Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
What if you're homosexual and black? Would a church accomodate you? Or be labelled racist?

No, it's your homosexuality they can reject because it's a behavior [not an inborn state of being] that they cannot promote as a matter of mortal sin for doing so. The fact that you happen to be black isn't relevant here.

People are born gay, now you know. That a church would discriminate against some of god's creation is the sin.

The whole point of the Bible, is to repent of what you were born as. We were all born rebelling against G-d from our birth.

The entire message of the Bible is... Repent and you will be forgiven.

We're discriminating against unrepentant sin. Repent, and you will be welcome in the Church of Christianity.
Liberals should be forced to pay everyone else for having fried their brain cells after listening too and reading garbage like this.
I find it very hypocritical that the debate of civil union under whatever name it can be code is back as an alternative to marriage equality. If offered honestly as a resolution to marriage question, I believe the same sex community would have overwhelmingly accepted it.

Yet it was not and we know why that was so. How fortunate for our country that it was not accepted.

Marriage belongs to all Americans, not just one group.

Polygamists and incest couplings too? Really? What makes 'LGBT' behaviors so special Jake?

One of the main reasons civil unions are a situation some states consider is that marriage often comes with the privelege of adoption too. And here's the reason with the cult of LGBT why the overwhelming majority of states object to gay marriage proper:

You constantly omit the discussion of the most important people involved in marriage: children. And since children must not be exposed to the behaviors in that link seen and discussed in the OP, gay marriage has hit a wall. With Harvey Milk brought on board willingly by them and defended adamantly by their cult values, they've built that wall high and wide themselves. And they have only themselves to blame..
No, it's your homosexuality they can reject because it's a behavior [not an inborn state of being] that they cannot promote as a matter of mortal sin for doing so. The fact that you happen to be black isn't relevant here.

People are born gay, now you know. That a church would discriminate against some of god's creation is the sin.

The whole point of the Bible, is to repent of what you were born as. We were all born rebelling against G-d from our birth.

The entire message of the Bible is... Repent and you will be forgiven.

We're discriminating against unrepentant sin. Repent, and you will be welcome in the Church of Christianity.

So you should repent for how god made you? That's possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in ages.
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So productive single people are not in the interest of society at large? They don't also procreate? They don't also provide stable homes in which children are raised?

I didn't say any of those things, I said: "It is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children."

If you did not mean "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children" over other something else then it is meaningless. You might have just said it is in the interest of society to promote stuff like procreation, or stable homes, or raising children. To which my questions still apply why do I have to be married to procreate, have stable homes, and raise children? If two parents are better than one, why not 3 parents? Why not hand out a triple bonus award for having two wives?

Did you check out the links I provided?
So you should rent for how god made you? That's possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in ages.

You mean, "repent"? My gay family friend who died of HIV/AIDS, but not before he had unprotected sex with 1,000s of other likewise "made" men, was "made" gay not by God, but by a dude who molested him repeatedly as a boy and who imprinted him sexually thereby with compulsive behaviors he did not want and couldn't control.

God had nothing to do with how our dead friend was "made gay"...

And today, this man-made disaster that was our friend can't even be addressed in therapy in two states because gays in those states have decided that it's pretty darn hard to get at those kiddies and "turn them out" gay. And so, if they do succeed, they don't want any therapist meddling to undo their handiwork or to [god forbid!] get the idea out in the mental health community that sexual orientations can be artificially induced and therefore are not "born that way"...are not "made by God"...and are ultimately about something being broken that might be fixed.

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
People are born gay, now you know. That a church would discriminate against some of god's creation is the sin.

The whole point of the Bible, is to repent of what you were born as. We were all born rebelling against G-d from our birth.

The entire message of the Bible is... Repent and you will be forgiven.

We're discriminating against unrepentant sin. Repent, and you will be welcome in the Church of Christianity.

So you should repent for how god made you? That's possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in ages.

So you really think all the urges that are part of human nature, that we spend our childhoods learning to control, are good and acceptable because "that's how God made us"? Really? You don't think it's possible for people to be born with or develop defects in their hardwiring that make them inclined to do things that are a bad idea? Human behavior has nothing in it that qualifies as "bad" or "wrong" to you?

Think about what you're saying before you vomit it up for everyone else to see.
I didn't say any of those things, I said: "It is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children."

If you did not mean "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children" over other something else then it is meaningless. You might have just said it is in the interest of society to promote stuff like procreation, or stable homes, or raising children. To which my questions still apply why do I have to be married to procreate, have stable homes, and raise children? If two parents are better than one, why not 3 parents? Why not hand out a triple bonus award for having two wives?

Did you check out the links I provided?
didn't see any links
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

No it doesn't. It prevents Congress from writing laws that target religions, or religious practice, for special treatment. It prevents them from persecuting or favoring religions via legislation. That doesn't mean government can't force religious people to obey the law. And that's only sensible. Would you really want your local death cult to claim that their child sacrifice tradition should be exempt from murder laws?
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What we need to do is repeal the laws requiring a license/permission and registration of marriages......

And then anytime a 'married' woman decides to stay home and raise her children she is a virtual prisoner of her 'husband' because if he ever decides to walk at a moment's notice she has no recourse to legal protections for herself and her children. Golly, what a great idea.
If you did not mean "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children" over other something else then it is meaningless. You might have just said it is in the interest of society to promote stuff like procreation, or stable homes, or raising children. To which my questions still apply why do I have to be married to procreate, have stable homes, and raise children? If two parents are better than one, why not 3 parents? Why not hand out a triple bonus award for having two wives?

Did you check out the links I provided?
didn't see any links

Have another look-see.
didn't see any links

Have another look-see.

No links... just loony toon vid.

After that. Anyway, the gist is that 'families' where the couple is unmarried are at least twice as likely to end up separated and the children left without the aforementioned stable family environment. The children of such circumstances are left with few resources and more psychological and material deprivation with attendant consequences. All sorts of living situations are legal, tenable, and within the purview of free people, but "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children."
Have another look-see.

No links... just loony toon vid.

After that. Anyway, the gist is that 'families' where the couple is unmarried are at least twice as likely to end up separated and the children left without the aforementioned stable family environment. The children of such circumstances are left with few resources and more psychological and material deprivation with attendant consequences. All sorts of living situations are legal, tenable, and within the purview of free people, but "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children."
So we tax / fine people based on a statistical likely hood that a certain type of behavior getting married is better than another not getting married. Sounds like the department of pre-crime. Get married, heterosexually to one woman, or else we punish you because you are likely to be less of a valuable citizen. Ick. Your not helping :)
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No links... just loony toon vid.

After that. Anyway, the gist is that 'families' where the couple is unmarried are at least twice as likely to end up separated and the children left without the aforementioned stable family environment. The children of such circumstances are left with few resources and more psychological and material deprivation with attendant consequences. All sorts of living situations are legal, tenable, and within the purview of free people, but "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children."
So we tax / fine people based on a statistical likely hood that a certain type of behavior getting married is better than another not getting married.

No, we incentivize "procreation and stable homes in which to raise children." Not such a difficult or shocking concept. If the 'gub'ment' is going to tax at all, they can take a little less from those providing an absolutely indispensable social good. Want to lose some of the ridiculous waste in government spending and tax everyone else less as well? That sounds fine too.
After that. Anyway, the gist is that 'families' where the couple is unmarried are at least twice as likely to end up separated and the children left without the aforementioned stable family environment. The children of such circumstances are left with few resources and more psychological and material deprivation with attendant consequences. All sorts of living situations are legal, tenable, and within the purview of free people, but "it is in the interest of society at large to encourage procreation and stable homes in which to raise children."
So we tax / fine people based on a statistical likely hood that a certain type of behavior getting married is better than another not getting married.

No, we incentivize "procreation and stable homes in which to raise children." Not such a difficult or shocking concept. If the 'gub'ment' is going to tax at all, they can take a little less from those providing an absolutely indispensable social good. Want to lose some of the ridiculous waste in government spending and tax everyone else less as well? That sounds fine too.

IMO personal income tax is indentured servitude. It's not a "little" the deductions are large, the difference massive over a lifetime. The idea that singles owe a longer length of time in indentured servitude than say a couple that is married with children is distasteful to me. Oh yeah if you give the slavers more children to tax they will shorten your servitude. :cuckoo:

For example if you are paying 33% tax rate then the first FOUR MONTHS of every year are taken before you get a single dime. This is the very definition of indentured servitude.
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This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

Only until Liberal/Democrats destroy the country, after which when they build a Utopian Society, than the Liberal/Democrats can do what has happened repeatedly in History, the Liberal/Democrats than will physically kill and destroy the Churches, catching the Homosexuals with them.

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