Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
"using your logic, if i marry in another country, i never married because i did not do so under US laws" unless US law recognized it

Did you go to private or home school?
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"using your logic, if i marry in another country, i never married because i did not do so under US laws" unless US law recognized it

Did you go to private or home school?

thanks for proving my point.

in essence, your claim is that someone is only married IF they marry under US laws. how can you claim such when they married in another country? how can you claim they were never married?
jake declares himself the winner again, because no one else will.

fact is, the government's involvement in marriage is purely a legal construct, eg, a contractual union between two parties. the government has zero business in religious marriage.

that is the truth and of course being the truth, fakey will not accept it and will declare himself the winner anyway.

"go ahead, call me a liar, when i gave you tons of links that proved everything i said is 100% accurate."

MARRIAGE Marriage | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute


The legal union of a couple as spouses. The basic elements of a marriage are:
(1) the parties' legal ability to marry each other,
(2) mutual consent of the parties,
and (3) a marriage contract as required by law.

Marriage is chiefly regulated by the states. The Supreme Court has held that states are permitted to reasonably regulate the institution by prescribing who is allowed to marry and how the marriage can be dissolved. Entering into a marriage changes the legal status of both parties and gives both husband and wife new rights and obligations. One power that the states do not have, however, is that of prohibiting marriage in the absence of a valid reason. For example, prohibiting interracial marriage is unconstitutional because it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Shut the fuck up until you have any idea about what you are talking.

that is what i originally said and you claimed i was wrong


gawd you're a retard
what cracks me up is that when i have cut out portions of jake's post in the past, he claimed that doing so proved i was a liar. and now we have jake cutting out portions of nearly every post i've made in this thread.

Nobody is forced to join or remain a member of ANY religion. But MAKING people accept Homosexuality, or any other fetish, I draw the line there. Freedom, it means a lot of things. Freedom means I don't have to accept perverts as normal and then let them corrupt my family, religion or politics.
jake declares himself the winner again, because no one else will.

fact is, the government's involvement in marriage is purely a legal construct, eg, a contractual union between two parties. the government has zero business in religious marriage.

that is the truth and of course being the truth, fakey will not accept it and will declare himself the winner anyway.

"go ahead, call me a liar, when i gave you tons of links that proved everything i said is 100% accurate."

MARRIAGE Marriage | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute


The legal union of a couple as spouses. The basic elements of a marriage are:
(1) the parties' legal ability to marry each other,
(2) mutual consent of the parties,
and (3) a marriage contract as required by law.

Marriage is chiefly regulated by the states. The Supreme Court has held that states are permitted to reasonably regulate the institution by prescribing who is allowed to marry and how the marriage can be dissolved. Entering into a marriage changes the legal status of both parties and gives both husband and wife new rights and obligations. One power that the states do not have, however, is that of prohibiting marriage in the absence of a valid reason. For example, prohibiting interracial marriage is unconstitutional because it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Shut the fuck up until you have any idea about what you are talking.

that is what i originally said and you claimed i was wrong

the bold above is what you were driving at and I outed you on it; you are wrong

nothing new there
if a marriage, as defined by US law, is simply a contractual union between two parties....then guess what, it is not religious marriage. want to know why? i'll tell you:

because religious marriages have different rules and different meanings than does the US government when it comes to marriages. in fact, the US government's definition of marriage is recent and does not comport the world over.

but according to fakey, the only "real" marriages are those recognized by the US government. how does the US government get jurisdiction over marriage? HINT: by making the word "marriage" a LEGAL CONSTRUCT that is called a contractual civil union.

if the government never created the legal construct, it would have zero jurisdiction over marriage.
Marriage is a legal construct when religious unions seek the privileges and perks and reciprocities as shown in #1267. A church ceremony privately telling two folks they can shack up is not a marriage in the legal sense. The red above bolded outs Yurt.

Do some research, Yurt, I am going to find some airline tickets to Denver to see family and Rockie Dodgers baseball.
Nobody is forced to join or remain a member of ANY religion. But MAKING people accept Homosexuality, or any other fetish, I draw the line there. Freedom, it means a lot of things. Freedom means I don't have to accept perverts as normal and then let them corrupt my family, religion or politics.
You don't have to accept it, but the majority of your fellow citizens already have so when the invitations start to dry up or your kids find play-dates harder to get, start buying more boardgames since you will be yelling into the wind, mostly by yourself...
Marriage is a legal construct when religious unions seek the privileges and perks and reciprocities as shown in #1267. A church ceremony privately telling two folks they can shack up is not a marriage in the legal sense. The red above bolded outs Yurt.

Do some research, Yurt, I am going to find some airline tickets to Denver to see family and Rockie Dodgers baseball.

do you even know what a legal construct is? i don't think you do. because marriage was around LONG before the good USofA jake.

the law does not create marriage. the law creates certain rights with regards to marriage.

enjoy your game, perhaps it will give you time to reflect on the wisdom i've given you. have fun! and enjoy a good hot dog for me.
And that case would be . . . ?

I didn't say I agreed with it - I justsaid there was a case for it . IMO Jesus was a Nyth.

While many people have a fixed mental image of Jesus, drawn from his artistic depictions, these images often conform to stereotypes which are not grounded in any serious research on the historical Jesus, but are based on second or third hand interpretations of spurious sources

In explaining the development of racial theories in the context of scripture, Colin Kidd, in his book The forging of races, argues that the assignment of race to biblical individuals has been a mostly subjective practice based on cultural stereotypes and societal trends rather than on scientific methods. Kidd reviews a number of theories about the race of Jesus, ranging from a white Aryan Jesus to a black African Jesus, illustrating that there is no general agreement among scholars on the race of Jesus
Race and appearance of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words, "I just say shit to be saying it. I have no real fucking clue what I'm talking about, and as soon as someone asks me to actually explain the dribble coming out of my mouth, I backpedal."

Next time, just save everyone the time and don't bother talking at all.

Cecile -if your last name were brains -your first name would be shitfer - I said there was a case for jesus being black - you asked for proof and I posted a link .

Now I do realize that among your crowd of Ninja Turtle and spongebob fans intellectual curiousity beyond what kinda pizza ninja turtles eat is not that intense - so if you have no interest in a particular topic , and youcan't be a hero by challenging me on a factual basis - than do the world a favor and stfu.
"using your logic, if i marry in another country, i never married because i did not do so under US laws" unless US law recognized it

Did you go to private or home school?

thanks for proving my point.

in essence, your claim is that someone is only married IF they marry under US laws. how can you claim such when they married in another country? how can you claim they were never married?

Fantastic point!!!
Nobody is forced to join or remain a member of ANY religion. But MAKING people accept Homosexuality, or any other fetish, I draw the line there. Freedom, it means a lot of things. Freedom means I don't have to accept perverts as normal and then let them corrupt my family, religion or politics.

Wow! We agree on something. Proof that there's a first for everything. :D
Nobody is forced to join or remain a member of ANY religion. But MAKING people accept Homosexuality, or any other fetish, I draw the line there. Freedom, it means a lot of things. Freedom means I don't have to accept perverts as normal and then let them corrupt my family, religion or politics.
You don't have to accept it, but the majority of your fellow citizens already have so when the invitations start to dry up or your kids find play-dates harder to get, start buying more boardgames since you will be yelling into the wind, mostly by yourself...

LOL. "The majority of my fellow citizens" have accepted "gay marriage?" That's total BS. Almost every state that has voted on the issue has voted it down. It's taken an activist Federal Judge to overturn the will of the people in almost every case. I don't personally know anyone who believes that "gay marriage" is normal or acceptable. You really do have mush for brains ... don't you!?
Nobody is forced to join or remain a member of ANY religion. But MAKING people accept Homosexuality, or any other fetish, I draw the line there. Freedom, it means a lot of things. Freedom means I don't have to accept perverts as normal and then let them corrupt my family, religion or politics.
You don't have to accept it, but the majority of your fellow citizens already have so when the invitations start to dry up or your kids find play-dates harder to get, start buying more boardgames since you will be yelling into the wind, mostly by yourself...

LOL. "The majority of my fellow citizens" have accepted "gay marriage?" That's total BS. Almost every state that has voted on the issue has voted it down. It's taken an activist Federal Judge to overturn the will of the people in almost every case. I don't personally know anyone who believes that "gay marriage" is normal or acceptable. You really do have mush for brains ... don't you!?
Learn to read polls, and when given a chance to vote, which they have no business doing, they vote for equality now. The war is over, you lost. Move on...
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LOL. "The majority of my fellow citizens" have accepted "gay marriage?" That's total BS. Almost every state that has voted on the issue has voted it down. It's taken an activist Federal Judge to overturn the will of the people in almost every case. I don't personally know anyone who believes that "gay marriage" is normal or acceptable. You really do have mush for brains ... don't you!?

Exactly. Even fruit and nut bar California kept it out twice by ballot measure. It's still illegal there today.

And just since I was here last the poll against requiring churches to perform gay marriage has risen to 87%. 87% against gay marriage in churches. I wonder if that means they still believe gay marriage should be done at all? Looks like any support that may exist for gay marriage is tepid at best. Once this gets out, it might just slip down into "chilly":
LOL. "The majority of my fellow citizens" have accepted "gay marriage?" That's total BS. Almost every state that has voted on the issue has voted it down. It's taken an activist Federal Judge to overturn the will of the people in almost every case. I don't personally know anyone who believes that "gay marriage" is normal or acceptable. You really do have mush for brains ... don't you!?

Exactly. Even fruit and nut bar California kept it out twice by ballot measure. It's still illegal there today.

And just since I was here last the poll against requiring churches to perform gay marriage has risen to 87%. 87% against gay marriage in churches. I wonder if that means they still believe gay marriage should be done at all? Looks like any support that may exist for gay marriage is tepid at best. Once this gets out, it might just slip down into "chilly":
No one cares what the churches do, that matters not at all, and Harvey Milk has left the building, along with your arguments.

The churches could be at 113%, it's irrelevant, just as they are in this matter.
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LOL. "The majority of my fellow citizens" have accepted "gay marriage?" That's total BS. Almost every state that has voted on the issue has voted it down. It's taken an activist Federal Judge to overturn the will of the people in almost every case. I don't personally know anyone who believes that "gay marriage" is normal or acceptable. You really do have mush for brains ... don't you!?
You either don't get out much or your friends are a bunch of bigoted homophobic christian zealots. Your country has serious issues.

P.S. Your Thomas Jefferson quote is a lie.
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