Should civil rights be taught in school?

Should high school kids be taught their civil rights in school?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
Many teenagers do not even know their basic legal rights, and consequently many unnecessarily get arrested and oftentimes convicted of crimes at young ages.

I think a good way to prevent this is to have a mandatory civil rights classes from around 5th grade to 12th grade.

I vote yes.
Just put a sign on the wall above the entrances to the school. " If harassed by a Nazi STFU and call 1-666- Cohen"
Many teenagers do not even know their basic legal rights, and consequently many unnecessarily get arrested and oftentimes convicted of crimes at young ages.

I think a good way to prevent this is to have a mandatory civil rights classes from around 5th grade to 12th grade.

I vote yes.

YES and I would add to that
training in conflict resolution so people can learn
constructive ways of democratic/due process in "redressing grievances"
to form a solution that benefits the community, restores good faith
relations, and satisfies the consent of the parties in a dispute.

I'm glad you posted this Muhammed
It just so happens that I credit my 8th grade history teacher
for teaching how Constitutional laws came from a long
evolutionary history all the way back from the Code of
Hammurabi through Mohammad to the European
influences the Founding Fathers drew from in establishing
the system we use today.

it's sad if not distressing to me today that among
my peers, this understanding is sorely missing
and it's no wonder why kids don't get it if they
have no role models, but all they see is BULLYING
by political parties and even the media to get agenda passed which
is overriding and skewing if not censoring or crippling
the democratic process that is supposed to have checks and balances.

If it all becomes monopolized by monied interests buying
the corporate lobbyists, lawyers and politicians
then you can't even see the Constitutional process working that is supposed to be in place.

So no wonder why students and younger people don't bother
listening or reading if adults aren't following the rules anyway.

It's very sad that we punish kids for bullying but adults make a living doing that.
What mixed message are we sending kids, which is making adults crazy?

So that's why I would insist we need conflict resolution
training to undo a lot of this damage from our bullying culture.

The best way to learn is by practicing and modeling it.
So the schools could be a safe place to learn and mentor how to
manage conflicts instead of this bullying tradition that we see in
political parties, media and govt.
I don't think there's a problem with students not knowing their rights; the problem is that they think they have rights they don't actually have.

But to teach them a bit about the Constitution? Sure, why not?
I don't think there's a problem with students not knowing their rights; the problem is that they think they have rights they don't actually have.

But to teach them a bit about the Constitution? Sure, why not?

Already taught
The Constitution is already being taught in schools all across the nation. Whether that information is adsorbed and retained is an entirely different kettle of fish.
The Constitution is already being taught in schools all across the nation. Whether that information is adsorbed and retained is an entirely different kettle of fish.
Kids are not taught how to avoid forfeiting their rights. They are not taught the tactics that police use to trick them.

For instance, a cop may ask a teenager to search their vehicle by saying "If you've got nothing to hide then do you mind if I take a look around in your car."

Most of the time the kid is not going to object. They leave themselves wide open and do not realize the implications of forfeiting their rights.

Seriously, what has more practical value to a kid, Hamlet, or knowing how to avoid getting railroaded into prison?
The Constitution is already being taught in schools all across the nation. Whether that information is adsorbed and retained is an entirely different kettle of fish.
Kids are not taught how to avoid forfeiting their rights. They are not taught the tactics that police use to trick them.

For instance, a cop may ask a teenager to search their vehicle by saying "If you've got nothing to hide then do you mind if I take a look around in your car."

Most of the time the kid is not going to object. They leave themselves wide open and do not realize the implications of forfeiting their rights.

Seriously, what has more practical value to a kid, Hamlet, or knowing how to avoid getting railroaded into prison?

The Constitution is already being taught in schools all across the nation. Whether that information is adsorbed and retained is an entirely different kettle of fish.
Kids are not taught how to avoid forfeiting their rights. They are not taught the tactics that police use to trick them.

For instance, a cop may ask a teenager to search their vehicle by saying "If you've got nothing to hide then do you mind if I take a look around in your car."

Most of the time the kid is not going to object. They leave themselves wide open and do not realize the implications of forfeiting their rights.

Seriously, what has more practical value to a kid, Hamlet, or knowing how to avoid getting railroaded into prison?



I wasn’t taught how to get a job
But I can remember dissecting a frog

I wasn’t taught how to pay tax
But I know loads about Shakespeare's classics

I was never taught how to vote
They devoted that time to defining isotopes

I wasn’t taught how to look after my health
But mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Never spent a lesson on current events
Instead I studied The Old American West

I was never taught what laws there are
I was never taught what laws there ar
Let me repeat - I was not taught the laws for the country I live in
But I know how Henry the VIII killed his women
Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived
Glad that’s in my head instead of financial advice

I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light
But I was never taught my human rights

Apparently there’s 30, do you know them? I don’t
Why the hell can’t we both recite them by rote?!

I know igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks
Yet I don’t know squat about trading stocks
Or how money works at all - where does it come from?
How does the thing that motivates the world function?

Not taught how to budget and disburse my earnings
I was too busy rehearsing cursive

Didn’t learn how much it costs to raise a kid or what an affidavit is
But I spent days on what the quadratic equation is
Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared
Minus 4ac over 2a

That’s insane, that’s absolutely insane
They made me learn that over basic first aid

How to recognise the most deadly Mental disorders // or
Diseases with preventable causes // How to buy a
House with a mortgage // if I could afford it
‘cause abstract maths was deemed more important
Than advice that would literally save thousands of lives

But it’s cool, ‘cause now I could tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime
Never taught present day practical medicines
But I was told what the ancient hippocratic method is
“I’ve got a headache, the pain is ceaseless
What should I take?” umm... maybe try some leeches?

“Could we discuss domestic abuse and get the facts
Or how to help my depressed friend with their mental state?”
Ummm... no but learn mental maths
Because “you won’t have a calculator with you every day!”
They say it’s not the kids, the parents are the problem
Then if you taught the kids to parent that’s the problem solved then!

All this advice about using a condom
But none for when you actually have a kid when you want one

I’m only fluent in this language, for serious?
The rest of the world speaks two, do you think I’m an idiot?
They chose the solar over the political system
So like a typical citizen now I don’t know what I’m voting on
Which policies exist, or how to make them change
Mais oui, je parle un peu de Francais
So at 18, I was expected to elect a representative
For a system I had never ever ever ever been presented with

But I won’t take it
I’ll tell everyone my childhood was wasted
I’ll share it everywhere how I was “educated”
And insist these pointless things
Don't stay in school
Many teenagers do not even know their basic legal rights, and consequently many unnecessarily get arrested and oftentimes convicted of crimes at young ages.

I think a good way to prevent this is to have a mandatory civil rights classes from around 5th grade to 12th grade.

I vote yes.

It is taught already.
The Constitution is already being taught in schools all across the nation. Whether that information is adsorbed and retained is an entirely different kettle of fish.
Kids are not taught how to avoid forfeiting their rights. They are not taught the tactics that police use to trick them.

For instance, a cop may ask a teenager to search their vehicle by saying "If you've got nothing to hide then do you mind if I take a look around in your car."

Most of the time the kid is not going to object. They leave themselves wide open and do not realize the implications of forfeiting their rights.

Seriously, what has more practical value to a kid, Hamlet, or knowing how to avoid getting railroaded into prison?



I wasn’t taught how to get a job
But I can remember dissecting a frog

I wasn’t taught how to pay tax
But I know loads about Shakespeare's classics

I was never taught how to vote
They devoted that time to defining isotopes

I wasn’t taught how to look after my health
But mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Never spent a lesson on current events
Instead I studied The Old American West

I was never taught what laws there are
I was never taught what laws there ar
Let me repeat - I was not taught the laws for the country I live in
But I know how Henry the VIII killed his women
Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived
Glad that’s in my head instead of financial advice

I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light
But I was never taught my human rights

The above is:

a) Not true

b) More than 50% your own fault
Many teenagers do not even know their basic legal rights, and consequently many unnecessarily get arrested and oftentimes convicted of crimes at young ages.

I think a good way to prevent this is to have a mandatory civil rights classes from around 5th grade to 12th grade.

I vote yes.
when I was in school civil rights were taught to us.
Many teenagers do not even know their basic legal rights, and consequently many unnecessarily get arrested and oftentimes convicted of crimes at young ages.

I think a good way to prevent this is to have a mandatory civil rights classes from around 5th grade to 12th grade.

I vote yes.
when I was in school civil rights were taught to us.

They are still taught today. There are even electives about the law and how it affects everyday life.

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