forced to perform marriages, not a government employee refusing to do their job.

I wasn't aware that buildings had 1st Amendment rights. I could've sworn that the 1st Amendment was about INDIVIDUAL people's rights to exercize of religion. So: groups of Christians in a building have rights but individual Christians at work do not. I wasn't aware of that fine print in the Constitution.

I was wondering when you were going to reintroduce this failed argument. Sovereign citizen bullshit with a religious twist, a land where a people get to choose which laws they follow, or not, based on their deeply held religious beliefs. Warren Jeffs should be released from prison b/c his religious beliefs says he can fuck children. After all, he answers to a higher authority. Where is The Liberty Council when you need them?
You used Warren Jeff's molesting of children in an argument that your losing and have now resorted to desperation on ? How low can you go ??? So sad, but it is a tactic that to many fools have since fallen for, and that is even more sadder than them all.

Oh cry me a river. It was used as an example of the silliness of claiming to be above the law and having to answer only to one's deeply held religious beliefs. An argument I am losing!? Too funny. Not a single church has been forced to marry any couple and gays are marrying Rowan County. Perhaps you don't know the meaning of the word losing.
The definition of losing is when you resort to such that your resorted to, and that my friend is the purest definition of the word losing..
"A Christian woman sitting in jail for passively refusing to accomodate a gay wedding" is a mischaracterization.

She actively refused to offer her government services to all who qualified.

She can be charged with theft of services.

Technically she can be charged with failure to provide services for which she was responsible and accountable to provide.
The government changing up the game after 100's of years, and therefore making the good citizens as criminals today is what has gone bad now, but I say enjoy it while it last, because it won't last much longer I don't think.. People will get a belly full of this bull, and they will see that it was foolishness that they have been led into believing now.
America supports equal access and due process to government services.

America does not support servants using the Bible rather than the law in figuring out the performance of their duties.
The subject of the thread was churches being forced to perform marriages, not a government employee refusing to do their job.

I wasn't aware that buildings had 1st Amendment rights. I could've sworn that the 1st Amendment was about INDIVIDUAL people's rights to exercize of religion. So: groups of Christians in a building have rights but individual Christians at work do not. I wasn't aware of that fine print in the Constitution.

I was wondering when you were going to reintroduce this failed argument. Sovereign citizen bullshit with a religious twist, a land where a people get to choose which laws they follow, or not, based on their deeply held religious beliefs. Warren Jeffs should be released from prison b/c his religious beliefs says he can fuck children. After all, he answers to a higher authority. Where is The Liberty Council when you need them?
You used Warren Jeff's molesting of children in an argument that your losing and have now resorted to desperation on ? How low can you go ??? So sad, but it is a tactic that to many fools have since fallen for, and that is even more sadder than them all.

Oh cry me a river. It was used as an example of the silliness of claiming to be above the law and having to answer only to one's deeply held religious beliefs. An argument I am losing!? Too funny. Not a single church has been forced to marry any couple and gays are marrying Rowan County. Perhaps you don't know the meaning of the word losing.
The definition of losing is when you resort to such that your resorted to, and that my friend is the purest definition of the word losing..

Whatever dude. Save the haughty outrage for someone that gives a shit.

I notice you don't cry and whine about the constant lies of Sil in this thread. Making a point using an extreme example is out of bounds but lying through your teeth isn't worthy of mention. Spare me.
Would you say that speech is a behavior? That practicing religion is a behavior? That bearing arms is a behavior?

Your entire premise that 'behaviors' aren't protected under the constitution is obviously wrong. Remember, simply don't know what you're talking about.
That wasn't the question oh artful dodger...

That behaviors aren't constitutionaly protected was the basis of your silly argument.

Its nonsense. There are a litany of behaviors that are protected. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

No, she DOES...she is simply dishonest about it.
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People will get a belly full of this bull, and they will see that it was foolishness that they have been led into believing now.

You mean these guys weren't "born that way" as a race of people? :lmao:

Sil keeps insisting that LGBT is a race of people?

The issue is about the right to marriage, nothing else. That is how the courts see it.
Sil keeps insisting that LGBT is a race of people?

The issue is about the right to marriage, nothing else. That is how the courts see it.

The courts are not being debated here.

The difference between right and wrong is

The courts are far from perfect

Sil keeps insisting that LGBT is a race of people?

The issue is about the right to marriage, nothing else. That is how the courts see it.

The courts are not being debated here.

The difference between right and wrong is

The courts are far from perfect

You are wrong, as usual, if that is the issue. And the OP is about whether churches should forced to accomodate LGBT marriage.
"A Christian woman sitting in jail for passively refusing to accomodate a gay wedding" is a mischaracterization.

She actively refused to offer her government services to all who qualified.

She can be charged with theft of services.

Technically she can be charged with failure to provide services for which she was responsible and accountable to provide.
The government changing up the game after 100's of years, and therefore making the good citizens as criminals today is what has gone bad now, but I say enjoy it while it last, because it won't last much longer I don't think.. People will get a belly full of this bull, and they will see that it was foolishness that they have been led into believing now.

Throughout the entire course of history there has been a constant move away from oppression of majorities and towards greater liberty, freedom and rights of individuals.

Any religion that attempts to deny individual rights will find itself sidelined while those that embrace the reality of life will evolve and adapt.

Your choice as to whether you want to be a theist dinosaur or not.
Theism helped produce to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, so anti-theists can climb down off your high horses. :)
"Which verses of the bible are incorporated into the Constitution?" Silly suggest by you as you well know. Two deists, one polytheist, one agnostic, and fifty one Christians at the Convention. The Congress of 1789 was made up overwhelmingly of orthodox Christians. The values of theism overwhelmingly fashioned the documents.
Remember how this thread started, asking people if they felt or believed that Christians should be forced to accommodate homosexual "weddings"? Remember how the LGBT cultees here ranted and assured that this would never happen? Remember how that was the mantra right up to the date of June 2015. And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage? less than 3 months after they got their way?

This is how the Nazi party made inroads into Germany. Sociologists are still arguing about how it was that a good nation of people could all fall into line with a cult so rapidly and so completely when on its face from the outside looking it, it was as insane as it gets. The Nazis has a propaganda machine that pales in comparison to the church of LGBT's. It's time to wake up and face the cult folks. It's now or never.
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
Thank you for the bold, underscore italics to my points. :clap2:
"Which verses of the bible are incorporated into the Constitution?" Silly suggest by you as you well know. Two deists, one polytheist, one agnostic, and fifty one Christians at the Convention. The Congress of 1789 was made up overwhelmingly of orthodox Christians. The values of theism overwhelmingly fashioned the documents.

Thank you for confirming that theism did not help produce the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

Thank you De for admitting that theism was the foundation of the Constitution and thank you Sil for admitting the OP has no basis.

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