Zone1 Should college professors be committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in order to be hired by a university?


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023

Diversity statements stir campus debate. by
New York Times
September 9, 2023

Diversity statements are a new flashpoint on campus, just as the Supreme Court has driven a stake through race-conscious admissions. Nearly half the large universities in America require that job applicants write such statements, part of the rapid growth in DEI programs. Many University of California departments now require that faculty members seeking promotions and tenure also write such statements.

Diversity statements tend to run about a page or so long and ask candidates to describe how they would contribute to campus diversity, often seeking examples of how the faculty member has fostered an inclusive or anti-racist learning environment.


Requiring college professors to be committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity reminds me of the loyalty oaths required of many during the McCarthy Era. They strike me as a violation of academic freedom.

What do you think?

Yes, they should.
What are the advantages of diversity, equity, and inclusion over merit, qualifications, and excellence?

The recent Supreme Court decision prohibiting affirmative action in university admissions needs to be extended to hiring decisions.
DIE is a leftist social construct with no validity in law....It is used a means of control and exclusion by the same leftists that demand inclusion.....Odd that don't you think?
I am opposed to anything that even vaguely resembles affirmative action

Diversity statements stir campus debate. by​


New York Times

September 9, 2023​

Diversity statements are a new flashpoint on campus, just as the Supreme Court has driven a stake through race-conscious admissions. Nearly half the large universities in America require that job applicants write such statements, part of the rapid growth in DEI programs. Many University of California departments now require that faculty members seeking promotions and tenure also write such statements.​

Diversity statements tend to run about a page or so long and ask candidates to describe how they would contribute to campus diversity, often seeking examples of how the faculty member has fostered an inclusive or anti-racist learning environment.​


Requiring college professors to be committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity reminds me of the loyalty oaths required of many during the McCarthy Era. They strike me as a violation of academic freedom.​

What do you think?​

It excludes all non-leftists that aren't douchebags.

Diversity statements stir campus debate. by​


New York Times

September 9, 2023​

Diversity statements are a new flashpoint on campus, just as the Supreme Court has driven a stake through race-conscious admissions. Nearly half the large universities in America require that job applicants write such statements, part of the rapid growth in DEI programs. Many University of California departments now require that faculty members seeking promotions and tenure also write such statements.​

Diversity statements tend to run about a page or so long and ask candidates to describe how they would contribute to campus diversity, often seeking examples of how the faculty member has fostered an inclusive or anti-racist learning environment.​


Requiring college professors to be committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity reminds me of the loyalty oaths required of many during the McCarthy Era. They strike me as a violation of academic freedom.​

What do you think?​

Both DEI and CRT are both Marxist tools to take down this great nation. This nation has very little racism when compared to others.
Both DEI and CRT are both Marxist tools to take down this great nation. This nation has very little racism when compared to others.
BS. And there is no acceptable level of racism.
What are the advantages of diversity, equity, and inclusion over merit, qualifications, and excellence?

I'm sorry, when did "Merit" become a thing?

I've worked with enough idiots who got their jobs because they were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss to realize merit has not a lot to do with hiring decisions.

And I kind of have no place to complain. A hiring decision usually isn't based on "Merit" but on who hired the best resume writer. This is another great example of how the system favors white people. White people can afford to hire resume writers. Black people, more often than not, cannot. Oh, did I mention I write resumes as a side business? I guess I'm part of the problem, and I will feel really bad about that when I count my money. Oh, wait, no, I won't.

The recent Supreme Court decision prohibiting affirmative action in university admissions needs to be extended to hiring decisions.

It won't be. The Investor Class has spent the last 50 years making sure employers can do whatever the fuck they want - At-Will Employment, Right to Work, Union Busting.

The reason why DE&I is popular in HR departments is because it's GOOD BUSINESS. A bunch of old, stuffy white guys making all the decisions will only represent the viewpoint of old, stuffy white guys. But left to their own devices, old stuffy white guys will just hire more stuffy white guys.
University department heads should be dedicated to DEI in hiring professors.
I am opposed to anything that even vaguely resembles affirmative action

Why do you care at all? Frankly, if you are good at what you do, you can find a job. If you are kind of mediocre but white, you will still be able to find a job.

I lost out on two opportunities in my career to Affirmative Action hires. In one case, they promoted a female because they were being sued by another female they fired. This woman crashed and burned in less than a year, and I got the job I wanted until the Red Sea Pedestrian ran the place into the ground, anyway.

The other was one where I was a contractor but was passed over for a full-time position because some "diversity hire" was put in there. Of course, when the Trump Plague(TM) hit and they were downsizing, it was easier to eliminate contractors. So she kept on failing, and I went on to a much better job.

On the other hand, I've worked with enough people who got hired because they were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss. And they Are 100 times worse to work with because they don't have to prove anything and don't really have to perform.
Why do you care at all? Frankly, if you are good at what you do, you can find a job. If you are kind of mediocre but white, you will still be able to find a job.

I lost out on two opportunities in my career to Affirmative Action hires. In one case, they promoted a female because they were being sued by another female they fired. This woman crashed and burned in less than a year, and I got the job I wanted until the Red Sea Pedestrian ran the place into the ground, anyway.

The other was one where I was a contractor but was passed over for a full-time position because some "diversity hire" was put in there. Of course, when the Trump Plague(TM) hit and they were downsizing, it was easier to eliminate contractors. So she kept on failing, and I went on to a much better job.

On the other hand, I've worked with enough people who got hired because they were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss. And they Are 100 times worse to work with because they don't have to prove anything and don't really have to perform.
I doubt I have ever lost a job opportunity to affirmative action. I am opposed to it on general principles. On the other hand, I got two jobs I would not have gotten if I had been a Negro. I know that because the boss was open in his expressing his contempt for Negroes.

The hiring process is personal. A boss wants to hire people he will enjoy working with, and who will be liked by his other subordinates. Twice I was fired for listening to classical music at work.
The hiring process is personal. A boss wants to hire people he will enjoy working with, and who will be liked by his other subordinates. Twice I was fired for listening to classical music at work.
That's because you aren't being paid to listen to music.

I doubt I have ever lost a job opportunity to affirmative action. I am opposed to it on general principles. On the other hand, I got two jobs I would not have gotten if I had been a Negro. I know that because the boss was open in his expressing his contempt for Negroes.

Did you just admit why affirmative action is needed?
That's because you aren't being paid to listen to music.
I was told I could bring a radio to work so I could listen to music. I was not told not to listen to classical music. Nevertheless, many Americans dislike high culture and actively resent being exposed to it. I had to learn that the hard way.

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